
Facial Expressions Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"I just wanted to do something where we're looking at real facial expressions and body language of positive moments because I feel like we focus so much on what looks off that it would be nice to look at what looks right."
"My face lets you know everything you need to know about how I feel about this game."
"Because Dr. Ekman is a true mind-body researcher, he actually mapped all 43 muscle groups that are used in facial expressions."
"Brains are always interpreting faces in context; they're making guesses. We don't read emotions in facial expressions; we make inferences about the emotional meaning of facial movements."
"There's clear evidence that facial expressions the way that people move their faces in moments of expression is highly variable."
"The upper half of the face says a lot about how we're feeling. It tells us if we got great sleep, if we're aging, if we're looking angry, happy, well-rested, or if we have energy."
"Contempt is the only universal emotion that is asymmetric; it doesn't look the same on both sides of the face."
"We use 43 muscles when we frown but only 17 when we smile."
"I love smile lines on people because you know it's going to be a good encounter when you interact with these people."
"Shout out to this eyebrow thing that Georgina does when she's up to mischief."
"Oh man, the look on your faces, this is priceless."
"The looks that you see on people's faces we're not acting we felt that you're looking at raw emotion at that point."
"Some people have resting 'wikipedia face.' Adam Driver has resting professor of theology listening to his students present a report on religious symbolism and medieval art that they copied off of Wikipedia face."
"The look of sheer joy and relief on his face is an expression for the ages."
"It was the first time it reminded me of the term bald-faced lie, a person will tell a bald-faced lie which refers to a person having no facial hair and still being willing to be deceptive."
"When we do a fake facial expression or fake gestures, they're more likely to be asymmetrical because they haven't been tightening those muscles on the face for six million years."
"Let the people decide: was I making faces to set you up, or was I truly scared?"
"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Look at that face, she literally just said, 'I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.'"
"My wrinkles are all from laughter except those lines between my eyebrows, those are my WTF lines and those things are deep."
"The improved facial animations increase bone rigging and nuance of expressions."
"It's really hard to say which one of these babies has a better you've gotta be kidding me face."
"Look at that smile, Look at the smile on Scotto's face when he says that."
"Start making some character busts - the face is the most interesting part of sculpting and the most difficult."
"He's a way better over the moon face... noticeable."
"A good Poker Face actually can help you not lose rounds."
"It's interesting to take a look at Aaron's facial expression as he says this during this moment he clearly has a lot of anger and conviction inside him which is a huge address to how he felt when he physically arrived in Mali."
"If you don't have eyebrows, you can't show your facial expressions very well because your eyebrows aren't in a lot of facial expressions."
"Micro expressions: eye movements reveal truth or deception."
"Look at that facial expression, sometimes you just see a waifu with that facial expression and you're just like, damn."
"Jump points are the best. They make your face all scrambly."
"We humans have very specially evolved musculature in our faces to exchange very subtle information about emotion."
"For those of us who follow him in Florida, we've never seen Ron DeSantis make these facial expressions before."
"The shock on Paa and ML's faces is topnotch."
"Expressions that hit for a fraction of a second and then get caught immediately and replaced usually with a phony smile which is our favorite replacement sign."
"This is her alternate expression I don't believe that is different from her last expression from the last time we saw her."
"I need my face like bro, you'd see it in his face."
"Psychologists will talk about seeing contempt on the face of the couple and they say that is the kiss of death for that relationship."
"The robot's facial expressions have become much livelier."
"The configurations on the face for emotion for seven emotions are quite universal."
"Hey now use that gif in any situation I'm sure it'll make sense makes our facial expressions spoke volumes."
"Expressions register different on certain phases... you don't lose a lot of that."
"People will put on a smile, you never know what someone's going through."
"It's always nice to get different facial expressions throughout different minifigures and different sets; it just adds a little bit of variant there."
"Expressions come from creating symmetry, varying the eyebrows to capture complex emotions."
"Differentiating between genuine and forced smiles."
"You gotta respect and appreciate that so pay close attention to his facial expression when activating this move."
"Crow's feet... it's like the first place where we see signs of aging."
"Faces are the really hard part because all the expression, emotion, connection - everything you're trying to convey in a scene - really there."
"The simplest form of smokescreen is facial expression behind a bland unreadable exterior all sorts of mayhem can be planned without detection."
"Sophia is a rock star in the robot world, with a face made of patented rubber skin that allows her to make a wide range of facial expressions and emotions."
"He's sitting there with a smirk on his face."
"The Undertaker's recognizable facial expression in the form of the eye roll and outstretched tongue."
"The Rock's unmatched charisma, it's no surprise his facial expressions were always on point."
"Edge's famous for the crazed faces he would make before hitting the move."
"We all want to see you smile without the mask."
"That's literally lights up my face right away. I see your face on somebody's T-shirt, I'm like, 'Oh, this is a good person. This is my judge of character right there.'"
"Genuine Joy lights up the whole face."
"His facial expressions kill me every time."
"Expressions and it's eyebrows and it's how far down on the pupil and the iris their top eyelid goes and how far up your bottom eyelid goes and the relationship of those three things is all you need for every human emotion."
"A genuine smile uses 12 muscles and an insincere smile only uses two."
"The face is the index of the condition of your heart."
"His face is like morphing, it's like he's being blasted with a leaf blower."
"Oh my cheeks hurt from smiling so much."
"How he does his facial expressions is definitely something unique and you have to have a huge talent to be able to do that."
"I look for something in a face and what I look for is contradiction, complexity."
"Check out that face will you those puppy red lips are a scream so wide."
"He had a mouse living in his car."
"This woman is an amazing actress. Her facial expressions are so heartfelt."
"Norman island just pledged my life to her face not her words her face is saying you are the biggest dork ever out of her mouth and anger just job god damn it."
"The main thing about a neutral eye expression is that the eyebrows generally never pass the upper eyelid, so if the eyebrows start going down anymore, the eyes are going to look more angry."
"Signs of compassion in human facial expressions."
"Once you've basically filled out that facial expression library template, then you'll be able to utilize all the digital expressions."
"That's exactly what the professor was trying to prove: that you can't tell a thing about a person by his face."
"Brooding and mysterious facial expressions can be attractive to women."
"Bad poker face doesn't matter when you play online."
"Good facial expressions can help you connect with the audience even deeper."
"Joy shows up on your face, grief shows up on your face, sorrow shows up on your face, faith shows up on your face, fear shows up on your face, worry shows up on your face."
"Faces are the most important thing that you'll draw..."
"I can see the stress on Brian Herta's face."
"Isn't that what we want to see? Facial reactions?"
"Sigourney Weaver and just her facial expressions, like she exemplified pure terror."
"Our facial expressions give away what we feel."
"Faces are the guides for us that tell us the emotion a person is experiencing."
"Emotions and thoughts are reflected in the face."
"Gurning may seem like a silly, pointless activity, but it's actually a beloved tradition in the UK."
"The muscles of facial expression are particularly important to us humans and other primates; they've evolved to convey emotions and that sort of thing."
"You see facial expression, you get tone and intent, which you don't get with email."
"Facial expressions are one of the most universal methods we have for social interaction."
"The idea that our face is a reliable cue to the way we feel is a fiction."
"Multiple times I made this face, and that for me means it was a good movie."
"You can adjust the expression on their faces with the way the pupils in the eyes are, and it's amazing actually how a small change will make a huge difference."
"An expression is how your face shows your feelings."
"A great face is both map and mirror, a key to our own emotions."
"So much character and story can be told through the face."
"One of my favorite facial expressions to see is just bewilderment."
"Our expressions, our facial features, and how we present ourselves drive our first impression."
"Wonderful," her dimples deepened when she smiled.
"People are what they are, are reflected in their faces, and they represent the peoples of the earth."
"It's super duper hard for humans to hide a lie; it's always going to come out somewhere on their face."
"Happy is when you smile, sad is when you cry a little bit, angry is when you're... I can't make an angry face."
"The face is the mirror of the mind, and what's going on in the housemates' heads."
"I can tell by the look on your face that you just love Pokémon."
"The face is the most important area of contact between humans."
"Faces, human faces are so impactful."
"He would take a very tactical approach to comedy, learning how to use his facial expressions to punctuate his points."
"You can look at someone's face and read their emotion the way you read words on a page."
"I care about the eyes and the smile and it draws you in."
"Every time you pause a video, you will be greeted with his beautiful dance lines and cool, composed facial expressions."
"Remember this muscle in here, the orbicularis oculi, that pancake-like flat form of the muscle that lays gives you that eye rhythm."
"His eyes would often smile and a cluster of tiny lines engraved their hieroglyphs on either side of his face, prolonging the downward slant of the corners of his upper lip and radiating a warm and loving nature."
"His eyes how they twinkled, his dimples how merry."
"The game looks beautiful, the facial expressions are really awesome."
"Each head sculpt is kind of sculpted to mimic the mask of the movie with a different facial expression for each one."
"I saw your face, it made me smile."
"The face is the most important nonverbal communication tool; it reveals our inner feelings."
"Smile, as the muscles of facial expression change, we actually produce endorphins and dopamine in our body that makes us happy."
"Mischievous smile emerged; his mustache danced with glee."
"We're gonna create a bunch of shape keys for our facial expressions."
"These facial muscles are very important in what is known as nonverbal communication."
"It's one of the most popular facial animation tools on the planet."
"We're talking about subtleties in faces and how you really got to watch out for those tiny little things that can make big differences in your facial features and in your expressions."
"Just with these basic blend shapes, even just these ones here, you can get some really good expressions."
"A small frown makes people use 42 facial muscles while swinging a fist uses 2 only."
"Facial expressions can reveal hidden emotions that contradict statements made by the speaker."