
Human Interest Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"When you automate the majority of things... it frees people to actually do what they're interested in."
"Humanity has been interested in the skies above for at least as long as we’ve had any sort of civilization able to record anything and likely far longer."
"Human beings want stories. We don't want necessarily just repeated standalone sessions that have no overarching narrative that pulls us together."
"Do we just focus on the negative things of history because they're more exciting to us?"
"Our health...it's in our interest to protect the healthcare of every human being on earth."
"They heal super quickly, which is something that we as humans are like, 'Hey, how do they do that? That might be something that's useful.'"
"Statistical humans are of little interest. I'm interested in real people."
"The majority of storytelling features humans...it's about having convincing anatomy."
"The possibility of advanced life and the potential for alien contact have long fascinated humanity."
"I love stories about people more than anything else."
"So whatever you believe I do think the story of Ryan and his buddies is a fascinating one."
"Most people aren't just interested in one thing; they're multifaceted."
"It's really a story about heroism and people."
"Ultimately, the SCP Foundation is on the side of mankind, but that doesn't mean it'll always act in our best interests."
"I find failure interesting. I think most people do. There's something compelling about hearing about something going through trouble."
"We can call them subjective needs, and Kropotkin believed that if the oppressive systems of capitalism were dismantled, then we would all have far more free time and energy to pour into our passions."
"There is no demographic, economic level, educational level, or national origin that you can predict that will give that will say this person is going to like closer to truth."
"It's a touching little human story about life at sea."
"People's lives are being devastated by the things that we report on... so I think things that force you back to the humanity of the people that you're covering."
"It's the ups and the downs, the ebbs and the flows, the losses and the wins that really draw people to these fighters."
"This is a real world event and it affects human beings on the face of the planet."
"Can't believe we're eating cold pizza in space. It's extraordinary." - Inspiration Four
"Imagine this is one of the most fundamental discoveries in humans in our history of humans who wouldn't be interested in this."
"By all accounts, Cynthia Anders had been a fun-loving woman with a zest for life."
"Hidden from us... humankind's obsession with seeing things that are normally too small to see."
"It was interesting as a sort of moment of human drama."
"Ultimately, this is a human tragedy, a human story, and we are finally for many people seeing some light at the end of the tunnel."
"Novelty won't ever wear off as evidenced by the extremely extensive catalog of close-up moon photos taken by the crew. It honestly is kind of nice to see."
"These are human beings and these are livelihoods and we have to be as concerned about these livelihoods as we are concerned about protecting lives from the health perspective."
"The world can be a strange place, and Kaori's story is just an example of this."
"People have always had a fascination with the heavens."
"There's a human story to all of these things, and I think that's what's important and that's what keeps the interest alive."
"That magic combination of the British tourists, the human interest, the murder, the mystery."
"Zhang Jin Leon, confirmed by the Guinness World Record as the tallest female."
"Different things appeal to different people."
"I'm more interested in the human condition in it than I am in even the drama of the games."
"Every single one of them... has their own little story going on."
"My interest has never been in bigfoot, it is the people who look for bigfoot that fascinate me."
"Great writers are fascinated by people, then they find them in situations and story."
"If there's a lesson, it's that there are no dull stories. People are full of wonder."
"People have always been interested in people."
"Imagine a council of human elected elders working in the best interest for humanity as a new type of government."
"We've been talking to our reporters on the ground... one of the things we're seeing here... people left without their shoes."
"Everybody has a story... everybody has potential to be fascinating."
"The gun itself is very cool but the story behind the firearm is what to me is the most interesting aspect the human element the extreme of The Human Experience and the level of Valor and selfless sacrifice that went into it."
"Human beings interest me a lot more than a lot of other things."
"Human beings like watching human beings act like the actual human beings that they see in real life."
"Strategy and creativity are the most universally stimulating activities we humans appreciate."
"Who are you as a person, that's what we care about."
"The most powerful stories and images during conflicts and crises tend to focus on people in distress."
"Humans love monsters: dragons, werewolves, vampires..."
"Dirty Jobs really wasn't about the dirt or the job, it was about the people."
"Spacesuits, I think they kind of hit a nerve with people just because there's a very human element to them."
"Every single person has a story to tell that I haven't heard yet."
"The world's dirtiest man: a story of homelessness and survival."
"The human point of view is often the most interesting and telling point of view."
"The story of the unlikely friendship spread like wildfire and people from other villages started coming to witness the phenomenon."
"The Jerusalem incident serves as a reminder of Humanity's enduring curiosity about the cosmos and the possibility of encountering other intelligent life beyond Earth."
"There's something that really strikes me with shows that are inherently human-centric."
"This is not a story about milkshakes, it's a story about great big lorries and the people that drive them." - Paul McNamara.
"The real lives of those involved, the people behind the names, should not be forgotten."
"There's something about this... she has this performance nature and she's a human being and then that's what's more compelling to watch."
"For thousands of years human beings have been searching for ways to stay youthful and live longer."
"Humans are fascinating and unique, so it's a pleasure to observe different facets of different characters."
"People around Evel said that he was increasingly nervous the day of the jump."
"Sometimes when I've driven down the highway and I have seen a young boy hitchhiking, I'll turn around and go back and take another good look at him."
"I think when people see lava, not just for the first time, but see it at all, it’s a rather mesmerizing effect." - Don Swanson
"Monkeys are extraordinarily intelligent creatures who have long captivated humans."
"I'm trying to center it around people because people like stories about people."
"There's something inherently interesting about watching something very challenging be done."
"The story of Qantas Flight One is a human story."
"Nothing is so attractive and unseasonably curious as character."
"Everybody loves a good mystery and everybody loves a good gift."
"These are real people that we're talking about in this video."
"Venus is an interesting planet to humans though currently often overlooked."
"The Olympics reveals so many great human stories that are just not made easily accessible."
"We have a pretty powerful interest in survival in not having a war."
"There's good news tonight about love and acceptance and the bond between two children who have become fast friends."
"It's in the interest of every human being on earth that Putin fails."
"Humans love solving puzzles. True crime lets us do this."
"But it also means we are interesting. We are the interesting part of the universe."
"There are so few instances of brands truly doing anything of human interest."
"This is a great one but the big story is about Shawn Perry who was only 21 years old."
"Coming up, a young man's second chance at life and his search for the mystery woman who saved him."
"A prosthetic leg that was found in a river was recently returned to its owner. A dairy farmer helped them locate the prosthetic. That's right, because who better than a dairy farmer to find a missing calf?"
"It is nice to hear that when a human component was involved and the story was actually given that something was done about it."
"Mysteries always have a way of captivating people."
"There's nothing more fascinating than other human beings."
"I love most people. I love watching about weird things from history."
"Fascination, man's fascination with Venus has been around for millennia, right?"
"I care deeply about American history, I care deeply about how we got to where we are, but I think fundamentally it's a question of caring deeply about humans."
"It's things that keep human beings interested and involved."
"But don't forget about the people, these shots are not just about the cars."
"If they do this, it will be an interest to mankind permanently."
"Amarius Mims is a rare human being."
"It is good that all faces are different, then we don't get tired of looking at each other."
"A storyteller best known for his photojournalistic, humanizing approach to man's relationship with nature."
"It's providing you with a different worldview, a different way of seeing not only science and progress but just about every area of human interest."
"People love watching people; we're a very voyeuristic society."
"Humanity has been obsessed with time for a long time."
"All humans are inherently interesting."
"Can we go back to personal stories about people?"
"They had lived separate but shockingly identical lives."
"These convos enlightened us on a human that is one of one, a [__] anomaly."
"The measure of a comet: of all astronomical phenomena, none have longer and more thoroughly ignited the human mind, for better or worse, than comets."
"You start with your background because people connect to the human being over the concept."
"Human interest pictures of people are central to most great stories."
"Be on the lookout, be ready to snap shots of people because usually, photos of people are a little bit more interesting than just still life."
"People are the most interesting things on the planet."
"It's not that I wanted to become a psychologist, I just love people and the beauty of people."
"Our crew is really about the human story."
"I have a human interest story. It involves a certain LAPD cop, a hero from the war."
"I tend to care about the people themselves and what they are doing and what they like."
"All you got to do is tell the truth about life, and people will find that interesting."
"I've got a really good human interest story for you."
"Humans love games like no other species we have ever encountered."
"People love seeing the story of other people."
"The most interesting thing that there is, is the individual human stories."
"Humans have been fascinated by solar eclipses for thousands of years and also a little bit afraid of them."
"Holden began recording little human interest stories about Belters to be broadcast on Earth."
"He's a human being deserving of all the sympathy in the world and there's a game tomorrow."
"People are more interesting than ants."
"People are interested in people, and every person's got their own story."
"Among thousands, more billions of human beings, a few become interested in spirituality."
"The desire to know where you come from is one of the things that most intrigues human beings."
"Human interest: Anything that appeals to the reader's emotions."
"People like stories, people like narratives."
"Education serves the role of creating an interesting human being and advancing your intellect."
"Humanity is much more interesting to me because I feel like musicians and other artists have been studying these aspects of human behavior for so long."
"It's just so interesting, it's such a human, cool story."
"He's such a fascinating human being."
"It's a human interest story that you're just going to want to continue to pay attention to because you care about the people."
"People love stories, they love drama, they love conflict, they love all this type of stuff."