
Relationship Focus Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"If you focus on building relationships, there's only wins."
"Be an expert in the strengths of your spouse more than you are an expert in their weaknesses."
"Leos know how to take care of you. In the relationship, it's all about you."
"Every relationship is not about you; they are about the other person. If you want to do you, stay single."
"To love someone is to be committed to them... and they're not competing for your attention."
"You are not the problem and your partner is not the problem. The problems are the problem."
"This person will lose sleep over you, they want to secure this relationship with you."
"Shift your focus from the man to the relationship."
"Obsession for your man is a good thing. You need to be obsessed with something."
"Take a temporary break to work on your connection as well."
"Stop worrying about your love life, focus on making yourself feel good."
"I feel like I should just foster and cultivate the friendships I have now because they're the ones that mean the most to me."
"Women often focus solely on the guy in any relationship, but it's not all about him."
"Put more emphasis on your actual marriage than the wedding day."
"You spend so much time talking about this relationship."
"It's not about rules, it's about a relationship."
"The story is mostly about relationships developing between all of your characters."
"The story of Fry and Leela's relationship is the heart of Futurama."
"Commitment has way more value than sex, boys don't ever forget it."
"Huge decision will be made, this week is going to be huge for the couples."
"Romances are not just about sex, they're about personal growth in relationships."
"I don't sleep with no one, I don't look at nobody. I don't have feelings for no one else, but this man."
"Let's revive black love, black relationships."
"Focus on the relationship, not just the guy."
"A shift in drive and energy towards relationships, motivating changes and communication."
"Focus on relationships, start a family, or nurture existing connections."
"You think you have a marketing problem, but nobody has a marketing problem. Everybody has a relationship problem."
"Which version of [yourself] do I want to stay front and center in my relationships?"
"You were looking at something from the whole picture... Maybe all they had one on was sex or intimacy, and they didn't have enough drive."
"I just want my apartment and my wife, my wife."
"You have to have the same mindset... potentially going to become a Christian at the end of this."
"You're not happy about the way the situation is and you keep daydreaming about that either about filling the cup back up with your person or you can't get that third cup out of your head."
"It's about moving past our insecurities to create justice, to create a balance within this connection that again has been long awaited."
"Number seven: dedication and commitment to the twin flame union."
"They're not the cheating type... dedicated their entire energy to that person."
"I'm ready for love and I'm taking no prisoners. I'm not wasting my time on lookie lou over here."
"As long as you focus on the quality of the emotional connection between the two of you, everything else will take care of itself."
"Every decision you make is not 'me' anymore, it's 'we' or 'us.'"
"I want to make sure this lasts. How do I make sure this lasts?"
"Parenting is not a role you assume, it's the relationship you create."
"It's never just about sex. When sex isn't going well, it becomes 90% of the relationship."
"Focus on the quality of the connection rather than just the label of marriage."
"Friday any efforts that you make in the relationship area is going to probably row we have ace of cups which can show new romance new opportunities and creativity."
"It got really dark and really depressing and everybody started focusing on relationships."
"Focus on the other, not bounce back and forth."
"It's about family, it's always about family."
"What's important is the marriage that right there is a whole shebang."
"By prioritizing our relationship, we're happier individuals."
"At its core The Amazing Spider-Man is about a lonely boy who seeks relationships with others."
"Everything was about KY, nothing was about me."
"Can't stop looking at your pictures and rereading messages."
"You are allowing the dominant to more fully enjoy this thing that they have which is you."
"The importance of the teacher-student relationship is perhaps the most important thing."
"We don't even talk about music, we don't talk about industry, we don't talk about none of that."
"Their final option is you. You two will be together."
"For me, the only person I'm interested in pleasing is my wife."
"The Scorpio full moon is a time for purging, a time to see the things that may have gotten in the way of your relationships in the past."
"Use this phase to nourish your relationships, to nourish the people in your life that you haven't been able to talk to as often."
"It's always the relationship. It's always the future."
"It doesn't matter if we're separated it doesn't matter anything nothing in the world matters right now."
"People get hung up on trivial aspects of relationships, missing the bigger picture of partnership and support."
"Recognizing and enjoying the moment. There's something here about enjoying the moment, enjoying this relationship, enjoying that, enjoying the happiness that's coming into your life."
"The divine's like, I am giving you the ace of cups to you, not to anyone else that you're dating or seeing."
"Do you want a wedding or do you want a lifelong partnership those are two very different things."
"I do see you giving a hundred percent into this situation."
"Their happiness right now is their main key, whether you're their happiness or not. They're gonna do whatever they can."
"I want to focus on loving this person and it's difficult."
"You may be focusing on relationships if you're already in one or finding one if you are searching for one... creatively expressing yourself, being your wonderful authentic self."
"You spend 5 10 15 20 100 000 on a wedding but you haven't spent nothing on your marriage."
"What makes Peter Parker an incredible superhero is his humanity encapsulated in his love for Mary Jane Watson." - JMD Matthis, emphasizing Spider-Man's humanity.
"There's a lot of healing that's going to take place within this relationship."
"Every single decision I make is for us together, not to jeopardize our relationship, we are a team."
"Focus on your closest relationships, family, or social circle, and bring in the values, communication, and awareness that supports the peace, love, and understanding you’d like to see in the world on a larger scale."
"All I care about is the relationship. I only care about one thing - do I really add some type of value for the bodybuilder?"
"Venus retrograde is a time of deep connection, profound conversations, and meaningful relationships."
"Your job, divine feminine, is to work on yourself, build something for yourself, and not do so much work on this relationship."
"It's time for divine justice this week move especially in relationships."
"I think with this album there's definitely a theme that kind of flows and it's really about being grown and sexy and in a relationship."
"They wanted to have a pretty big conversation with you."
"Definitely one of those no one else matters in the world but you type of Stories."
"They really feel like you're at the center of their world or they want to make you the center of their world."
"There's a lot to fight for and a lot to like."
"Wasting your energy on this person is what they're giving me here... you could be drawing something in... magnetizing someone who is worthy of you."
"I'm not playing for the wedding, I'm planning for the marriage."
"I don't care what the world thinks all I care about is what you think!"
"Success and expansion are within grasp; prioritize happiness and needs in relationships."
"Love is not about us, it's about another person."
"Let's just make this happen, you know? Your person's head is gonna get clear and they're gonna go after what it is that they want."
"Your relationships will become very strong and significant, with a lot of focus and work."
"They're really trying to prove that they're capable of making you guys feel a lot more loved and a lot more comfortable."
"It's not about the baby, it's not about a future life, it's not even about the guy."
"Your love line shows you'll prosper from your relationships and romance in life."
"20% off matching undies for you and your significant other and a satisfaction guarantee."
"What makes the most sense is building more experiences like what we were experiencing because it was absolutely transformational to really focus on you and focus on your relationship, reconnect with the people that you love."
"She who grants wishes: your desires are manifesting, worth waiting for—your future spouse brings manifestation and wishes coming true."
"You was on my mind, you was my blessing, yeah, might just end it all because I'm stressing." - JC Rich
"What I wanted more than anything was to make my wife happy, to be a great father, to be a great husband."
"I was no longer chasing the solution, I was chasing after a relationship with God."
"Every second spent with the wrong person is a second that could be spent with the right person."
"Attack the problem, don't attack the relationship."
"This person is a very family-oriented person."
"It's not about how many checks you get in that box, it's about do you love, you know? Is there a relationship here?"
"It's a beautiful time to share with a partner, to focus on your intimate partnerships."
"Ellie and Joel decide not to leave the people they love most."
"You're wasting away everything else that can fall into alignment with you because you're stuck on one specific person."
"Focus on the good side... why you guys love each other... detach... focus on why... you want to focus on the fact that you want marriage..."
"We don't need to worry about who you was with in the past because it's not going to change anything if I'm interested."
"The final finish line of the story of course is the end of May when the Sun and Jupiter create a new story for you in the house of marriage."
"Focus on those who love you, those who matter."
"It's not the rituals, it's the relationship; knowing why you do things is crucial."
"The poor wife trying to recover the best moments of their life together."
"It's almost as if this person values the person more than the relationship. They would always think of what's good for you."
"It's covered, like while I'm at it, I'll go ahead and work on love stuff too, it's your prerogative baby."
"It's not about fixing the relationship, it's about reconnecting."
"This is a really great time to amp up the romance, amp up the passion in a relationship."
"This is moving into joyousness, positivity, gratitude, focusing on everything that feels absolutely incredible within your union."
"This person is all in, 100% of themselves is in this."
"It's not the rush rush rush and the money money; it's the people you love."
"Commitment is in the offering here, whether you deepen your current relationship or start a new one."
"For some of you guys, it's someone you're in a relationship with thinking about you today."
"They don't feel connected to anyone as much as they feel connected to you."
"Relationships and family are central to their life purpose."
"People make these same three mistakes because they focus on the wrong thing."
"I just want to be with one girl and that's her. Like, she's all I want. That's enough woman right there for me, you know?"
"I really like a relationships-based approach."
"I don't need a fancy wedding, I only need you."
"Life can sometimes feel like it revolves around relationships."
"We're not only obsessed with our relationships, we are obsessed with celebrities."
"Their relationship became the main character."
"We decided to focus on more important parts of our relationship."
"Think more about what is right in your relationship and less on what you think is wrong."
"I love you, and now it's time to focus on us and only us."
"You've gotten stuck on what she's supposed to be doing and forgotten who she is."
"Libra... they will 100% commit to you and there will be all about the relationship."
"Love is about prioritizing the other person."
"I really think we should be focusing on how that person treats you or if you have life goals and core values that align rather than where they took you for a first date."
"One of our biggest goals is to build relationships and make memories by building and getting people into the hobby."
"I don't want to talk about her; I want to talk about us."
"Put all your energy into warm relationships."
"We weren't planning on going on a honeymoon this year, but we decided that we needed to take a few days to focus on just ourselves and each other."
"If we have to speak about your past and everything about your past in the beginning, then is that what we're going to be talking about our marriage, our relationship is your past?"
"It's not about constantly pitching your business, but it's about building relationships."
"Don't focus on everyone else, focus on each other."
"It's about focusing on what is going to work in your relationship."
"I focus on how good my relationship is and how good I'm doing and that helps me a lot."
"I got my respect back, and when I got my respect back, then we can focus on being in love."
"They chose you, you're the big star in their life."
"Be practical and be focused not towards the outcome but towards the journey that you're making with this person."
"Now that I'm older, none of that matters, right? It just matters if you love each other and working on your relationship."