
Surreal Quotes

There are 1400 quotes

"It has been a bit surreal seeing log4j in the news...It's crazy."
"It's surreal, almost dreamlike, like a scene from The Chronicles of Narnia."
"What would you do if one day you woke up beside a stranger who wouldn't stop kissing you, and what would you do if she wore the face of a dead girl?"
"It's the most beautiful disaster... it just doesn't look real."
"The gray fascist regime Avenger wash our knowledge yamino when a bomb at hasna the cat eyes."
"Roasted mango began feeding all the killing data until everyone was dead."
"That experience is surreal. It is not like any other experience that a human being can have." - Amir Caspi
"It almost seems unreal, like an alternative history."
"It's so surreal what everyone's going through."
"Perfect Blue - questioning realities, strange in the end."
"Welcome to the enigmatic world of Ana's intuition, where napping becomes an art and questions are left hanging in the air like a weird dream."
"It's so cool... it's so surreal to see this in real life."
"Unreal because it's just like you see them on the internet and now they're like right in front of you."
"Just weirdly, it just felt like it was as you said, Mark Callaway."
"Best Larry message which avant-garde amira some olive oil achilles didn't go to a dramatic loss nah nah no emboss not done yet didn't our city wish me to."
"There was something extremely surreal about laying down on top of a roof and falling asleep under the night sky."
"We're walking on water, you know. We are Jesus."
"The fact that the current goal is a million is a little bit surreal to be honest, but I'm gonna do all I can to get there."
"God is dead and I went oh huh imagine a grown-up doing that I'm a real gopher announcer oh god what happened where's the obituary pages in this thing."
"These enchiladas are full of flavor and so, so good."
"Dreams are most profound when they seem the most crazy."
"It's like she's floating, yeah, floating in water. My god, it's full of stars."
"Yeah, that was so dope you could see your friends as stormtroopers, it was surreal."
"It's surreal for sure, but it's f**king cool."
"Obama: I forgot to water my baguettes. Hydrate us, Ryan."
"This is so amazing, like I woke up in a dream."
"After a very gnarly bong rip that sends our dragons into the astral realm for about 30 seconds, they land back, eyes glowing, ready to have a chat about what happened."
"A surreal commentary on Western consumerism."
"It does show that it almost feels like it's a scene from Home Alone or something because it's so weird."
"This is all a simulation... this is Grand Theft Auto, this is The Truman Show."
"Sorry Mario, came makaras very mondo, Taylor wiggling buco."
"Damn this view kind of worth it, look at that [__] bro, I'm in some weird fever dream right now."
"I swear that I seen the chandelier like hanging from the side."
"Jem was so barefaced in its lunacy one of those things that shouldn't work and yet it works it shouldn't be and yet it be it was just it was truly outrageous truly truly truly outrageous."
"Jaime finds himself in a space suit while his boss calls him out."
"It's like my goodness it's like i feel like i'm living in opposite world whenever i talk about islam alfred i hear you buddy absolutely up is down down is up."
"Hello, child. Come closer, child. Number one child. I am hungry. Child, no more worry. Child, hello, child. Dollar fear. None screaming. Cease. Stop, child. Under. Try click. That it did. I died. That was the first ending."
"Where's a birdie at me the magic gun coins robots and that's on the trucks me."
"It's like this surreal dream I never thought would happen."
"Take a seat right here Kovac the teacher agent local incarnation cousin agile under total a clear body."
"And it was so surreal but that is my first ever celebrity encounter so there you go."
"Gordon Ryan fighting a chimp a good size dead no a thousand times."
"Okay, wait a minute, how the heck does a cow fall from the sky? What kind of world are we living in?"
"What if frogs were dudes? What if we could hang out with a frog? What if frogs were dudes and then when a frog showed up, because they're all dudes, they go 'What's up?'"
"It's all fun and games and beavers until somebody sees a crouching dark angel in their fireplace, okay?"
"It's just a plain old fun and surreal experience for those who can get down with some low resolution scuzz and rubber suit movie schlock."
"That's like the kind of thing you might see in a dream."
"I feel like I'm dreaming, I just, this is so dreamy."
"I just feel like I'm dreaming, I just, this is so dreamy."
"George Jackson was born in July 31st, 2022. That is nuts! This is like a show I grew up in and it was the future. Oh my god, no, I mean I watched the show."
"It almost feels like a parody, but it's real."
"It's one of the most unexpected and surreal sights you'll find anywhere on earth."
"It feels unreal in a way... it really puts an int into perspective."
"The hex quarters hasn't been fed a trophy in a long time and guess what? I was talking to headquarters earlier and he said, 'Yo, I'm hungry, it's time to be fed.'"
"I'd be okay with that if it was a giant book A Fish Called mending."
"I can operate a Sally quantity, Lance Palma Lamborghini."
"It's great, especially now. It's surreal because we've been sitting in a cave for two years not knowing."
"This is a dream, there's no other way to describe it."
"This is getting crazier by the minute. If I woke up and dreamed all this, I wouldn't believe it."
"Welcome to Cincinnati population meet population TV freaking bear unless gondola."
"I knew immediately without hesitation that the polar bear was my spirit animal and so I returned to earth from my DMT trip dressed in a dead bear's head with a bunch of sheepskin on my bollocks ready to crush creepy maggot guy in real life."
"I love how we're essentially kidnapped by this giant anomaly thing and all I care to do right now is wrap my car with decals."
"Why is it called that? Because El Oscuro lays eggs. He lays eggs! El Oscuro lays eggs!"
"It was the most surreal week and I cannot believe that I was in New York."
"Hey, let's go ahead and get a frosty dickery."
"This is crazier than reality could ever exist."
"Life is a lot more of an illusion and not very real than we thought."
"I had a crazy dream the other night... it was such a crazy dream that there were two events happening at the same time."
"Time is going backwards... it was the weirdest thing out of nowhere."
"Maybe they slipped into a new dimension on their drive home from work that day."
"It's crazy good and it feels like it's not real."
"The unreal becomes the real, and the real becomes the unreal."
"I bet you never thought you'd see your own funeral."
"I had a dream where I was a criminal being executed... woke up smiling."
"This is like something out of Tim Burton's nightmare."
"She was covered in blood while bizarrely kissing her dogs."
"Yo, this is the weirdest chapter of Garden of Ban ban ever."
"This is ridiculous in a good way, I feel like I'm on another."
"This is so odd, bro. Like, look at this thing. How am I driving this on the road right now? Makes no sense, but I'm here for it."
"Either way all the different kinds hang from trees and walls and some even hang upside down their eyelids are milky and their clothes are covered in dirt."
"Life felt fake, like I was asleep but awake."
"It's truly surreal and it's just been a real privilege."
"Standing in the wake of the grocery store was a creature three times its size."
"The house moving by itself looks surreal but that was the original idea."
"We're in some weird down is up and up is down time."
"The level of flexibility here is honestly surreal."
"It's the sort of dream logic that this game fully embraces all condensed into one bafflingly weird sequence."
"He just said that... we're all inside the windfish's dream."
"It's just surreal to be staring at Princess Peach's castle yet also being in Hyrule. It's just a really strange feeling."
"I mean, just let's take a look at this. It's just... it's surreal."
"It almost feels like a dream, an Attack on Titan dream thousands of years in the making."
"I can't believe it, well I can because this is obviously what happens when you move house but it's so weird like seeing your home completely empty."
"They've made the queen disappear, all they've left is her panties."
"It sounds like a B science fiction movie. It just does. But there they were, and they weren't from here."
"It's hard to put into words bro. I feel like I was on a five-week dream tour. Left my life and now I'm back in my real life."
"Something feels very disturbing, Truman Show vibes."
"We're in a drama, we're not in the natural anymore."
"People often mention a glitch in the matrix, referring to a moment of irregularity in reality. These irregularities can't be explained by logic or science."
"There's something going on in your life right now Sagittarius that feels surreal or unreal to you."
"Wow, and everyone there is a cannibal killed by men and women, yeah it was great oh Lord."
"I can't help but to see the piggy fall from the sky."
"Literally just takes your brain away, it's bizarre."
"It was very scary and weird but hilarious at other times, could have been an SNL skit."
"Imagine sat having a poo looking at that God if you were taking drugs you'd be off absolutely off your bonds looking at that pattern."
"It has been a somewhat surreal few days in AI for so many reasons."
"It felt like a literal fever dream I was watching lost media unfold right before my very eyes."
"It was surreal honestly and very humbling."
"It feels surreal, but the best wrestling moments are like that."
"It's like this is so surreal, there's so many people that were like 'ah' and I was like 'ah'."
"I feel like I'm in a movie. I feel like I'm looking at a piece of art. Surreal."
"It just feels surreal to be part of the science team that's doing these observations."
"Pinch me, I'm dreaming; this is surreal."
"It's so surreal here, these Americans talking about Brentford."
"As the film becomes crazier in its blurring of reality, every character psychologically unravels for a strange and dark climax."
"Penguins just start appearing out of nowhere all over the place."
"It didn't seem real. It was really weird."
"Watching the movie is like going into a dream world."
"It was such a surreal moment and a moment that I will treasure forever."
"The bright and warm colors of the emotions she experiences make it all seem unreal."
"It felt so surreal, I felt at peace."
"His head could not fathom the craziest experience he had with death playing him on its Palm."
"It's been really, really amazing watching you on the screen, and now standing next to you getting ready to play golf with you is absolutely unreal."
"We are going to see Dan Burn on the Champions League pitch, it's incredible, it's surreal."
"Booting into Windows and firing up the first game on this completed system was super surreal."
"It's like a fever dream that works."
"This moment for me is so surreal, it's a part of my dreams being made."
"Just so surreal, I'm completely normal, I'm sure for you, but this is definitely not a typical evening."
"I can't believe that I'm graduating in a month, a little over a month, it's all so surreal."
"This was new. I had been scared before, but this was surreal."
"There was something heavy in the air, a strange surrealness that clung to everything like a fog, giving it an awful dreamlike feeling."
"When money is no object, do you ever find this existence surreal, unbelievable almost?"
"It was surreal, it was like insanity because I know I'm innocent."
"This is just an insane visual, so hallucinatory and brutal."
"It's like watching your own child be born, it's just unreal."
"It's almost surreal to watch her in that moment, still hitting all the cues, all the dancing cues, and all the singing cues."
"He mumbles 'I'm dreaming!' and all the antiques he's brought from dreams start disappearing."
"It almost looked like it was a hole cut from the fabric of reality itself."
"Never in a million years. I mean, you grow up watching these guys on TV and it's just so surreal to be bowling with one of the legends."
"I feel like I'm living in a dream right now."
"He had, he said, floated off from a very ordinary series of dream-pictures into a scene whose strangeness was related to nothing he had ever read;"
"The Vibes of this one are insane, surreal, and insane in a good way." - James
"There must be something to Holloway, the experience of living out your days in an ashram-like maze, cleaning up the sloppy remains of prisoners mauled to death by ravenous minotaurs."
"from balancing rock formations that defy gravity to multicolored Sandstone layers that look like they've been painted by the brush of God these rocks look totally bizarre."
"Maybe that's why this feels so otherworldly."
"Star crash: like watching Star Wars through a kaleidoscope while very drunk."
"Every day I almost wake up and feel like I'm dreaming. Like wait, this is my life. This is cool."
"This striking NeverEnding conveyor of sharks is legendary amongst scuba divers and to see it with our own eyes felt so surreal."
"There's something about you that's almost like pigs are flying type of energy now like there's something unreal here."
"After all I'd been through, a talking 10-foot-tall blue bear made of shag carpeting was the least of my concerns."
"That's an incredible end of this Trail. I feel like it doesn't even look real when you're looking down there."
"This feels like a very 'my life is a movie' moment."
"It was the most surreal euphoric moment ever."
"Is this a world Between Worlds? Oh God, she's Godzilla."
"I've always imagined like what kind of ring I want on or something like that and it's so weird actually having it."
"I think it's just astonishing, it's really quite surreal."
"It's like we're all living in a dream."
"It's like something straight out of a movie."
"It truly felt like a surreal experience to be walking into a home that I've only ever seen in photos and videos before."
"I feel like I'm in this weird like surreal state where I just feel like I'm like in a dream not in like that fun way like I'm living a dream it's more like I'm disassociated which is fine."
"This is beautiful, eerily beautiful."
"This whole thing feels like it's just surreal, like I'm not even there."
"This place is absolute vibes. It's unreal."
"I drove to White Sands. It's like another planet, feels like it does. It looks crazy."
"Yeah, I didn't remember most of it. It felt like a fever dream."
"Every time we do one of these it feels surreal. It doesn't... I don't have words for it. The feeling is crazy, absolutely unreal."
"It was terrifying and wonderful and odd and unimaginable."
"All my dreams actually came true this is so crazy."
"Last week, me an old seagull lung were wandering through Montreal when we turned onto the side street and immediately we both stopped because right there in the middle of the road laying unclaimed was a fresh blue whale carcass."
"This is an unreal moment. It's been here for a very long time."
"This is just surreal being in castles like this in France."
"This literally feels like reality TV."
"I was like, 'Dude, I'm on reality TV right now.'"
"It's definitely something where it still just doesn't feel real to me. Like this Nimsai and CompuPro S100. What? Yeah, definitely never thought that would happen, but I am extremely grateful that it did and excited about the future."
"I can't believe this is happening like I can't it's not settled in yet."
"It's definitely one of those pinch me, is this happening things."
"I had a really awesome dream I didn't want to wake up. I was in this really cool land of sweets and little marshmallows like talk to me and stuff. It was pretty crazy."
"It feels so unreal, like I'm actually living a dream right now."
"He found himself floating in an otherworldly place. There was plush grass beneath his feet, a pathway lined with lavender and wild chamomile on each side, like they had been planted there to welcome him to this place."
"For lack of better terms, I think it's really surreal."
"Wow, that was a rather creepy dream."
"...this deer crawled not limped not walked it crawled like a child."
"The deer turned and started running on two legs through the woods. It ran like a man, arm swinging slightly up and down like a person's can do."
"I'm definitely pumped up, it still feels a little surreal, I'm waiting for some kind of weird twist or something, still feels kind of like a dream."
"For a second I thought I must be seeing things maybe it was a weird tree catching the Moonlight in a strange way but then as I began to take my gaze off of it trying to make sense in my head of what I just saw the silhouette began to move."
"A girls trip to Paris, man. Even saying that sounds so surreal."
"The feeling of fear I felt that day was the most surreal thing I could ever explain. It was so horrific and dreadful."
"It's like stumbling into a memory Frozen in Time"
"It was Unreal to me the whole time, you know, like, I'm still that little kid again going like, 'This guy's my friend? This is silly.'"
"It's a very unique perfume. It's fresh more than anything. It kind of has like this plasticky feel to it. It's so surreal, like it's strange. It's a strange perfume."
"It felt like we lived through a nightmare come to life. It was surreal in the extreme."
"He dreamed of Salem and of a dimly glimpsed gelatinous black thing that hurtled with frightful speed through the streets."
"This is so cool like a girl's dream like it's a dream what the heck."
"A waking nightmare is when you are awake and you're still somehow experiencing a nightmare."
"A portal split in the fabric of reality and dimension appeared out of nowhere."
"It's honestly quite surreal, and it appears that this is just the beginning."
"I literally felt like I was in a movie."
"I said 'yes!' I said 'absolutely!' It wasn't time to go back to bed, but Sid, when I did that, each one of those angels reached out with his right hand and extended his index finger, and they touched me with the very tip of their finger, very gently, and I fell out for 2 hours."