
Data Interpretation Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"Maybe stories are just data with a soul, and maybe I'm just a storyteller."
"Statistics is about going backwards. It's saying, if I have some data, what was the truth that generated it."
"The closest to the best explanation right now is, 'Here's what the data are from scientific investigation, and this is the model that offers the best explanation.'"
"The human mind does not act as a scientist who's analyzing data objectively and drawing a conclusion but your unconscious mind is more like a lawyer who looks at the conclusion that you want and adjusts the way that you look at the evidence to tend to support that conclusion."
"Statistics don't lie, but statistics are like a bikini: what they reveal is enticing but what they conceal is vital."
"Survivorship bias is a logical error where the data that we are presented with is representative of only a subset of the population that has already survived some kind of filtering process."
"Simpson's paradox is the confusing phenomenon that arises when we find different directions of association between small groups and overall totals."
"Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics."
"Confirmation bias is when you look for information or data that supports your existing hypothesis and you reject data that disagree with you."
"They're useful for interpreting variables having very different scales and variances."
"I see data now that should give us all pause; it should make us frankly, many of us weep who love this country."
"Without context, you can make numbers say whatever you want them to say."
"Science just means knowledge based on data. You are not a mean; you are an individual data point."
"We need to interpret the data because we can't just go with the efficacy of policy without considering the societal impact."
"What data tells you entirely depends on the context and the angle at which you look at it."
"You can misinterpret them but they don't lie, the numbers are what they are."
"These candlesticks tell you a story... they're telling us exactly what the market's done in the past and from that information using historical data we can really make a decent assumption as to what the markets going to do next."
"The numbers don't lie numbers don't lie people do."
"We've all seen this chart before. This is real growth, not hype."
"Numbers don't lie, but I can make them say whatever I want."
"Statistics can also be used to distort real risks."
"This is the most dramatic data point we have that I think it is."
"Avoid falling for other decoy metrics that don't tell the full story."
"You cannot argue this chart. It's just been a beautiful chart."
"There's always gonna be conflicting data, differing opinions. It's never a hundred percent."
"The market is a very interesting thing to analyze when you piece together different variables in correlation with each other."
"All of these people are using the same data, but as you can see, the outcomes are very different."
"What does the data tell us about what our future world might look like?"
"If you see somebody taking a piece of data and spinning it to the other side, challenge them."
"One of the pillars of AI is that it does not need to be true. It only needs to be an approximation, a guess, but it is treated as absolute truth."
"The true positive plus the true negative is our total observations, so you have a total of 0.93 accuracy or 93 percent."
"It's another example as to why you need to be very, very careful about taking comparative statistics in isolation and out of larger context."
"Numbers can be looked at differently, percentages can be manipulated based on circumstances."
"Opinion polls are always to be taken with a pinch of salt."
"The data doesn't tell the whole story here, and when trying to work out why this is happening, we need to be aware that there is a lot of nuance at play."
"The chart tells you the story... the chart is like a storybook that you're reading in real time."
"Okay, over the April 10th there were 67,000 diagnosed cases of COVID in the United States... we are not surging, we are completely flat."
"Stats rarely tell the whole story. So, you've boiled down your search to a few companies based on numbers, the ones that you've learned in this presentation. You've eliminated a lot of the bad apples."
"It's important to ensure that you're telling the story the data is actually telling you."
"Just because Chris didn't know what a forest plot was doesn't mean that the points he's making here are less valid."
"The actual infection fatality rate is way way lower than it looked."
"There's value in data, but not a single data point paints an actual or fair picture."
"It's impossible to know how Johnson derived his figures, but it doesn't matter."
"Confirmation bias: accepting data as evidence, even if it's consistent with rival theories."
"Showing that a number has gone up is not the same thing as explaining why a number has gone up."
"Data visualization makes data-driven arguments easier to understand."
"The numbers are coming way down and they're coming down rapidly."
"What is the current state of the U.S. economy? Well, the data presents a complicated picture that seems to be where people think the economy is going rather than where it is because if you just look at where it is it's doing quite well."
"If not for convergence, everything in evolution would be a single data point, and we would have no idea what's going on."
"Reduce that complex data into something very easy to understand."
"Make it into something they can use and interpret at their fingertips."
"Without trust, more data doesn't make us more informed but more confused."
"The same data, two different camps using it to show theism or atheism."
"Our ethics talk about especially the specialty guidelines of forensic psychology the responsibility we have to distinguish between data then inferences we're making from that data what the data can mean."
"Barack Obama did authorize the CDC to do the largest uddiyan to gun violence beware of the statistics that came out of that study."
"We have more cases because we have far more testing than any country in the world."
"We're starting to already get the data that the economy is crashing."
"The plural of anecdote is not data, but it's promising."
"Black people are not hunted down like animals, none of the data show that whatsoever."
"Let's get into the charts because there is a lot of chart, there are a lot of charts that we need to do today."
"What I'm learning from looking at all of this data is the thing that makes a video go viral is the video being good."
"Numbers don't lie right so you know something's going on over there."
"Information is just data. It's one side interpreting information, another side interpreting information."
"There's got to be something in this well this is where there are lies damn lies and statistics."
"If you are looking for good news today on the numbers, this is good news."
"Abnormal readings way too high or way too low are probably indicative of a change in Direction."
"Individual years can be very noisy by looking at five-year rolling total increases rather than one year fluctuations we can filter out the noise and look at periods of significant and persistent broad money growth and price inflation."
"I think that it's important to put all numbers in context."
"It's manifestly irrational to deny the existence of God. He hasn't paid attention to the data he's supposed to master, because the creation itself screams of the Creator through the data."
"That statistic was absolutely crazy when you figure it out."
"Your experiences here in life give you your own data set."
"Smart people are looking at the same data and coming to different conclusions."
"The quality of the image capture is really low, I'm amazed that it's able to actually read anything at all given the quality of the picture."
"There are lies, damned lies, and COVID-19 statistics."
"It actually reads all the letters, all the words that we are giving it, it chews and digests them inside of its neural activations."
"In the modern age, we can get all this information. The problem is what do you do with it and how do you interpret it?"
"Interpreting statistics is much much harder."
"Pixel difference is measured in RGB brightness, so it might not be surprising that the first component of PCA is just the shading of the image."
"This chart is the scariest chart that might exist."
"Brett Swanson does some very good explorations of claims, where people make a claim that something is seen in the data, and he'll say, 'Is it so?'"
"It's not about the actual data... it's about your tribal affiliation."
"Can you see the data for what it is and not dismiss it using previous biases?"
"The odds of you having $1,000,000 is much higher right and I think this is the scenario once you kind of start doing this sort of are willing to take the evidence for Planet nine to be higher and higher as we acquire more data."
"There's mathematical evidence in a number of states of massive quantities of Trump votes being trashed."
"Pattern recognition and... finding the subtle exceptions that would escape the human eye."
"Even though we're getting all this noisy data, I think it continues to reiterate what we're talking about with the Nike Swoosh."
"The census data kind of inflates perception."
"I think we are really near the end of the tunnel... all the data is showing us that we are on the right track."
"That's a very high correlation for separate geological records." - Jeffrey Park
"A picture is worth a thousand words, and as I said, I think these charts are probably worth a few million."
"Numbers don't lie, numbers aren't racist, I'm sorry."
"A 30,000 car week prior number doesn't show us."
"Impressions are not real engagement which is why they really don't matter but you can use them as a data point like they are here to make it seem like 2.1 billion people are seeing these articles when that is absolutely not what's happening."
"Sometimes perception plays a more important role than what the actual data is saying."
"The data is showing that the exact opposite of the Doom and Gloom that everyone is prophesizing tends to be a more likely scenario."
"People get so lost in the numbers, they forget there's an actual human behind each one."
"This chart is telling you what the future holds for us in one slide."
"The columns are color-coded so you can tell positives from negatives very quickly."
"You have the ability to become a data analyst in Chat GPT: analyze data, clean data, interpret data, and everything in between."
"With the steps that I've taught you in this video, you can analyze any dataset big or small."
"The symmetry can still be there in principle even if it's not there in practice in your dataset."
"We found four groups, you gave me three connections. That's a total of seven points."
"Given the pattern and these five factors that I observed, here's my data. It seems quite likely or possible that she was abused."
"Could it you know if you compare weight loss on low carb and low-fat diets if you squint at the data hard enough you might decide that there is an advantage for low carb diets and I think that's actually a reasonable interpretation."
"The interpretation of data is crucial."
"Understanding how to interpret and display data is important for anyone's career."
"But that information often doesn't get rolled into how we interpret the data."
"Getting actionable insights from sentiment analysis goes beyond just looking at review numbers."
"The more missing data you have, the more difficult it is to interpret the results of your study."
"If you look at the graphs, Mackie's graph is a little more linear."
"You just need to understand how to come with an opinion about what's the correlation between your different KPIs."
"But if we wanted to take even a closer look, we could actually scroll down on Baidu. We can see today's option statistics. We can see a whole lot more calls were traded today than puts. It's a lot more volume on the call side than the put side."
"Regression analysis allows us to understand the key factors that are underlying these processes, and by understanding those key factors, by finding a model that we can trust, we can feel confident that the relationships that we find are real."
"This work involves understanding from the whole self not just the understanding that comes from being given data and information alone."
"The key to interpreting surveillance data accurately though is to know the limitations of the data that we've gathered."
"A move that only moves if it is indeed an R value. And this is what was introduced."
"Result interpretation, we want to be able to interpret those results usually see that in your matplot library where you create nice beautiful images so it shows up on their dashboard for the marketing manager or for the CEO."
"You need to know kind of the general range for numbers and what's generally a good number, but it's not as simple as just memorizing a certain number and then applying it in all cases."
"So, what was the reason for these anomalies? Well, it just so happened that a postdoc working in my group had spotted some similar anomalies just a few months earlier and figured out what they were."
"If you pick regressions based on R squared, you're going to be ending up with regressions that look good statistically but are terrible estimates of betas."
"Numbers don't always tell the whole story... so don't get caught up too much on the number."
"...we're gonna talk about tonight this is gonna be your focus what we call data interpretation."
"Proportion is not the same as absolute number."
"So based on the last 13 periods of data, the average is 170,000 and they're actually above that. Yes, that's correct. So what does that tell you? That means the momentum at which the banks are accumulating long positions is pretty aggressive."
"This setting of betas is the most likely given the data that we actually observe."
"The truth is the more support we provide our audience, the less work they have to do trying to understand what the data is trying to say."
"Data is just a placeholder for something else, for our world experiences, for our human experiences."
"So this is like after looking at all of these sites, this model is going to have a trained model where it should tell you whether or not this is good or this is an artifact."
"Thematic analysis... we explore different types of themes from the pictures, from the text, and from the other type of data."
"There's always new inferences that you can derive from data that you can make the same thing mean different things."
"The data is the data, but the human interpreting the data creates a narrative."
"That's exactly what we want to say and that is a representation of what you can do with a histogram."
"The area under the peaks tells us the amount of each substance."
"The same data can give rise to multiple interpretations, or it's hard to choose one between the two."
"The chart must be self-explanatory."
"If the lab can produce informative data, even if it is complex and mixed, but they can't interpret it, then you can have tremendous injustice of guilty people not being convicted or innocent people staying in prison."
"Before diving into the question, take some time to scan the graph and understand the big picture."
"We differ in data as well as in our hearts because we do want to protect innocent lives."
"I'm just explaining to you how you can use numbers to paint anything, and that's why it's important for you to use context."
"We just take tiny little bits of data and update the model we keep in our head."
"You shouldn't make any big sweeping conclusions just from looking at the arrows."
"If you don't interpret the measurements carefully and understand what the measurements mean, you could get a wrong representation of a product."
"Statistics finds a way to make sense of the data and convert it to information."
"A solid understanding of biology, genetics, and molecular biology is crucial for interpreting biological data accurately."
"For line graphs over time, you're looking for the general trends from the start to the end."
"Sometimes nulls actually mean something informative."
"Context is key when we read out these numbers."
"Stories are just data with a soul."
"Interpretation: Obtain meaningful and useful clusters."
"Data is human because even if it comes from a sensor or technological device, a human being designed that sensor and decided what to collect and what to leave out."
"Numbers don't speak for themselves."
"GPT3 is fantastic at interpreting data and giving a human-like response."
"Analytics is discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data."
"Statistics don't lie, but they don't always tell the whole truth either."
"Make sure your water column is painting a nice picture, giving you as much information as possible."
"What we really want from these systems is not just the ability to deal with raw data, but we want systems that can actually understand data at a very high level."
"The entire panel of raw data should be interpreted by an experienced and qualified individual."
"Data has no voice... You have to decide how to look at it and what parts of it to make sense of."
"When you give people data, they are quick to take in the data that fits their original worldview but assess counter-evidence with a critical eye."
"We have reliability as evidenced by the CR all above .7, these CRs are actually fabulous."
"The numbers don't always tell you the full story."
"If you're getting to the 87th percentile, it means that eighty-seven percent of the values are less than this number."
"You need to figure out how you want to interpret these sequence of bytes."
"We should use statistics and data as a drunk uses the light pole, for support and not illumination."
"The mean does not tell you everything; actually, the mean tells you very little in my opinion. You have to know more about your data to get a picture of what's going on."
"Automation anywhere enables IT departments to set up software robots that collect and interpret data in a variety of applications."
"The incomplete bar chart shows the color of vehicles in a car park. If there are 24 vehicles, how many are blue?"
"Statistics is really going to allow us to interpret that data and make some informed decisions and some predictions regarding the data and the implications for future decision making."
"We have to help our audience understand what's going on with the data, what we see in the data."
"Sometimes you can use data to say whatever you want to say."
"The biggest takeaway is that on a graph like this, the actual value is the dots and the predicted value is the line."
"If we don't see patterns in the data, we assume or we hypothesize that there in fact are none of these causal relationships existing in reality."
"The whole reason that this is such an amazing visual is now from all of this raw data we can see if there is a relationship."
"...especially the prediction profiler gives you an incredible way of understanding these relationships."
"Anything beyond your upper fence will be considered an outlier."
"It's pretty cool that we actually get these interpretable results just out of this captioning task."
"I give people a test, how do I move from their responses to my measure of the latent trait?"
"...we always build on the existing data, we learn something new, and we have to modify the view that that data held at first."
"...just because we have an absence of mechanistic data does not mean that there's not clinical implications."
"This is amazing as data, this is a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare."
"You can create a histogram, you can create a scatter plot to basically understand the data better and then infer some information from that data."
"It really shows something quite interesting, and we can also test how that all would look like without the wind data, which makes a big difference."
"By seeing this curve, I can analyze it very clearly."
"The same pieces of data can give rise to different alternatives. That's the way that science works."
"It's humans who will be interpreting our data and making decisions with it."
"The enterprise of science involves trying to interpret the world by developing models that have internal logical consistency and matching these to data."
"Help the reader understand your data."
"Turning data into music is a process called data sonification."
"And much of machine learning is really about interpreting the data we are given as points in some sort of high-dimensional world."
"Every image format specifies not only the actual image but also how to interpret the data."
"You can get some valuable insight into the relationships between the variables that might not be apparent just from looking at the numerical results."
"There's an obvious trend change near the start of 2020."