
Idolization Quotes

There are 368 quotes

"Your children should be looking up to you, not Batman or Superman."
"It's not about drama... it's about blind idolization."
"I want you to get to a place where no artist, celebrity, even person in your life can have that much meaning to you."
"What matters here is that one of my friends is being put up on a pedestal that is so much higher than any person should be put up, especially streamers. We're very, very normal human beings."
"When you put an artist on a pedestal, you're killing them. Break through that barrier."
"Many others saw in him a kind of god and they were stunned by the fact that their god may be mortal."
"We suffer in the United States from what I'd call an idolatry of innovators."
"Whatever we put on a pedestal will always look down upon us."
"And we all know, if you put someone on a pedestal and you look at them like they're gods, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment."
"It's very easy to take someone whose talent you admire very much and then superimpose your own values on to them."
"Shameless is not a good quality for, in my opinion, not someone to idolize. Anyways, shame is good, we need shame."
"As long as Trump acts like Trump, he's their superhero."
"They make themselves larger than life in your mind — becoming above criticism."
"Sean Connery is my idol, I think because he's got that balance of charming and dangerous at the same time."
"You want to make sure that whomever you're following you're not idolizing because that person is human."
"It just ingrained in me that I will never worship a man and put a man on a pedestal to the point where I love him more than I love myself."
"I couldn't let my God down because I when I tell you bro I you couldn't say nothing negative to me about Penny Hardaway like that was that was my Michael Jordan I keep that [ __ ] oh man yeah bro he had it all."
"We tend to put artists, especially celebrities, up on pedestals, conflating the quality of their art with the quality of their character and turning them into role models when maybe they shouldn't be."
"He's a kid that wanted to be cool and wanted to be Elon Musk meets Richard Branson."
"Wow, even this person that I love and idolize so much is going through a similar struggle as I am."
"Your videos painted how I should do things... and you have become one of my idols."
"Don't idolize people because once you do it makes it impossible to ever really tear them down and see them as people who should be scrutinized and remembered for who they were not, what we wanted them to have been."
"The warship factor is present in many of these people, like nothing he says can be wrong and everything bad he's ever said can be explained within the context."
"We see the rise of a man like Andrew Tate sadly being the idol of many of these young men."
"Don't put people on pedestals, and this goes the exact same for your favorite kind of creators."
"Do not idolize celebrities, guys. Do not idolize celebrities."
"He's declared a god amongst men. You're goddamn right."
"If you try to make an idol the source of your magic, things will fall apart once you learn the messy reality that is their true self."
"Ultimately, finding value and meaning in idolization is possible if approached the right way."
"Elizabeth Holmes idolized Steve Jobs, aiming for revolutionary innovation."
"I thought he was God, all that, and just classic 101."
"I don't want to put anybody on a pedestal because once you're on a pedestal you know what happens, you get knocked down."
"Keith was definitely looked at more than just this inspirational leader, he was pretty much considered like a god."
"Once you put somebody on that pedestal, you think it can never be challenged."
"Be careful who you pick as your heroes and even then so be careful how much you devote to your heroes."
"So many rich people that you suck up to and you kiss their ass and worship the ground they walk on they do jack [ __ ] for anybody but themselves but yet you worship these people and Elevate them."
"He's Paul McCartney, he's not even real, he's a God."
"I love Ronaldo, he'll always be a legend to me."
"Indian man prays to life-sized statue of Donald Trump as his god."
"It's extremely disappointing for someone that I have looked up to for a long time to not seem like they care about just disappointing so many people."
"Cult of Personality" is a critique of how we idolize public figures."
"You look like the lead singer of a boy band and he's on a poster up in every girl's bedroom." - Robbie
"Don't idolize the individuals and don't forget your community."
"Be careful what you listen to and careful who you idolize."
"Mr Beast is the greatest YouTuber to ever exist. He has dedicated his life to helping people and he is perfect in every way."
"That wasn't Michael Jordan out there, it was God disguised as Michael Jordan."
"Tottenham fans are gonna be hailing this guy as the god."
"He was the most important thing in the world to a group of people who built him up and made him feel like a God."
"That's like turning him into a Jesus figure that you can't you have to make up a theory about instead of like actually address it."
"We're all looking for someone to idolize and to seek answers from because humans are looking for answers."
"Celebrity worship is far from a new phenomenon... people have always put celebrities on a pedestal."
"That's the thing, sometimes you shouldn't really idolize someone too much because if you invest so much into someone, no matter what they do, you're gonna feel a little disappointed."
"They're projects where you can put them up onto a pedestal."
"Falling in love is a balanced union between two people. When we start to idolize people that we fall in love with, we put them on a pedestal, which means we raise them up and then we're looking up, which means we're below them."
"I give him a 24. He's got a golden right arm, and as the years go on, he's starting to look more and more like Jesus Christ."
"Everyone loves Batman. He is the superhero that everyone wants to be because he doesn't have powers."
"I trust in the heart of my idol and you should too."
"Someone always talks really highly of you like anything that you do you can do no wrong in this person's eyes because they just think of you like as a goddess or a God."
"If there is an image that we are to idolize, it is the very image of the invisible God."
"They respect you a lot, they even put you on a pedestal."
"They really have put you up on this pedestal."
"Absolutely, Rickles is one of my idols."
"Never meet your idols; they are always disappointed."
"I think I just really like John Elway. He was my childhood football hero."
"This guy is an icon, he is a legend, he's a hero to me and he's always been so nice and supportive of me."
"Jack sort of represents what she could be; she idolizes him wrongfully as the big hero."
"I'm so proud of you, you're my idol."
"I was always enamored with it... these guys are gods. I'd love to do a thousandth of what they're doing."
"LeBron James, the MVP. That's my go."
"I want to know who the ultimate example of this experience is for you when your Idols turn out to be the way that you would hope they would be, yeah."
"I think there's only one number that should ever be retired from the little league clear on up to the major leagues, and that's Babe's number three."
"Willie darling boy was always the idolized child of the household."
"Suddenly you hate your idol. Isn't it strange?"
"Priest Holmes is like my number one uh running back growing up, obviously. The thing Priest did, oh my oh my God."
"I'm a really big Miami Heat fan I have been since I was a kid and growing up like one of my biggest idols and role models was Dwyane Wade."
"I've always had that mother concept in my head. That was my queen, that was my god, that was my everything."
"He spent every moment trying to live up to the legacy Tony left behind, seeing the man as his idol and tried to comfort Tony as he slowly disappeared from existence."
"So many saw Tory the way Tesla's brother Jordy saw her, like a god."
"I have always idolized Iris and always thought that she was the love of my life."
"The guy is just a God, he loves him so much."
"This experience was really eye-opening because when you can experience these things that we idolize our whole lives, you realize they're really not that crazy."
"I know it's crazy, right? Now I can tell everyone that my first time drinking was with my idol."
"It's fine to desire marriage, but it's not good to idolize it."
"People project onto you because you are their idol."
"They really put you guys on a pedestal."
"There is no need to idolize anyone."
"When we're idolizing a person to the point where we're getting mad at God because they're not bringing our spouse, we're getting mad at God, we have made marriage an idol."
"...he was walking on air and to me it looked like he was like levitating I was like this guy doesn't even he walked over here and his feet didn't even touch the ground I was I had to I had to pinch myself is that Michael who and it was it's like he was like black Jesus to me."
"Only Mao is a great hero, a role to which no one else should dare to aspire."
"I'm giving them a chance to be idolized, which is an opportunity these women are never going to have again."
"This gave me like false god energy like I'm going to be with you even if other people say it's wrong."
"Be very careful who you submit to, be careful who you worship and idolize because you never know, whoever you're idolizing, you're going to inherit curses into your life. This is real, real bad."
"For me to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated like my idol Michael Jordan was a big deal so man I had to do a lot of good things over the course of an NFL season to get recognition to be on the cover of a sports illustrate that was unbelievable."
"Mbappe quickly fell in love with the beautiful game after watching his idols."
"A lot of people could literally worship you."
"Bands aren't just artists whose songs we like, they're our Gods, Our Heroes, our reason to live."
"Andre the Giant is Andre the Giant still. I love Andre the Giant."
"I still to this day get nervous speaking about this man because at the end of the day, you know, as much of a brother and a mentor as he is to me, still like my idol."
"But I think one of our favorite sports movies growing up was Without Limits, the story of Steve Prefontaine. I wanted to be him so bad."
"Anyway, the movie continues with the kids following Frosty wherever he goes, kind of like they're worshiping his every move."
"'The Rock and Roll Express,' the kids loved them, everybody was emulating him, he wanted to be the buying their stuff."
"I wanted to be like those guys. I idolized those kids. And when Bret Hart gave someone a kid ringside sunglasses, I wanted to be that kid."
"I really love Flavor Flav like I'm not even gonna throw up for nobody like I really love him like I get he got a big big huge place in my heart."
"'Livermore, as most men of the time, idolized Morgan, and was convinced that with all this money, he shouldn’t risk a total societal crash.' - Swedish Investor"
"We give to our idols what should be given over to God."
"My opinion is it's good just like I don't sometimes you feel you're getting obsessed with your appearance and it just becomes like another Idol before God."
"To his cult followers, this made him seem like a rockstar."
"Stan culture has been heavily promoted and glamorized."
"I wanted, at one point, I just wanted to be Tom Penny, you know? When I was really young, I just was like, Tom Penny had the coolest. He dressed the coolest. He looked like he was asleep while he was skating. He looked like he never messed up and he was just the most legendary."
"I grew up a Carolina fan, I mean I grew up watching Jordan hit the shot."
"Crash Nebula is a TV show character that Timmy Turner and his friends idolize and hold in really high regard."
"Being put on a pedestal and worshipped doesn't feel right. It's weird and dehumanizing. Don't do that."
"I absolutely love your channel. You guys are my idols, and I wish to be just like you."
"She wanted to do it all. She wanted to be Miss America, a veterinarian, a movie star, a lawyer, a musician like Michael Jackson. That was an idol."
"I idolized you before I even met you because of what you had done."
"I idolized him growing up, you know to every New Zealander was like that was the dude and you just wanted to meet him, you know what I mean?"
"It was real quick, like I was just a little kid getting to meet my idol, man."
"Human beings are putting ball players on a much too high pedestal."
"I wore number 10 like Maradona. Maradona was the guy, right?"
"He meticulously documented his life with knowing that people for generations and generations and generations would idolize him."
"Sorbay is of course perfectly set up to succeed. There is no difference between this Idol group and a popular Japanese idol group. No difference between the two. Might as well swap them out."
"Worshiping celebrities is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do because you have to realize celebrities are people too."
"The Bible doesn't say you are love. So don't idolize Yourself by thinking that you can be more compassionate than God by disagreeing with him."
"There were a lot of guys that love Deion Sanders I put myself right at the top of that list."
"My favorite player in the world, my idol, the one I hit in the top corner, Leo Messi."
"They see you as this goddess, this amazing creature."
"Children from every corner of the globe wanted to sing like him, dress like him, and dance like him."
"They deified them one way and then they actually they are just people with flaws who fail and [ __ ] up and that creates a bit of delusion because again 18 to 20 years being told yeah they're Gods and you realize wow the majority of these people are idiots."
"I idolized him when I was in college, many did, but I was different,"
"What I'm trying to say is that Lily is a bit of an icon."
"Why do you hate the person you idolize? You're making them more than what they are."
"Pop stars have always been this hyper visible yet also elusive and unattainable idol."
"Historically, pop stars have always been this hyper visible yet also elusive and unattainable idol."
"Rock and Roll should never have got to a point where it was elevated to this Godlike status."
"...there's a very fine line when it comes to characters idolizing other characters that we as an audience are supposed to relate to."
"Sometimes the people we idolize are actually bad people. Don't let yourself be blind to it just because you like or admire them."
"So stop idolizing human beings and worshiping them as though they have things that you don't have. All of you have whatever it takes to become a perfect reflection of God. Every one of you."
"People may kind of pedestalize you."
"Dime was a huge Van Halen fan and he idolized Eddie."
"Remember when idols were harder to find?"
"I just love Dave Grohl, he's my Guitar Hero."
"The moment you treat them like they are gods, even though you know they aren't, is the best feeling in the world."
"Be careful who you worship because we are all fallible."
"The TD Jakes controversy serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of idolizing public figures."
"They're obsessed with your looks and wouldn't mind putting you on a pedestal."
"She's real. You meet people that are so nice, they seem so nice, and when they get out here, you just want to be their friend. But they are horrible people, exactly. Never meet your idols, ever."
"Stephanie McMahon. Yeah, my personal Jesus. She's my favorite of all time."
"He was also my hero, my idol growing up. I loved my Dad."
"Every generation has idolized a Sci-Fi hero."
"I was like this is so sick just like Josh Hutcherson."
"Damon has been doing it long before me, like literally he's my idol."
"She is amusing and loves peanut butter. She has a huge imagination and idolizes Bomba the gorilla."
"I think we do a disservice to him when we see him as this perfect figure who was up there at the same level as Christ."
"People idolize these celebrities way too much."
"If erecting statues towards him, singing hymns to him, and not allowing any criticism of him isn't worshiping, I guess I don't know what worshiping is."
"This girl has followed her all her life and she's looked up to this person her whole life all of a sudden she's lucky or she's taken off or she's wearing it like this gives me complete legitimacy to wear it like her because she's a role model."
"Other killers just kind of adored him in general like he was some sort of idol."
"I think makeup is bad when you make it an idol."
"My father for sure has been my first and greatest Idol."
"He's the holy grail for a lot of people."
"It's normal and even healthy to pick a celebrity to kind of idolize a little bit."
"We praise these men so much to the point where they create this narcissistic personality disorder."
"They adore and admire you like a god or a goddess, seeing you as someone exceptionally attractive and passionate."
"People want to like this guy and they really want to go back to '98 and think of Mark McGwire the way they once did."
"It's always fun when you talk to these players Dan and a great young player says o my idol I'm in the same field with waren sap I that's what I want to be someday."
"So I didn't know I mean easily the guys that were coming down to the elevator were my idols I mean it was like Babe Ruth's and Joe DiMaggio coming out these were you know the greatest musicians and so I I I didn't know what to do."
"Steve, that's my guy right there, it's my idol for sure."
"He grew up dreaming about playing for Real Madrid to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Cristiano Ronaldo."
"Do not make anyone more than they are. Do not idolize men or women. They will break your heart, disappoint you."
"It's the Michael Jordans it's the G Brooks uh rest in peace with Houston Derek Jeter share like just those people that you put on the Mount Rushmore of your life and you're like oh my God if I ever got to meet them."
"All he wanted to be when he grew up was just like his idol almighty, someone that can save people with a smile on their face."
"He was like a religion, Richie Blackmore was everything."
"Idolizing spiritual leaders is unhealthy. Pastor worship can become greater with a larger audience, and the internet and social media have made it even easier for a pastor to be put on a pedestal."
"Pastor worship is common, but it's certainly not right and dangerous for all involved."
"This person's tragedy is that they've been let down by those they idolized, like their dad or authority figures."
"Gru and the Vicious 6 - idolization turned toxic."
"He's a legend. It's kind of exciting to see these familiar faces and people that I idolize."
"He made it, he made it. He was my idol because he was just... he never complained, he just soldiered on through."
"You're treating her like a celebrity and she's just walking all over you."
"Another reason for fan behavior, fan hysteria actually, is steering away from human instinct. It's also because people like The Beatles were creating environments where girls felt like they weren't being held to very specific gender roles."
"He's the 80s rock God that we all adore."
"It's not just the people who work for him. It's that there are basically millions of men out there who really idolize these people and would do anything to protect them and their image."
"If you want to emulate the successes of your idols, walk in their footsteps."
"They really have you quite on some kind of pedestal here."
"They're excited about you, they're excited. They want you to know they almost like worship you."
"Romantic love is often made into an idol."
"Robert De Niro is directing me... my idol from a kid, a guy who I mean who didn't love Robert De Niro, right?"
"Iverson draws Jordan. Now watch this. I mean, it was Mike. It was my idol. It was my hero. That was very inspiring for me."
"I honestly respect the hell out of them. Icons, every single one."
"If you were a young hockey player in Vancouver in the early 990s you wanted to be like Pavo buray."
"She became known as the little Idol and embodied the qualities of beauty and charm."
"So it was weird when we were young and in the metal band and all of a sudden we were opening for some of our idols."
"Oh trist Stratus she's definitely always been my dream opponent um I look up to her obviously I we kind of had similar backgrounds getting into wrestling she's always been super sweet to me every time I run into her and yeah she's just amazing."
"That was the first person I saw at practice, and I was just starstruck."
"My heart. This is Johnny Depp. This is God."
"It was evident by Daniel's response that he had a large ego and couldn't wrap his head around rejection, especially by an idol."
"I always that's how I was felt about like you know Jeremy McGrath and you know all these all the people that I looked up to you like those dudes were like gods to me you know."
"You never possessed Cleopatra; you worshiped her."
"Your image becomes your idol, and you will become a slave to that image."
"To see Big Jay, my comedic idol when I was a kid, say this stuff word for word."