
Psychological Development Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"If your parents didn't know how to hold you, you develop the mind you hold yourself with."
"Whatever fosters insecurity in a child...places a person at risk for narcissism in adulthood."
"It's important to consider the role of how teenagers think and process information, because at this age, it's typical for kids to fantasize about escaping situations they don't like."
"Waking people up psychologically is the beginning of everything."
"A healthy functioning pineal gland is essential for psychological development."
"Lucid dreaming can be used as an incredibly valuable tool to enhance psychological development."
"Our adaptation to a traumatic environment is ground zero for the eventual emergence of either codependency or pathological narcissism."
"80% of adolescent boys who announced that they were gay were no longer saying that they were gay."
"How survival shapes the mind, the psyche, the beliefs, the world views."
"If you don't intervene with children, the vast majority of them grow out of it."
"I am a firm believer that while our families set a lot of the tone in how we develop psychologically, I don't believe it's a destiny."
"Clarice's loss of innocence is never an overtly sexual one; it's entirely psychological."
"It's for inducing the psychological profile of somebody who doesn't know how to be an adult, who's psychologically and emotionally broken."
"If we manage to turn rage into grief, we will have made psychological progress."
"His shadow self, his character, is bringing him to a place far worse than where he originally started."
"Childhood matters a lot because we're raised in these families that teach us what to expect of the world, they teach us what to expect of other people."
"How our parents did or didn't meet our needs as children and even teenagers shapes how we act in our future relationships."
"Naive Bs tend to be simplistic; mature Bs grapple with life's complexities and nuances. But both of them are very good for relationships, both of them are very, very healthy attachment strategies."
"You pick up that psychological pen yourself and author your own identity."
"Inner work has not been done yet, the inner work has not been done."
"From the age of about 12, he'd begun to have dreams of violence."
"Identity formation and completion are very important."
"Connection, the cornerstone of psychological growth."
"Mars there can really make like a psychological breakthrough for you."
"People’s formative years consist of ages 0 to 8, and during this time, emotional, social, and physical development occur."
"This is what I call the work, the real work."
"I believe anybody could have a developmental experience that would cause you to be immune to this madness."
"Kids have known for a long damn time that they're allowed to feel differently."
"From the time we are born... we take on so much negative programming we actually suppress our inherent human abilities."
"Man's task is the exact opposite: to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious."
"The process of individuation leads to a whole, integrated, calm, fertile, and happy life."
"People become emotionally wiser as they get older."
"There may be some form of acceptance needed so you can grow."
"The clearest way I can sort of help you understand it is this: when awful things happen in childhood, it wires our brain in such a way as to... this is going to sound kooky but it's simply how humans work."
"Lilith's commitment to her willful ignorance is damaged enough that she's able to start on a path of more honest self-examination."
"Viewing reality through the lens of quantum mechanics gives us the frame necessary to understand that consciousness is a fundamental force of the universe."
"The neocortex develops till we are 23, 25. If you send 19-year-old kids into war, they don't have the mental capacity yet to comprehend what they're actually doing."
"Conscious selfhood is something that's built on the infrastructure of consciousness in general."
"The need to be seen has to do with two issues: the perception of a threat to life... and the need to separate, individuate." - Sam Vaknin
"Our early attachment systems and the way that they wire us early on in life set the stage for how we will deal with existential distress."
"The path of Awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awaken Consciousness."
"Knowing ourselves is something that has to be taken into a level of mastery."
"This is the end of innocence where the child dreams and fantasizes."
"Identity versus role confusion is the stage of Erickson's psychological theory where the child is moving from childhood to adolescent years of 13 to 21."
"Four years later Casval's mother passes away in confinement he's devastated by the news and he begins to exhibit sociopathic behavior"
"So developmentally in a way mentalizing begins at a zero level if you like."
"This psychological development through one's subjective ego consciousness is truly the great work."
"Mentalizing gets more sophisticated as we get older."
"Individuation is not the same thing as unification of one's own life; it is a subtle difference on the surface, but with massive psychodynamic consequences."
"A secure internal working model means that relationships later on should be secure."
"Trust versus mistrust, where they learn to trust their caregivers and that their needs will be met."
"The transition from a predominantly magical-mythic mode of consciousness to a predominantly mythic-mental mode of consciousness incorporated our inner voices into our developing sense of individual selfhood."
"Love is the force that was necessary to develop the child psychologically, to develop the child emotionally."