
Credit Score Quotes

There are 359 quotes

"My credit score is about 810. Yeah, um, is 807 on one platform and 810 on a different platform."
"Credit everyone has a credit score, and this shows whether you're worthy of borrowing money and paying it back."
"Let's help them too because I promise you, man, people be honest, everybody, asleep. Calm. Who here has over 750 credit?"
"If you can't manage your credit score, it's going to be hard for you to manage a business."
"You can actually set your kid up to have an 800 credit score, have a half a million dollars in a trust."
"In reality, a credit score enforces a social behavior. You must behave in a certain way financially, or you are locked out of opportunity."
"85% of people in this survey say that it's very important to maintain a high credit score, but 85% of people do not have great credit."
"If you want to get your life in order, you need to make sure you're out of debt and you're keeping your credit score healthy."
"It's better to have a good credit score and little to no capital than to have a lot of capital and not have a good credit score."
"A good credit score equals good money management."
"Getting a credit score above 750 sets you up for the best path to properly handling your finances, paying off debt, and getting some of that sweet, sweet cheap mortgage money."
"Anything below about a 680 is pretty bad. You ideally want 720 or even better, 740 or higher."
"Your credit score is like your passport into everything that you need to do as an adult."
"Having a low or no credit score can have severe financial consequences."
"Credit scores allow lenders to make very precise decisions."
"Dealing with collections can significantly increase your credit score."
"I don't give a [__] about any of these companies. I care about y'all get your credit score up so you can actually build real wealth."
"Stop worrying about a credit score. Start chasing the data."
"If you're late and maxed out on credit cards, you're losing over 350 points."
"Instead of saving whatever the five dollars for your coffee every day... maybe instead of like focusing so much on those little differences focus your time instead on building a higher credit score."
"The better your credit score, the lower your interest rate."
"You need at least 10 plus positive accounts on your credit report."
"Opt out of secondary bureaus to improve your credit report."
"Business credit cards don't report balances to your personal credit report...you can actually have up to zero percent interest with a promotional rate."
"Maintaining a good credit score is critical to financial stability and leverage."
"Maybe I mean I've even heard like reports of your credit score... eventually will not also be tied to your vaccination status."
"Payment history is 35% of your score - pay your bills on time every month."
"The longer your credit history, the better your score."
"I'm Shahida Hill, getting you over the hill to home ownership and helping you confidently buy your first home with perfect credit."
"Let's get started with Monday. Today we're going to focus on what makes up 35% of your score: payment history."
"So your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life, frankly I wish they taught more of this in school and I wish more people were educated about this."
"Understanding what a credit score is and how you can get a perfect credit score and what you can do to climb into that 800 club mark is extremely important."
"A credit score is just a number that determines how well a person is able to borrow money and then pay it back."
"Having a good to great to excellent to perfect credit score is not just about how well you do these things, it's about how long and consistently you do it for."
"Discover allows you to monitor your FICO score for free on their platform."
"Adding unsecured lines of credit can increase your credit score."
"Your credit score can quite literally be the difference in you building your net worth, getting the best deals on real estate, and getting free stuff."
"The higher your credit score is, the more likely you are to get access to a low interest rate, a mortgage, a personal loan, credit cards, banking services, and an entire secret world where Banks and lenders are literally just throwing money at you."
"The credit bureau wants to see that you're using the credit card and that you're paying it off on time."
"Remember guys no matter where you are on this scale you can totally change your credit score."
"Building your credit score in your 20s is a Smart Financial move."
"Those three numbers pretty much become like the gatekeeper that decides whether or not you buy a house, rent an apartment, obtain a credit card, leverage your money, and even in some cases get a job."
"The longer your history of on-time payments, the higher your score is going to be."
"New credit is the fastest way to increase your credit score."
"When you have a strong credit score, you walk differently."
"Using too much of your available business credit can negatively impact your credit score."
"I need to get it together, figure out your credit score, get a credit card, start building credit at a young age, start saving money at a young age, you're gonna be so happy."
"The average credit score right now in America in 2021 is seven 11."
"If you have bad credit, then that can actually affect your ability to work in some industries."
"You can check your rate in minutes for loans between one thousand to fifty thousand dollars without impacting your credit score."
"Even an okay credit score can cost you a hundred thousand dollars over the life of a 30-year home mortgage."
"Adding 61 points to your credit score could save you thousands on a home loan."
"Keep your credit cards open... build an amazing credit history."
"Build a good credit score; lenders will give you a lower interest rate."
"Pay on time, pay in full — you just covered 65 of your credit score."
"You'll be better off because Scoremaster puts you in control of your finances."
"Having good credit... is going to give you a better score and it's going to make home ownership more affordable period."
"Make sure you always pay your full monthly bill by the due date to build a strong score and avoid interest along the way."
"Just building your credit score can save you tons of money in the long run. It's that crucial."
"Roughly 30% of your credit score is your credit utilization."
"My credit score went from 800 to 643 after bankruptcy."
"I paid all my bills last week but I was looking at my credit score and then I looked on score master and my Score Master today told me that if I paid my Amex bill by the 29th that I would gain eight points."
"I started at a 573 ended up at a 752 and I recently checked my scores again and I am now at a 781."
"Insufficient credit history can hinder getting an apartment."
"The better your credit score the easier it is to get the stuff you want."
"Join the 700 Credit Club today for financial freedom."
"A perfect credit score is possible. I have not seen it done within my family but they're pretty close."
"A good credit score is going to save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime."
"Your credit score affects your ability to build wealth and get financial opportunities."
"One of the things that can pretty much affect every aspect of your life is your credit score."
"If you want to win the game of money you got to play the game of money this means building your credit score as soon as possible and then use it to your advantage."
"I can't go get an apartment; my credit score was not good."
"Credit is one of those things that's actually really important and you don't realize how important it is until you need a good credit score."
"Here's somebody that had an 850 credit score which is a perfect score."
"This is just beyond 320 credit score activities."
"Credit score you do not have to pay interest to maintain a good credit score."
"But if you want that top top credit score you're going to want to have a mix of different types of credit."
"Inquiries have such little impact on your score."
"So, don't think that if I get multiple inquiries for something like a mortgage that every single one is going to chip away at your credit report or your credit score because it will not do that."
"You're holding the hand of a person whose credit score is leaping right now."
"Your credit score is gonna go up and be a long time Credit Karma."
"why is your credit important because if you took if you had taken care of your credit and made sure all your bills were paid on time and just didn't let that credit score get super low you wouldn't have to pay four hundred dollars a month for this twelve thousand dollar car"
"...if you miss a couple you're not going to be you know going into default and having your credit score tank but if you had the financial means to make the payments you should do it because it's going to be to your benefit..."
"It's going to be an instant boost to your credit score, and it can be significant."
"If your personal credit score is above 680 and you have an established LLC with an EIN number, there's a very good chance that you can get approved for business credit."
"...for those people 760 and up, no, don't wait to increase your credit to go buy a house, like you already qualify for the best mortgage that the industry provides."
"If you're thinking about doing this sort of trade line renting in order to increase your credit score know that there is a danger."
"The number one strategy for increasing your credit score may seem obvious but it should be said and that is to pay down your credit card debt."
"Get those right you're probably going to have a pretty good credit score and a solid foundation going forward."
"A good credit score won't automatically disqualify you if you're making improvements or want to work towards something better."
"Nothing is cute about wrecking your credit score and going into massive debt just to keep up with people."
"Break financial links with others if needed – it could be impacting your score."
"Pay your bills on time – it demonstrates your ability to make timely repayments."
"Consider signing up for Experian Boost to instantly improve your score."
"Your financial health is more important than your credit score."
"The longer your credit history is the better."
"Raising my credit score from a comically bad 470-something to a very respectable 70-60-something and growing."
"Your FICO score is important and used in way more lending decisions than you think."
"Your FICO score can provide potential lenders with an objective measure of your credit risk."
"It's important to remember that when it comes to raising your score in a big way, there are a few key factors that are going to make a substantial difference."
"Your timely payment history... need to be on time every single month."
"Your credit utilization ratio... the lower the better."
"They know you're more than just a credit score."
"It's not even about the score. 80% of the world is stuck on the score when the banks don't even look at the score as the first thing."
"You don't got to get 120 credits just get the credit score and get the businesses up and running and make that money."
"...people just off of credit score also put them down the whole purpose of this channel is to be transparent about the automotive industry and share information between all of us..."
"If you have bad credit and someone adds you onto their account and they have an 850 credit score, don't be surprised if you see your credit even jumping up over a 100 points."
"One of the quickest ways for you to get your internal Bank rating score is simply to lock your credit profile and apply for a new product."
"If you spend more than 25 percent of your credit limit consistently, it will appear to credit rating agencies as if you're too reliant on credit, which is not a good sign."
"Paying 90 to 98% of most of your bill off before the closing date instead of the due date is actually going to give you a slight boost to your credit score."
"The key factors are your credit utilization rate and debt to income ratio."
"It's the second most important one and it accounts for 30% of your credit score."
"There's a card out there for just about every credit score."
"Your credit score could end up becoming almost useless."
"Your payment history, that's 35% of your score."
"There are five components to calculating your credit score. Thirty-five is payment history, 30 is amounts owed, that's your utilization."
"So anything 750 or above, you don't want your credit score to dip below a 650."
"Is it your credit score like 124?"
"Get your finances in order so I would say let's back up and make sure credit scores are in order."
"One, we kept tracking your credit report and it was about six months in his credit was better than mine, you see me? Okay, wait a minute, how did that happen right? But again, it didn't matter what his credit score was, what my credit score was."
"Having a good credit score because that is imperative to some of the steps that you have to take."
"Becoming an authorized user on someone else's account can positively influence your credit score."
"FICO scores, which is the only scores that matter, only consider hard inquiries over a 12-month period."
"High credit utilization... it also has to do with a major factor of your credit score called credit utilization which is basically just a percentage that's calculated by taking your balance and then dividing it by your credit limit."
"What exactly is a good credit score? What is a bad credit score?"
"If your credit score is between 660 to 900, it's generally considered good, very good, or excellent."
"If you're new here to Canada, the first thing that you should aim towards is to get a credit score above 660."
"Closing your credit card after paying it off can damage your credit."
"Your payment history is the most critical factor determining your credit score."
"The average person has 97 points 97 points they can add to their credit score."
"I mean your credit score is an identical reflection of you as a human."
"Your credit score can highly influence how much you pay for car insurance."
"They're not going to be as powerful outside of the warp as they are in real space, I suppose basically clone Horus has a really good credit score."
"You want your credit score goals to be at least above a 760."
"At 760, you're going to be able to get the best interest rate offers."
"...one they offer cash advance up to 250 without any interest no late fees no credit checks which means it will not if you have to like dip into that cash advance it will not affect your credit score."
"Cambio is on a mission to improve America's credit score by a million points."
"If you have really good insurance score or credit score AAA is most likely going to be the better fit overall."
"Lower interest is always preferred that's going to be the number one so if clearly if you have a higher credit score conventional is going to win every time it doesn't matter you will be competitive with your interest rate."
"My credit score has increased by 25 to 30 points so far by literally just paying my bills like I normally do."
"Your credit score is very important."
"When you have good credit, you deserve a low rate and great customer service."
"The bar is so low, just get your credit score above 600. 600."
"Aiming for high 700s or around the 800 mark, I think that's a phenomenal goal."
"A high credit score comes with some really great perks, namely it entitles you to the very best interest rates."
"Late payments really hurt your score a lot... So once you guys get those late payments removed even if the account is open or closed, if you guys have a late payment on a house, a car, a loan, whatever it may be, even if it's open, I want you guys to remove that account."
"Rocket money excels at letting you monitor your credit score."
"Your credit score is one of your most important assets."
"There is a reason why you don't get an instant approval or whether it is your credit score that's the income or other factors that are preventing you from getting approved."
"FICO 9 pay collections will not count negatively against your score."
"It's difficult to do that on your own but I partnered with a company called scoremaster I use it to help boost my credit score and you can too."
"The higher our credit score is, the easier it is to move through that process and get a home."
"Extra members raise their credit score by 48 points on average."
"Those with a credit score of 800 or more paid their bills on time every single month."
"Ignore all the stuff that you see in terms of the credit scores that Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion show you. Regular good use of your credit card is a good thing in the eyes of lenders over the long term."
"Never miss a credit card payment."
"Building up your credit was a big priority and I'm really glad I did it."
"Your credit report shows two things: your past and your future. Your score is your future, your record is your past."
"There's something magical that credit bureaus love to see: a debt paid in full."
"Your credit worthiness quote-unquote is based upon a number of factors. Name three of them: your income, yeah, your debt, and your repayments."
"Whether we like it or not, having a good credit score is important, and it is a tool that you can use to help you get into a better financial situation."
"You can have a high credit score and not be in debt, and you can use that credit score to help you build wealth and pull yourself out of poverty."
"You're going to have a good score."
"Payment history is the biggest one, 35% of your score."
"Your credit score is not an indication that you're winning with money."
"You can live life without a credit score."
"If a high credit score is what winning looks like, then call me a loser."
"Credit scores and dodgeball have something in common; they're both anxiety-inducing games where people get hurt."
"Your credit score may impact your costs, not a hundred percent true but 99% true because it's an insurance score."
"Definitely have good credit; it's very important."
"If you can really show just healthy spending habits and just repaying balances, it does improve your credit score."
"It's not a credit score, it's a debt score."
"Having no credit score is probably your best, most ideal scenario."
"You got to build everything out, it's not just a 700 credit score, what does your credit profile look like?"
"Most people who use boost see an increase of ten points or greater in a matter of minutes."
"But now there's a way to boost your FICO score instantly, for free."
"One late payment can have a negative impact of 180 points on one's credit report and it will stay on their report for seven years."
"Payment history makes up 35% of your credit score."
"You would think you just have a credit score, but you actually have many different credit scores."
"Checking your credit report, minimizing the applications, not relying on credit."
"Your credit score will remain in excellent condition, completely untouched."
"You want that card to constantly stay alive with you to prop up your average age of accounts."
"On-time payment history may have a positive impact on your credit score; late payment may negatively impact your credit score."
"When you get your credit card bill and it has a due date... you go and you pay off that full balance by the due date and you will be able to build credit."
"Having more available credit means you have a lower credit card utilization, which is also good for your credit score."
"Want to know the secret to achieving a perfect credit score?"
"Payment history is going to be the most important factor in determining most people's credit score."
"Focus on the first three aspects of your credit score which make up eighty percent of that pie."
"The less creditworthy you are, the higher interest rate you're going to pay."
"You can get your rent reported to your credit report which would give you a positive account."
"Having more than one card will actually help you improve your credit score."
"The more accounts you have, this has a positive effect on your credit score."
"If you are able to only spend the amount of money you're earning and you just spend it on a credit card, pay it back on time, that's going to look great on your credit report."
"On-time payments are a big factor that affects your credit score."
"It's actually very easy to get your credit score over 700 in the space of a year or so."
"Stop believing that your credit score is an indicator of your Financial Health."
"The better your payment history, the more reliably you've paid every single card on time and in full, the better."
"If you want them to raise your credit limit, you have to show them that you can use the money, you're going to use it, you're gonna pay it back."
"Remember, it is best to keep your credit utilization low to optimize your credit score."
"Business credit is based on how you pay your bills."