
Higher Purpose Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"If you care about having a loving, healthy marriage, having a loving family surrounding yourself with parents, children, grandparents, a community that gives you a sense of belonging, a sense of heritage and culture, you care about a higher purpose and the belief that existence is more than just atoms randomly knocking into each other... then Islam protects all of these things."
"The ultimate sacrifice is the sacrifice of the self to the highest good."
"We live for a higher purpose and we're ready to sacrifice in the defense of others."
"We need more spirit dominant leaders people who know what unconditional love patience kindness that there's more to life than the logical and the physical."
"God can bring a greater good even out of the worst evil, such as 9/11."
"Our goals for improvement should be driven by something higher than ourselves."
"There's a softness, a lightness, and steadiness in somebody who has surrendered to a higher purpose."
"Could it be that these sounds are a modern-day burning bush, a Celestial sign meant to draw our gaze upwards and our thoughts higher in the uncertainties these sounds evoke?"
"Even the most difficult cosmic phenomenons ultimately dare to help us toward some higher or greater goal."
"Believing in yourself, you believe in the world, you believe in your community, you believe in God, you believe in something higher."
"Real satisfaction comes when you acknowledge you're doing it for your creator."
"Find your higher purpose and use money as a tool for that purpose."
"In this world today legal ethical moral spiritual not necessarily religious but you're serving a higher calling than just the money."
"There's a greater love that exists for us to experience."
"We're serving a higher purpose that has come to us independently authentically."
"We are spiritually connected and have a higher purpose together."
"Let's change this world. Let's shake this world. Let's create something higher."
"Obligation and working for people outside of yourself working for a higher power working for things anything outside of yourself that's what gives you fulfillment that's what gives you gratitude that's what gives you a meaningful life."
"What you do matters. Even if people don't notice, it's about being of service to a greater goal."
"We must have some higher idea to strive for beyond day-to-day concerns."
"It's important to believe in things greater than yourself."
"Have faith in the higher purpose and trust in the universe's flow."
"Surrender is a conscious giving over of oneself to something greater in service to others."
"For me, spirituality means being connected to a higher purpose, being connected to something greater than yourself."
"Our children desperately need time for quiet reflection because it is in those fleeting moments that we find our higher purpose."
"This connection is meant to come together to serve a higher purpose."
"Lay Shen always believed there was some higher goal."
"I'm gonna now take it to the level where I'm gonna fight this on a spiritual level."
"She had a higher purpose, a spiritual person first."
"Service to a higher good. It's a roundabout Journey I'll tell you that."
"Because there's no higher existence than being in constant communion with your spirit."
"This connection is a spiritual one, a Higher Calling."
"You intuitively know that there is a higher way when it comes to money, when it comes to abundance, to success."
"You know, we're always seeking connection with something greater than ourselves. Something higher, something... we're seeking connection with God."
"Function from a higher place where you're not defined by others' opinions."
"What good is it to achieve a high standard of morality, but to do that with the wrong attitude?"
"Relationship is the currency; there's a higher purpose than money, which is relationship."
"Hold fast with that, please, because that's the higher vision, that's the higher view, that's the connection to the higher vibrational energy that's opening the crown chakra."
"The key to ascension is to begin to figure out what you will be doing at higher frequencies and then start doing as many of those things as possible."
"You're taking the high road, the path of a higher calling, even if it means giving up certain things."
"Everything is happening according to a higher plan."
"Everything that you have is to be offered up to the thing that's highest, that pulls you forward."
"When you ask for help from the spirit realm, and it's for your highest good, they're on it."
"We have to seek those things which are above."
"God's higher thoughts are always thinking of the greater story, not simply your personal comfort and prosperity."
"God's ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts, but his ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts."
"Justice is something much higher than your ego."
"You're seen as a purifier, someone who focuses on mental and physical health, and has a higher calling."
"They don't want us to think like 'yo, there's a bigger purpose out there. There's something that we totally don't even know about. There's not... there's something that maybe higher people in our... in our civilization actually communicate with and get game from...'"
"The key is having the ability to go against our lesser impulses of greed and fear for the sake of our higher ones."
"Even if things don't seem like it right now, a blessing will soon be revealed. There's a higher purpose to the events in your life."
"God is calling us all higher, like, God is calling us to a new standard and we need to rise, we really need to rise."
"There's something bigger than me here."
"The most beautiful gift is the benefactor gives you in the recognition that you are stewarding and sharing abundance on behalf of a higher source."
"Seek and set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
"...you are serving a cause bigger than yourself."
"Learning and teaching are part of your higher calling."
"Once you get their attention, take them to a higher level of concern for others."
"You're embarking on a new path that is directly connected to your higher calling."
"Inspired to do something that is higher than him and did it so naturally."
"Fix your affection on things above."
"It's about something that's a higher value."
"It is for not only the highest and greatest good of all those who experience this video but for the highest and greatest good of humanity and the highest and greatest good of this universe."
"We were made to live life on a higher level than that."
"Set your affections on the things that are above and your minds settled there."
"Set your minds and keep them set on what is above, not on things that are on the Earth."
"Daniel could serve them well because he served a higher Monarch first."
"Set your heart on things above, because the things that we see are temporary."
"If ye then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where the Christ sits at the right hand of God. Set your sight on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:1-2)"
"Once we're congruent and we can choose what we do, then we can surrender that will to a greater will."
"It takes a lot of patience... I think that's what it comes from, that higher purpose sense."
"Whatever particular glory a nation has is given up to something higher, and that's its glory actually."
"Once you have a powerful image that you can carry out to the world, that can be some use to the world, then you're looking at developing a dedication, a higher purpose."
"Human beings should work on the earth in order to lead it to its goal which is spiritual."
"We are born needing some understanding of what is above ourselves, what we're part of."
"You're blinded to the fact that things are working for your higher good, your divine good."
"Art simply for art's sake is not good enough. You need to use your skills for a higher purpose or deeper meaning, whatever that is to you."
"The Holy Spirit wants to use the relationships in a way that is seen from the higher perspective as truly helpful."
"Set your affections on things above, not the things of this earth."
"We all aspire to have a higher purpose in what we're doing."
"Because you are seeking for the higher truth."
"Their union is not solely for personal fulfillment but for the upliftment of humanity and the planet."
"It was the right thing to do, it was the right way to go and I knew and I accepted then that I may not make it to final two and I may not win this game but I may have come here for a greater purpose."
"Your allegiance is to something higher, and you will be called to share certain values, certain ideas for the world soon."
"When a person becomes a shamish, when he dedicates his life to helping others give light, to become a conduit for light and love and hope, that he empowers and inspires others, then indeed he is living higher."
"Get up, put on a suit, dress up, go out there with members of your community, and show your allegiance to something higher."
"Humanity itself is in this place of integration, seeking to assume itself in higher accord."
"Channel your pain to a cause higher than yourself, and you will find the power to overcome every obstacle in your path."
"The enterprise has the potential to have a higher purpose beyond merely maximizing profit and shareholder value."
"God does not act like us, his ways are higher than our ways."
"You start to acquire better, higher vibrational values in life, more values based off integrity."
"The word yoga, its root is 'yuj' which is to yoke, how we yoke our mind to some higher end, how the Atman yokes itself to Brahman."
"We submit to the laws of this land, be what they may, and acknowledge that from this day forward we all serve a higher purpose than want or need."
"The more you give to others, the more you commit to a cause higher than yourself."
"He recognizes the existence of a higher purpose."
"Beauty calls people to their higher being."
"His ways are higher than mine, and he knows he's in control."
"God's ways are higher than ours, his ways are just."
"We are an ancient brotherhood and ethos, people who live for higher purpose and who are ready to sacrifice in the defense of others."
"Transcendence: The urge to become one with something greater is variously satisfied in love, humanitarian works, or in the artistic, scientific, or magical quests of truth."
"You wouldn't have that calling if you were not meant for a higher purpose."
"The best single higher purpose or transcendent function is to maximize understanding."
"The higher choice is this satsang."
"The necessity of utilizing powers for good for the benefit of the whole human race becomes a kind of a greater goal."
"Higher calling, there's higher calling here, and there's prosperity with this 10 of Pentacles."
"Let me be a channel of something higher, something greater, something divine."
"Whatever is falling away, it's for a higher purpose."
"Don't get distracted by all of this Earthly success, you've got higher goals."
"We're putting Spirit back on top here, and we're following that kind of divine impulse."
"We're working for something higher, a higher purpose, we are doing this for love essentially."
"You have this higher purpose and you're really going to go after it."
"You are a light worker here to raise the frequency of the universe."
"You are connected to the higher realms and you are here to help shift this age."
"It is to the higher places, the higher thoughts, the higher self that you must turn."
"Trust. You may not always understand why certain things happen, however, there is always a higher purpose to the events in your life."
"This is an amazing opportunity where you could be given a contract to write a story, a contract to negotiate with higher dimensions."
"You have a higher calling, feeling bound to your calling to being this high priestess."