
Freedom Of Thought Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"One of the most fundamental of all human rights is to think and believe what you will, for whatever reason makes sense to you."
"I think that the only thing that's really missing is...a place where any and all ideas can be explored freely."
"The right to be wrong gives us permission to think, to explore ourselves and figure out where we land on something."
"Thinking should be permitted. Thinking should be allowed."
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge and there is no place for it in the endeavor of science." - Referencing Carl Sagan
"We believe in freedom of thought and expression. Think what you want, seek out the truth, learn from those with different opinions, and then freely make your voice heard to the world."
"In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it."
"I don't think I'd ever be in favor of outlawing any system of thought. Thought should be free."
"If we're going to be free to think, we must be free to speak."
"This is leadership as we aspire to this is this is freedom of thought and and and and you know true leadership."
"You can't police what people think and believe."
"It's the worst form of slavery imaginable because it's the slavery of your mind. You are not free to express any independent thought."
"That's exactly what everyone always says they think their ideas are better and they have a right to suppress other people I disagree that is authoritarianism."
"When you can't talk about the facts, things become corrupt. If you shut the door on ideas, if you say you're not allowed to test it, you're not allowed to have that idea, you've left the realm of science."
"Canceling people for having different ideas than we have is dangerous."
"It's wrong to destroy freedom of thought and freedom of speech."
"In a free market of ideas, people can still decide who they listen to, whom they believe, what they want to think for themselves."
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought conscience and religion."
"The prime purpose of education is to free students from narrow perspectives, limited thinking, and partisanship."
"You have complete freedom to think and therefore to be anything that you intensely desire."
"I'm a big proponent of people believing what they want to believe."
"In society, totalitarian state where all your thoughts are policed, do not comply."
"Everyone is allowed to think however they want."
"You can censor people and shut people up, but does that really change their attitudes and what they think in their head?"
"Trying to control it just so other people don't have to think makes you no better than Anita Sarkeesian."
"Freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men's minds which follows from the advance of science."
"Being able to think freely is the most basic Liberty there is."
"You can't force people to think like you want to think in today's world."
"Ideas must be allowed to exist; there's no justification for having people go into unconscious biased training."
"If thoughts were prosecutable, we'd all be screwed."
"It's a free country, and I appreciate the doubters."
"No one should able to tell you what are the things you can think."
"People should have the right to think for themselves."
"Somebody should be able to have a fleeting thought and not be persecuted for it."
"Freedom of thought is really, really vital to a democratic society."
"People have a right to be wrong, people have a right to take in information, people have a right to read whatever they want."
"The intention to suppress thought and to suppress different points of view never works."
"It's that space to be a thinking human being that we have to keep defending."
"Because in order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive."
"Education should train you to analyze, reach your own conclusions, but defend other people's rights to reach their conclusions."
"We believe in equality of opportunity, freedom of thought and expression."
"Do you think thoughtcrime is becoming a real thing in our society?"
"You're allowed okay, you're allowed to don't let anybody be out here trying to tell you that you're not allowed to change your mind because you are."
"We have to be free to think and then to actualize... to collaborate and to make the world a better place."
"I mean everybody's a fundamental right freedom of thought that you should have, that you should be allowed to believe whatever you believe for whatever reason you believe it."
"People have a right to be wrong, to take in information, to read whatever they want."
"If we're not permitted to question the beliefs, there's no power to what we're being taught."
"Listen, you can believe whatever the hell you want to believe."
"Nobody got a memo, nobody was told what to say, what to do, and what to think."
"You can openly question stuff and it's okay."
"People in general are sick of being told what they can think, what they can say, what they can do by authority."
"I swear eternal hostility on the altar of God against every form of control over the mind of man."
"If our thoughts and our discourse aren't free, then we ourselves will never be free."
"Whenever you look at totalitarian regimes, the government will use anything in their power to suppress individual thought."
"People are allowed to be bad. They're allowed to have ideas that you think are abhorrent. That doesn't take them outside the fold of being American. They're still our fellow American citizens."
"They want a world in which free thought is criminalized."
"Part of having free thought is having the freedom not to agree with you."
"The idea that the White House is so interested in trying to control what people think is very un-American and very dangerous."
"Our freedom to engage in political and religious thought is nothing unless we have the ability to meet head-on our opponents."
"Nobody should be criminalized for thinking and for praying in a public space."
"A diversity of what could be considered reasonable opinions based on arguments should be permissible."
"What kind of independence gonna have? Are you able to think freely? Are you able to express your thoughts freely? Are you able to launch and establish businesses without the incumbents of the state?"
"Without freedom of speech there could be no freedom of thought and if you don't have freedom of thought how can there be anything as Liberty?"
"Every person has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think."
"Seek truth don't let them control your mind it is the only thing we truly own."
"The great awakening is freedom of thought." - Q
"Everybody has the right to their opinions. That's what makes it an opinion, right?"
"You're allowed to think what you want, but be careful what you say."
"Everybody gets to have their own opinion."
"It's almost like freedom of thought as opposed to religious freedom."
"You have to be able to think freely and express yourself freely. And you can be wrong, and if you're wrong, you have to be able to admit you're wrong."
"Freedom especially the freedoms that enable us to pursue the truth freedom of speech freedom of thought freedom of Association"
"You know, if you believe in what you stand for, go for it because this is a free world. You like to think the way you want to think."
"God gives to every soul freedom to think and to follow his own convictions."
"I'm about over everybody trying to tell everybody how to feel and how to think."
"Disagreeing with the church does not make one anti-Mormon any more than disagreeing with any other faith makes one anti."
"Work in freedom, don't be tied by people's thoughts."
"You're allowed to have your opinion too."
"I'm allowed to think things, you know."
"I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought."
"The reason that UFO clubs are more popular in China is they now are free to think what they want."
"Don't let anybody tell you what you can or can't think."
"Everybody has their own opinion and can form their own opinion."
"Banning ideas is not the path towards a liberal society; it is the path further down the road towards authoritarianism."
"No one can ever take away your freedom to think for yourself, to choose what you are willing to believe is possible."
"We can't censor every thought and every feeling."
"Every person is entitled to their own opinion."
"Having that freedom of thought gave me so much peace and so much contentment."
"People are entitled to disagree with me and I'm totally okay with it."
"The beauty of thoughts is that they should be our uncensored space."
"This is my opinion. You are allowed to have your own."
"You're entitled to your opinion and disagreement."
"I think you have the right to think the way that you choose to think."
"The free exercise of thought... it's such an unusual thing even in the so-called developed world."
"I've always believed that a pony is entitled to have unpopular opinions."
"We can think what we want to think, and we're free to worship God."
"Such a trinity of freedom of thought is the only guarantee against an infection of people by mass myths which, in the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into bloody dictatorship."
"People are entitled to feel how they want to feel, people are going to wither up and come up with all kind of stuff in their mind to make it make sense to them and that's fine."
"You believe it, that's your choice; you don't believe it, that's also your choice."
"So long as you think, so long you remain free."
"We're all welcome to think however we please."
"The very concept of thought crime is anathema to my view on what one could be morally responsible for."
"People are entitled to their own thoughts, and if we don't have our thoughts, what do we have?"
"I don't want to live in a world where a Ministry of Information gets to decide for us what we're allowed to think."
"Let people believe what they want to believe, let people have their opinions, even if you disagree."
"Freedom of speech means nothing to me if I don't have freedom of thought."
"I think it's impossible to cage, to lock up an idea."