
Changeability Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"The roles were discerned that way, and they don't have to stay that way."
"Personality can absolutely be altered; it comes from understanding your reaction."
"Your reality is not fixed, your destiny is not hard-coded and set. It can be changed, it can be altered."
"Why would the gods send a warning if we can't heed it and change what's to come?"
"Sentiment can change in a dime. It doesn't take long for people to completely do like a 180 on sort of like what their predictions are."
"And remember this is an online game it's subject to far more change than a single-player game and the review is gonna be updated if those changes adjust the score."
"Beliefs are a choice and every choice can be changed."
"Positions on anything can be changed, maybe not all of them all the time, but any of them potentially."
"Drip ain't nothing in that comparison because she might have it on a day she might turn around 10 years later and have it off."
"The past is forever, but the future, even if it has been written, can be changed. So focus on the future, not the past."
"Humans can only follow their code, however the hosts can change their own code."
"Evil is not a permanent characteristic; it doesn't have to be."
"The future is never set in stone. It can always be changed. It's malleable."
"Tony believes in determinism and that people can't change."
"Picking favorite books is so difficult because I could easily talk to you about like recent faves but I never know which favorites are gonna stick around for long enough that they become all-time favorites."
"Understanding that there are things in this world that you can change and there are things that you can't."
"Nothing in life is permanent, you can change anything at any time."
"The future isn't set in stone and it can very much be changed."
"It's not permanent, you know, we can change it and we have to change it."
"Positive beliefs bring freedom to choose and the ability to change."
"Personality is not fixed, it's not permanent."
"It's like the rain in Puerto Rico, it'll change in five minutes."
"Even if you remote view the future, it ends up changing."
"I was a massive misogynist 10-12 years ago, but I've changed. We can all change."
"It's amazing how quickly it swings, but that means it can swing back the other way."
"Before you panic about making a decision and never being able to change it, don't worry."
"It's just a ride and we can change it anytime we want. It's only the choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money."
"The future, even if it has been written, can be changed. So focus on the future, not the past."
"If you want to change your personality it turns out that you actually can."
"It didn't have to be this way and it doesn't have to be this way."
"The good news is that nothing is ashes in stone."
"Soul ties can be good or bad, they can start out good and turn bad."
"Every story is subject to change, every future potential is still subject to change."
"Belief itself is a construct and can be manipulated and changed."
"That's the thing about endings, they can be rewritten."
"Even our world can change just as quickly, like a watercolor painting caught in the rain."
"Hard fortunes can change in the space of 24 hours."
"Patterns tend to repeat themselves; they don't have to."
"Everything is changeable, trust in the higher forces."
"All of those things are learnable, changeable ways of controlling your own consciousness."
"Everything can change in South America with one election."
"It's sunny one minute, rainy the next. Happy days."
"Everything is malleable. Everything, you can change it."
"These things are solvable and now through knowledge and awareness and information I start recognizing, hey, these things are also changeable."
"...Shakespeare seeks to show us that love is not a constant thing and that it is ever-changing."
"There is always the possibility of changing a power relationship."
"Morality is not a constant. Principles are not immutable."
"The history of taste is a story of constantly shifting attitudes which are neither inevitable nor infallible beyond the moment in which they are in favor."
"If your happiness has to depend on external factors, those external factors will change."
"It's one of these amazing misty rainy days where it keeps shifting from complete cloud cover clearing up a little bit, a little spot of rain; it's just absolutely gorgeous."
"In the world of toys, and especially in the world of GI Joe classified, plans do change."
"History is made, and that what is made can be unmade."
"You can change the expression of your genes."
"If you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes, it'll change."
"The good thing about the epigenome is that it is changeable."
"Emotional habits are malleable throughout life with some sustained effort, even at the neural level."
"The lifespan, the rate of aging, is actually plastic and subject to change."
"Right view therefore is to understand is to see this deeper truth that all things are changeable."
"All reality is changeable, all reality is in a sense unsatisfactory, that it does not provide us a secure refuge."
"Humans feel one way one day, the next day we want something else because we're used to it, we want a thrill."
"If you don't like the weather in Scotland, just wait 15 minutes."
"The word poor speaks of a position or a condition... it's subject to change."
"None of them is god-given; all of them can be changed."
"Hopelessness isn't something that cannot be changed."
"It changed color a dozen times, it went from blues to reds to oranges to stripes."
"The sun has finally come out; it has been so crazy today, one moment raining, one moment sunny."
"Perception is our most unreliable sense because it can be changed so instantly."
"Changeability is a property of your system that you should prioritize pretty high."
"The world can change on a dime if you have to or if you want to."
"I absolutely love it, and eventually, you'll see the shelves change a lot."
"Memory is a fickle thing; over time, our recollection of specific events can change or just fade altogether."
"Our feelings can change, and they often do, but our biological sex is an unchanging, empirically knowable fact."
"The weather can change in the matter of a couple of hours; one minute you can have bright blue sunshine, the next minute the snow can be coming down."
"One minute you can have bright blue sunshine, the next minute the snow can be coming down."
"Nothing is irrevocable, I mean nothing is set."
"The old adage heard in many northern regions is that if you don't like the weather, wait a minute."
"Don't like the weather in New England? All you got to do is wait a minute."
"Can I pick a favorite? Well, yes I can, but it changes every 30 seconds."
"The future is ever-changing, which means that we have free will and decisions that we make can alter our future."
"The light is easy to move but difficult to fix."
"Reality is totally different now, look how malleable it is."
"...beautiful landscapes that can shift and bend when you least expect it."
"It was almost hypnotizing to watch, not only did it change colors but it changed shape as well."
"Morality is purely subjective, purely relative, and changes over time."
"We say that race is not important by simply showing how easy it is for race to change."
"Feelings are fleeting. I guess I could wake up tomorrow and feel totally different."
"Our psychological problems are not fixed; the reasons behind them can always change, and we always have the freedom to do things differently."
"Catherine's face was just like the landscape; shadows and sunshine flitting over it in rapid succession, but the shadows rested longer, and the sunshine was more transient."
"If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 15 minutes and it'll be different."
"Opinions change so often, can you even take the general public's opinion on anything seriously?"
"Her emotions can change. Even if she says it's hopeless today, that can change in the future."
"What has been made so quickly in such a short period of time can be unmade just as quickly; what has been designed can be redesigned."
"Beliefs are not set in stone; you are changing your beliefs almost daily."
"Ancient Chinese believe in predestination but at the same time they believe that their fate can always be changed."
"The main asteroid belt, one of the most changeable and mysterious areas in the solar system."
"Change my mind up like it's origami."
"Our minds change 24/7, and our lives are always changing."
"Dragons are neither male nor female, as changeable as flame."
"...we can't create a punishment that's not changeable and apply it fairly to children."
"Truth isn't fixed. It is always changing. It's slippery as a piece of soap in the shower."
"Memory details can change over time; details can be added, subtracted, exaggerated, or downplayed."
"Your tastes can change day to day."
"In the center of the ring was a zultanite gemstone, a jewel which would change color depending on the environment."
"It's a flip-flop color, it's like a pearl that you spray on black so in the sun, it'll change."
"If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait a minute."
"I speak about how I'm feeling in the moment; tomorrow I can change my mind."
"The future is not immutable. We will find another future."
"It's got like a color shift; it's pearlescent."
"Everything we're going to talk about today is present and accurate at the time that we're talking about it; it may change tomorrow, you never know."
"Everything can be successful, it comes and goes, it changes form."
"All beliefs in science are provisional; they're subject to change."
"If you don't like the weather in Central Oregon, just wait five minutes."
"The influential mind is really about how people form beliefs, how beliefs can be quite stubborn, but how change is possible if we understand the human mind and if we understand thinking."
"Have you noticed how quickly the wind turns? One minute the water's calm, the next it's treacherous."
"If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes; if you do like the weather, give it 15 minutes."
"Facts are not truths. Facts can change, but truth can't."
"Changing weather is like changing human mood and emotion."
"Nothing is permanent; everything can be changed over time due to preference and change of preference."
"Your mind's basically just a program and it can be reprogrammed."
"If you don't like the weather in Kentucky, wait a minute."
"Cancer in love is sort of the most in flux, it's ruled by the moon."
"From lovely blue skies yesterday to rain, drizzle, and clouds - welcome to the UK."
"Tomorrow's friend can be tomorrow's enemy; today's enemy can be tomorrow's friend."
"The present levels of inequality are not inevitable."
"Remember, whatever is blinking is what can be changed."
"Facts are changeable, they're not like truths. Truths are not changing."
"Masculinity is not just an inherent thing that exists; it's a thing that can change over time depending on what people decide to do."
"If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute; it will change."
"My shape constantly changes, the only thing that stays constant is my brown eyes watching you."
"When you recall a memory, it becomes changeable and then, it is stored again like a Word document on a computer."
"Science is provisional... it is always subject to change."
"The future should be changeable depending on the individual and surrounding."
"The future is always in motion; what you see may never come to pass."
"Hypotheses and theories can always change based on new information."
"Chanchal is the idea that the mind is always distracted, it's ever-changing."
"Opinions can change; they're going to change in a game of basketball or any sport."
"Science of the past is not to be dismissed. So what do you do? You have to concede that the criteria of demarcation are changeable."
"Since methods of science are changeable, demarcation criteria are also changeable."
"If you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes, it'll probably change."
"Happiness is a state of mind, you can change that; it's relative, it's like success."
"For me, nothing is like set in stone. I changed my mind constantly, nothing ever stays the same with me."
"These classic type multi-chromes really do shift so much."
"It's just like how dreams alter very fast; like at one moment, you can be in the sunshine frolicking, next minute you could be being chased by zombies."
"Football can just change, can't it? It can change so quickly."
"If you don't like the weather, give it a few minutes; it will change."
"Science is provisional; it's subject to change with new data."
"Everything is set dressing; the buildings you're in, the relationships you have, it can all be removed within seconds."
"What you think at 10 in the morning is often very different from what you think at 6:00 in the evening."
"We can change the future, can we? Or is it fixed and there's nothing you can do?"
"These meanings arise from the interaction process; they are not fixed, they are changeable."
"The weather changes at the moment it looked okay, it was dry bit dull but dry."
"Anything with enough heat applied is meltable."
"The things that seem unchangeable are in fact very changeable by your perception or your assumption."
"The software rewrites and changes the hardware."
"Wait five minutes and the weather in Arkansas will change."
"If you don't like the weather, just stick around because it's bound to change."
"Energy is fluid; it can change anytime."
"It's a beautiful blue day even though it just got a little dark with some clouds."
"Just because you feel one way at one moment doesn't mean you can't feel a different way another moment."
"So just remember that energy is fluid, and the roles could be reversed."
"Energy is fluid, the rules can be reversed."
"Your fate is not fixed, your future, your destiny is not written in stone."
"If you don't like the weather in the Midwest, just hang around a while; it will change."
"Science changes even if it works. So what I'm sure about is this: I am sure that science changes and its conclusions change."
"The energy is fluid, and the rules could be reversed."
"Life is changeable, there are never any definites or definitive endings to anything."
"Convince me that I'm wrong and I will change my mind."
"The morality based on the society, so if the fashion changes, they change."
"You can have all four seasons in one day, fuller with us 10 minutes."