
Action Orientation Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"The actions that you take are way more important."
"There's people that have a bias towards action...those folks tend to be happier, healthier, more successful, more fulfilled in life."
"Your doubts create mountains, your actions move them."
"You can't think about it, you just have to do it. You said you were going to do it."
"Industry speak for 'just get on and build the thing already.'"
"You have to absolutely be what we call a doer, so you need to be the sort of person that's going to grab something by the scruff of the neck and just get it done, moving forward and constantly progressing."
"I try to not dream so much about things but just go and make it happen."
"If you're not going to do something about it then don't talk about it."
"The point of investing is to own and then do. It's not about information, it's execution."
"I want to Suicide Squad my movie that's bloody, action-packed, and frenetic." - Coy
"You're looking to deepened to everything, we need a man with a sword who can cut people's heads off, he needs to join Picard's group so he can cut people's heads off."
"You make progress by implementing ideas, getting things done, action, results."
"Don't overthink it just do don't dwell you know operate don't overthink just make make make."
"Men are doers. We're not talkers. You do, the more you do, the worse you are. You've got to go do something."
"Prayer is the most powerful weapon system known to man, but after you pray, you gotta stand up and go do something."
"The prescription for radical success is action."
"It's okay to fail, and you just need to take action."
"You don't need to know everything before you start, you take action."
"I'm not much of a leader. I've always gone with my gut, and my gut is stating that we need to go now and kick these galactic butts." - Rogue
"Imperfect action is better than waiting for the perfect plan."
"Thinking your way through it is preparing for a strike."
"We can sit here and argue about this all day long or we can get to work."
"Well, it's, I always think, you know, extreme optimism, extreme pessimism are both equally wrong. 'Cause they're both excuses for laziness, for not doing anything. So I think the answer is always in between."
"What do you love spending money on? Love. And nobody talks about this, they always say, 'Oh, let me see your budget, you're overspending' and everyone's just like, 'Ah, forget this, I'll never...'"
"Nobody cares about what you plan on doing. The world is result-oriented. It only cares about what gets done."
"What the British public want right now is action and results and less of the chat."
"They're very passionate about making decisions and take action quickly."
"We know what we need to do, we just need to do it."
"Money loves speed. It's not how much you know, it's how fast you can implement."
"Stop describing yourself as aspiring, just do the thing."
"Courage is to take action in the face of fear."
"If you decide to do and don't talk, incredible things can be achieved."
"I've never really done well just sitting around. I want everything. If I want to do something, I just do it."
"You must feel yourself into the proposed action, imagining all the while that you are actually performing the action here and now."
"Make sure you're one of those people that aren't talking about it and you're actually being about it."
"Just do the thing. Don't talk about doing the thing."
"Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just do it. Make your dreams come true."
"Action is the foundation and learning is the supplement."
"The most important thing is to take the first step and to start doing something anything take action and break the inertia of passivity."
"Elvis Presley: 'A little less conversation, a little more action.'"
"The worst thing that anybody can do is not act."
"I'm here to chew names and kick bubblegum, let's get it."
"Anybody can say with their mouth 'I want to be successful,' but the amount of people that actually take action towards that success is going to be a very very small percentage."
"Action is what determines who you are as a person, not belief or opinion."
"Everybody wants to complain about the problem, but what are we gonna do about it?"
"Start with something small, do it. Nothing has to be perfect. Just get after it."
"It pushes you out of your comfort zone, you have to take action."
"Actions determine a lot. If you do the right thing, you'll get the right results."
"Decision made now, that might be wrong, is better than no decision at all."
"Analysis without action is futile; take action, experiment, and learn from the results."
"Action is the most important part of the process. Without action, none of this will work for you guys."
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you're going to do."
"Success involves taking action, using the ideas and thoughts in your mind to move forward."
"Success is on the horizon if you're willing to take action."
"In the end though, I hope to show myself through actions and not words."
"Because it's getting the facts straight that gets us to act and not to wait."
"Action is who I am, a man of my word with honor."
"Stop wishing about all those things, and actually start doing."
"Talk is cheap so I'm not into the talking I'm into the doing."
"Are we going to keep talking about it or we going to do something?"
"Action is the cure for fear; courage and fear so often go together."
"Be willing to take action, you have to show up."
"Action will always beat any kind of intention."
"Cultivation is a daily practice... it's actions put into words put into motion and that becomes reality."
"If you want to get something done, get it done."
"Actions can lead to so much if you put all of your intention and you actually start putting it to work."
"There's those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what the hell happened."
"What being aggressive means is taking action. That's the kind of aggressiveness that I'm talking about."
"Action is the antidote to despair. It is the key to victory and it is necessary."
"Go out there, take action, become the man you are meant to be."
"Just do it and just make yourself uncomfortable quote-unquote and just [ __ ] do it."
"Action is required, trust your feelings and intuition."
"Values are qualities of action, moving towards being the person we want to be."
"Everything is geared towards action and discipleship."
"Don't have analysis paralysis, just make it happen."
"Action cures fear. Indecision, postponement, lack of action fertilize fear and make it grow."
"Don't think about it. Don't talk about it. Just do it."
"Self-discipline has nothing to do with emotion or even motivation, it just has to do with action."
"You gotta take action to get the results, fellow vets."
"If you want a job and there is a place that is hiring, you need to apply for the job."
"You campaigned as a leader, the guy who's gonna get things done."
"Write it down, make a plan, and make it happen."
"We got actual work to do now right, yep exactly."
"Some people wish it, others just make it happen."
"You can't make a difference, you can't make a change, you can't do something unless you've done something."
"It's about taking actions, using your intelligence."
"You know what's right and you make it happen."
"You're being an achiever... actioning your new ideas."
"Massive action is the cure-all. If you're having a difficult time with something, try massive action."
"Don't talk prosperity, go and be prosperous."
"Get ready, fire the shot. If you miss, you can aim, fire again. Aim again, fire again. Ready, fire, aim. Boom, get it done."
"Just don't be the 99% of people that never takes any action."
"The only way to do it, nothing to it but to do it."
"Convert rumination to action. If there is a cure for rumination, it's action."
"If it doesn't lead to timely and effective action, it's useless rumination."
"Stop talking about the bridge, planning to go across the bridge, thinking and watching videos about the bridge, and just start taking action."
"If you complain, that means you're upset. So my question to you is, are you gonna do something about it?"
"Stop being so precious about it... Just do it, plan, execute, adjust, repeat."
"The easiest way to determine it, is just to do it and see what happens."
"Inactivity kills careers and it kills your Prime."
"No more indecision, no more delaying, no more procrastination, when I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it."
"Stop putting things off. Act on it. Live in your best interests."
"Action with power action with decisiveness action with consistency with discipline and power."
"Believe that you can make it, entertain the thought that you can do something, then start to take the action on it."
"When a person takes action and goes after what they want, anything becomes possible."
"You're all action, no talk. You're a doer, not a talker."
"You have everything you need to take action and make your dreams a reality."
"The time for talk is pretty much over... we should be pairing that with one to two hours in the very least of practical information, how to skill building."
"Action, results, not promises, not rhetoric."
"It's about having a coach and a mentor... education and take action."
"It's all about putting your thought into action."
"Inspiration is very fleeting. Less thinking, more doing."
"Do sh*t - you have to do something to get some outcome."
"If you can talk about it, it's because you can do it."
"What makes this even more apparent is that it all began during XY, the series that is the most action-oriented and has the most epic moments."
"If we've made up our mind, we're gonna do it, no matter what."
"Just act on it, don't think about it, just do it."
"Progress, not perfection. Massive, imperfect action. Speed of implementation. Sense of urgency."
"Move with a purpose; you can get paid to do something. Just do it."
"Make a choice, stop procrastinating or over analyzing, get clarity on what you desire, and move forward."
"The answers are not in contemplation, they're in action."
"Do you want to be somebody or do you want to do something?"
"Action is what life is about, action is what makes you better, action is what gets all these tasks that you don't get done, done."
"If you and I are going to have success in this life, then we have got to hear it and we have got to do it."
"Action over everything. Action over intention 100."
"Let's get right to it, let's stop fluffing around."
"Action over contemplation," Eva urged Kada, emphasizing the importance of decisive action in the face of danger.
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you do."
"Just do it, don't worry about making it complicated. It's actually easier and better just to get started."
"This is what business is supposed to feel like: taking action, actually going out there, trying to sell a product, moving fast."
"Let's go get this done so we can get our lives back."
"A decision is only a decision when it's followed up by action, otherwise it's simply wishful thinking."
"The issue is not the skills; the issue is taking action."
"Action makes things happen—boom: eventually, your reality matches what you originally believed or thought of in your mind."
"It's better to just like do it, you know what I mean?"
"Why think about it if I think about it I won't do it so I'm not going to think about it."
"Do you need more knowledge than you have right now or you actually need to take action right? That's the big thing we're talking here."
"I think it's a doable achievable goal so let's go for it."
"Ideas really mean Jack crap, it's all about doing it."
"Actions speak louder than words, intention and action need to come together."
"Your coaching has helped me stop this and start taking action."
"We're not going to try, we are going to do it."
"You gotta sometimes just do it... forget relying on your emotions."
"You have to pick a thing that you're like let's do this and just go for it."
"Remember, one of the mindsets we teach is bias toward action."
"Make sure that don't waste too much time over analyzing things like just take action because that it's the best way to learn."
"Just start doing it. Quit thinking about it, quit talking about it, start being about it."
"Complaining is a worthless substitute for action." - Robert Jackson
"You’ve got to make a move. You can’t just say I’m going to quit and sit there with it in front of you."
"Once you have the truth, it can no longer be denied. You're moving forward, you're comfortable in action."
"I measure it by action." - U.S. District Judge James Robert
"You just have to do it. You just have to start."
"You become a powerhouse by taking action and just do the things you want to do."
"Don't complain about it, do something about it."
"Once you make that decision just go full speed."
"Just do it. Don't think, do. Just do things. Don't think, do."
"I'm a doer. I move. I act. I get things done and I fail forward."
"Be smart, be a business person first, then think about your actions, then act."
"I'm a firm believer and I can't sit and dwell, I have to make something work, I got to figure out what my next steps are, I have to get something in motion."
"If you know what you want, what you have to do is bring yourself back to the present moment and just align your thoughts and action with the thing that you want."
"You can't just talk about it, you gotta be about it."
"Don't talk about what you're gonna do and just do it; put your actions where your mouth is."
"This isn't about talk, this is about action."
"I see so many beginners falling into the same trap of spending weeks stuck in a state of analysis paralysis because they're always worried about every little minor detail on their store that they never just go live and start testing."
"Don't mistake reading with doing."
"Being a doer is a crucial trait to have in business."
"Leadership is teaching people how to think the way they need to think so they do what they need to do when they need to do it."
"You gotta do more than you try, you gotta do instead of trying."
"It's not often that you see somebody do exactly what they say they're going to do."
"Life's too short to worry about such things, and I actually like to get things done."
"Make a decision, start acting on it, and if you have to modify it later, you can."
"Only the people who do things get it."
"Life's not all about getting started, right? You have to be productive."
"Let's stop talking, let's start making stuff."
"Let's stop complaining about it and let's just get it done."
"Let's stop talking about it and just do it."
My mother always told me, "Don't talk about it, be about it."
"Let's quit talking and get to work."
"We're trying to adjust our relationships, our perspective, the way we go about and balance our lives to be more action-oriented, more individual-oriented, more freedom to do the things that we want."