
Realistic Goals Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Realistic plans and goals are about trading in the problems of your current life for problems that you would prefer to have."
"Our relationship to fitness is broken. Don't look for perfection, look for steady, gradual progress."
"Trying to do too much too fast never works, and then what happens is you feel like you're constantly failing, which creates this negative momentum and it also creates a very unhealthy relationship with food, with body, and with self."
"Don't feel the need to start your diet exactly on January 1. Just start in January when it's convenient for you."
"Sometimes it's best to pay attention to what we can do and to strengthen that, rather than climb an impossible wall."
"Leadership is not selling fairy tales; it is confronting challenges."
"It's impossible to get everyone to like you and to impress everyone. It's much more feasible to just get the people that you know to like you to want to be around you."
"Don't set intentions and goals that you know do not fit your lifestyle."
"Resolutions fail because they're unrealistic."
"Everybody got abs, it's just about removing the fat to see 'em."
"I would say a realistic time frame depending on the person one to two years would be a good time to give themselves."
"You can't be 100% neutral ever, and even aspiring to be is almost a fallacy."
"It's not a no to getting started, it's actually a no to that overnight success that maybe you had hoped."
"Just because the ideal outcome isn't always what we are left with, that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it."
"The variety of goals feels more realistic now."
"Get fresh air, obviously, if you can. Allow yourself some grace. Now is not the time that we all need to like get in the best shape of our lives or you know start the book or start this project or find our dream job."
"I would rather have something that's obtainable and sustainable and be happy."
"Perfection is just not achievable, but when you learn, when you go towards progress, it's way better than perfection."
"I'm really trying to move away from saying zero waste because I feel like it's kind of like a false idea."
"I don't wanna go pursue something that we might win 51-49. That's technically you win but you're losing the war."
"I really wanted to set realistic fitness goals for myself and use exercise as a form of self-care."
"Not by writing a perfect essay, but by writing the best essay that you possibly can by trusting yourself and not worrying about all the details."
"Sometimes you're not gonna get the home run, sometimes you're only gonna get three or four yards, and that's okay."
"For me, a good summer for Manchester United is a top quality centre-back, a top-quality CDM, and Jadon Sancho. That to me is realistic, tangible, and acceptable for development."
"To get good at playing the guitar, or to get good at anything, it's not glorious."
"Not having realistic goals... set some realistic goals and expectations for yourself... have fun and be patient with yourself."
"Find your niche and be realistic with your timeline."
"I think these systems should be improved, not to perfection should there ever be such a thing, but as much as we're capable of improving it."
"Make sure you understand realistic goals... properly quantifiable goals... can I recognize the basic movements... can I respond to those movements appropriately."
"Our goal is not to completely eradicate anxiety from your body and your life."
"Why not set an actual goal that you can achieve?"
"Rather than biting off more than you can chew, why not set a realistic goal?"
"You're not called to change the world, you're called to do what you can."
"There's no need to be a hero. Just be someone you can be proud of."
"Focus on what you can do, not what you think you should be able to do."
"Wishing, praying, and hoping is not a financial plan."
"Your dreams are grounded in reality. You have a plan and you're sticking to it."
"Taking baby steps to move things forward every day, not people that set goals so high for themselves that they're never gonna achieve it and then they feel like a failure."
"Success is based on having realistic expectations, adaptation, self-reflection, and growth."
"Rather than trying to do one thing that's unrealistic, just trying to be better overall."
"Remember, it's not perfection, it's progress."
"Real success happens actually in increments and they make it from zero to two to three percent. Actually, it's progress."
"When I see this physique I do not think huge amounts of suffering I think like a reasonable adherence to a calorie deficit getting your 10 000 steps in hitting the [__] weights."
"You don't need pie in the sky rates of return to get wealthy."
"Strength standards are only unrealistic sometimes when we're talking about extreme bodyweight multipliers pound for pound."
"The whole trick to goal-setting is to not set goals that are impossible for you, because if you can't conceptualize it in your feelings or visualize it in your feelings, then that goal will never be reached."
"Keep the core part of your routine realistic."
"Hope that within our limitations we can do better and that better is good enough."
"I'd say finishing top 10 in the Premier League would be the most realistic."
"Just because you don't look like an IFBB pro after training for a couple years doesn't mean you're a hard gainer."
"Regime change would be great but we realize that that will not happen but defeat must happen."
"Remember it's progress over perfection because perfection is a lie."
"It's doable... it's realistic... you perpetually get better."
"Teams like Chicago win the Stanley Cup, it's realistic for year number one."
"Facts and realities will help you get what you want in life."
"I think fifth spot is where Manchester United should be aiming for and that I think is achievable I don't think we'll get fourth but you never know it could end up happening."
"As a natural lifter, this is the fastest way you're going to look like you lift."
"I don't want to set the bar too high and disappoint the fans, the sponsors, everyone, so we're gonna go for podiums. I'll be happy with podiums this season."
"We cannot make the benchmark of progress a zero racism country."
"Regardless of what the latest Fitness Instagram influencer is telling you, you can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation while staying healthy and achieving your goals."
"I believe we won't be able to save them all but I think we can make an incredible difference."
"Don't allow yourself to think that you have to go out there and create five sources of income immediately."
"Try not to maintain single-digit body fat, it's about being healthy."
"Everyone wants to hit it out of the park on their first try, but the truth is, this, like any other skill, takes time and patience to get good at."
"Striving for perfection, definitely not meeting it, but that's okay."
"Start small. I manifest that I'm going to meet someone tonight who is going to be a very good match, and then you go from there."
"There's no perfect body that everyone can achieve, but what we can do is continually become a better version of ourselves."
"You want a realistic assessment of who you are, what you can give, what are your limitations."
"If Arsenal only get Champions League football this season, that's not a failure at all."
"Realistic expectations make it easier to maintain a positive mindset."
"Have realistic hair goals instead of worrying about supplements."
"We just need to remind ourselves that we are good enough and have realistic expectations, okay?"
"You have to be aware of your shortcomings to not exercise in futility."
"Adjust your expectations to things that are more realistic and more of the factors that you might have thought are really important and you chase Your Tail around are literally not."
"Don't get downtrodden by the feeling of 'well, I wish I could just do a full remodel'."
"It's imperative that we the American people demand not just dreams but realistic Pathways that respect both our aspirations and our daily realities."
"Our calling in this world is not to wait for the arrival of the perfect but to pick our way through the thicket of flaws."
"There's no such thing as perfection, there's only progression."
"There's a lot of belief out there that AI will fix every problem... it's the job of the ML engineer to manage their expectations about what is possible." - Lawrence
"Don't expect any workout to transform your body overnight and there's more life than being skinny."
"Progress not perfection, that's what counts."
"Unless it is your full-time job to 100 video games I do not recommend that you try to do that with games of this size."
"Realistic expectations are available to anyone regardless of resources."
"Onions are the backbone of every single food I think I've ever cooked."
"Realistic, consistent steps are crucial for progress."
"It's not about being perfect all the time, it's actually like a period of consistency."
"Let yourself dream, but keep your feet grounded."
"People talk about facing your fears all the time. I'm a fan of like facing realistic fears."
"Please set realistic goals. Don't starve yourself trying to chase a physique that's not realistic for you."
"Having ambition is great but if you can't live up to that ambitious vision you need to adjust your ambition."
"Be extremely specific, no wishy-washy, no generalization, be realistic."
"Their best case scenario is third. Then yeah, facts. But at the same time, fourth, second, what's that? Our second-second is their best place, their best-case scenario actually, they can finish second."
"I think third would be an achievement for them."
"Weightlifting... involves resistance and something... it's the operationalization of realistic activity schedules."
"Looks cool, it's not worth spending your entire life trying to maintain a physique that's unrealistic for you."
"Dreaming big isn't about wild fantasies of Fame—it's about impact."
"If we do get a nil nil today, it's a good result. It's a good result against the team it is. They've won 21 games in a row."
"Managing pests and diseases is about reducing them greatly, not eradicating them completely."
"We're not going for perfection, we're just going for 90 percent."
"I'm hoping that by revealing some of these numbers I will be able to give you some clarity on what is actually realistic for you to achieve."
"This is what it really looks like: two pounds a month, four pounds a month. If you're way overweight, it might be six. I have even seen eight for a short period of time."
"...we're focusing on the present I tell us so many people also in therapy and in counseling don't just focus what have you done today what are you gonna do tomorrow don't have these grandiose expectations that are unrealistic make it happen here a reality check..."
"Losing the weight slower than last time... slow means 1% of your body weight per week or perhaps even less."
"You didn't gain the weight overnight, so you're not going to lose it overnight."
"First and foremost, I want to make sure that the weight they want to lose is realistic for them and is going to be healthy and easily maintainable."
"Strive to have fun, strive to have something you're proud of, whatever it is you want out of the car, strive for that, but do not strive for perfect because you won't get it."
"One slice of pizza isn't going to destroy a month's worth of work in the gym."
"The way that Apple's business model works is actually based on not over-promising."
"Take what works, modify it for your life, and find something that's going to be realistic and something that's going to make you excited."
"I'm thinking realistically, I would love for it to be passport bullet journal again."
"Once the whole team says what they can reasonably accomplish in three weeks, they take stock."
"Dream big but have realistic expectations."
"What's the difference between having goals and being delusional? Well, your goals have to be real."
"If you're making 2% - 3% per month... if you look at the top hedge funds, how much are they returning per year? 7 - 8% for the S&P 500 on average."
"By throwing out the idea that you're going to reinvent yourself in 30 days is really powerful because you're much more likely to stick to it."
"Realistically, six or seven is plenty for starting out; that's a ton."
"I'll be honest with you, it'll be hard to find something in good shape with your budget, but that doesn't mean we can't try."
"I'm not trying to be shredded and have these ridiculous abs."
"It's okay that you didn't make it to the gym today."
"It's more about what you like personally and what you can actually do realistically and be happy with."
"Practice makes progress, and the goal is not perfection."
"When you think about nutrition, want to think about making realistic targeted changes."
"Remove the pressure, it hasn't got to be five days a week."
"We just want to try and do okay, right? We don't need some 99th percentile IR score, we just need good enough."
"He wants to make a difference to homelessness but not set them up for another fall or give them false hope."
"Set realistic goals and expectations, things that you can actually do for the long haul, and that is what breeds success."
"Don't compare yourself to someone on social media who's going to the gym for two hours."
"One thing that I've noticed due to social media, due to Hollywood transformations, due to steroid use and abuse in the fitness industry as a whole, due to Photoshop, a plethora of factors, a lot of people simply do not have realistic expectations on their fitness journey."
"Great job, that was a really tough one. I want you to keep in mind that height is not the goal right here."
"Completely mastering your time is an impossible task, so I try not to put too much pressure on myself, and you shouldn't either."
"It's being realistic of what you're capable of doing."
"Make sure your dream is attainable."
"The only way you're going to get to the point where you're consistently profitable is to get more realistic, go for small gains and build them over time."
"I'm not looking for perfection, I'm just looking for progress."
"Gaining 25 pounds of muscle in a lifetime of drug-free training is pretty good and pretty realistic."
"We are searching for progress, not perfection; real people actually live here."
"Not making promises I know I can't keep, just make the improvements that I actually genuinely think are going to be necessary for my personal growth and development."
"Throw out the diet books and magazine articles that offer you false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently."
"I don't think that's out of the realm of realism that we could end up number six."
"People want to age in place, so we also need to plan communities so that it's realistic to be able to do that."
"Instead of striving for 100% perfection, understanding and giving yourself credit that the small changes that you're making are taking you towards your ultimate goal."
"Don't try and overcommit yourself to too many changes all at once; you'll get discouraged."
"Throw out that other goal list, start from scratch, make realistic goals."
"I'm not asking for 100% today, all I'm asking you to give me is 70%."
"It's progress over perfection, right?"
"No one is going to be perfect, so don't have that as your goal."