
JavaScript Quotes

There are 1102 quotes

"NPM and JavaScript are awesome, but please use responsibly."
"JavaScript... has evolved so much that it's actually really pleasant to work with."
"TypeScript is a beautiful language and it's basically a superset of JavaScript."
"With JavaScript, we have this amazing power now to change what's inside of a web page by just asking the server for more data."
"We're living in the Golden Age of JavaScript."
"You should definitely learn vanilla JavaScript before a framework."
"JavaScript is the coding language of the web and honestly, it's the most popular coding language of all time."
"JavaScript is going to give us the ability to actually modify parts of this DOM as well."
"As your code grows, becomes much easier because everything is in your JavaScript, you have type safety, you can share your code much easier."
"When you're dealing with vanilla JavaScript, there's so many different ways that you can write your code. I try to keep it very practical and self-explanatory."
"JavaScript provides them for you. And it's easy to love a language that gives you that kind of power."
"JavaScript is everywhere, and it's terribly misunderstood."
"This power is the sort of thing that really drew me to JavaScript as a young programmer."
"JavaScript has this incredible dynamic behavior, which gives us a lot of power."
"Being able to extend methods in the system is the sort of thing that we'd really like to have."
"Auto curry... you can just keep throwing arguments out of function and it'll just keep returning you a function until it gets all its arguments."
"What Asynchronous JavaScript does is it allows you to break down bigger projects into smaller tasks."
"But in the asynchronous system for 10 tasks, you will be given 10 hands so that you can work independently without depending on anyone."
"In simple terms, very simple terms. calling a function inside another function is called a callback."
"React is a declarative, efficient and flexible JavaScript library."
"JavaScript is going to give us the ability to directly manipulate the DOM."
"The JavaScript console can be useful when you're debugging a program."
"To create a new element for my document, I can run a function called document.createElement."
"JavaScript has allowed us to really make our pages much more interactive and immediately interactive based on how the user is interacting with the page."
"Auto completion is a feature that really helps out with the user experience."
"Any expert web developer needs to have a solid understanding of vanilla JS."
"JavaScript is the universal language of the web."
"JavaScript is the language of the web and we need to go ahead and inspect how it works."
"Start drawing a line from one particle to another with ctx.moveTo."
"When in doubt about how these things are working, about what query selector is returning, the JavaScript console can be a very powerful tool."
"Let's say they have something... in JavaScript, you do well in half of the LeetCode questions, you're more prepared for coding interviews."
"To create JavaScript, all you need is a text editor."
"JavaScript can make web pages interactive and responsive."
"JavaScript is everywhere, so as a developer learning JavaScript or improving your JavaScript skills is an excellent time investment."
"Our mission is to lead real-world performance for modern JavaScript and WebAssembly, and to enable developers to build a faster future web."
"JavaScript: It's a Wonderful programming language to learn for beginners."
"Welcome to JavaScript 101, over the next few minutes you'll learn 101 different things you need to know about JavaScript."
"JavaScript: non-blocking event Loop allows for asynchronous code."
"Node.js: execute JavaScript code at any time, opens the door to Frameworks like electron."
"JavaScript is my favorite language because it's absolutely everywhere."
"JavaScript is very fast, powerful, and fairly easy to learn."
"Object literals are basically just key-value pairs. Let's do something simple like a person, so a person has first name, last name, age, and hobbies."
"Destructuring is kind of advanced, it's part of ES6, it's a new feature or relatively new, but yeah, we can do that."
"You can dynamically change styles and make your user interface interactive."
"Understanding 'this' will make you a better JavaScript developer."
"Prototypal inheritance is amazingly powerful but it's not well understood."
"If you avoid the bad parts, JavaScript works really well."
"It is possible to write good programs in JavaScript."
"Don't worry about var, what you want to use is let."
"If we're gonna reset a value potentially, we're gonna use let."
"Web pack is a bundler for JavaScript and Friends packs many modules into a few bundled assets."
"It replaces my imports and exports with these webpack requires... basically manages dependencies."
"JavaScript is one of the main languages of the web and it's the one that makes webpages do things."
"ES2015 (ES6) is the established standard for writing modern JavaScript."
"JavaScript is used in native application development, virtual reality, and building chat and voice-controlled bots."
"JavaScript runs on hardware, making it ideal for Internet of Things (IoT) devices."
"Learning JavaScript opens up opportunities in a wide range of industries and technologies."
"JavaScript is one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages out there."
"Knowing JavaScript opens up a whole lot of job opportunities."
"JavaScript is used to build interactive websites and applications."
"The coolest part about JavaScript is making stuff happen in your browser."
"Arrow functions were introduced in ES6 and allow us to write shorter function syntax."
"Using an arrow function, I do this and add two."
"Functions are one of the main building blocks of JavaScript."
"Node.js is essentially JavaScript running on the server."
"Whenever you're working with JavaScript, understand what is this because this is really helpful."
"JavaScript is simply the trigger that calls the CSS transition animation to run exactly when needed."
"Web assembly in the death of JavaScript and I'm gonna say no it's it's not gonna die..."
"In JavaScript it's much cleaner to use async await than it is to use promises with dot then and catch."
"I like to follow the Airbnb style guide, it's basically just a way to write JavaScript in a consistent fashion."
"I teach people Python and Django and occasionally bits and pieces of JavaScript mostly as penance for my sins."
"Singletons in JavaScript can be created without classes, simply by defining a single instance of an object."
"We fundamentally changed the way that a lot of people think about JavaScript application structure."
"Everything you're going to learn in this video is exactly what you need to get started with creating this kind of game with just pure JavaScript, no frameworks or anything like that."
"TypeScript aims to solve that issue by being its own programming language that compiles down to JavaScript."
"People have always been real supportive of us here in the town."
"Tagged template literals allow you to inject JavaScript code into a string. They're incredibly useful and powerful."
"Generator functions allow you to step through code one step at a time, making asynchronous code much easier to handle."
"Dynamic module imports let you import code only when you actually need it, improving performance and reducing unnecessary downloads."
"With that, we are releasing a new ecosystem of libraries and tools for machine learning with JavaScript, called TensorFlow.js."
"Awesome, I'd like to use JavaScript to populate the HTML with this data, can you help me?"
"React doesn't use templates or traditional templates it uses something called JSX or JavaScript extension or JavaScript syntax extension which basically allows us to embed HTML in the JavaScript."
"JavaScript's event-driven nature makes writing real-time web apps a breeze."
"I'm beginning to think that in the next two years JavaScript is going to be so good that it's not going to change then for 5 to 10 more years."
"ES6: the syntax that makes coding more enjoyable."
"React: the go-to JavaScript framework for building SPAs."
"TypeScript is just going to bring a type system as well as future capabilities of JavaScript to you today."
"The arrow functions don't include 'function' inside of the definition."
"JavaScript was introduced because people realized we want to build a website... it needs to have some functionality."
"Node.js... lets you run JavaScript in the backend... For the Longest Time JavaScript was only meant to be run inside the browser."
"JavaScript for the win: you can build web apps, progressive web apps, and more."
"jQuery Source migrated to ES modules, making it easier to work with and contribute to."
"JavaScript is essential for the best possible performance."
"Vanilla JavaScript is more difficult than using a framework, but it's good to know this stuff. It sharpens your skills as a programmer in general."
"This should really sharpen your vanilla JavaScript skills, which are very important. A lot of people jump into frameworks too early."
"The extends keyword allows you to achieve the concept of inheritance in JavaScript classes."
"That's how you can achieve inheritance using the extends keyword in JavaScript."
"Our custom select works very similar to the normal drop down box, but ours is completely custom so we can style it however we want."
"Functions are kind of like the core building block of JavaScript."
"Arrow functions are a modern, concise syntax for defining functions, reducing code verbosity and enhancing readability. They're widely used in contemporary web development for their simplicity and efficiency."
"Nested functions are a powerful feature in JavaScript, allowing functions to be defined within other functions. Understanding nested functions is the first step towards grasping concepts like closure and function scope."
"Closures are best understood as nested functions. They encapsulate variables and their environment, allowing inner functions to access variables from outer functions. Nested functions themselves are closures."
"IIFE allows for immediate execution of a function without the need for a function name."
"The concept of IIFE ensures protection against global variable pollution and naming conflicts."
"I believe a signal standard has tremendous potential for JavaScript and for the web."
"At the end of the day, add client-side interactivity isn't hard. Throw in a little component, throw in a little bit of JavaScript, easy to execute. You can listen to all events you can do whatever you want to do it's not a big deal."
"Arrow functions are going to define parameters followed by the body of a function."
"You're going to be able to use arrow functions with map filter and reduce."
"I'm so happy to do a bit-wise operation. Very rarely in programming anymore, especially JavaScript, actually shift the bits, right? That's usually a thing you're doing in a much lower level place."
"If you declare a variable with the const keyword, you cannot reassign it afterwards."
"Arrow functions work really well with higher order functions such as map, filter, and reduce."
"This is the Beginner’s Javascript course you are looking for."
"You can divide in Javascript with this / symbol."
"We can also create decimal numbers with Javascript."
"That's where a language like JavaScript comes in."
"Anything you can do in JavaScript, you can do in TypeScript, but then in addition, you have features such as static typing."
"We're going to need some JavaScript if we want to begin rendering out artwork."
"Farewell TypeScript, may you bring much rigor and satisfaction to your tribe while letting the rest of us enjoy JavaScript in its glorious spirit it was originally designed for, free of strong typing."
"HTMX allows us to do pretty much everything that would be harder to do in vanilla JavaScript and DOM."
"One of the most common things to joke about in JavaScript is that a new framework comes out every single day or every single week."
"That's why I'm actually making this video. If you come away with one thing, know this: in JavaScript, arrays, objects, and functions are compared by reference and not by their contents."
"JavaScript is amazing. It's lightning fast and has unbelievable utility. If you're going to learn anything, learn a bit of programming, and in my opinion, go for JavaScript."
"If you use JavaScript and you've gotten a taste of autocomplete, you just can never go back. Like, ever."
"There's this narrative I think that sure if you want a fast website build the backend in Rust build your APIs in Rust but then use a fast JavaScript front-end framework."
"Most people use libraries to achieve this effect, but here we write everything with plain vanilla JavaScript because we want to understand how it works under the hood."
"For simple websites that don't have a lot of interactivity, JavaScript is almost never needed."
"I think HDMX is actually pro- JavaScript and in some ways deeply pro- JavaScript."
"JavaScript has this killer feature which it's there in the browser so like take advantage of that fact."
"HDMX can, for many people, actually make writing JavaScript fun again."
"HDMX allows the language to take a deep breath and step back and be what it's actually good at."
"JavaScript wasn't just better than we thought it was it's better than all of the other languages for having that particular combination of features."
"JavaScript is much easier to learn these backend service-side programming languages."
"Interactive and dynamic web applications without a lot of JavaScript code."
"If I had to start over now, after learning a strong foundation in vanilla JavaScript, I'd learn ReactJS."
"To get the keys, I can write const objectKeys = Object.keys(object)."
"HTMX is not an alternative to React or Angular."
"The main idea of htmx is to not try JavaScript at all."
"You avoid a bunch of memory issues later on. JavaScript is very easy. In JavaScript, you can simply mutate everything."
"The 'this' keyword refers to the object executing the current piece of code."
"Closures is the most important topic for JavaScript interviews."
"Effect also is a holistic standard library and I think this is something we've been really missing in the JavaScript ecosystem for so long."
"Const creates a variable just like let, except we can't change its value later. This value stays constant. That's why it's called Constant."
"So why would we ever use Cons instead of let? Cons makes our code safer and easier to understand."
"Type of will tell us the type of value inside the variable, which is a number."
"We can use type of to check the type of value that is saved inside a variable."
"So as you can see, a bullying value represents whether something is true or false."
"If this bullying value is true, then we're going to run the code in the curly brackets."
"So in this lesson, we learned that JavaScript is basically giving instructions to a computer."
"We learned all the major features of JavaScript and now we know everything we need to build projects."
"If you want to support this channel, you can like this video and recommend this course to anyone you know who is interested in learning JavaScript."
"Jason stands for JavaScript object notation."
"So as you can see when we're writing JavaScript, we first figure out what steps we need to do. This is called an algorithm and then we convert these steps or this algorithm into code."
"The cool thing about this whole model is that it works even if JavaScript hasn't loaded yet."
"Hoisting allows us to access variables before declaring them in JavaScript."
"In JavaScript, const variables are immutable, but objects declared with const can be mutated."
"Let's use const by default, and if we have to change a variable, then use let."
"We use const by default, and if we have to change a variable, then use let."
"We can access values inside an object using dot notation or bracket notation."
"JavaScript, if you want to learn JavaScript or you're a JavaScript developer, it's a great language."
"JavaScript comes into play when you have things on your website that do things."
"Burp scanner also does JavaScript analysis."
"So, now that you know the basics of HTML and CSS, I'm going to teach you how to code in JavaScript."
"Lit does all of this with standard JavaScript or TypeScript."
"Promises in JavaScript allow you to invoke asynchronous code and chain actions based on whether the code resolves or rejects."
"Now obviously this teaches you the basics of networking in the realm of JavaScript."
"Do you want to build polished beautiful 2D games and learn JavaScript at the same time?"
"Traditionally, forms are the most tedious thing that we can work with in JavaScript, but thankfully, Vue makes it so much easier."
"I primarily use query selector and query select all because these methods select elements through CSS selection."
"Another really cool thing about DOM manipulation is that we can create elements from our JavaScript file."
"The framework is currently offered in Python and JavaScript, well TypeScript to be specific."
"There's also a version of JavaScript, server-side JavaScript, or SSJS."
"Promises are extraordinarily powerful and understanding them is critical for navigating today's modern JavaScript."
"JavaScript promises: a modern feature that in many ways has revolutionized the way we write asynchronous code or code in general."
"You can also do it in a newer way, which is common in JavaScript, which is called method chaining or I guess we call it function chaining this time."
"Async await is truly one of the sweetest things to ever happen to JavaScript."
"When it comes to this claim of less JavaScript on the page, that can make a dramatic difference in the performance of your site."
"JavaScript in the body of the component runs on the client."
"If anyone knows even JavaScript, they would say - Wow! He knows JavaScript."
"So now that we have an asynchronous function if I paste this code back in, we can use this magical word of 'await' because we're inside an async function, and believe it or not, this code works, even though it looks like it's too simple to work. It still works."
"You await a promise and now JavaScript will not move on to the next line of code until this actually finishes, so it's a common practice. You use this and then whatever this resolves with, well, you can just store that in a variable and then you can use it in the next line."
"Async await, this syntax that we see here, this has definitely become the industry standard way of working with asynchronous operations in JavaScript."
"I know we covered a lot of ground in this video and maybe everything didn't make perfect sense, but don't worry. I mean, this is one of the most complex and difficult to understand concepts in all of JavaScript."
"They added some syntactical sugar to make JavaScript a little bit more digestible for folks coming from other languages."
"The nice thing about this is it means that if your JavaScript code that you're writing in the browser can't access that token, then neither can an attacker."
"We're going to generate this HTML code using JavaScript instead."
"Svelte.js: Everything is just native JavaScript."
"JavaScript is probably faster for super simple tasks."
"JavaScript needs to be parsed from the source into an abstract syntax tree and then usually converted into an intermediate engine called bytecode. WebAssembly is already a bytecode."
"So when people say that WebAssembly is fast, what they're comparing it to is JavaScript - that's the apples to apples comparison."
"With the introduction of the JITs, you see an inflection point in the performance of JavaScript."
"Typescript offers static typing and if you ask me I would say learn JavaScript until you feel really comfortable with it."
"Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript is often brought up in interview questions and it's just very useful to understand them. The more you know."
"I joke that like I had to write a lot of JavaScript to avoid writing JavaScript."
"We're going to build this game from scratch in pure JavaScript on an HTML canvas."
"If you want to go more advanced and learn how to use vanilla JavaScript and object-oriented programming, I will be revealing some special techniques in my first Skillshare class."
"Any app that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript."
"Super keyword is a special command in JavaScript."
"JavaScript classes are great if you want to create many similar objects."
"We need to cancel the previous animation before we create a new one. We are creating an animation loop here with the built-in requestAnimationFrame JavaScript method."
"Native JavaScript modules allow us to split our code into separate parts that can be imported where they are needed."