
Economic Understanding Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The markets are anticipatory in nature. Most players never even reach the point of understanding that the market attempts to trade on a reality that does not exist yet."
"Do rich people understand the economy better than the rest of us? No."
"The economy and the stock market are not the same thing, but they are similar."
"The love of markets...means you don't understand how markets work and, in particular, how markets misestimate, ignore, and miss the real costs that go into the decisions made by market criteria."
"Easing inflation doesn't mean a return of purchasing power; it's just destroying it more slowly."
"Three books that changed your way of thinking: Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, The Quest for Cosmic Justice by Thomas Sowell, and The Federalist Papers."
"When we look at money as a store of energy, it really opens up a framework to understand this better."
"Learn economics and look around. See the miracles the private sector does."
"Making money is really different than making money."
"Financial intelligence is always about constantly understanding how things work."
"Long-term investing through many economic cycles, there's virtually no difference between the two."
"Regular people and very smart people have no idea of how our economy works."
"Rich is you have a lot of money today wealth is you have a lot of money tomorrow."
"I needed to study the Great Depression, I needed to study the 1929-33 period..."
"The other incredible thing I noticed playing that game is that I began to model the real world economy in my head."
"Figure out how this economy works and leverage that knowledge into buying assets to build your wealth."
"Understanding what's actually going on under the bonnet about in your country or your economy is like what we should all be trying to do."
"Conventional critics and mainstream analysts don't get the crypto economy."
"Inflation is when the money supply is inflated. When more money is created out of thin air, and there's more money in the system, the more money there is to chase around the same amount of goods, makes the prices of the goods go up."
"So what you get to keep is the difference, your purchasing power even in an inflationary time increased by about eight percent which is remarkable."
"Don't hate the player, hate the game. Blame the fact that you won't take the time to understand, research, read, and be a part of it or use it to your advantage. Blame yourself if you don't want to try to understand the game."
"Understanding what's going on in the economy should be at the heart of economics."
"Economics is extremely intuitive. It means just a little bit of logic and a little bit of understanding the relationship between different things will help you get the right answer every single time."
"Governments don't know how to make money; they're not designed to make money."
"The markets are only just now beginning to understand how serious this all is."
"Inflation is at zero? What are you talking about? It's calculated on a yearly basis."
"Everything moves in cycles... stock market cycles... economic cycles."
"You have to understand the nature of bubbles if you're going to be in them."
"The value of the dollar is dropping, so it takes more dollars to buy the same things."
"Having good credit doesn't mean having good income."
"Where does money come from? How does the thing that motivates the world function?"
"If we don't get educated about how money works, this is not going to go away."
"It's common sense. You don't have to have special knowledge to be able to understand that rising rates will affect the housing market."
"He actually understands the need for small businesses like my sister's to survive."
"Whenever you run into somebody saying 'well actually if you understood economics you would know that they're not really being exploited'... that person actually doesn't understand the structure of the argument."
"The rich will continue to become richer because they understand these two things and they will always continue to work to buy assets."
"The problem with Shark Tank is the more I learn about markets economics, the more it's hard to look at what they do in a vacuum."
"If you actually want to learn how the economy works, there is a second economics department in every university... and that place is called the business school."
"Everything it touches turns to crap and the reason is because they don't understand how the machine of economics works, and that's it."
"People in other countries who are forced to think in two different currencies have a much better understanding of what's going on right now than many people who have only ever had to think in dollars."
"This mockery of wergild does not necessarily indicate a fully structured Orc economy, it does show us Orc's understood the value of currency."
"Money you keep in your pocket is what tells you whether or not the economy is flourishing."
"You've got to make sure that you have a better understanding of the economy and opportunities that this difficult time may actually be having for designers, especially designers that are innovative thinkers."
"Economic bubbles form when people experience greed and fear of missing out and buy into an asset that's Rising rapidly in price with the expectation of turning around and selling it for a significant profit."
"Once you really understand gold is money, you're really asking what is the dollar's value in terms of gold, not vice versa."
"You don't have to have a PhD in economics, this is just common sense."
"Everybody knows what property is. We all work very hard to obtain property."
"The internet is gonna break the Fed because the Fed is dependent on at least fifty percent of Americans not understanding how money works."
"'The poor man wonders why he is poor, the rich man knows why he is Rich.' - 10 Penny Truism"
"The more I understand about the complexity that is the economy, the more my investing decisions become formed."
"To simplify all this: taxes on what you buy, what you own, and what you earn."
"Your fundamental approach to this conversation is [ __ ] and you need to go back to like economics 101."
"The big problems in the world... it's really just two groups: people who understand economics and people who don't."
"Money is material; it gives you this much stuff when you think about this much stuff."
"In our minds, at least in the Western world, we have come to confuse the dollar itself with the tangible items that it can buy."
"Money is a collective illusion and what does that even mean? Well, unfortunately, most people don't really understand what money is."
"We associate recessions with the worst parts without realizing there's usually a very slow build-up to it."
"There's this mode of consumption rather than an understanding of how we are all related to the economy through a mode of production."
"It's up 10,000 times, which would mean that he'd be up tenfold."
"Mindset and your relationship with money is probably the single biggest thing that you're going to have to adapt your mind to by far, by far."
"These people who say this are generally people who do not understand the nature of an economic decline they haven't read history."
"People often blame the president for high gas prices, but is that reasonable?"
"You cannot understand today without understanding capitalism."
"...we do not admit to most of our students in most of our colleges and universities that there are alternative ways of understanding what an economy is, how it works, what's wrong with it, and how to fix it."
"Once you understand how the world works, how economics works, and teach yourself and gain this knowledge, then I promise you that you're going to be successful over time."
"You're not broke because you don't have money; you're broke because you lack information."
"I really wish everyone understood this simple truth because I think everyone would be better off financially."
"Understanding how our economic system works, that way you can use your money as a tool, that way you can benefit from the way the economic system works."
"The three major policy mistakes during the Great Depression were a reflection of the fact that policymakers then simply did not understand how the economies operated."
"The Great Depression was the result of a failure of intellectual will, the consequences of simply not understanding how the economy worked."
"You gotta understand that's an investment."
"Things don't just change overnight; you need to understand how money flows."
"Thinking like an economist... includes being able to not only understand GDP and the economy but be able to forecast GDP."
"With this conference, we honor the legacy of Wilbur Wu who along with his wife Bess endowed the event to promote understanding and economic ties between Greater China and the United States."
"Unlike the United States or unlike the UK, I don't think people in Europe fully understand this disease called balance sheet recession."
"There's nothing we can do to fix it and Bill said no, there is something we can do to understand it and if we can understand it then we can fix it."