
New Age Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"You are a part of this Great Awakening which means you are here to hold these Aquarian light codes and help usher in the new earth, the new frequency, the new experience, the new reality of Earth."
"A New Earth: It's happening. Keep holding the vision."
"I know it's hard to hold the frequency of a new age when it feels as if so much is crumbling and so many are losing faith."
"The New Age didn't forget Atlantis either, thanks to Edgar Cayce, the famous sleeping prophet."
"The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments."
"We are entering into the age of Aquarius, which will carry 2,500 years."
"This is unprecedented, no matter how you look at it; it's the birth of a new age of Pauper."
"We are approaching the Age of Aquarius; there is a massive awakening happening on planet Earth."
"The times we're going through now and in the near future are actually a prelude to a beginning of a better age."
"The age of Aquarius, so it's unequivocal, like we truly truly are entering into that threshold on a particular level where we are moving into the age of Aquarius." - Jen McCarty
"There's like a new pattern, a new structure, and configuration with the patterning of the photonic light particles that is unlike anything we've ever experienced before." - Jen McCarty
"This is a party of its own isn't it you and I getting to hang out here on YouTube. It is a party in and of itself and in and of its own and I appreciate you being here to celebrate astrology to celebrate the new age and so much more with me."
"The New Age movement melded with the holistic movement."
"The development of the new Earth... it's a big adventure happening right now."
"Now the Age of Aquarius is the Water Bearer, the Information Age, which means more downloads, meaning more knowing."
"This day heralds a new age of space exploration."
"I've been involved in New Age stuff and didn't realize it was demonic. It changed my life."
"We're not talking about this just to be new-age, it's about addressing real problems."
"The New Age movement is actually satanic and Luciferian at its roots."
"Thanks for bringing the Bliss Christ Consciousness."
"61% of professing Christians hold at least one New Age belief."
"We're moving into an age where sound and sound healing are going to become extremely important."
"The Age of Aquarius is here; it's time for a big, beautiful expansion."
"This is a new age with self-worth, it's a new age with self-confidence as well."
"Venus and Mars in Aquarius is the birth of the new age."
"We're moving into an age of intuition, spirituality, and greater appreciation of the cosmos."
"This new age, it's turning of enlightenment and people understanding our love path, our course, our life path purposes, all of these things."
"When this age of Aquarius hits, we're in the transition period."
"A new age began December 21st, 2020, the great conjunction, a meeting in the sky of the planets Jupiter and Saturn heralded the Age of Aquarius, a new golden age ruled by Saturn, the old god who once reigned over a world of peace and plenty."
"Aquarius, according to astrologers, is ruled by the planet Saturn, so they believe this is a new age where things will be less materialistic and more decentralized."
"I do believe that we are ascending ourselves into a new vibrational frequency."
"The truth is the light again we are in the age of Aquarius and things are being exposed."
"We are being freed from the 3D Old Earth energy and we are moving into the Age of Aquarius."
"Some people are still waking up, still integrating into the new earth frequency."
"UFOlogy is now becoming a new religion for the 21st century."
"Adventure, fun, joy, freedom - this is the perfect energy for the Age of Aquarius."
"The new age offers hope, Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and it's the planet of the future, they call it."
"We're at the dawn of a new age of exploration in space."
"This is the Age of Aquarius, it's not happening for individuals, nobody's getting to the Age of Aquarius alone."
"This is the birth of a new consciousness, this is a portal that we're moving through."
"The great awakening, as more and more people awaken to the light codes of the Aquarian age within them, that shifts the power, that shifts the energy."
"We've entered into the age of Aquarius... the water bringer."
"The gods of the new age, you have to align yourself with that energy."
"There's a massive Awakening happening right now. So many people I'm seeing are starting to wake up, and it's because we're leaving that old energy of Pisces, we're entering that new energy of Aquarius."
"We're talking about the fourth density Earth, okay? We're talking about the higher Earth, the higher world."
"They were healing with light... shift our consciousness to a different level."
"A new type of spirituality emerges here, often referred to as the new age movement."
"We are literally in a new spiritual era."
"it's not just that the regulations are bad, it's more that The Regulators need to accommodate to the new age"
"The most important thing about dissecting the new age is to First understand that it is a term that not everyone would even agree upon exactly what the new age is."
"We're looking for a messiah, we're yearning for a new covenant, we're looking for a new age."
"We are just beginning to make our way in this new age so full of dangers and at the same time so full of promise."
"What is to come is a new age, an age of Aquarius. An age of healing and growing one's subjective ego consciousness through the depths of their self."
"Hermeticism has received a new audience thanks to the New Age movement, albeit people nowadays are more likely to blend it with the precepts of other traditions."
"The new age is all about healing, healing, healing."
"Justification is the act where God creates a new people with a new status and a new covenant as a foretaste of the new age."
"So, how did you get into New Age practices in general?"
"...I realized I had just believed another lie, and I really thought that like the new age and everything that it was offering me, you know, this access to secret knowledge was just another deception."
"It's new age, I'm spicing it up. This sounded like Grimes, just like the bronze age."
"A new age is coming. Jesus is bringing a new generation."
"We were in a new age with new problems and in order to solve them we needed a new political science."
"A new age has begun, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
"In the New Age movement, you never think of sin. Sin doesn't exist."
"We're now using GPS data, I mean, that's a very, very nuanced New Age."
"With faith, I await the richness that comes from courageously stepping on to a new age."
"...I really do believe that new age have done a fantastic job..."
"...data will be the crucial factor of production in this brief new age."
"The new age, that new spiritual age, is already realized metaphysically here and now."
"The earth itself will burn and when a new age comes, it will be built upon the ashes of the places and people we love."
"The messiah will come and usher redeem, and that will mean a range of things for the world, for the Jewish people, whatever, but it will be the new age."
"It was the beginning of a new age, the age of interplanet travel."
"In love for their fellow man that has become the religion of the new world."
"In the Age of Aquarius, I think we're all in this together."
"I'm here because for a long time I didn't go to school for journalism, I'm part of the new media."
"It will spread as a gift of the new dawning of awareness that will begin the process of the ushering in of the fourth density age upon this planet."
"This game's new age has arrived on the shoulders of both living legends and the pure promise of youth."
"The present age is under the dominion of evil powers... The age to come will be free of all evil, moral corruption, and death; Satan will be defeated."
"We're leaving the vibrations that taught again of balance and fluidity, and we're going into the age of mind and awareness."
"The book of Revelation contains the astonishing story describing why our world contains so much that is evil and how a new age will come, not by the hand of man but by the direct intervention of Jesus Christ of Nazareth."
"The experience of each new age requires a new confession, and the world seems waiting for its poet."
"There's a new age coming. It's not too far away. This age is going to be beautiful, where honesty, ethics, and integrity will be the cornerstone of this nation."
"We are now entering upon an age when man must once again be touched by the spiritual world in its reality."
"New Age is an aesthetic designed to create inspiration, relaxation, and optimism."
"2023 is going to be a huge year for light workers; it's going to be the year of the light workers."
"The alien god ideology is a popular new age theory that states that alien beings from another planet created humanity."
"We need to begin a new age of ninja."
"We can end this age of capital; we can usher in the age of reform."
"Healing, renewal, and rejuvenation; peace and harmony; the new age interest in alternative therapy and spirituality."
"By the time you add Alibaba's and Tencent and everybody else, the top 10 companies in the world are all new age companies."
"For the Terran were more than just the guardians of the innocent, they were the torchbearers of a new age."
"...new dreams new nightmares New Age."
"The return of the Emperor's son is perhaps a dawn of a new age of hope for the Imperium and for Humanity."
"But in another part of Europe, the New Age brought an era of peace."
"The divine energy of the sun combined with the alchemical capabilities of Pluto are seen to cause humanity to be forever changed and supported to enter the age of Aquarius."
"The actual New Age arrived with Christ's resurrection."
"I was raised new age, and that is how it works. I just say it, and then I get to let the universe bring it to me."
"I'm all down with New Age people and all that kind of stuff, and crystals."
"The age of Aquarius is here with us. It's an exciting time on the collective."
"We are theoretically in the future, a new era or New Age promised by Guru, Shaman, seers, diviners, Messengers, prophets, Visionaries, and futurists."
"In the age of Aquarius comes a new consciousness, a new energy that is present in this world."
"Any position of Aquarius is so in tune with this age that we're going into because it is the Aquarian age."
"Every new age will bring in peace and the love of the mother and the divine feminine."
"We're in this new age right, we call Age of Aquarius."
"I've said that we are presently in a new age of enlightenment."
"Courage, strength, honesty, compassion, and self-respect—these are the truths that compel Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel and make her the face of a new age of heroes."
"The new age of true science and spirituality is upon us."
"I'm excited to be 23. Let's go, new journey."
"We are entering a brand new period; we are living through Pluto in Aquarius."
"Everything is changing now because we are in the age of Aquarius and we are now working with new energy, new information, new connections."
"In the Age of Aquarius, it's time to heal."
"We're moving into an age where we're rediscovering that sense of Center."
"I feel like we're entering into the age of Aquarius and I feel the universe wants everyone to be their own little star."
"If we navigate these times with expanded consciousness, coming from the heart and a place of love, then we have the capacity to move into a new age and a new world beyond our wildest imagining."
"We are definitely in the New Age of Aquarius, so it's important to make sure that you are choosing relationships of love, not of financial stability."
"It ushered in a completely new kind of era of this digital voyeurism."