
Rapidity Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I feel like this year is just rapidly evolving and rapidly changing every week."
"But the word is safety, okay? Rapid, but safety."
"No matter the confusion, change is coming fast."
"It's just impressive how like Bam Bam Bam just so many announcements so quick you just really were always waiting to see what was happening next."
"Everyone can see that the days are changing very fast."
"There's the independence war, boom boom boom boom boom just like that."
"We are evolving, we are changing, and it's happening faster than ever before."
"When things go, they go very quickly much to the shock of most of the people."
"The Ace of Swords is yes, a positive yes. Taking action, making things happen faster than you think."
"It just keeps happening so fast."
"How do you fossilize a wasp like that if it's not rapidly and catastrophically buried?"
"I was fully speaking like wow, conversations sentences it's fast fast."
"Well, it sounds like it all happened pretty quickly."
"It's going to come out hard and fast."
"The world could change so much in such a short space of time."
"Things are changing and they are changing quite rapidly."
"The smartphones and internet are delivering experience in at rapid speed."
"They produce a lot of dust... they just disappear really quickly."
"It's so fast, it's actually mind-bending."
"I mean it's part of our history and yet, you know, things happen so quickly you just never know, and that, you know, it's just, you know what else I like? Why it's good to know your history, yeah."
"I have never hit checkout on something so fast."
"...and he says listen I'll show you I'll show you a trick I said all right that sounds good and he says put your hands out that and i' got the watch there and he he uncaps UNC hung down he just swiped fcking the door it was rapid."
"the world just seem to be changing rapidly"
"I know we've sort of blazed through like a trillion things, there'll be more eventually."
"The destruction of Hosnian Prime, the fall of the New Republic, and the galactic conquest of the First Order all happen in about a day."
"It can be a very rapid and effective treatment."
"You can really see more rapidly that it is removing some of that intensity, some of that silhouettessilhouette."
"It's like a fast train of experience."
"Language capacity is attained very rapidly with very little evidence, almost instantaneously."
"They literally bonded within a few hours."
"Events unfolded remarkably quickly."
"It's crazy how much things have changed so quickly, you know?"
"That got extreme real fast. That escalated quickly like."
"Erasmus and Zona had only just met a couple of months earlier but they had fallen in love very quickly."
"I think we seem to be in the midst of something very rapid unfolding of potentially."
"This field's changing more rapidly than I've ever seen it."
"Change has changed. It's rapid, it's sudden, it's constant."
"But it was very quick, you're right. I mean, I didn't really quite know how it happened."
"Things happen so quickly from there."
"This had to be happened, had to happen rapidly because God wants us to see His nature in those things that are made."
"I've stopped keeping track of numbers because I felt like they were all coming together so soon and so quick, so hard."
"It's like a blink of an eye and they're so big."
"Calcium aluminate cements can gain strength more rapidly than OPC."
"The success that I saw was very fast."
"Life arose fairly rapidly into the Earth's formation."
"Technology has been changing so rapidly."
"Breakthrough finally came, it came quick."
"You're changing so much, so fast."
"The shelf life of innovation has gone from three years to about three minutes."
"Imagine how the world is changing so rapidly."
"It all happened so quickly that yes, some of them thought that it might be fireworks."
"The changes were astronomical; I never saw such big changes in such a short time."
"The more steady and continuous your faith and purpose, the more rapidly you will get rich."
"...a critical juncture where a whole bunch of stuff happens very quickly."
"Honestly, I can't believe how fast that happened."
"News changes quickly and cycles are shorter than ever."
"The brain can be trained to do some amazing things, and sometimes that can happen in the blink of an eye."
"Things are gonna happen so fast, your head is gonna swim, one thing fast on the heel of another."
"As the climate warms, these tipping points in the climate system change very rapidly and potentially irreversibly."
"Ideas can very quickly become identity."
"I'm just amazed at how quick this is happening."
"It was insane, like a six-month span, how fast our lives changed."
"Anything could happen and it could happen really, really quickly."
"Life starts happening and it happens fast and wonderful and eternal."
"Things will happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the next."
"Once the sun sets, it's going to get dark dramatically fast."
"This world is changing so fast, everything just changing."
"We are very excited, this all happened really fast."
"How God is just changing things for us rapidly, amen."
"The climate could change very rapidly."
"Technology is moving very rapidly."
"Rampant caries refers to sudden, rapid, and uncontrollable destruction of the teeth."
"How rapidly you can create really unique ideas that are difficult to arrive at in a standard audio editor or in a DAW."
"It's going to happen so fast, your head is going to swim."
"It's something like the duckweed, each tiny individual petal multiplies four times every hour."
"Some sedimentary accumulation can happen very rapidly."
"It happened very quickly, probably so quickly that the two in the front did not have time to appreciate what was going on."
"The way things are changing is so rapid."
"He's a really good, very very talented player, especially when it comes to rapid play."
"It's happening so fast but we're so grateful."
"Ace of Wands, Eight of Wands, it's like you will be successful very quickly, but don't get stuck where you are right now."
"It's evolving very, very rapidly."
"What strikes you when you come to this Glacier is not just the way in which the environment is changing, but the speed at which those changes are happening."
"Things will happen fast, and that's what you want."
"This is going to be a big change, big big change, and it's going to happen very quickly, very suddenly."
"Big changes are happening for you, and these changes may happen very quickly, in what appears to be a volatile way, but this is going to be very exciting for you."
"When disruptions happen, they happen very quickly."
"Your manifestations are going to start coming in very rapidly."
"Disruptions happen very quickly, and this is the age of disruptions."
"Your star is about to go high, like fast, like lightning."
"Whatever you're doing is going to lead to quick success."
"We're in a time of very rapid manifestation, very rapid creation."
"Things are going to start happening very quickly now."
"There are so many good things coming so quickly."
"Events are moving at a fast pace, and delays are over; many things are happening at once."
"Quick success, I feel there is very rapid success coming in for you."