
Life Focus Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"This voice had said to me, 'Why are you so concerned about the afterlife? You will find out soon enough. Focus on your life now.'"
"For me, jiu-jitsu is my life. Yes, the number one focus in my life."
"If you're really in tune with the inevitability of death, then all those little things that bother you no longer become important because what you're focused on is embracing your life."
"Strategizing about your self-actualization should be the prime focus of your life."
"To really grow, you have to decide that that's what your life is about. Nothing else."
"Stop focusing your energy on past events. Your life is too precious to waste."
"The more you obsess over your own little life, the more you lose track of the bigger picture of what we've lost."
"I'm not seeking my own, I'm living first for the kingdom of God."
"Stop caring about popularity and validation; focus on your life purpose."
"President Nelson said, 'The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.'"
"One way to improve your happiness is actually not to necessarily focus on your salary but to focus on other things that we know matter for happiness."
"When you're not afraid of dying you focus on living."
"Everything in my life revolves around Christ."
"Find your one thing, trust me, your life will blow you away."
"Find something to devote yourself to, something big like family or spirituality."
"Our main concern should be life and living a good and free life."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can help you focus on those things."
"Focus on what's important in your life, and you'll be getting exactly what you focus on."
"Focus on who you're becoming rather than just what you're doing."
"Once they accomplish something, they stick with it. If you don't evolve, you die down."
"I choose to focus on life, I choose to focus on the people that are still here that need uplifting."
"Make love the focus of your life... you will have no expectations about how others should respond to your acts of love."
"What matters if you lose sight of that then you will stumble through life."
"Stay positive, focus on aspects of life that bring joy."
"It's worth a try worrying a little bit less and focusing more on what's right in front of us."
"Focus on joy and shape your life experience."
"Focus on things that are beneficial and beautiful."
"We live our lives obsessed with the creation... we haven't seen the Creator."
"Make that an intention, meditate on that, make that your whole life."
"Don't become obsessed with things that don't ultimately cause us to grow spiritually."
"If Christ is the center of your life, then all the elements that make you up will tend to find their place harmoniously around that center."
"Our spiritual life is the most important part of our life."
"The more focused you are on why you're alive, the less it takes to encourage you."
"Focus on your path, don't be distracted by the commercials of life."
"I just want to be intentional about really focusing on what's actually important."
"Contribution and growth, focus on those two things."
"Happiness is essentially and inevitably a by-product; it comes invariably by indirection."
"The idea that we are spending our lives distracted, not accomplishing what we're trying to do, is just painful and crazy."
"I truly truly believe we all have past lives and we'll all have new lives so focusing on things that you can't take with you into your new life is useless."
"At the end of the day, obviously I'm the most important one in my life to me."
"It's about the journey, it's never about the end destination."
"The film is not just about the death; it's about the life."
"What finally worked for me was finding the important things to me in life and focusing on those."
"Staying focused will literally change your life."
"Your passion for something high lets everything else drop away."
"God will allow certain things to die so that you can focus on what's going to help you live."
"The only thing that matters to me in my life is my family."
"Focus on what really matters, getting purpose in life."
"Either we lay up treasures in heaven that can never be lost or we clutter our life on earth with things." - "Either we lay up treasures in heaven that can never be lost or we clutter our life on earth with things."
"Anything that displaces God from being most important is an idol."
"The most dangerous thing for a person to do is to get so absorbed with this life that they forget that Jesus is coming soon."
"Start focusing on your life, what you want, what you already have."
"Keep your eye on your passion, not your past drama."
"Be a man of stature, physically and mentally. Rise above the petty and focus on what truly matters in life."
"What you need to be devoted to will be highlighted."
"Don't focus your life on something Christ says I'm in charge of."
"I got nothing else to do with my life so I'm just like so dedicated to the upcoming videos."
"I would rather focus on more positive things in my life."
"Music became the focus of his life."
"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the now the primary focus of your life."
"...most people are majoring in minor things in life."
"We are never making our entire lives about any manifestation."
"If you think somebody else waking up thinking about your life, you're [__] thank you."
"What will be the center of my life? That's the question of worship."
"Worship is who or what is the center of your life."
"Focus on experiencing this life. Those things are likely forgotten for a reason because we don't want them to overshadow this life."
"The most important thing to me is family."
"That's real life, right? And any decent person, that's where your focus is."
"When you become a minimalist, you won't have to buy things because you're focused on what is actually more important in your life."
"Happiness has little to do with your circumstances in life and everything to do with the focus in your life."
"There comes a time in life to focus on the value you bring to the world."
"You're centering your life around abundance, however, whatever that means to you."
"Focus on the substance and essence of this life."
"I don't think he's so much concerned about art as he is about life."
"It shows how important it is for him to focus on his health and happiness."
"His spiritual life was something that predominated everything else in his life."
"From now on, I'll only be living for you and the kids."
"Focusing on something other than materialistic things makes me happier."
"Put God at the center of your life."
"We are so caught up with the affairs of this life, we give little attention to eternity."
"That we forget completely about ourselves and place Giridhariji as the centre of whatever we do in our life."
"Confession is about new life, about reorienting, refocusing on what this is all about."
"A Christian will focus on the life that comes after this life, not just this life."
"The most important thing in my life, my superpower, is focused on that target."
"They help you figure out what do I want to focus on based on what do I value the most in my life."
"At a young age, it allowed me to think about life and focus on life."
"I'm going to do my best to focus on the one and only life that I know I'm going to have."
"I'm so happy to see that she's finally getting her comeback and really focusing on her life."
"Take the blindfolds off so you can see it and start focusing on the blessings in your life instead of the burdens."
"It's more important to feed and nurture [life] than to spend much time going over and over what happened at the moment of birth."
"Our family are the most important thing for us right now."
"A relationship is not supposed to be the main focus in your life."