
Self-happiness Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Your job is to make you happy, not your brain's."
"A relationship can enrich your life, but that happiness comes from within."
"It's not about making others happy; it's about making you happy."
"You need to be happy, whole, fulfilled in the present moment."
"You guys need to... focus on your own happiness outside of a relationship."
"You got to make yourself happy first...you making yourself happy, people see that off of you, and then they'll be happy."
"If you can't make yourself happy, how can you make another person happy?"
"If you can't make yourself happy, nobody else will ever make you happy."
"Creating your own happiness creates a stable foundation for yourself because this world is crazy."
"If you're not happy with yourself, you're not going to find it chasing after some mythical dragon beast."
"If you aren't happy alone, your relationship will not fix your sorrows."
"Nobody's going to make you happier than yourself. Once you're happy in yourself, then you can get a relationship if that's what you feel like you want."
"Becoming a person that is so happy with who they are in their life that doesn't matter if you have a relationship or not."
"What the universe wants you to do is figure out how to flip your own happiness switch that's what it is."
"Your happiness starts from within. Whether you choose the blue pill or the red pill, no one can make you happy until you find that happiness for yourself."
"You have the power to make yourself happy. Point blank, okay?"
"Sometimes you just have to make yourself happy in order to make everybody else happy in your life as well."
"I think it's important to find happiness within yourself. That's the best kind of happiness."
"Focus on yourself, your purpose, your goals... happiness comes from within."
"Be someone that makes you happy, let's surround yourself with people that are like-minded like you."
"Focus on being happy within yourself and radiating a truly positive vibe."
"Don't wait for me to make you happy; I will come when you have found happiness within."
"It's difficult to find happiness with oneself, but it's impossible to find it anywhere else."
"At the end of the day, the person that has to be happy is me."
"Self-happiness, you can't buy that."
"You're not trying to seek somebody to make you happy. You can make yourself happy a hundred percent."
"Just make yourself happy. That's who you're pleasing. You are pleasing yourself."
"Happiness is an inside job so focus on you and let the rest shine through."
"You have to find happiness within you before you're gonna live the life that you want to live."
"You need to be happy by yourself, your house, your physical being. Those things need to reflect how you feel about yourself."
"You got to find your own happiness, you got to do it yourself, it's all up here, folks."
"We are happier with ourselves, it not only benefits you but also all the people around you."
"I can't look outside of myself for happiness, it's inside of me."
"I actually make myself happy in every aspect of the word, which is a very liberating thing to say."
"The positivity and the happiness starts within."
"I'm really happy about my performance."
"It has now been one year and seven-ish months, a few haircuts and hair dye appointments later, and I finally have a bob and I'm back to my happy blonde self."
"Work hard to find your own happiness."
"I want to prioritize my own happiness and live a fulfilling life."
"Happiness comes from within, not from a friend."
"Learn to be happy being on your own, don't look to another person to make you happy."
"Finding happiness within yourself is important too."
"You can't find happiness outside yourself."
"I'm happy within myself, so if you're happy within yourself, you will become happy with everything in life."
"Only you can make yourself happy, and you're gonna have yourself for the rest of your life."
"You don't need someone to make you feel happy."
"You're ready to find that happiness for yourself."
"It's about finding your true principle you believe in that and it's about you because at the end of the day no one can be happy for you if you're not happy."
"If you're happy with yourself, you'll try and think things through and understand and be nice."
"Happiness is for me, and I know that I would be personally happy with me not even considering a man to achieve my personal fitness goal."
"Find happiness with yourself and your own company."
"You gotta make yourself happy; things do not make you happy."
"It's so important that you're happy with yourself."
"You never ever live your life to make someone else happy."
"We have to approach them with this idea that we have to create happiness for ourselves."
"There's only one you and you really should focus on making yourself happy."
"Nothing outside of you can make you happy. The happiness is inside."
"Just do exactly what you're going to be happy with."
"There is nothing better than being happy with yourself."
"Your happiness comes from you, Taurus."
"When we're happier with ourselves, it not only benefits you but also everyone around you."
"Focus on the things that will make you happy in your life, independent of other people."
"At the end of the day, the only person you have to make happy is yourself."
"The happiness that you have at the end of the day comes from within."
"You need to be happy on your own."
"What predicts success or happiness in a relationship is not those things you think; it's about being happy in your own life first."
"You really don't need nobody to be happy; it's really you have to be happy with yourself."
"If you're making yourself happy, why does it matter what other people think?"
"I'm genuinely happy to the pit of my core of who I am."
"I don't always have to depend on a guy for my happiness. I can be happy on my own."
"I'm really happy in myself. I'm happy in my life."
"In order to make yourself happy, you must do it your way."
"It's your life, and whether you're married or single, you can't give your life to your spouse to make you happy."
"Sometimes I just must be happy for me."
"You can't depend on somebody else to make you happy; you gotta learn how to be happy with yourself."
"If you can't be happy alone, you can't be happy in a relationship or married."
"If you try to make other people happy, that's all you're going to do and you're not going to be happy."
"Nobody can make you happy. Make yourself happy."
"Always listen to what everybody got to say, you listen and you consider it, and then after that, you do what you want to do because you have to be happy with you at the end of the day."
"You're creating happiness for yourself, which is, I feel like, that's the purpose for all of us."
"Be happy with yourself, as long as you're happy, it don't matter what nobody else think."
"Surround yourself with positive vibes, happy people, and that won't make you happy, but it helps. Only you can make you happy."
"You have to find the happiness within yourself."
"Do what makes you happy, and if people don't like it, they can right off."
"We should truly find happiness for ourselves."
"Happiness is an inside job, and you have to figure that out no matter where you are right now."
"I'm probably the happiest I've been in myself for a very, very long time."
"If you can learn to be happy alone, you can certainly be happy with somebody else."
"Happiness is about making yourself happy."
"Happiness is what when a person can be happy with themselves."
"If you can't be happy by yourself, then you can't be happy with others."
"I would never compromise my happiness to satisfy anyone else, including my parents or family."
"When you lay your head on that pillow at night, you are the one that has to be happy, bottom line."
"If that means I'm going to be alone and happy, then I'd rather be alone and happy than miserable in a relationship."
"In order to make someone else happy, you have to be happy with yourself."
"If you are not happy without someone, I guarantee you, you won't be happy with someone."
"You must first find happiness within yourself before you get into a relationship."
"Learning that the only person that can truly make you happy is you."
"I feel like you can only truly be happy when you're happy; a person does not make you happy."
"You're learning that your happiness comes from yourself."
"When you look at other people and you try to judge your own happiness based on what other people are doing, that's where you get messed up."
"You want to know what's the truth and you want to make yourself happy."
"You've got to find that happiness for yourself, and somebody adds to the happiness that you have."
"This is about you making yourself happy."
"I would focus on your own happiness, your own joy."
"As long as you know how to be happy on your own, that's a very good practice."
"Recognizing that the only person that would make you happy is yourself."
"It starts with yourself; if you're not happy within yourself or you don't feel fulfilled within yourself, nobody else is going to be able to do that for you."
"I just feel more happier in myself."
"You have chosen happiness within yourself, and it is finally showing up around you."
"Only you can make you happy, Taurus, only you can."
"It's not about making sure that other people are happy."
"Who should make you happy or not make you happy should be you, not them."
"There's nothing better than feeling happy in your own skin."
"I don't think happiness is in being single or being in a relationship; I think it's being just happy with you."
"Your happiness cannot be relied on another person."