
Compounding Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"The most valuable things in life compound over a long period of time."
"Everything beautiful in life, everything comes from compound. Everything - relationships, business, finance, health - everything is compounding."
"Every day you're trying to take these little steps, it compounds... you look back and you're like, 'Damn, last year I was only making this.'"
"If you invest in a company like this, then your money is still compounding because you own shares of a company that's using all of its money to grow itself."
"The idea stays the same, that you need to compound your money. The whole idea behind that is anytime you make money, you want to reinvest at least some of it. That way, your money is growing and the money your money made is growing."
"Compounding... famously has been called the eighth wonder of the world."
"The earlier that you can get started, the more that compounding will benefit you."
"Compounding is the key to financial success, life success. Everything that we're doing is all about compounding."
"A little bit of success, a little more grit, a little more effort, a little more success, if we could understand that compounding, then maybe we could understand why kids like you ended up where you are."
"If you understand... the power of true compounding... you can grow your assets at 15% a year, that means you'll double your assets every five years."
"Obviously, reinvesting your dividends is extremely important to build a portfolio that is a compounding machine."
"The power of compounding achieves the maximum effect, providing you the best return possible. The more time you have to let your earnings compound, the better results you'll get."
"This is really an example of compounding wealth."
"Master the rule of 72: Approximate the number of years needed to double the value of an investment."
"Recognize the ridiculous power of compounding."
"Knowledge compounds far quicker than money ever could."
"Compound interest is one of the greatest things that ever existed because it helps your money to work for you."
"The miracle of compounding can be found in almost any investment."
"You can also compound your money by investing in companies on the stock market that are reinvesting their profits."
"There's no progress, bam! This is what compounding and exponential growth looks like."
"Let's talk about diamonds in the dust: consistent compounding for extraordinary wealth."
"Compounding is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Time means I can put my money aside and let it compound. If you can put your money into an investment and let it grow for a hundred years... well, even if you got a low rate of return, you can see that money grow a lot over the hundred years."
"One percent compounding becomes 28... it breaks my brain."
"Make time be your ally. Get time on your side. Understand the benefits of compounding."
"This dividend growth investing strategy allows compounding wealth over time at massive rates."
"The power of compounding creative interests can be remarkable."
"Every good thing in life benefits from compounding."
"Compound your money to fuel more investments."
"Charlie Munger believed in thinking long-term and holding investments for extended periods to benefit from the compounding effect, emphasizing simplicity and patience in investing."
"The first rule of compounding is to never interrupt."
"Compounding is the most powerful principle in the universe."
"You're never gonna earn your way to financial freedom the real route to riches it's a set aside a portion of your money and invest it so that you can utilize the power of compounding over many years."
"The cash flow from dividends is reinvested, further increasing your future cash flow."
"Becoming one percent better every day is the compound interest of life."
"The dividends become a bit addictive in a sense that you want to keep reinvesting them."
"If you want to get used to building up your wealth with investing, you have to let compounding do its thing."
"Just understanding the financial markets, understanding the power of compounding... just has enormous ROI."
"Dividend investing is a process, and the power of compounding is very real."
"The true power of compounding: take your dividends, reinvest those."
"The importance of compounding, you know, the eighth wonder of the world."
"The longer you hold a company and let it compound, the better you will do."
"The power of compounding is backloaded, and very few people are able to become wealthy through long-term investing because most of us lack patience."
"Don't rush to get rich and allow compounding to work in your favor."
"Your success compounds upon itself, so to get to 2000 is actually going to be a lot easier."
"The most under appreciated and under discussed aspect of equities is that they have a unique quality that no other asset that you can invest in has: they can compound in value."
"The practical wisdom of Poor Charlie's Almanac, this ed to curiosity, generosity, and virtue, will similarly compound as successive generations of entrepreneurial readers extend his lessons to their own circumstances."
"Dividend growth stocks allow the compounding effect to take place."
"Warren Buffett's secret to success is time and the power of compounding."
"If you take really seriously the idea of compounding in multiple areas of your life, it's a very profoundly important and powerful concept."
"So just knowing that good behavior has a long shelf life, that it has this compounding effect, that's really profoundly important I think."
"The secret that quality companies have is that they’re able to compound capital at higher rates of return, meaning that they have higher than average returns on invested capital, and they’re able to maintain those returns over long periods of time."
"Investors in these companies may need to pay up slightly for them and understand the power of compounding."
"Microsoft, an example of the power of buying a long-term compounder."
"Human beings are not capable of understanding compounding... I still underestimate the power of the thousand days."
"The amount of money you've made by being able to compound with something over a long period of time swamps the amount of money you lost where you got it wrong."
"If you can just survive in this game for the long term, the force of capitalism is so strong that you can’t help but become rich over time because of the power of compounding."
"Flexibility is a good trait, but it's always good to get into those compounding machines."
"The best time to start investing was yesterday because the longer you're in the stock market, the more chance you have for your stocks to grow through compounding interest."
"Interest you made the first year now is part of this Nest Egg that's generating more interest the second year."
"At year 40, about 80 to 90% of your wealth will be from compound interest."
"Inflation is now building on previous year's inflation and we effectively have compounding inflation."
"A small allocation to an asset that does 150% a year will compound massively and will help you in having purchasing power in your retirement because nobody wants to be broke when they're 85 years old."
"And that's what you do on an annual basis. And so then you have that money, it's going to keep compounding."
"The basic math of investing is compounding, either you clock average returns and compound them for very long periods or clock High returns and achieve the same outcome in less time."
"Compounding is Magic when it comes to making money."
"The real power of compounding dividends."
"This is the power of compounding dividends."
"One of the best sources of building wealth is time and compounding, do not interrupt it unnecessarily."
"By giving yourself room for error, you're giving yourself a fighting chance to stick around for 10 or 20 or 30 years. That's when compounding works the best."
"If we're not letting that money build for us, if we're not letting compounding build for us, when there's distractions or when there's things that cause us to react, we're constantly resetting the clock on that compounding."
"Allowing our investments to compound uninterrupted is our north star."
"Time is definitely a very important variable in the compounding equation, and it’s something you have a lot of control over."
"...the best approach to investing is to Simply buy and hold over many many years or even many decades because that is really the best way to ensure that you get the compounding Snowball Effect of investing over the long term."
"It can grow your account snowball to the point where it starts to take care of you."
"The power of compounding is so powerful that it'll catch up with itself in a relatively short period of time."
"Don’t get in the way of the compounding machine."
"Play iterated games. All returns in life come from compound interest."
"You won't just get over it in five years. It'll compound. It'll snowball and it'll consume you."
"Einstein called compounding the eighth wonder of the world, and these newsletters are surely making it easy to understand why."
"Most of us live paycheck to paycheck or it's hard to save, but because of the power of compounding, if you, in your 20s, save 100 bucks a month, you can retire with 50 or 100, 150 thousand dollars more than if you didn't."
"Over the course of 20-30 years of compounding, it’s adding hundreds of thousands of dollars."
"The power of compounding can significantly add to the growth of your portfolio."
"...they just take the yield, they take all this income, they just have to use it wisely maybe by redeploying it back into their portfolio really getting that snowball rolling and getting the compounding working for you."
"If you can compound your profits daily and you can do it consistently, there's a lot of power in that."
"It's amazing how fast compounding can happen. Really, the key is time. The longer and longer you hold, the less the valuation matters."
"Be aware of the compounding effect of high returns on capital. There are some companies that you could pay 70, 80 times earnings on, and it ends up being good."
"With the power of compounding, the longer you are able to do this, the more beneficial it is to your long-term sustainable wealth."
"The true power of compounding can help you build long-term sustainable wealth over a long period of time."
"Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you're willing to stick with them for years."
"Small habits don't add up, they compound. That's the power of atomic habits, tiny changes, remarkable results."
"The power of compounding dividends cannot be denied."
"The power of compounding, the eighth wonder of the world."
"Compounding dividends can compound your wealth over a long time Horizon."
"Compounding those dividends that you receive allows your money to work for you."
"Daily habits are powerful because of how they compound."
"Time is the great ally of compounding."
"Compounding is convex on the upside and concave on the downside, positive asymmetry. Few understand this but the day you do it will change your investing perspective forever."
"The real power of compounding lies in its ability to empower you and enable you to be wrong 50% of the time and still make very handsome returns over time."
"That's how powerful compounding is, and start and how powerful starting early is."
"You want companies that can reinvest as much as they possibly can because that is how actual compounding and value works."
"...the learning that you have will compound and that's what ends up mattering in the end."
"So if you have a very low rate of compounding and you have a very low amount of starting capital but the runway is really long, you will again end up with astonishing results."
"It's about doing the little amounts and letting the little amounts just compound over time"
"Do a little bit at a time and they're going to compound over time"
"...if you'll invest your money working for you, it's amazing what a few extra percent working for you compound over period of years means to your future."
"Focusing on compounding experiences rather than furthering possession."
"Money makes money and the money that money makes makes money."
"The beauty of private capital and the beauty of Ira accounts is you can compound over and over again."
"Remember the lesson on time value. Thanks to the power of compounding if you can get a small but consistent return and repeat it over and over, it could be far more productive than trying for a bigger return that takes several months or even years to produce."
"Compound investing is the ninth wonder of the world."
"One of the big lessons from compounding is that all the gains come at the end. They don't come at the start."
"Understand the power of compounding."
"Compounders are rare, but finding them can make a world of difference to your portfolio. One single compounding machine can make up for numerous failed bets."
"If one of them is wrong, it will create a compound error, making the next one wrong, which will then compound and make the next one wrong still."
"You literally can start with a hundred dollars and slowly progress and make money and just keep compounding that money."
"Real wealth is created and the earlier you start investing, the more you will have time and compounding on your side."
"The rule of compounding, the rule of diversity, and the rule of disruption."
"Compounding effects are never neutral. They're either positive or negative."
"The sooner you start the better off you'll be in the future because when you're young you can really take advantage of like compounding."
"I think it's an extremely important lesson because if success compounds well, we know the nature of compound interest."
"Use every opportunity to put money away, let compounding work for you instead of against you."
"Just look at the dividends you're bringing in, $2334 in dividends reinvested. That's like adding an extra $200 a month into your investments. It just helps you compound even faster."
"'Compounding, if you are young, your greatest gift is time.'"
"'The power of compounding in time is insane.'"
"The long-term power of compounding."
"Being right for a 100000% gain involves compounding it. It involves not merely a yes answer but a sequence of two or three or four yes answers."
"Compounding really makes trading amazing."
"Show me the money now. They don't necessarily want to wait years in the future for the compounding to happen. They just want the income now."
"So this all leads up to marginal gains and this is so important. Marginal gains is about small incremental improvements all of the time and this will begin to compound exponentially."
"Compounding growth, like 30% a year in annual growth doesn't sound like a lot, but do that for 20 years and it gets really big really fast."
"The goal is to start off with the initial investment, it grows, it compounds, it grows, it compounds, till you've got like millions of minnows."
"The snowball really does start building big over longer periods of time."
"The snowball can get bigger a lot quicker with dividend reinvestment."
"It just takes time but the snowball works."
"Your habits don't really add up like that. They kind of compound more."
"It's not until you make these small choices, these 1% improvements or 1% declines and let them compound over 2 or 5 or 10 years that you really start to see the full effects of your habits become apparent."
"Small habits don't add up, they compound."
"The key here to succeed over the long term is to keep compounding your money."
"Compounding is critical, and that's why we don't want to put our money in a coffee can or under the mattress."
"It's just about understanding how compound works, understanding your position in the game that you're playing right now."
"The point of sports betting is earning like two percent returns, three percent returns on a daily basis, and watching those returns compound and compound and compound."
"Every month, doesn't mean you have to be perfect every single month, but because you're doing it every single month, you will get massive compounding rewards over time."
"Not all money is used the same. In some cases, money can be used to rapidly grow the value of a portfolio through consistent compounding."
"Compounding means you're growing your cash flows, you're growing your gains over time, and all of us want to compound as fast as possible."
"So my goal in compounding money effectively and quickly is simply finding companies that meet these attributes as close as possible and investing in them heavily."
"The compounding works for you if you're investing well; it works against you if it's capitalizing and you're paying interest on interest."
"The two most powerful wealth-building forces I know of are compounding on the asset column and leverage on the liability column. And you've got to use both."
"The power of the compounding is insane."
"Accept it, learn from it, because see if you are going to be in the markets for a longer period of times, your compounding will keep helping you over a period of time even if you make mistakes."
"The sooner you start investing, the better."
"The difference between 1% growth and 2% growth is not 1%. The difference between 1% growth and 2% growth is a hundred percent growth more."
"Everyone should put 10% of their earnings a year in the stock market...benefit of compounding."
"But in a good way and you start taking maybe two or three more risks and then you see the power of compounding."
"...what sometimes people do is they'll reinvest the money... they'll get paid a dividend by commerce bank... and they'll say instead of giving me the cash can you use that same money to buy more shares and come off bank."
"Investing is compounding. It's the idea of you make money, dollars are melting, you want to put your money into something that's going to grow or retain its value."
"Time in the market is going to absolutely compound which will then give you all the choice you want."
"The Kelly criterion... is entirely based on the idea that you focus on your geometric average return, your rate of compounding, rather than your arithmetic average return."
"The power of compounding is a very powerful force."
"He accumulated his wealth by purchasing undervalued stocks and holding them for the long term; he capitalized on the power of compounding."
"Investing works by compounding; putting a little bit of money away today amounts to an enormous sum of money later."
"That's faster than most companies I look at, that is an incredibly fast compounding company."
"The compounding effect of your investments will add up a lot faster than it seems like is reasonably possible."
"The real money is made when you're able to look out 25 years, 30 years plus, and allow your investments to compound year after year after year."
"The power of compounding is truly remarkable."
"Their money is going to compound for longer, so that spread between how much wealth they have and how much everyone else has is going to just continue to get worse."
"It's the long-term compounding of a great business that has delivered these great results."
"He's done an exceptional job. This is the impact of compounding for a long period of time."
"As you increase the frequency of compounding, you increase the amount of return you're going to get."
"The power of compounding can help your portfolio grow exponentially."
"Annuity due, because we have the extra year compounding, is going to be always a larger amount than the ordinary annuity."
"The dividend keeps on being paid, and I can compound that cash flow with covered calls."
"That's when the dividend snowball can really start to take off."
"Dividend growth stocks are among my favorite types of stocks to invest in as they put the power of compounding into overdrive."
"The great Albert Einstein once said that the power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Your creative ideas will compound on top of each other."
"Fees matter a lot when you think about compounding over time."
"Exponential growth comes from compounding what a little, not a lot."
"The power of long-term compounding."
"Once you understand that compounding is the eighth wonder of the world, and once you understand that there are these three variables, you're set."
"It's like a natural compounding effect of every person that is going to read this book."
"If you engage in delayed gratification activities, then the net positive benefits that come from that compound over the long run."
"Compounding... one of the most important ideas to be fanatical about."
"Compounding truly is what Einstein said it wonder of the world."
"All monies need to be given shoes to run, power to compound and increase."
"This example really illustrates the power of compounding when you're saving for the long term."
"Compounding interest... the eighth wonder of the world."
"Every dollar that a 20 year old invests... can turn into 88 by the time they get to 65."
"If you get things done a little bit faster a dozen times over the course of a day, it all compounds over the course of your entire work week and year."
"The less tax you pay, the more growth you keep, and the more that growth compounds over time."
"The beauty of compounding is actually what happens when that curve goes like that; we have that curve going upwards."
"Little teeny tiny things compound over time."
"If you just had a good profitable business that if you can get to a million dollars a year of earnings and you keep compounding at fifteen or twenty percent a year, you can become worth hundreds of millions of dollars in a very conservative boring way."
"Knowledge is definitely a compounding artifact, the culmination of all the experiences that we encounter throughout our whole life."
"The key ingredients are time for money to compound as well as money being placed in the right environment in order to generate those high returns."
"We're only doing what was it, three thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars, that's not a lot of money, but once we scale up over 10 years and 20 years from now, then we're gonna see this really grow and compound."
"The power of compound interest when it comes down to the long term is where this magic really comes into it."
"Every seven years your money doubles."
"Atomic habits are the compounding interest of like changing your life."
"The more you save now, the more the money will multiply or compound in the market as time rolls along."