
Character Interaction Quotes

There are 628 quotes

"There's a story where Thanos meets Kang, and it's kind of a cool thing."
"This is good, I always enjoy when characters find common ground with each other."
"Mickey's Tales of Adventure breakfast and brunch is a morning meet-and-greet that features tableside visits from Mickey and his pals."
"Every time they get a scene together, I'm eating it up, which is so uncommon for me, and I love it."
"You gotta love that moment, just the way Furiosa doesn't actually ask; there's like this unspoken look."
"Gohan decides to raise the mysterious young boy who fell from the sky, declaring, 'I'll name you Goku. Although I'm a bit too old to be your father, I know you can call me Grandpa.'"
"Kurama and Shukaku bonded over how spending time with Naruto's family drove them crazy and that they were never boring to be around."
"Kazooie, am I glad to see you! I thought Grunty would have made you into a monster by now."
"This is how they're doing character meet and greets right now. This is awesome."
"Crafting empathy between two characters is the most important part of storytelling, and the most difficult."
"Hello, Kakarot. Don't you look pathetic. What, did that Ultra Instinct of yours turn out to be worthless after all?"
"Griffith and his mere existence within the story makes Guts a better character, and Guts's presence makes Griffith a better character."
"The dance that Elizabeth and Darcy have... literally acts out their mutual fascination."
"With a lot of good strategizing and patience I am able to take out King Frost."
"He represents such an incredible threat to Emma’s ideals."
"Viserys's son was air for a day, which totally infuriates him, and that was that is a low blow. It's not such an [ __ ] thing to say. Yeah, and."
"Leon confronts Ada, and she admits her deceit."
"Dead Man Walking: Introduces Mr. K, interactions between characters are funny, S tier."
"It's not just them, future Bulma comes to the past as well."
"Sonic: 'Yo! You’ve gotta chill dude! You’re, like, freakin everybody big time!' Monkey Khan: 'Can a sun cease the inferno that rages at its very heart?' Sonic: 'Guess not. Can it at least quit the corny dialogue?'"
"Lorna appears deeply impressed by the Frost sisters during the negotiation."
"Tusker House: Great for character sightings and bottomless plates."
"Mordekaiser is such a goofball. Oh, Skarner, you poor fool."
"They work really well, actually. And while you'll be swapping out guest pawns a lot, finding new and better pawns is always satisfying."
"Try different character and party makeup, a lot of characters have synergies with each other."
"William Afton: 'What’s the matter Foxy? I thought you wanted an audience?'"
"Forest Whitaker was internal affairs and was investigating Vic Mackie. Vic Mackey went on a date with his ex-wife just to break him down."
"Having Phelps rifle off some scripted monologue about his personal philosophy or argue politics with his partner while barreling down the sidewalk in a truck we just stole and watching NPCs go flying over the dashboard is always always great."
"Alvin immediately asking who the heck he is. Shouldn't it be obvious by now, bro?"
"If the multiverse is actually real in Far From Home, we are all ready to see multiple Spider-Man characters swinging together on the big screen."
"Breathe, take a minute, and enjoy the character interactions."
"Half the fun of the reveals is seeing characters interact with each other who never do."
"The little bars for the character to get out of the passenger side and leap onto other people's cars... It's really an extra level of detail."
"Let me tell you when Megan put um Harry in his place and baby whoever the Ghost Rider is they make this scene come alive."
"So you might run away from a battle with an Orc captain to save your skin - and get called a coward in a future encounter."
"You forget your place. It's right here between you and Jack."
"Enemies, allies, and the environments they dwell within are sick as hell across the board."
"If you want to go straight line to combat, you almost can. Of course, you want to upgrade your cards, but if you want to immerse yourself more in the world, there's all these options to talk to all these heroes and legends at your discretion."
"You start to drink and then you stop and you're treated to a face full of Ethan Mars."
"Rimworld takes a different approach and instead focuses on the stories between characters driven by intelligent AI and personality systems."
"It's really satisfying smacking Birkin around."
"The chase sequence ends in Jason's shack where Ginny figures out she'd be able to trick Jason by putting on the sweater Mrs. Voorhees was wearing when she was killed."
"Origami King’s Mushroom Kingdom ticks those boxes. It’s big, it’s connected, it’s got people living in towns, it’s got characters, it references the history that Mario and Bowser and Peach all share."
"She and Zed have a beam struggle allowing for ION to jump in and slice Zed with him distracted."
"Daenerys meeting Jon Snow, 'This is by far the best scene of this whole season.'"
"Whoa, the Mushroom Man introduced himself as Toad and thanked me for saving him."
"How could you hate a guy with this line: 'With the talking mice say she's the wrong girl'?"
"Going into this chapter I was mostly expecting Ichigo, Renji, and Rukia having playful fun banter and I'm really glad that we got to see that within this chapter."
"Tyrion: 'You're my guest.' Sansa: 'Am I your prisoner?'"
"His scenes with Arya are that much more special because we see a glimpse of the good side of Tywin."
"Yo, Jibanyan getting stunned, I don't think I could aim for them this far back."
"Being an epic gamer. Albert O'Neill says, Sonic and Amy, have you ever thought of going to Twinkle Park for a date?"
"The quests involving Joshua Stevenson, Delamaine the AI taxi, and the mayor of Night City are some of the most memorable missions I've ever played."
"Jihai shares where she has been and asks if she can have some of the eggs too."
"I felt like I went somewhere else... great scenes happening between the characters."
"Every scene of her, Spike, and Jet just hanging out has a wonderful energy about it."
"Dennis absolutely screaming at Mac about a shamrock tattoo is funnier than it has any right to be."
"Well why don't we just check the records? The coolest scene in that movie though is when he's in that house with Nagini and the bounty hunter shows up and then explodes the room."
"Witnessing this incredibly emotional and powerful moment between the straw hats serves as a sort of breaking point for him."
"Positive reinforcement from Baldi feels so good."
"The scene between Thor and Rocket is pure greatness."
"A lot of the important characters you'll meet... have a lot to say dependent on your character build previous actions."
"Red is gonna give us an impossible question to answer because he's Baldi."
"She's willing to talk this out with him, and even when Isaac refuses...she doesn't shoot anyone or even move because she doesn't want to kill any of the WLF."
"Tails just killed us. This game is insane. I love it!"
"You're playing between these two characters Saga and of course Alan Wake himself."
"Selena: Quincy, Quincy, Quincy. I'm so sorry."
"Hey G, he's right there, but Mario kind of knocked him out so he's kind of sleeping, I guess."
"I will say that the dialogue in the scans is also particularly weird because Cobra says this won't take long but then also says it would be tedious for you to wait outside which it wouldn't be if the meeting wasn't gonna take long."
"The tower is ginormous and full of so many people, it's like a whole world."
"You see Luke playing with that in A New Hope... what are you uh doing here..."
"I can't believe it. Tough. Nice to see you again, Twinkle Toes."
"Qara fights Zuko, and we get that classic Zuko line of 'You peasant, you found a master, haven't you?'"
"Diplomacy? Oh, I'm so sorry Chum, I didn't know it was you."
"Your children don't have the watch, the boy and girl have it."
"Your son forged and he looks to you know the person that he's talking to who did you murder to do it even i didn't stoop that low now i'm."
"You want to step outside or do a business here? He's a good man to their children."
"One of the highlights of this movie to me was seeing Ultron and Tony Stark's sense of humor clash."
"The joy of the film lies in the moments Cleo and Johnny spend together."
"At the end of when Cotton comes marching home, he even accepts Hank's financial help for Gh's sake."
"Thoughts on this body placement... Ethan is outside of Zanna's room in that little hallway."
"I'll bring us some tea," she says, she sounds almost nervous, hurrying to her kitchen she returns with two large cups."
"Adorable romance between two lovely characters that features witty banter."
"He could see how much this affected Rinoa and instinctively he chose to let down his defenses and comfort her."
"I think we all know who I'll be interacting with. It's gonna be the cute little swirly green haired girl whose age I will figure out at some point."
"The character interactions and stuff that we're getting here are delightful, and I love love love love love so much."
"As Bulma sees Vegeta, her eyes begin to water as the tears flow, Vegeta gives his wife's future counterpart a loving embrace."
"NPCs react to how Arthur conducts himself within the world."
"Art offers his hand to Irina, promising to never betray her."
"I'm funny how? I mean funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"
"Cody and May have cute banter that makes every game feel intimate and playful."
"I liked the scene where Kira and l3 talk to each other."
"I love her interaction... but it's kind of a story that shows how cool Sheogorath is."
"Upon awakening in the rafters, Master Roshi was rewarded by a respectful compliment from Beerus."
"When you look into the eyes of these virtual characters, it really feels as if you're looking at someone speaking to you."
"It's the journey, not the destination, with a game like this."
"Gray creates an Ice-Make, which causes Vijeeter, Nab and many others to lose their balance and fall down."
"Just her little 'I'm so sorry' as he runs out of the room is so [ __ ] funny."
"Comrade Mario, mar it's his [ __ ] Bowser on screen."
"I love that he doesn't just tell Harry here are the facts and here's what what you need to know but he actually takes Harry and shows him Voldemort from the very beginning."
"Beyond that, the bizarre way that all of the characters interact with each other is clearly intended to be a caricature of Victorian norms."
"The Jose fight in Royal is a good time. He's just sitting there like, 'Wanna fight?' and then he throws bombs at you."
"The food, the characters, and the experience here are a better option than artist point."
"Empire Strikes Back shows you just enough so you understand the chemistry between the two characters."
"Monica's arrival not only made Wanda surprised but also angry."
"Thank you, Link. It's wonderful. People, I saw Hyrule as it was. I have so much to tell you. So much happened."
"Cersei sneaks past them and both the Hound and the Mountain allow her to leave."
"The dialogue between Kirk, Spock, and Bones is witty and fun."
"This was kind of the moment I went, 'These two gonna be all right.'"
"Stark has been a one-man naming machine for everyone he encounters."
"He’s probably not expecting Medea to respond 'Ooooh, spill the tea! Did she suffer? Tell me she suffered.'"
"Sam's 'Golfsob' intensifies. 'I can't, my lady. Just appreciate my concern for your well-being.' He texts me later."
"Characters react to where you go as Chloe exemplifies when I, for some reason, tried to enter the elevator of a collapsing building."
"You never often see Final Fantasy characters embrace each other and just have a full-on love scene."
"Intensely endearing atmosphere of camaraderie amongst the characters."
"They are in a lot of official art together. They also have a lot of coding in their voice lines, autumn descriptions, and limited-time events."
"It's genuinely great... the best I've ever seen Final Fantasy characters ever talk to each other."
"The characters talk to each other like they're people... it's super cool."
"I hope there's a lot of rich sidequest stuff where you just meet these characters and it has this crazy depth."
"Everything between Ripley, Clemens, and the warden Andrews is brilliant."
"Tom Hardy in it, though, and I liked his interactions with Venom."
"Later that night, Frodo pets the ring like it's a Furby and Gollum stands over in the corner beaten it just like he's just discovered his first."
"These characters genuinely like each other... warmth between."
"What makes a true buddy cop comedy work is a bit of unease between the characters... enter Zemo."
"Hayasi fires the arrow but March jumps in and takes the arrow for pirona."
"The conversation between Isaiah and Sam was intense."
"Super cute though, like the character interaction in this game is absolutely freaking adorable."
"You know what? What a happy ending. Kyra is down here admiring Jeb for winning the royalty, and they're just kind of standing there awkwardly. It's perfect."
"In the name of Corellon, drop that woman, peasant. If she—woman, stop talking like that!"
"I just want to see like Luffy and Roger palling around and interacting with one another."
"I'm marrying Donatello, okay? I'm gonna kill Raph because I'm scared of him. And I'll sleep with Michelangelo, he's a party dude."
"Ephraim was worried that the vampires would attack Zack and wanted to stay to protect him but he changed his mind after Nora's persuasion."
"But the story has plenty of emotional impactful moments with characters that are a blast to spend time with."
"Okay, we got 10 coins stolen from us. Wait, and Yoshi's looking down there now. He looks up as he gets those coins, this is so weird."
"Let's dive into this Chapter 13: The Mandalorian took Mando and Grogu to the planet of Corvus where they meet Ahsoka Tano."
"I didn't want to say this, but as soon as they got off the train, you know Draco's gonna come through and yell something at Potter."
"It's always really fun to see characters from different franchises meet up."
"Even though like I said it's expensive you've got a great brand new restaurant very clean very well-run at the moment the characters are phenomenal the food is really really good."
"McGonagall showed true kindness to Trelawny."
"He shows genuine concern for Judy after their fall."
"It's cool to play as a proper damn, like Robin, and seeing these characters react on screen with one another. It's like another comic book or like an animated Batman flick."
"Complete opposites: tall woman all about order interacting with short clown man all about chaos. Charming little relationship dynamic."
"Watching the characters slowly learn to break down their guard and feel connection was so well performed."
"When the combat kicks in and you start flipping between characters... it's action-packed"
"There's a lot of interaction between them and that's one of my favorite parts"
"Listen everybody, hey there you are foxy, hi! Hey, I love my mom!"
"Guess what, Joe? I just met the actual king of Amphibia! That's what this world is called by the way, Amphibia."
"Attractiveness alert! Wow, what a sim! Don Lothario just stopped what they were thinking about for a moment and found themselves staring at Zoe Patel."
"Forget about Thanos and the Infinity Stones. The biggest payoff in the entire MCU comes from Stan Lee's interactions with Tony Stark."
"Sometimes you're funny, Kate Bishop. Do you keep saying my whole name just to point out that you know it? Yes, I know a lot about you."
"Seeing him with Loki scepter is that much more exciting, spoiler alert but still really excited to however this plays out in the film."
"The cave rats are literally doing no damage to me, and that's because I'm dressed up as a member of the legion of Doom."
"Artyom connects with the world perfectly with those things he touch and cast shadows onto them."
"Once she hooks up with Nick Fury, they establish a kind of father/daughter relationship."
"The only thing that was a little unnerving was that at times the NPCs would call me Link but at other times they would call me Ben."
"Gon's courage, determination, and initiative cause Hisoka to unleash his lustful killing intent."
"He's a socialist Ana trade unionist this is somebody who's gonna hate me by the end of the game if I hired him for any reason."
"Oh, what about the lady that we're trying to seduce? Obviously, Princess Cenus, obviously. Of course, it would be, yes."
"The combination of characters was flawless; they all played perfectly off each other."
"The roller skating fail between Millie and Noah is just clumsy cute absolute ridiculousness on wheels."
"I loved the banter she had with Doctor Strange and Wong."
"The interactions with our heroes old and new is the real draw."
"Magnificent bastard, Shayla, I love you, and if I can, I'm going to romance you."
"Sonic and Tails make subtle shifts in their facial expressions when you have Kit and Surge calling them out for their relations to each other and with their enemies."
"In essence, by imposing not a wall of Oscar, but a wall of Jericho, Oscar is daring Shinji to take the wall down."
"I'll pay Melinda Zuko a visit to see what I could find out."
"However, nothing that Kira says suggests that he hadn't seen Herrera before."
"Don't tell Donkey that troll was in the good camera."
"This entire scene between tetus inject is one of the best written interactions in the entire game."
"The storytelling of Wastelanders is far more interesting because there's actual humans."
"Welcome to my tower, Master Chief. It is where you will be broken."
"Thor and Frigga's scene was amazing, made me tear up."
"This Black Thorn-Mariko situation is kind of hot too."
"Number twelve: he does say to Blue at some point, 'What's your name again?' And Blue says, 'Come on, that joke is never funny.'"
"You know, I actually doubted my officers when they said they'd captured a prime normal," says Lou. "It is so nice to see you."
"New Breed, huh? I think I'll keep this one as a pet."
"Kathleen's presence adds an additional threat too, and it's great to finally get a confrontation between her and Henry—improved in no small part by both of the actors here."
"Riley rips off her dog tag, and the two share a kiss."
"I thought for sure Vader would just give him a stare and just be like, 'Don't you ever talk to me like that again.'"
"I think the best thing is to make your character choices a lot more reactionary to the PCs."
"For me, it hit all the same highs that the fascinating characters I met in Metal Gear Solid did 20 years ago."
"I teared up... when Obi and Leia had their final talk."
"What's he gonna say? So we basically have the tension of this one elevator ride for Elrond to change Darren's mind."
"But also me in their suits but at the same time do not know who each other are under the mask."
"Deadpool and Thomas Jefferson talk to each other about shit, it's just comic gold."
"We still have the party pass, so we can still access Montgomery Gator."
"Jake struggles to aim correctly. The hollow throws Enoch around the room using its long tentacles."
"Characters tripping over their own words in an attempt to prove themselves smarter than each other."
"Hate is a strong word, Zatanna, and it's not even close to strong enough to describe what I think of you."
"Can you stay like super still? Can you use the voice on the worm?"
"Big boo, yes! See you later, buddy, see you later!"
"It opens the door to twice the amount of quality Omega interactions."
"Thank you Proto Man for that hot tip! Never would have tried that..."
"Here we are, Orberg City Gym... you avoided the long way around. Let's see, brat, why'd you do that?"
"Last time I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him."
"It's immediately draws you back in... the NPCs you interacted with that created these experiences."
"The way Spidey interacts with every Avenger or random hero that pops in is totally different..."
"There's an iron man looking boss like really early on in the game and if you just like land behind him and start slashing him in the back he gets so pissed off at you."
"Sincerity, the girl's suspicions disappeared."
"Yuiya, who didn't want to leave Luna alone in the forest, accepted her invitation."