
Speech Freedom Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"We offer free thought, we offer freedom of religion, and while we do not offer absolute freedom of speech, we allow freedom of speech."
"My prescription for the problem of our overlords dictating what speech is allowable is decentralization and democratization."
"A vast majority of Americans in every single political group, including liberals, feel like they cannot say what they want to say in public because they are afraid."
"I'd rather say something and be wrong than say nothing and had been right."
"I think speech is a significant issue of our day."
"Joe Biden wants to get rid of section 230... that's the end of the internet."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach."
"If every single person who opposed the far left insanity spoke up, there would be no conflict, no riots, no war."
"From now on we won't ban legal speech. That would be the best outcome. We'll see how it plays out."
"Words are not violence. They're not violence. They're a tool to avoid violence. That's sort of why we have the First Amendment."
"Free speech matters outside of the government setting, in big tech, in the rest of our lives."
"If you're afraid of saying something because you might be called racist for saying it, the problem isn't with everyone who's gonna call you racist, the problem is with what you want to say."
"I'll be damned if I stay silent and let some unelected Silicon Valley billionaire call the shots in this country."
"Twitter's new CEO explicitly stated that his platform will actually need to move beyond the freedom of speech."
"The quality of your life is determined by the condition of your heart."
"Speech is the foundation of everything. You have no power if they can control what you say."
"Stop being neutered and use your voice to defend our families and our children." - Reverend John Aminchukwu
"Nobody has the right to announce whether an entire community is cancerous or not."
"The left has eroded the distinction between speech and action over the last thirty years."
"I'm not talking about getting rid of speech, I'm talking about getting rid of the money."
"For the past few years, I feel like a lot of people have been walking on eggshells, unable to fully breathe almost because we're so afraid of saying the wrong thing, offending someone, and then having this authoritarian mob jump down our throats."
"It's an attempt. If I'm going to understand you correctly, you're an equal opportunity offender."
"The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech."
"The mic is open to anybody, and anyone can get a chance to come say whatever they want to say."
"Who's defining the boundaries of what can or cannot be said? Sometimes misinformation turns out to be true."
"Everyone got to say what they needed to say without being rushed off the stage."
"Where does this leave people in media when it comes to freedom of speech?"
"We've got to get a handle on speech and on our narrative or else we're gonna have a completely different country if we don't already."
"Say anything that points to chauvinistic, homophobic, I mean these labels just get thrown at you."
"The average person out there believes that you can pretty much just say whatever you want on the internet without any sort of recourse."
"Now gone are the days when African nations were in a bind and could not speak out even when faced with propaganda, now they speak confidently and no one can silence them."
"You don't treat mental disorders by enabling them and forcing other employees to change their speech."
"I believe that it is our duty and our high privilege to act and speak on all questions touching this great Commonwealth." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"If a private institution decides to host a free human being to speak on any issue with any level of fervency, it's their prerogative."
"Don't let anybody fool you into thinking that women are not supposed to speak."
"Just because you're a woman that doesn't give you a carte blanche to say whatever you want about your former partner."
"Freedom of speech, 100. Say whatever you want. Freedom of consequence is not so much."
"The founding fathers put it in the first amendment for a reason. It's that important."
"A small guy still having a platform at the end of the day is proof that there's no such thing as cancel culture."
"This is a resounding victory for free speech."
"Freedom of speech meant the absence of constraint, the absence of coercion."
"There's a way for both platforms and the American people to ultimately succeed in having additional freedom in their voice."
"Section 230 should be a digital translation to constitution and amendments. Platforms must accept all speech."
"Sometimes you just have to speak freely though."
"Freedom of speech should evolve from the people rather than being decided by a handful of editors." - Elon Musk
"Empowering people to speak about the unspeakable is crucial."
"We still have freedoms. We still can speak out."
"You can't say Ultra [__] on everybody objectively, yes."
"To truly be classified as 'a hater,' one must speak ill without an acceptable reason... a bust is admittedly not a nice term but it's not a derogatory term by any means..."
"There is nothing greater than speaking with dignified liberation."
"As soon as you lose freedom of speech, everything else goes with it."
"We have to stop being so afraid of doing politics. People, we gotta not be afraid of whatever you can't talk about."
"Profanity is being cut down and as you know we swear like sailors here, at least I do. I don't know Joe and, unfortunately, it's an issue with YouTube."
"Sure I can basically say shit, fuck, motherfucking, cocksucker, asshole, piss. I could say all those things and Jesus is gonna be totally cool with it, man."
"The freedom to speak is among our inalienable rights."
"The counter to hate speech is more speech, not less speech."
"Silence is violence and speech is violence, which doesn't leave you a lot of room."
"Don't let anybody try to put words in your mouth or make you act or do something that you don't want to do."
"We don't need more speech regulation or speech condemnation."
"Until Elon bought Twitter, you were not allowed to say anything out of step with your peers."
"So unless you're posting something that says go out and harm these people incitement for violence, that's a no-no."
"We need regulations in this country which clearly states when the likes of YouTube can and cannot ban somebody."
"Bill C-16 made it an offence to refuse to call someone by their chosen gender pronoun."
"I think any laws on uh speech that don't incite or defame or something like that should be scrapped."
"At long last, I'm able to say a few words of my own."
"We don't have any sponsors, we don't do any advertising, we don't have any propaganda telling us what to say."
"Freedom of conscience, freedom of the press, free speech... that's straight up like Luther, Calvin, Protestant stuff right there."
"Hi, welcome, my name is Angelina, and my ban on speaking about BTS has temporarily been lifted."