
Legal Systems Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Religion didn't rule; we had secular law, and that was hugely attractive."
"The intersection of law and politics is a battleground where the soul of America is at stake."
"Until you do that, if you go after companies or individuals, which is what we tend to do in a country that's about the rule of law, they're going to say we don't care just like they can harvest your organs as a Falun Gong."
"It’s going to make our country safer, more just, and it respects the value and dignity of human life exactly as our Constitution and our laws should."
"It's offensive morally and intellectually, as applied, it's illegal."
"Having a judicial supremacist on the court who wants to steal our liberty and steal our self-governance and govern from the bench... to have someone who defers to the constitution and applies it as written and originally understood... that's fine."
"The law was made up by people. People can do anything they want."
"One third of the whole planet, you guys, look it up, look at the map, just look at all the countries, look at what their laws are, you'll feel sick to your stomach."
"The mainstream Islamic legal tradition accords more rights to non-human animals than do the legal systems of the contemporary West."
"Critical race theory is a decades-old academic concept arguing that racism is embedded in legal and societal structures."
"For a healthy society, it's not enough for us just to have laws and to prosecute our rights under those laws."
"All countries and jurisdictions have laws of their lands and rights bestowed upon the people that reside within those lands."
"Charging a 16 year old with murder is heartbreaking because they are children."
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." - Frederic Bastiat
"We have equality in this country, we have civil rights law, and they're seeking to undo it."
"The best justice takes the person's context into account."
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of people in a society over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that justifies it." - Frederic Bastiat
"It's like they're trying to break down all the normative systems and legal protections for people to vote."
"Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions like fake news to damage and delegitimize an opponent."
"The decrees of Nueva planter would essentially merge the legal and jurisdictional domains of both Castile and Leon and Aragon together."
"If there is no legal remedy for your grievances, what do you think happens next?"
"Germany has a very strong legal stance, a very strong stance in support of human rights, and again, the upholding of the international system."
"Courts are embedded within a larger hierarchy of relationships and power dynamics."
"Civil disobedience... you're really trying to make the system of laws better by showing the injustice."
"The reality is that such man-made laws exist purely at the convenience of the current regime..."
"Justice is not often easy and does not fit the mold of public opinion."
"If we do not put a federal backstop right there, then all it takes is a local prosecutor to not want to prosecute a case of this nature."
"Rule of money is superordinate to rule of law. If you have broken money, then rule of law just breaks faster and faster and faster."
"If you have a lot of money, you can use the law for your own ends."
"The court went further to note, 'You can't just manipulate the government any way you want.'"
"If black men can go to the supreme court off the plantation to petition to be with women of no color, why couldn't they go to the supreme court and petition for you to be in a better situation?"
"We're talking about genetically modifying it and poisoning and we're also talking about a system that allows a class-action lawsuit to apparently settle things for all time."
"William Barr's attorney general, basically create a pre-crime system within the Department of Justice that's, goes by the acronym DEEP."
"What happens if a jury hears the case and you wonder why the jury comes back not guilty it's because the jury has a mindset that has been informed by racist white media."
"Constitutions are worth less than the paper they're written on. They protect capitalist relations, ensuring profit and private property."
"Courts like arbitration because if you arbitrate a case it gets resolved quickly and outside the courtroom."
"Law is downstream from politics and politics is downstream from culture."
"We are fighters for democracy, the real rule of law."
"It's one of the biggest like achievements of mankind internationally is the rule of law like you should generally be siding with somebody if they are truly innocent."
"The fact is more races need their unique laws."
"Men need legal authority, not authority without responsibility."
"Unfortunately in Colorado we cannot [broadcast live from court], and I'm a firm believer that all courtrooms should basically be on a live feed that anybody could watch at any given time."
"Small claims court specifically for housing disputes."
"Courthouses are much like that... they've implemented this whole system of magic spells to convince people that they're not arbitrarily lording over these properties through Force."
"Women run this country, other countries that's why they have laws like that, that's why they have religious like that because women are so powerful."
"The common law prevails... don't let anybody tell you Admiralty law prevails because it only prevails if you get sucked into it."
"The libel laws are very weak in this country. If they were strong, it would be very helpful. You wouldn't have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes to your head."
"It's impossible to escape this balance of things and Brazil has edified that concept legally."
"What should be the role of monetary incentives and market thinking in designing rules, policies, and legal systems?"
"The impact of the Napoleonic Code extended far beyond the borders of France. As Napoleon's empire expanded, the code was implemented in conquered territories and influenced the development of legal systems in countries such as Spain, Italy, and Germany."
"It's the look of a man who clearly knows the difference between the secret codes of Sicilian justice and the written codes of American law."
"It was an explicit legal structure for hundreds of years in this country."
"Policy and law are two different things."
"Legislatures and parliaments make declarations, courts decide."
"This really speaks to the intricate legal system that was created to enslave people."
"Much more important than those laws is the culture that we allow to grow up around our country."
"We are not only dealing with a legal system, we are dealing with morality and ethics."