
Self-testing Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And you'll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds."
"I believe, and the research shows, that testing yourself and asking yourself questions based on the content that you are studying is the best way to actually ingest, digest, and understand it."
"We learn by testing ourselves. We don't learn by reading stuff. This seems counterintuitive because when you tell people they should test themselves, they'll say, 'Oh well, I have to learn it first.' But there's evidence that shows if you test yourself even before you start learning something, that's going to improve your learning."
"The FDA has now authorized more than 50 diagnostic tests, including the first test that a patient can take home."
"It's important to continue to test yourself."
"Going on a solo trip is such a test. Even if you're driving two hours out of town or if you're going to the next state over."
"Testing yourself is the single most important thing you can do to boost your exam scores."
"The FDA has now authorized the first at-home coronavirus test."
"I just want to test myself, you know, the challenge."
"The ultimate test of our own empowerment, it's our test of rising above the fear."
"How fast can you do that, how much and how fast can you do that and still survive? Well, it starts here."
"Having these digital notes encourages me to test myself using hidden toggles and pages within pages."
"This is the hardest challenge I've ever done."
"This is the real competition. This is testing ourselves against the best."
"You guys are genuinely testing yourselves; you can see how much growth and learning is happening."
"Win or lose, you test your mettle at that point against another man."
"I just want to try to do something I don't know how to do and put myself into a situation where I don't know if I can pull it off or not."
"It really is a test of your skill against the skills of the others."
"You actually sort of like the pressure. It gives you energy, it gives you a bit of motivation, and you sort of like to test yourself a little bit."
"To live is to fight. It's about persevering. It's about testing yourself." - Rashad Evans
"Without testing your limits, you will never know how strong you truly are."
"I think Legacy and testing myself and challenging myself to become a world champion. That's my ultimate life goal right now."
"As Venus and Mars join throughout February, you start to put what you have learned to the test."
"And actually, maybe I should try it, I'm no magician but I could try the memory version of it, let's give it a go."
"I'm very competitive, not in a negative way, more so I'm really excited to really test myself."
"Last kind of Point here is the idea that we've got more control over our health with home tests than we ever had."
"It's really important to put yourself under pressure to see what's really going on."
"I'm just testing my willpower to see if it's still there."
"You're deliberately testing your own limits and there's something incredibly noble in that."
"You've grown stronger here than I ever could have imagined. The only way to know how strong is to keep testing your limits."
"The goal for this build was to put my skills to the ultimate test and see what I'm capable of."
"They're coming to town, and you want to test yourself."
"One must subject oneself to the test made only before ourselves and no other judge."
"It'll test everybody's mettle, mine as much as anybody."
"The guy who made body armor shot himself to test it."
"We can do anything we put our mind to, and the only way to do it is to test it. How do you test it? You push it."
"That was a real test of my abilities; didn't even want to consider just how long it would have taken in my base form."
"You have to test yourself and your understanding, and that might begin at home within yourself."
"It's actually much better practice to get into the habit sooner rather than later of testing your own code using code of your own."
"It's good to practice in a way that you're testing yourself, there's skillful use of discomfort."
"Self-testing... testing isn't just a way to get a grade in a class, it's also a very effective way to actually learn."
"Anki is very, very cool because it uses both active recall and also spaced repetition in order to constantly test yourself in the future."
"We're here to perform, to test ourselves, to take ourselves to the limit."
"It's climbing the ladder and all those things like you're saying, the goals and things that we put in front of us to reach, but this is like testing myself."
"I'm seeking out a challenge that I want in order to test my own skills."
"I would start with the test completely by itself and see how you feel."
"When you go to the table, you make a war, you won or lose, you're going to check your limits."
"It's important to do hard things every now and then, to really test yourself and push your limits."
"We tried everything on ourselves."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with just continuously putting yourself to the test with whatever comes natural to you and seeing where it goes."
"Let's see who's better, you or me."
"You gotta practice, you got to test yourself."
"Take the different perspectives as a guideline and try and experiment... and test it out yourself."
"Make plans, test yourself, test your limits in a healthy way."
"One of my mantras is trust no one, not even yourself. Test everything."
"I just kind of want to test myself and like push my limits."
"Test yourself constantly; it allows you to accurately identify gaps of knowledge."
"As soon as I finish reading a problem, I would recommend that you pause your video, make an effort to work out the problem yourself, and then play the video to see if you and I came up with the same solution."
"This time, Jake wanted to test his own strength and use his attacks to adapt to and grasp the strength of a breakthrough."
"Death week is about perseverance, testing yourself."
"Put yourself through pain, controlled pain, to test yourself to see what you're capable of."
"Everything about you is going to get tested."
"Once you've tested yourself and once you've learned how to have composure, be poised, to have confidence, you could go through life with those skills."
"I was able to go out front and just push and test myself and run the same lap time every lap."
"Every test in the world is given to the individual by himself, but he doesn't know it."