
Community Leadership Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"I see a lot of young Black people in the Greater Los Angeles area stepping up in areas of ownership, Black entrepreneurship, Black Enterprise, and that's what I'm pushing for."
"To win and to govern, we need to bring new voices to our capital. We need to get Washington starting to work more like our best-run cities and towns rather than the other way around."
"Drag queens are kind of looked at as community leaders and mouthpieces."
"We're laying to rest a rapper slash actor slash entrepreneur slash community leader slash activist visionary."
"The power of the black woman, power the mother, the power of our community."
"The reason the black church keeps talking about 'don't get in politics' is because it's the most political institution of your community."
"I am a force for good, I am a force for courage, I am a force for safety, for fairness, for leadership. I am a force for the future, for compassion, for my community, and I am a force for all."
"Stop lionizing and making role models out of the absolute worst members of the black community."
"Local laymen leading events with good priests in the background."
"Hand it over to the Vishwa Guru and implement the cabinet resolution to build the temple."
"I'm the first black man in the 50-year history of the Crips and Bloods."
"I'm not in the liking contest, I'm not trying to get hugged on, who's going to bring some tangibles to black people."
"We need more Davids in our communities, not fewer."
"Thank God for people like you because you have this whole community, not have representation, and now you are doing just that, you are standing up."
"We had a lot of OGs who was fresh out and you know we was doing the unity thing in the city trying to like stop the violence between the Sides and the 20s and show them that we could make money together."
"We need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith and who are courageous defenders of morality and families in a sin sick world."
"The most insane thing I have read from one Community leader to another."
"It's becoming increasingly unpopular to be a police officer."
"It's like taking the external action of maybe leading by example and showing you're following your community your family whoever."
"I'm proud that a lot of young black people are stepping up."
"It takes real men to stand up in the community and try to make it better for the people going forward."
"Nipsey is and was a man of the community whose community first."
"I take personal responsibility and being a vanguard for my community."
"What in the world has TD Jakes and other pastors done for this black community they're stiening money off y'all have to wake up you got to wake up because you got to understand that's not what God wants for you."
"I think right now city officials, city leaders are just bracing people for what is to come."
"His headquarters were on a ninth-floor suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel... 'I can’t find anybody in the first half of the 20th century who was as dominant a boss in his community.'"
"One of us is all that's needed in one community to spark the fire of other courageous men."
"Black lives matter fundamentally has always been rooted in a working-class black struggle led by poor marginalized black communities."
"It's always great to see really passionate community minds, community leaders, want to take the reins again and drive forward helping to make that community positive and successful for sure."
"It ain't gonna be the celebrities it ain't gonna be the athletes and ain't gonna be the rappers they too high right now they too they too busy to rap it about killing each other is gonna be intelligent black people that's what it's going to be."
"Chad is a great leader in our community, a great friend, and a great husband."
"ESFJs at their best are leaders of a community."
"We need the truth-tellers in our community that are going to make sure our legacy is respected the way it should be."
"I really think that you may want to, those of you who really want to do what's best for the community in terms of creating solid structured leadership that can actually get things done, you may want to just look at results."
"Black society has been robbed of is we do not have an empowerment class that sets the course in the best interest of the people."
"The story that's being written about strong towns is a story of Heroes... you all are the heroes of that story."
"Leaders who really care about your community will be there when something important is happening to you."
"Being an OG is telling them: go to school, learn how to read and write. Me and the OG is telling them, yeah, go to the police academy, come back with those credentials."
"We need men to step up in their communities."
"Ken Jones had tried to create an image of himself as a community leader, but his greed led to murder."
"You do it because it's the appropriate thing to do because somebody has to be the person who carries the torch for rationality and reason and scientific literacy in these communities."
"This is our Georgia. We don't wait for change, we are the change."
"Black folks are always looking for a goddamn Savior and for some reason, you hit the nail on the head tonight, man, you're cooking with hot grease by saying these administrators are completely incompetent at these black schools."
"Community leaders, loved ones, and the lawyer for Tatiana Jefferson's family want justice."
"This is now the number one Dogecoin community on the internet."
"Let me go try and beat it into the elders, no guarantees but I'll try."
"There's nothing more difficult for me than disappointing the Xbox Community. I've been a part of it for a long time, and just to kind of watch the community lose confidence be disappointed, I'm disappointed." - Phil Spencer
"The black church should be leading the charge in trying to get some of these policies, some of these laws changed."
"Walk with me out of here today with the mission in your mind, in your heart. It's out to be a leader in your community, without to be a ray of light in the world around you. Together, there's nothing we can't do."
"As drag queens we are the leaders of our community and that's why I love New York so much because I just I love I love I love everyone here."
"I think the trans community should get a little more serious about who they prop up as the role models, the spokespeople, and the public faces of the community."
"Ice Cube's contract with black America is the most gangster thing you have ever done."
"At the end of the day, I'll always be one of the first people to speak up if there's something going on that needs to be talked about."
"What does MMM stand for in MM Crypto? Mastermind on the community."
"Muslims themselves cannot wait until other people help us... we need to be at the forefront."
"The MVP of the protest was a black woman directing traffic in a bright pink hoodie."
"I respect the hell out of him because he says and does things that nobody else will especially in the black community and he's hated for it but to me like you you got to at least listen even if you disagree."
"Chicago must lead with and live by the promise to be a sanctuary City."
"As for me and my house, as for me and our church, as for me and my circle, I choose to be focused."
"Let us be the vehicle for the plan that God has; it's up to us to execute that will."
"Miss McDevitt's built something beautiful. Somehow she talked the ground into giving life again."
"Let's Stand Together against hate and discrimination in any form and be the example that we need to be for a better and brighter future for all of us."
"If we have Farmers that are steadfast and strong in their communities maybe they can send a message to the rest of the world."
"You've truly become like a mother and a true hero to this community, and for that, we appreciate you, Judge Doro."
"Let's have a real gangster meeting in private with Farrakhan and other strong black men and speak as men."
"I want to raise up some sassy sisters in this room that can make some noise."
"My mission is to really change these communities... if everybody likes you, you're doing something wrong."
"I think he was meaning like if we want to choose somebody to fight against police brutality and Leadership."
"We gotta become Mayors and we gotta make sure we have representation in our legislative branches because we need to fix our neighborhoods and if anybody is gonna fix it it's gonna be us."
"A beacon of innovation, cultural preservation, and community service."
"A mentor and a guiding force for the youth in the community."
"Fire display is traits of passion, intensity, creativity, love for community, and leadership."
"Between doubt and destiny is action. Between our community and the American Dream is leadership."
"Fear is spreading: 'Sunday Igboho should control something.'"
"She's carrying the torch for the entire bitcoin community and I think she views it as an opportunity for her legacy."
"Pluto is entered our house right we aquarians feel this this is important we are leading Humanity in aquarium matters."
"No matter where you live or how old you are, you can be a leader in your community."
"If I'm gonna talk about a dirty cop a killer cop shooting my kid down I'm gonna talk to the brothers that are misleading my youth to think that this is being a lankey that's what I got to say to them."
"Leadership for a community is not the same as taqwa, it's about effective policies."
"Black men are a big part of this charge. There are people offended by the idea of black men claiming control of their communities, leadership, saying no to the okie-doke."
"In a world that is pretty leaderless for black folks, we have to go to our superstars. Dr. Anderson is like the LeBron James of the black community."
"Everybody's gonna have to have a conversation about how we lead."
"It's going to take elected leaders who want to make Seattle great again and it's going to take a community holding those elected officials accountable."
"There isn't but one supreme issue for my people to use to redeem that which was lost, and that is true the above statements."
"The community is already in charge, in some ways it's already happening."
"I want an opportunity for our children to see someone who stands for their people... and who's still doing well."
"The road ahead is not easy, but it is in the hands of people who care."
"He's a dad he's a dad and he's become a real elder like he's become a true elder of our community he's not an old person he's an elder yeah in the sense that he's he's nurturing and mentoring."
"Dream being as popular as he was led to him being the figurehead of basically the whole entire Minecraft Community."
"We have a responsibility to set examples in the community."
"His white evangelical base largely held up with staunch support from leaders of many mega churches."
"Austin, Texas, Mayor Steve Adler says now is the time to correct the wrongs of Austin's past."
"I love it here. I really do. On January 28th, 2024, I became the mayor of Nook Tits."
"Act on your beliefs, wake others up, embrace your calling, lead your community."
"You gotta speak on their behalf and be the voice of those people so they're never forgotten and you become an example for people so maybe they can learn some things as to what to do, maybe what not to do."
"There's an imbalance in Role Models right now, but we gotta do better as a community."
"Develop this big thinking and remember these words that Allah has given to Salih (peace be upon him) to even talk to his people."
"That was a remarkable human being, and they're lucky to have her in the 11th district."
"Mayor Tony Keats is a shining example of the passion and positive influence local politicians have for their communities."
"But it's something that I'm so thankful for and I am so proud of to be leading such an amazing community."
"Barack Obama has unmerited power in the black community."
"We need Champions who are willing to have those root cause conversations, to acknowledge that we can't pull ourselves up by the bootstraps if we're not wearing boots."
"That's why I got hope right now because because of people like Tamika and my son being on the ground."
"Cormier decided to be the champion of the people: coach, commentator, community hero."
"My great passion is that the church would become desert fathers and mothers in the middle of the city."
"I wanted to have a title that no one would question me on, like a mayor of a town."
"It's an amazing thing to see two black men come to the table and just lay it down."
"I'm trying to have children, I'm having trouble with my children now, I'm looking to be a leader in the community, I'm a woman, you know, and I need guidance from the All-Mother."
"God has given me the privilege to pastor so great of people; I don't take it for granted."
"Paul X. Gronski Senior, a man with only a seventh-grade education, became a pillar of the community and a leader in his church."
"I would love to be a leader in the sense of the leadership of being a fine example and putting all my money and efforts to helping the community."
"It's powerful when you can see reformed gang members, leaders in the community say, 'I used to be this way.'"
"We didn't get there this time, but just know that we will continue to be the powerful champions people need us to be."
"Thank you for supporting fashion in Canada and setting an example for more communities to make their own events."
"Arthur is the mayor of Calico Village."
"Be a lighthouse, shining a light in a community, showing people, be an example."
"Simple acts of kindness, gratitude, sharing resources, cooperation stimulate all this pro-social behavior, builds up your reputation, and becomes an incentive for more leadership and more influence."
"It's her responsibility to usher in this new generation of stand-up black women in the community."
"I have a duty as your supervisor to the people of this community."
"As Hokage, the shadow of the fire illuminates the village, and it is my responsibility to protect the village, my loved ones, my family."
"Inclusion is a choice. When you choose to be inclusive, you role model inclusion for the rest of your community."
"I just wanted to do my time and get out, but at the end of the day, I knew I had to struggle and fight for the existence of my people because if I didn't, no one else would."
"You are the voice in our community, continue to keep your voice, continue to be our voice because we're counting on you to get our point across in society."
"The leaders of the Muslim community should be chosen by the community."
"The real key to this thing working is Fellowship amongst the local leaders."
"It'll take brave young women like you to actually set examples for your peers within your communities."
"I'm going tell you guys something right now, there a young black man in his community that is taking responsibility for the young boys in his community."
"This is our opportunity to stand together as athletes, as parents, as mentors, and as leaders in our communities, to show our young men and boys of color with our action that we are behind them and that their success matters."
"The most trusted voices are people in communities, not necessarily elected officials."