
Game Analogy Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You can't win the game of Monopoly unless you buy one green home, then two green homes, and three green homes, and four, then a hotel. You have to be an owner."
"Mathematics is a game where mathematicians invent the rules. Physics is a game where the rules are given to us by nature."
"Life is the perfect game. It's hard as hell and that's the way we would want it."
"Life is like chess; it's not like a linear game."
"You have to pick your battles in life, right? It's like this open world game and there's some bosses on the map that are just... you can spend a lifetime fighting for."
"It's chess, not checkers, he's playing chess."
"I am death, I always win. I merely need to hit all eight plus one."
"If life is a game and you suck at that game, you have to do something to change the rules so that you stop sucking."
"So totally yeah, life is like games I guess... life is a game."
"It's almost like you're playing a very strategic game."
"We all have pieces on the board now and they can't just wipe them off."
"Money can buy happiness, I guess. Happy points are kinda like stars, I guess. It's very Mario Party-esque."
"Life is just such a freaking interesting game."
"If packing a pod is a real-life game of Tetris, pretty sure we are winning."
"Being a billionaire probably feels like playing life on creative mode."
"Life is really just a game and it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's an interesting thought to ponder."
"Life's a video game. You die a lot in business. It's just a lot more fun to die on your own decision."
"Treat life like a game. It's not that serious."
"Most people never win the game of Life because they don't know the purpose of the game."
"The less you play, the better. It's like a game of Jenga, how much can you take away?"
"There's more to life. This isn't the only thing. It's a game."
"It's more like chess, you have to have all the right pieces."
"Dinosaurs were some of the most powerful builds to ever be introduced to the game."
"It's like a game of chess, both sides have given up a number of pawns, they're moving their pieces into position now it's time to decide which of your high value pieces you're going to give up."
"If you don't make the rules you don't run the game."
"It's really all just a game, a game that you're playing with human life."
"Life is like a rigged game, but our attitude determines our experience."
"Geopolitics is a game of go where the Americans in the west they don't understand how to play this game."
"It's as if there's been a long game of Uno... where people have all these cards in their hands."
"That's the main goal of this game, finding your balance."
"Your 'F You' number is truly the most fun game to play."
"It's not about Ava winning the game of chess... it's about Ava making use of all of her available resources."
"The unfortunate part about capitalism is we're all playing the game."
"It's a chess match, not a checkers game, ladies and gentlemen."
"If you break the cookie, the bridge will drop, and you lose everything."
"Yes, I got plan D, freeze, I be a legend in the game like 23."
"Tetris perfectly kind of simulates the feeling of cramming for a test last minute or trying to get work done at the last minute I completely agree."
"When people have a different attachment style than you, it's actually no different than trying to play a board game with somebody but you each have a different set of rules for how the board game works."
"Quit playing checkers and learn how to play chess."
"Life is truly a game and we should all be aware of that and like every game it has rules to follow."
"If life was a game, this is the game I want to play."
"We wanted to be in the office, we want to defend ourselves like the classic FNAF games."
"They try to take their opponents off the field so that they can win because that's how they like to play."
"Feedback from a rejection means that they're giving you a map to the level that you died on."
"This is just how fast it can go wrong, and it's just instantly, you know, checkmate right here on the board."
"In life, you have to play chess not checkers."
"This is the part of the game that is so much like chess, just take your time."
"Life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage."
"While everyone's playing checkers, he's playing chess."
"They're swarming around like honey around the beehive."
"Think of this beautiful life experience that you're having on this planet as this video game."
"We're playing a game of life, and sometimes the difficult mode."
"This is going to be an interesting chess match."
"Life is a reasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start."