
Mutual Benefits Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"If you focus on building relationships, there's only wins."
"When I take your perspective, and I think about what you really want, you're more likely to give me what I really want."
"The generous will prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."
"It's important for us to figure out the facts... so that we can figure out how everyone involved can benefit."
"I much prefer the sponsorships where I do get money but it actually helps other people."
"Mutually assured profitability or mutually assured benefits is that both parties get to do it and so why would anyone want to call it out right?"
"Mutually beneficial transactions are beneficial. So we should not interfere with them."
"You can't get rich without making other people rich."
"The ways that we are different have benefited each other so much."
"If you're genuinely friends with someone... then it's not using, it's just friends doing a collab."
"It's a win-win and it's the right thing to do."
"Both the passive and the active investor can use skin in the game to their advantage by ensuring that people they entrust their money with are sitting in the same boat."
"You're incredible, and as much energy as you're putting into this, you're also getting a lot back."
"He put the lights out, he got the three count."
"How to make the process of change beneficial for the most people, how can it be good for America, how can it be good for China, how can it be good for people around the world."
"When China and the United States work together, the world wins."
"It is very important for the United States and Pakistan to consistently engage and honestly engage to find mutual benefits."
"Investing is supposed to be reciprocal, like love. So if you make the black community a legitimate partner in your endeavors, then guess what? Not only will the black community benefit, but you'll benefit too."
"Do something because it's mutually beneficial and because it's the right thing to do."
"Both of you see the potential that you guys have together."
"Even if it was bad, who cares...better for them, better for us."
"My goal is to create light in such a way that everybody wins, everybody benefits."
"I actually think overall it works out for all parties. It looks like a good move."
"What relationship does not benefit from both people being more present?"
"Is there something we can do to work this out so that we can both get our needs matter?"
"I think both sides in this get something that they want."
"The point of collaboration: we both bring different things to the table."
"Advice that benefits men simultaneously benefits women."
"I think the EU will gain more from closer relationships with Ukraine than Ukraine will actually get from a close relationship with Western Europe."
"All of us get along better if we behave nicely to one another. It all comes out best for the rest of us."
"Fostering kittens doesn't just benefit the kittens, it also benefits us."
"The financial well-being of all these guys are intimately intertwined. They're all compensating each other for preaching at different churches and conferences."
"Get your list ready, pay off God's house, He'll pay off your house."
"AMC branded credit cards might work really well for both the holder and us as the company."
"Perhaps it's time we consider helping others and giving back. It could benefit our company in ways we never expected."
"If somebody does something good and it helps another party, both sides can benefit."
"It's a win for everybody and that's how you do affiliate marketing."
"It really is kind of a win-win for everybody situation."
"Art and science need one another, they thrive for one another and they build on one another."
"It's a win-win for everybody because it ends up helping us grow and it helps you save."
"Compromising comes from a place of what they're getting out of the relationship."
"Mutual de-escalation is better for both China and the U.S."
"The merger had been very mutually beneficial for both companies."
"Everybody was nice, and it's in everybody's best interest to be kind."
"The more we love on you the more success comes to both of us."
"Essentially, think of trade like sex. If you're doing it right, it can be good for both partners."
"When they have an agenda and they want what they want, they're looking for somebody who wants to give it to them."
"Human relationships are always a value exchange. Everyone should benefit."
"You get what you give, rising ties raise all boats."
"We should align with people on issues where there are areas of mutual benefit."
"Let's work to make something better for the both of us."
"Creating solutions together with our partner never ever feels like a compromise."
"That's usually the first, original, initial starting point is, 'Oh, you're a great guy, let me buy you lunch, let me do this,' well, and you know, 'help me out, help you out.'"
"Hosts do more for the hoster than they do for the hostee."
"I just built my career based off talking to bigger people that and kind of bringing something to them that they would want to help me out in the long run."
"It's all about us taking care of each other because it's only going to make us better as women."
"The success of one author is ultimately a success for all authors."
"It seems like a really good win-win situation for me."
"The reality is when women win, men win as well."
"There's no negative to this; everybody wins in the long run."
"Marc Guehi would be a brilliant move for both parties."
"You gotta surround yourself with some people who got [__] to lose and trying to help you."
"Loving people fills so many needs that we have and also meets the needs of others." - Joyce Meyer
"No more one-sided [ __ ] this is somebody that's gonna offer you something very long-term."
"Evolutionary biologists point out that there are two fundamentally different kinds of social cooperation."
"Fred MacMurray was the best thing that ever happened to June Haver, and probably the reverse is true too."
"It's a no-brainer for both sides. The EU needs a free trade deal with us. We need it with them. Why would either of us make life difficult for each other at the end?"
"You want someone who contributes and benefits you, not someone who takes away."
"The Khalil Mack trade has the potential to pay off for both teams."
"In helping individuals, you're actually helping the environment as well."
"We should be cooperating with China in areas where cooperation is for the benefit of all of us."
"Both sides have a major blind spot... but everybody wins a large fraction of what it is that they actually want." - Douglas Murray
"There's a win-win outcome forecast if you take that risk. Everyone will benefit in the end."
"I don't think content creators owe anything to Rockstar... mutually beneficial relationship."
"Working with them and learning from them as well, it's a win-win."
"I love that dude. And that's the thing that hurts about us black folks, you know what I'm saying, you know we can be in the same, we can be in the same atmosphere, and we can have a mutual benefit out of being together."
"The beauty of capitalism is that both sides are better off."
"We want you to be a better version of yourself."
"This is magic - the interaction with the spiritual for mutual benefit."
"If you can co-create stuff... you can create tremendous win-wins."
"They have a connection like that, in addition to, they like to drink together, in addition to, there is something each can get from the other."
"The warbler is getting protection, the cuckoo is getting food, so that would be considered a mutualistic relationship."
"Society is all about mutual benefits."
"Our clients value what a marriage can bring to their lives and recognize the benefits that come from a union that is beneficial to each party."
"Rather than making them... talking about putting up a fence, why don't we work out some recognition of our mutual problems?"