
Jobs Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"The American people are thinking about jobs, the economy, health care, education."
"The President is committed during his presidency to invest in, work with labor unions, with climate activists, with a range of with the industry to invest in good paying clean energy jobs."
"The government will continue to do whatever it takes to protect jobs and livelihoods across the UK."
"We're in a position where we can create hard, good jobs by making sure the environment is clean and we all are in better shape."
"The peril of the climate crisis is already evident but we can also see the promise in the jobs of casting and machining, installing and rewiring, pouring new foundations, and building new industries."
"This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people's jobs, and restoring confidence in our institutions."
"Building resilient and sustainable infrastructure... will play an integral role in creating millions of good paying union jobs."
"The extent of manufacturing that we see is creating thousands of jobs direly required jobs across the continent."
"Renewable energy is one of the top job markets in the U.S and all around the world."
"It will drive forward the clean energy economy, creating good-paying jobs and lowering families' energy costs."
"The American Jobs Plan: a once-in-a-generation investment in America itself."
"It's going to have a serious negative consequence on the working class and people's jobs."
"The president's assessment of the economy: very strong. Jobs report today: 8.4% unemployment rate, 1.4 million payrolls increased."
"People's livelihoods are at stake, people's jobs are at stake, people won't be able to eat."
"If you want a great country, it has to be based on manufacturing. You gotta keep those jobs for your people."
"I just don't like the fact that I don't understand why people, especially like people who do jobs that require their hands, are so rude to their customers."
"Interacting with the game can earn job and mission invites."
"This news comes on top of many extraordinary jobs reports."
"If we simply pull up the drawbridge, we would destroy jobs for everybody in this country." - Nick Clegg
"For me the first thing is it's going to bring back manufacturing jobs to the United States."
"We need a productive economy to create jobs. We cannot have a country without agriculture, without industry."
"We need to bring home our production, our jobs, our paychecks."
"Biden spent his entire career sending American jobs to China and other far away countries..."
"The project is one of the largest job creation investments in Georgia's history."
"Decarbonization for us will mean more jobs, more growth, more manufacturing."
"Some of my biggest homies used to work regular jobs."
"Cleaner alternative sources of energy improve the quality of people's lives and create good paying jobs."
"Rejection is just a way of life when it comes to jobs. Unfortunately, it happens."
"Biden's mandate isn't a government regulation, it's a government assassination of your jobs."
"The tension between Republicans talking about needing more jobs and opposing domestic spending is really being exploited."
"Jobs aren't purely income, they are part of identity, they structure people's lives..."
"This is the largest monthly jobs increase in American history."
"I think it’s going to bring back jobs and manufacturing and help our farmers."
"He literally helped save millions of people's lives, created hundreds of thousands of jobs."
"Business is not demonic. Business creates the jobs. 60 million people, maybe more, than our go to work every day. Most of them actually like their jobs. This notion they don't fundamentally is not true."
"The factors driving most of the growth are economic: more jobs, more well-paying jobs, and lower cost of living."
"Service animals are animals with jobs."
"What we're doing is not losing jobs; we're making opportunities."
"Jobs aren't always the same. There's always a shift in the economy."
"It's about jobs, economic opportunity, inequality."
"If you go back to American history, by taking these low-paid jobs a great many people... were able to develop skills."
"Future jobs are not going to look like current jobs."
"Networking, you need to do it for several reasons, arguably the most important one is because I would say like 50% of jobs that are cyber security related, most 50% of those jobs go to people through networking."
"Jobs create dignity, usually that first job is the first rung on the ladder you start to move up."
"When you think of prison jobs, you probably think it's somebody mopping the hallway, somebody cleaning sales or toilet bowls, somebody in a child hall passing out food, somebody with a book card passing out books. When in reality, it's much more than that."
"I want to see an orderly immigration process that benefits United States, that benefits our economy and helps create American jobs."
"We're all going to have to just find jobs in that virtual world."
"When you have these recessions at companies where all of a sudden their metrics are starting to indicate a slowdown, the next phase is a jobs recession."
"Reading skills are more important than ever. All jobs require more reading and writing than 100 years ago."
"In the middle of the century, the Hispanic communities were drawn to Williamsburg because of jobs."
"We've seen over 15.2 million jobs created in this economy since President Biden came to office."
"The labor market has been transformed, polarized into one that contains many gloomy jobs at the bottom and a few glossy jobs at the top."
"Most of us are working 40 hours at least a week and some of us are even working two, three jobs."
"340 new sustainable jobs in the US."
"The white working-class who were being left behind and finding themselves priced out of the jobs market by open-door immigration."
"Why would they want to repeal a law that's creating American jobs and lowering costs for American families?"
"I'd say they're probably millions of people all over the world with dirty jobs whether it be to do with cold dust or oil grease all sorts of things like that."
"You've been lied to. You got these degrees that you don't want to use, in jobs that you call them careers."
"How do you create jobs and how do you create the kind of dignity and social security that people in Haiti are asking for, and elsewhere in the world?"
"We should be willing to invest money, time, and political capital getting men into these HEAL jobs."
"Good, well-paid jobs give people purpose, confidence, dignity."
"Video games is now a 396 billion dollar industry and that means that there are so many jobs out there."
"So this bill is not only about the health security of America. It's about jobs."
"You're not rich if you need three jobs to sustain yourself."
"The type of jobs that I can get with this drone are really completely different than ones that I can get just flying a GoPro."
"We need the best minds we can to think about how we're going to create more jobs."
"We want enough money to raise our families. We want a chance at jobs which will pay us decently."
"If you have three jobs that you can't do because you don't have the tool you need the tool."
"I'm all in favor of a stronger economy and more jobs being available and better education for kids."
"...you can expect faster Innovation better performance and more meaningful jobs at significantly less cost."
"...Nevada is doing pretty good when it comes to jobs. The state, in areas like Las Vegas and Reno, have growing economies, especially in obviously the hospitality and gaming industry."
"This one decision by Mercedes didn't just create hundreds of new jobs in Alabama, it created tens of thousands of new jobs all across the state."
"Every technology in history has created more jobs than it replaced."
"They have a whole AI section here and data validation jobs as well."
"These were full-time gigs, and what was great about that is they were able to make pretty decent money as a couple working these jobs."
"We will invest in education, and jobs for our kids, not incarceration and more jails."
"We want the fusion plants to be built in the USA, made in the USA. And we want those to be the ones that you buy, that Dr. Barry... And so fusion and this new energy industry can create jobs – really good jobs – in this country."
"The very best way to get good jobs is through networking because when you have these connections, you get offered jobs before they're advertised."
"My message is simple. It is time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding companies that create jobs right here in America."
"If you don't have a passport and you start looking for jobs, you're joking."
"A symbol of their dedication to providing jobs and making lives better."
"Bringing manufacturing back to America, creating high-wage jobs was one of our campaign promises and themes, and it resonated with everybody."
"The British economy was based last 20-30 years, lots and lots of jobs have got offshored."
"...ensure that the SAM background jobs run so that the discovery models are created..."
"there is a way to radically lower our emissions in a way that creates huge numbers of unionized jobs"
"We only sell what I use. So if I use it myself, I'll sell it or I'll put it on some jobs."
"I always knew that my real job was something else namely the writing so I had those odd jobs in order to support the writing."
"The nature of jobs will change... most of today's jobs didn't exist 30 years ago, and likewise, 30 years from now, there will be new jobs sprouting from scientific and technological progress."
"The economy was being impacted, jobs were being impacted, which is crucial for people's livelihoods."
"I welcome the creation of an East Midlands Freeport that will create up to 60,000 jobs in the region."
"We can build on this framework to deliver more investment in jobs."
"The lifecycle of a run is pretty straightforward: jobs are queued, jobs go in progress, they go to completed or failed."
"We will make sure our companies and jobs stay in our country, as I've already been doing for quite some time if you've noticed."
"It's tough living paycheck-to-paycheck and teaching, singing at church, I have all of these little jobs here and there to try to make ends meet."
"We need to lay the foundation for the next generation of American jobs and American leadership in manufacturing and technology."
"They're bred to perform jobs such as guarding property, pulling sleds, performing water rescues."
"I think these jobs are actually going to end up skyrocketing in price because there will be so few, the demand is going to be so high that people are actually going to be paid highly for this stuff in the future."
"I might be able to hook you up with a couple of jobs to help you get by."
"A lot of things will become very easy and a lot of new job opportunities will open up."
"Governments are not supposed to create jobs, but what governments are required by law is to create an enabling environment."
"Some of these jobs you can actually make over one hundred thousand dollars a year."
"The pandemic has meant that people have realized that there was a period where 90% of all jobs sort of stopped or moved to home, and during that time, nothing really fell apart."
"Jobs in industries that don't exist now but will 10 years in the future, that's what I'm going to be talking about today."
"The economy added 303,000 jobs in March, way way higher than expectations."
"It's time to hit the red button and enact the largest jobs program in American history."
"We're in a manufacturing Renaissance right now, 800,000 manufacturing jobs have been added."
"How many jobs are created, how many people are getting back to work, how many companies are committing to hiring more people is a much more accurate assessment of where we're headed as our country."
"Starting a conversation about Eastern Solano County, a chance for a new community, good paying local jobs, solar farms, and open space."
"The Victorian era was full of weird, not so wonderful, and now often obsolete jobs."
"Even our worst jobs teach us something."
"Whoa, that was so much fun learning about all those different kinds of jobs with you."
"Cannabis and hemp will bring our jobs back, it'll bring manufacturing back, it'll make us a true power again."
"We've already created eight hundred thousand good paying manufacturing jobs, the fastest growth in 40 years."
"Remember when we say 'climate change,' eventually, people are going to think 'jobs.'"
"This is all about building the jobs of the future we want, not continuing to niddle at an economy that is no longer going to be where our future lies."
"Biden has added 12 to 13 million jobs."
"This budget meets the moment with a three-part plan to protect the jobs and livelihoods of the British people."
"We are passionate about finding exceptional nurses extraordinary jobs."
"We can either get ahead of the curve and can continue to create jobs and drive prosperity, or we can be left behind."
"That's the longest streak of private sector job growth in our history."
"This is the turnaround of America; this is bringing manufacturing jobs back."
"What if we actually end up getting an uptick in jobs that transpires in 2024?"
"Without entrepreneurship, without those businesses, without our SMEs, there will be no jobs."
"I feel like content is... the newest form of jobs of entertainment."
"I delivered pizzas, I did yard work, I sold shoes, I worked in a stationery store, I did all kinds of crazy, bizarre jobs."
"We've got a responsibility as a society to make work rewarding for people not just in terms of decent wages but to create a kind of economy that actually has decent solid jobs."
"We want to create jobs and help people rebuild community."
"Manufacturing is one of the best ways to also create jobs."
"They are built in the USA by engineers, it provides good jobs, and they're really bulletproof."
"I always think there's an abundance of jobs, there is an abundance of opportunity."
"Knowledge has doubled over the last 30 years with an estimated 2 million knowledge jobs opening annually."
"We're discussing the economy, we're discussing how it relates to jobs and all of the things that are happening right now."
"You can search for talent if you want to hire a freelancer. Or you can search for a project if you want to browse or buy a project. Or you can search for jobs if you want to apply to jobs posted by clients."
"President Obama is headed to Master Lock in Milwaukee Central City to talk about jobs."
"The echo from this site is reviving vocational jobs across the country."
"The jobs of the future seem to tilt towards programming."
"The non-farm payroll... measures the total number of jobs created in the United States out of the agricultural sector."
"Heroes... are doing everyday jobs that are stocking shelves, driving trucks, delivering your food to you."
"Almost all of the arguments about cost living, the solution is always either directly or indirectly the creation of long-term well-paid sustainable jobs."
"Jobs are going to be concentrated on services that are going to fulfill the needs that are on the highest part of the Maslow pyramid."
"Instead of exporting American jobs, we're creating American jobs and exporting American products."
"...it's the bread and butter issues, it's the basics: wages, jobs, you know I don't want your water to be poisoned."
"We're having a kind of new version of globalization; the old version was all the jobs went to China, the new version is all the jobs are going everywhere because we're localizing the supply chains internationally."
"The ambitious construction project is expected to create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in the region."
"If they can make them quicker, cheaper, and better than their Asian competitor, then it'll prove that jobs can come back to Britain for good."
"We're not about trying to make the world safe for multinational investment; we're about creating jobs and raising wages here in the United States."
"He believes that good clean energy union jobs can simultaneously happen."
"A transition to a net-zero emissions economy could grow millions of jobs over the next decade."
"We're bringing more and more products back to the U.S. and getting more jobs here."
"Bring back our jobs, bring back our wealth, and bring back our great American dreams."
"I really respect people who have jobs and families."
"With this being a 300 million pound investment, lots more jobs, lots more tourism coming into Blackpool which is always fantastic."