
Future Speculation Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"The markets are anticipatory in nature. Most players never even reach the point of understanding that the market attempts to trade on a reality that does not exist yet."
"This is mind-blowing. I wonder what piece of technology will come out in 20 years from now."
"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice."
"This island is gonna go down next and that's the last one. What's gonna happen, dude?"
"So what would that be like? How would that alter our civilization?"
"It might be the end of the world? No, but it might be almost a semi-agrarian world. Life might look a little bit more like it did in 1910."
"In the end, time will tell, but I’d still put my money on the Moon as the best shot, of course I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong."
"What is technology gonna do to us as a race, a human race? Could we become a part of technology?"
"It made people question: what is the future of Always Sunny?"
"Alright, now here is the most interesting question: How do you imagine the future with NFTs?"
"It's almost like they're gonna have to reset things in some way."
"What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet Immortal, with his powers fearful and Divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?"
"My joke was that, and I think I made this joke a year ago, in like 2030, everyone will be wearing gray jumpsuits with no pockets."
"Are the seeds being laid right now for future conflicts?"
"None of this can be known before it happens, but regardless of any scenario, whether there is other intelligent life in the Milky Way or not, anything we might discover or not discover will make for an interesting future indeed."
"Bitcoin gave rise to a new class of millionaires and billionaires. What does that mean for the future of crypto?"
"What path do you think North Korea will take in the post-COVID era?"
"Only time will tell if what we are witnessing are the last days of North Korea or if indeed a bounce back is on its way."
"At some point, we're going to stop separating the natural and the artificial, everything is going to become one."
"Democrats are behaving as though Republicans won't take power ever again."
"Maybe one day Humanity could join in in the dance of cosmic civilization."
"Extraterrestrial contact will change the world forever."
"Will it be something more powerful than actually being a president or a politician? I think so."
"What's next? We think crypto could be the solution."
"On the day that we do discover that we're not alone our society may begin to evolve and transform in some incredible and wondrous new ways."
"It's the end of the system we know... I don't know what fills that."
"The process of becoming the next Scientology pope because obviously, Miscavige will one day move on and there'll be another Scientology leader."
"You frequently find yourself wondering how technological advancement could change everyday life."
"It will completely upend our entire world as we know it."
"I'm not convinced we'll get fans in the ground before April."
"Where the hell is the gaming industry going? What's the future of the gaming industry?"
"What would the world look like if everybody was contained? You know, a lot of people have heard about dopamine. It's about more. It's about the future."
"I guarantee you they're going to evolve it... tell more of her story..."
"We're living in a history book right now, in like 100 years, they're going to be doing musicals about this Trump era."
"Drug dealers Anonymous, y'all think it's the future."
"OEM quality keeps it clean, fresh, and good."
"China could basically control the future without ever firing a bullet."
"The future of the world look more decentralized and free or even more centralized and controlled."
"How many cats will Britta and Annie adopt when they settle into married life?"
"In short, something comes along that makes us advance in a decade, what we would have previously thought would have taken centuries."
"Is this the end of x86 CPUs? Probably not, let's see."
"There's going to be another platform after that."
"I think it'll be fascinating to see where this AI stuff goes."
"What do I think is gonna happen with all this? Do these gun control measures coming down, another one's coming after it. What do I think is gonna happen? You don't want the answer because I don't want to discourage you."
"There's been this logical feeling that a lot of us have had and it's like where is the next step for this open world genre or what is going to be next for video games?"
"This is going to be an event that gets spoken about and talked about and remembered for many, many, many, many years down the line."
"They will continue to evolve and grow beyond our current imaginations."
"In the next 40 years or the next or the next, there may not be another game like 13 Sentinels."
"Is this only the beginning? It is if we keep on the same direction with the same administration that we have."
"Focus attack your point of armor rev a blow."
"After Donald Trump retires from politics, there will not be another like him."
"They'll come a time when somebody will get in office unfortunately who will undo what president Trump has done."
"The future of Gran Turismo may be even wilder than the past."
"I don't think that two years from now, four years from now, eight years from now, barring Trump, I mean Trump is a wild card in all this."
"Ripple and xrp sound like they're going to disappear or do they sound like they're part of a much bigger plan you decide."
"They'll probably last for many years beyond that, you know, in one form or another, but that really will be the final chapter."
"What if it ain't no black people in the future? What if it's all black people in the future?"
"Club over any player, always. Whatever decision's being made, like you said, we'll find that out in six months, 12 months."
"I kind of wonder, you know, fast forward 20 years, are they going to make an HBO special on how we as a society failed Amber Heard?"
"Do you reckon that'll be the thing in the future? We just eat and never poo."
"It's gonna be a fascinating thing to see where the genre of this looter shooter genre goes over the next few years."
"Imagine the day in 2013 when Sir Alex Ferguson is retiring and somebody comes on the pitch and says thanks Sir Alex, just to let you all know United aren't going to challenge for a title again for 10 years at least."
"Is it possible that AI could eliminate Humanity?"
"Avengers infinity war left us with some big questions about the future of the MCU."
"Maybe Panama could be one of the next nations that we see adopting bitcoin."
"The Disney sequel trilogy has ended, and many fans wonder where Star Wars will go from here."
"Is this the beginning of the end for the GOP?"
"If that somehow continues for the next 15 years, the S&P would be trading at $76,000."
"That's cool but don't play with your Marquee weak in that way they should because it's like and in Vegas has a bid for 2025 which we assume they'll get and then you'll see the difference."
"Underwater hiking sounds like a pastime in the far future, but this is just nature being strange but fantastic."
"That's the choice that every Central Bank around the world will be faced with over the next coming months coming quarters and only time will tell what the rest of them choose."
"Every day, the moment of now is actually all that's real, and the past may be fake. This future, obviously, is just something that you imagine in your mind."
"If it's not, you would think it's in another realistically just 15 years."
"One day we gonna dismount off this planet, oh yes."
"There seems to be a pretty mixed reaction... what this could mean for the future of social media."
"If Arsenal get new owners, we're in trouble."
"Did this result surprise you? How do you think this future America and the world would develop?"
"I'd love to know what you think's going to happen next week let me know down in the comments."
"If Picard's season three is what you feel it is and receives an outpouring of love and support, what is the likelihood that Terry Metallis would become the Star Trek czar?"
"Don't worry about being a Republican being independent start thinking independently ask yourself each each each political process were your values and principles stand."
"It's fun to imagine the far future of the universe, will we still be around in some form?"
"I think it's quite likely that what we will encounter is their artificial intelligence."
"When the hell is the first year we're actually going to lose the game?"
"I saw him earlier, he was out here at the studio, and he sat down with SimGuru Lindsay to talk a little bit about the future of the Sims."
"The end of humanity, history, and reality to me, demarcate the basic dimensions of this technological singularity."
"Is this a galactic peace forever at the end of Rise of Skywalker? I kind of don't think so."
"What's gonna happen to this era of comedy when, you know, we're 10, 20 years down the line and it's like there's just like a black gap in history?"
"Will they actually last? Will Zendaya, Tom Holland get married, live together, have like, you know, a house in England and in LA together, and be so cute and romantic and have kids and everything? That's the question."
"The future of PlayStation will be defined by who is chosen next."
"If we project those into the future, we're very likely to have these same traits that are so commonly described in these instances of close encounters."
"Bakugo's own DNA is inside One for All, leading to speculation about his role in the final fight."
"There's gonna come a day when we're not even gonna have to file for taxes anymore."
"Expect strange viruses to really pick up. We're talking about beyond any vaccines or beyond any killer bacteria."
"If it's truly the way you describe it, Luke, that the AI is smarter than us humans will be secured in their existence forever."
"So I feel like it's over time, the next two years, the next five years, there's always going to be a place I feel like for Dogecoin."
"The Witcher 4 seems inevitable, given the franchise's success."
"The rebirth of all power and control on earth starts next year."
"Are we going to be totally fine for the next few centuries? Let's talk about this."
"In 20, 30 years from now, when my son gets ready to come in the league, they might not even be testing for us mandatory smoke sessions."
"But when he's on holiday now and he hears that Darwin Nunez is going to Liverpool he will be sat there going, 'Okay what have they done there?' He can't negotiate the deal, that's not his job."
"I foresee massive unimaginable change in the future either creativity will reign with sulfur inventing machines spiraling into transcendental super intelligence or civilization collapses and living itself."
"First contact with aliens might be the most dangerous thing humanity has ever faced."
"At this point, it really is difficult to see much of a future ahead for Anthem."
"What's going to happen with Saka, Smith Rowe, etc. when they're 23 years old and never win anything?"
"A future that isn't built by men has never been tested, and I don't think it's gonna work out particularly well for mankind."
"I don't see him coming back from this. In fact, I see further change coming."
"If esports tanks completely in the next 10 years, every single one of those fans could still be there."
"Palestinians as well as Israelis will benefit when the day is probably not far off, American Jewry bids Israel farewell."
"We're seeing the beginnings of that now... you're having two rival space blocks that are forming."
"Can we skip to the part where Texas becomes one of the most economically advanced areas in the world?"
"Official first contact is basically the ideology of when, as human beings, we're going to meet aliens."
"So the question everybody wants to know is when. When will it end?"
"Evolutions, that's one of the most exciting things."
"This is all speculation of course, but that's why we're here to have some fun and think about the future."
"If Doom stays on this course in the future, I will be absolutely floored if Doomguy isn't in the next Smash game."
"10 to 20 years from now, Matrix remake/reboot, yay or nay?"
"Seeing that 'WandaVision' works, I think that's going to embolden them to take even more chances moving forward."
"The merging of humans and machines is happening now."
"Around 18 months out, we're gonna look back and go like, 'Wow, what is that going on? It's nuts.'" - Speculation on future events and their impact.
"Transection is basically it's a placeholder for all those far-off future states that we can't possibly imagine."
"So, what could be next? Perhaps if these organisms continue to be under increasing pressure to escape the water for longer and longer periods of time, we could be seeing the early stages of the evolution of real life 'flesh'..."
"If this many Americans have lost confidence in the president's cognitive abilities after just 10 months of watching him in action, imagine what it'll be like in three years when he has to stand for reelection."
"It remains to be seen what the British Monarchy will look like under the new King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla."
"They're not gonna walk away from single player at least not anytime soon. There's nothing indicating that."
"Let me know in the comments what you agree with, what you disagree with, and what you think is going to change over the next year."
"Are they going to help humanity or destroy humanity?"
"This has been a big question that I've had: what happens after the CDL?"
"But YouTube channels basically we are our own television networks yep yep and uh I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on where do you see all this stuff going in the next five to ten years."
"I like to think that in hundreds of years time our monuments and behaviors will be wildly guessed at by armchair archaeologists and fireside historians just like me."
"Crypto is kind of like a high school... your opinion on what should or shouldn't be the future is less important than what the market believes."
"It'll be interesting to see where comics are in the US in five years."
"AMD are kind of doing quite well anyway because obviously their designs are almost certainly going to be used on the PlayStation 6 and uh whatever the hell the Xbox is going to be called."
"Think about where the turbo S and the GT products of this platform will end up going."
"Honestly, probably Tesla has done incredibly well for themselves... I don't really see that coming to an end but only time will tell."
"I think we all could see million dollar Bitcoin by 2030."
"The potential implications for the future of Morty's character are something that have me really intrigued."
"What are we going to be doing with our lives when AI is able to do anything? We'll have the capability to do anything. What does that mean for humans? It's a really interesting question."
"I found myself asking, 'What's going to happen to religion in the next hundred years?'"
"I think as we look at this space, something, some digital asset is likely going to become the currency of choice for global trade."
"If somehow we have a Biden re-elected or a resumption of the democratic party, I would say that the dollar is dead."
"I think the future of Fallout 76 is still interesting... all this could be setting up for a massive 2022."
"But right now I think there are quite a few things that need to happen first before we even get there, that's why in my opinion valuing Tesla purely as an automaker might be incredibly short-sighted."
"All of this is unprecedented. What we're all wondering now is where will it go."
"There's really not many spots that you're able to own and that is why I think that a lot of these are going to be worth a lot more in the future."
"SpaceX is going to own that 550 kilometer plus or minus something."
"I believe that man is not just evolving... mankind is mutating."
"But in the meantime, it seems that light speed travel will always be the stuff of science fiction."
"We're gonna talk about everything that happened, what did it mean, what is it probably going to mean for Avengers 4 and Beyond."
"I think someone is going to do it. I think wrestling is... someone is going to be passionate about this stuff."
"I'm really intrigued to see life at City after Pep Guardiola."
"Science is changing. Think about where we are right now, where we were when you were a kid, and then think about where we'll be in 20 years from now."
"The next bull cycle is going to be all about metaverse projects, NFT use cases, and expansion."
"The true reflection of King Charles's reign will be determined by how he deals with these two men."
"What do you think's gonna happen in 10, 20 years if China is left unchecked?"
"There's potential election shenanigans in 2024, it's going to be a nightmare."
"As much as there's going to be robot prostitutes and robot warmongers I think there's also going to be robot angels robot priests robot fest that are going to try and push us to be better."
"If that's how fast everything happened, if that's how much everything changed since last year at this time, what's coming?"
"The most likely splinter evolution in QAnon is different grifters emerging with competing narratives."
"Nobody knows all the facts, nobody has a crystal ball, nobody knows exactly where we're going. This is really just for edutainment."
"Do you think Kosovo and Serbia will go to war again in the future?"
"Can I really expect to be happy in five years, having grown from, you know, 200 to 500 years or whatever because it's kind of the before."
"I think it's very tough to do. I think it's pretty tough. It's going to really raise like our privacy concerns and etc as well. I think they're so far away from that type of thing."
"Can you imagine how much different our world is going to look between now and 2030?"
"I suspect we're going to see the same thing with humans and technology merging synthesizing who knows."
"Where are these two headed? Is it long-term? Eventually love being offered."
"Pub G: beta vs. now. What do you think is the future of battle royale games?"
"I'm wondering if chat gbt and AI not yet GPT I don't know anything about it if AI is that is that that next I think it is technological Revolution."
"Robert Downey Jr is coming back he will come back it may not be this year may not be next year may not even be in three years."
"Scientists even look at Venus as a backup planet for Earth one day."
"Halo will be here 10 years from now. Is Infinite the linchpin on whether it survives that long? Absolutely not."
"This is only continuing with these latest characters and I can only imagine what kind of you know what might be coming down the line."
"Is he still the coach of the Pats after this season?"
"Maybe by then Coinbase will have even distributed the Flare and Songbird airdrops of their XRP holders."
"Why work harder than you have to when there's tech to do the job."
"You will own nothing and be happy, be happy. What, a house? And that's, and that was one of those things."
"Uub has a lot of potential just based on that."
"The future of money is being written on the Bitcoin network."
"It is seen as a matter of time before the end of Putin's regime."
"I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon."
"We could be traveling between the Stars before the end of the century. This could also Explain how and why we are being visited by other species that may be doing the same thing."
"A new era and what this team looks like in three months five months from now is not what we're seeing tonight."
"The potential is there man for this to be a really great trilogy...turtle content is always coming...this is why I throw it off to you guys...what do you think then the future for the TMNT is...happy to hear it all down below."
"Tesla is going to be talked about for ten years."
"At what point is enough enough, man? In 10 years from now, are we gonna be paying players a billion dollars?"
"we've come to the end of the first half in the second half of this program I'm going to be talking about the two other key factors the decline of the American Empire and the big question what comes next."
"Maybe despite all of it, maybe we'll look happy," the narrator muses about a potential future.
"Nobody is going to tolerate Prigozhin after Putin's gone."
"We're in this world where 15 years ago there was nothing like what we have now and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat feel like fixtures today, but in 10 years when we look back at them, I'm sure not all of them will exist in the form they're in today."
"I'd love to go back and visit this in a thousand years, what teachings they laid down."
"Assuming we avoid all of the great filter threats, it's the year 2100. How far do you anticipate humanity will spread across the Solar System?"
"If the world map can change quite a bit in just 10 or 15 years, how much could it change in 70?"
"The human race, living on Earth and Mars, continue on for many millions of years but with so much time having passed, they had completely forgotten much of their history."
"What will science achieve in another 100 years, 1,000 years, a million years? Colonize the cosmos? Is that our destiny?"
"Maybe we're the eventual conquerors of the universe."
"Aren't we on the verge of a new technological acceleration?"
"The future without jobs will come to resemble either the cultivated benevolence of Star Trek or the desperate scramble for resources of Mad Max."
"When my son is our age, will I be like, 'Son, give me the goggles, let me help you with your metaverse'?"
"If and when AGI does arise, we will be experiencing very rapid technological progress."
"Even if our life dies out, one could imagine, at some time arbitrarily far in the future, a fluctuation occurs which allows intelligent life to exist again for a little while."
"We're kind of like a dying breed, you know where are all the bands, maybe there's going to be a new era of bands."