
Likeability Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"What makes a popular person popular? It wasn't attractiveness... It was that the most popular kids also liked the most people."
"We like to say yes to people whom we like, which means that we want to be likeable in some sense."
"She's intensely likable, super sweet, and a great actress."
"You need to make someone's job easier for them, they will instantly like you."
"You almost always will do better in life if people like you, truth, number one, only truth in this video."
"What makes you like someone? When they show you the vulnerability, when they show you they are screw-ups just like you."
"One's likeability can also be seen as a spiritual validation aligning with advanced Souls with their higher truths."
"Everybody at some point in their life has met someone who they would consider to be truly likable."
"It beats the sorcerer it beats The Bard You're Now using your charisma for all of your attacks you know it's super gross too what the Warlock sorcerer Paladin it's pretty gross."
"People see that and if it translates they want to be around you, they light your, you know you're very likable."
"Ray was universally well-liked, sensitive, hilarious, and thoughtful."
"ENFPs always somehow end up being likable, even lovable at times."
"Not only do you infect someone else with that happiness, you also become more likeable."
"Can you imagine not getting along with Mater? He's so affable. I can't imagine it personally."
"This person accepts you for you and likes you for you."
"Die pitch out with the and we made sure I like the design for the Sandman guy a lot, he's cute."
"Marquis is not only a character that works really well as just like a villain but he's also just a character that you end up liking beforehand."
"What sets you above the rest is, are you a nice person? Are you likable?"
"He saves the baby Kong and he's actually very likable this time."
"People would like to buy from other people that they enjoy or like being around."
"The more you're like someone else, the more they will like you."
"Some of the most likable human characters in the series."
"You're either gonna like me or not, right? Like, I speak my mind, I speak how I feel."
"It was practically impossible for anybody to dislike Rob Gronkowski."
"Adam will always be successful because you can't not like him."
"He's just so nice, we just want to cheer for him."
"You meet these guys you cannot dislike them they're just lovely guys you know."
"Giannis ordered 50 mini biscuits to celebrate his 50-point game. Impossible not to really like him."
"There's a correlation between ignorance and your outward likeability."
"I really hope that you guys like this video, so please give it a thumbs up."
"People who are emotionally intelligent tend to be likeable."
"I don't think I disliked any character."
"Every time someone likes you, you get 10 years added on to your life."
"I actually really like Willie as a character, he definitely has a lot of motivation to do what he does."
"The most wonderful thing: the more you like yourself, the more you like other people."
"The most powerful thing you can do in your relationships with other people is to make them like themselves."
"AMC to their credit, God bless them, and Sony too, they've never really given us the note which is, 'Can you make him more likable?'"
"If people do not like you, it is honestly their loss."
"Does anyone in poker dislike Joe Cata? It would be like disliking an ice cream sundae."
"You don't have to like me as a person to be able to watch me."
"Using storytelling even in low stakes moments actually builds likeability and fandom."
"Sometimes good characters die and it sucks because it's a tragedy when most of them are likeable and you want to see them pull through."
"Every day you like yourself, you like yourself, you like people, they like you because you like them."
"One of them's dressed like Indiana Jones and the other's dressed like Tom Selleck from Magnum PI. Yep, what's not to like?"
"Character flaws shouldn't go so far to make people feel uncomfortable or to be aggressively unlikable in the first place."
"Embracing a positive outlook on life can significantly enhance your likeability, optimism, and overall success."
"People will do business with you for three reasons: because they like you, because they like you, because they like you."
"Give them any reason, don't give people reasons to not like you."
"The more we like someone, the more inclined we are to buy from or help that person."
"His quiet soul is really touching, making him really likeable."
"There are some players who it just feels like everybody likes regardless of how they're viewed as rivals."
"We like people who admire us, who look at us and feel there is something special about us."
"People like people who make them feel good."
"You can't buy your way into people liking you. Ultimately speaking, you can buy your way into the initial like, but you can't keep them there by buying."
"All these characters have a little something to like which gravitates the audience."
"Every time they enter a room or go live, people are not going to like this person at first."
"Number 31, this is a winner that I know Jeff Probst really likes as a person."
"I like him though, nice guy, good personality."
"There's just a lot to like about Volvo's."
"Don't forget, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up."
"If you like this video, make sure to hit that like button down below."
"If this video put you in a good mood, make sure you leave a like."
"Being likeable can be as easy as listening to people and asking them to tell you more."
"If you did enjoy, hit that thumbs up."
"I think likeability gets you further."
"If you liked this video, give us a like down below."
"Give this video a thumbs up if you like it."
"Hope you're enjoying the video so far, make sure you smash that Thumbs Up Button if you are."
"ENFJs are likeable and trustworthy, and as a result, others are generally compelled to listen to and follow them."
"True and honest was a catchphrase that he came up with, and I like it. Don't you like it, true and honest?"
"These are almost like dumb reaches where you could just spray these on and go, and everybody's gonna like it."
"If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and I will see you later."
"She's such a likeable person that I can't see her having really any extreme enemies."
"Both men and women are infinitely more drawn to someone who instantly likes them."
"If he could make you laugh enough, you're probably gonna like him a little bit."
"I hope you guys like this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you do."
"Social skills... that's what makes you more likeable, and that's how you survive."
"Be humble. Nobody likes an arrogant person."
"City Hunter has something about him, a likeable quality I think that I do like about him."
"Thank you, Stephanie, we like you too."
"If you've liked this video, please make sure you hit the like button."
"I can help you, not because I'm afraid that you'll expose me, but because I like you."
"It's your integrity, and they like you as a person."
"It's a great feature, I like that a lot."
"I hope you all enjoy them. If you do, please be sure to drop a like rating."
"I actually really like this, and I was kind of bothered. I thought it was clever."
"Jackson as a student was very caring and always had a great smile, charismatic personality, and someone that students really enjoyed being around and was well-liked."
"If you enjoyed this video, hit the like button, give it a little tickle, turn it blue."
"It's a pretty likeable song, wouldn't mind sticking around."
"If you did like it, then as always, please give me a thumbs up because it's really encouraging."
"I just really liked your personality... you had like a good balance."
"Remember to hit the thumbs up button if you liked the video."
"It's really not that hard to be likeable."
"I love when people are vulnerable and just like share intimate things about themselves right off rip; it makes me like them so much more."
"If you liked this video, give it a big thumbs up, don't forget to subscribe, and I'll see you again very soon."
"Dogs in your profile picture increases your likeability by 38%."
"I believe you like this cup, and you like this video with the full detailed explanation that I have for you on this."
"Your job is to create relationships through comfortability and likeability."
"You're just hella chill and you seem like a vibe, I like you too."
"Give the video a thumbs up if you liked it, and subscribe if you want to see more."
"How can you not like Michelle Obama?"
"Seems like they all like you already."
"Doctor Damage is very muddy. I really do like that about him."
"I actually really like him and admire him."
"If you like this video, hit like, hit that thumbs up there, subscribe."
"You want to present yourself as genuinely as possible while still being likeable."
"She's funny, she's effervescent, I like her."
"I think that this is something that everybody would like."