
Historical Debate Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"There is a history of debating within Muslim societies... There were debates that happened historically."
"The question of the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is much debated; the wisdom of doing it, the morality of doing it, is much debated."
"Hancock's theory is still not accepted in academic circles as it has been subject to several controversies and debates."
"A compelling case has been made that the Exodus is a historical fact."
"I heard a different message, Chuck. I think there's a consensus that the statues of the Confederacy have to come down."
"The Baghdad battery: a controversial artifact sparking debate about ancient electricity."
"Could the apparent evidence on the ground that a mere 20,000 people were involved be right, or was Herodotus closer to the truth when he said it took 100,000 workers laboring for 30 years?"
"This finding challenges the conventional belief that human civilization only started some 6,000 years ago."
"The power of impeachment was debated heavily by our framers."
"Was Robin Hood a real person, or just a character based on the stories of other outlaws? Still unknown to this day."
"The government can reasonably impose a duty to expose all sides of the argument about Britain and its historical record."
"Within 20 years of the publication of the Origin of Species, the scientific debate about evolution was over."
"The founding fathers debated literally every comma of the Second Amendment."
"Was he a hero of the Spanish Reconquista or a self-interested opportunist who sided with whichever side he could benefit most from?"
"The ongoing debate surrounding Yonaguni centers on one key subject: is the monument a natural phenomenon, or is it man-made?"
"It is certainly premature and honestly a bit foolish for anyone to rule it out and declare that it could not have been the location of Atlantis."
"So I pulled my oldest daughter out of public school in Florida. We were having debates about pulling down statues and changing names..." - Parent
"The Great Sphinx of Giza is far older than conventional scientists give it credit for."
"Speculation over one of history's most famous political assassinations."
"Painful but necessary discussion of why we should replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. Spoiler alert: he was a total a**."
"Columbus? Yes, mistakes were made, but there were more positives than negatives. And he wasn't a bad guy. He was a terrible guy. Oh god."
"Just as many Christians fought back against Payne and deism, many others may feel oppressed by Christianity."
"Multiple contradictory versions of early Christian history."
"The flag that we see today is so back in 2015, a little video called the confederate flag debate."
"The shape of the earth became a hot topic of debate around the turn of the 19th century."
"The person who is closest to your heart, you will just know."
"Was the Vietnam War Justified? Oh my God, from the beginning, that is a bit of a crazy statement to start with but genuinely that is a real and genuine question."
"Experts have challenged the proposed date of the Nebra Sky Disk, arguing that it lacks the deep meaning that researchers have attached to it."
"It's like defending a statue being like, 'It's upside down, stay away from Robert E. Lee.'"
"Historians, scientists, and religious leaders have argued over the authenticity of the Turin Shroud for generations."
"Symbols tell me why you even put up Robert E. Lee schools in the '40s and '50s... it's rooted in the heritage of bigotry and racism."
"The death of Jesus is kind of a really big deal in the case for the resurrection."
"Rivers of ink have been devoted to why the Roman Empire fell, and if it actually did."
"What do you think of Lawrence of Arabia, was he a self-important imperialist who played with people’s lives for fame and fortune, or was he one of the most extraordinary historical figures of the First World War?"
"Is this 100 proof that foreign explorers landed in Brazil long before Columbus?"
"Alexander the Great is undeniably the most renowned and debated."
"There is absolutely no evidence to say it was ever a tomb."
"And while ultimately the Federalists won out and the Constitution was ratified, the issue of how large government should be did not go away."
"The truth lies between these two opposing ideas. We can't possibly know if Marget actually beat Radan in combat, but it is most assuredly Radan depicted in the slide."
"Believe it or not, archaeologists and historians are still arguing about these things. They're called cup and ring marks."
"Do you agree that the epithet 'Bloody Mary' is deserved or did she just act according to the circumstances of her time?"
"The fundamental claim of the 1619 project is that the revolutionary war was fought over slavery."
"It matters whether people think that the American revolution was or wasn't motivated partly by a desire to protect slavery."
"The mysteries surrounding Alexander, his extraordinary life, and the suspicious circumstances of his end are likely to rage for many more years to come."
"The Athenians argued they had a right to their empire and could now not just simply give it up because they'd become powerful."
"The story of the Bronze Age collapse and the Sea Peoples, on whom it is so commonly blamed, has sparked a century of debate amongst archaeologists."
"The case at present must remain inexplicable and may be truly urged as a valid argument against My Views here entertained." - Charles Darwin
"To this day, James Earl Ray maintains that he did not shoot Martin Luther King."
"The forcible seizure of native land none of this has anything to do with capital is the very opposite of capital you're saying is the United States of America was not a capitalist country until 1865 and that's the day it."
"Do you still believe that Jesus has his mother and his people were white like Europeans or are these untampered and centuries old paintings Real showing Jesus as black?"
"Was Hitler an atheist? Hell no, he definitely wasn't."
"Was he a Christian? Well, no, but here's where things get complicated."
"Despite adamant opinions on both sides, it seemed this was a mystery which would never be solved."
"It's confusing to me and befuddling, I guess, that we've been debating these topics for thousands of years."
"Empire is about much much more than the relations of white and black; it's vastly more important debates about racism and all the rest of it. It's fundamentally the debate about the destiny of human civilization."
"The egyptologists don't accept an older date for the sphinx without having any evidence of a prior civilization."
"Hitler was right by what metric? By what metric was Germany the greatest nation in the world?"
"Jesus divinity was the result of a vote a relatively close vote at that?"
"The debate about Newton Knight and his company began."
"What have you got to say about it? Did you teach Malcolm, did you make Malcolm?" - Unknown
"If you're taking down Robert E. Lee because he was a southerner who owned slaves, then you have to take down Jefferson because he was a southerner who owned slaves."
"Last thing: If Biden is wrong for defending bussing back in the 1970s and he is, Bloomberg defending redlining in the year 2008?"
"I don't just do the one thing right now, of course I'm promoting my book on the historicity of Jesus."
"The vast majority of biblical scholars will never agree that Becca is Mecca."
"I actually will be so distraught if Man City win the treble, but the best thing is they'll never win the debate of having the best Premier League side ever."
"Khufu was the likely builder but many people still don't believe it clinging onto an idea that maybe he just renovated it or enlarged it."
"Since that day, people have continued to debate whether Borden really was innocent after all."
"Antony’s Atropatene Campaign remains a topic of debate among modern scholars, not least because of the propaganda surrounding it."
"There's some debate as to whether it's roman or whether it is a cavacheppi late 18th century kind of copy in a very good antique taste."
"The main argument forever by scholars is that Abraham was historical, his name is so primitive, Abram from maybe the Amorites."
"What caused it? Was it about slavery or states rights? It was absolutely about slavery."
"From an Egyptologist's perspective, the consensus view is that there's not a lot of point in talking about it. I don't know of a single Egyptologist who would tell you that the Exodus happened exactly as it's said to have happened in the Bible."
"The existence of the jug known as the Fuente Magna is such a thorny subject that some historians are still trying to find a way to prove that it's a fake."
"There is a growing number of scholars who doubt Jesus existed at all."
"The origins of the tradition that the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt and then rescued is still debated by scholars."
"The questions surrounding his nephews, the princes in the tower, still exist to this day."
"There are more than a few who argue that the distinction between the citizen Army of Rome and the mercenary Army of Carthage was the deciding factor in the wars between these two otherwise equal Powers."
"Was this compromise a success or a failure?"
"The Shroud of Turin's authenticity has been heavily debated since its first appearance in 1390."
"The motives for why Harold did this are still hotly debated to this day."
"Everyone is agreed that the church requires reform. The question before the emperor is, is the need for this reform urgent?"
"Homosexual relationships in ancient Egypt and Canaan were mentioned, but the interpretation of these mentions remains debatable."
"If Shakespeare's works had been newly discovered with no author's name on them it would have been a rather simple matter to convince others that Edward de Vere had written them."
"...if Lee is this great general and Mead is the first person to ever soundly defeat him in battle, how come we're not talking about [him]?"
"350 years on, opinion is very much divided as to what Charles hoped to achieve in his last campaign."
"Is what the US government did to Typhoid Mary justified, or was she vilified for something she had no control over?"
"Raphael's astronomy was marked really wonderfully by a lot of doubt and uncertainty, and he refused to determine whether Ptolemy was right or whether Copernicus was right."
"You can argue myth or man, but there's no denying Joshua's legacy."
"When they were writing the Constitution, there was an extraordinary dispute that went on between James Madison and George Mason and Patrick Henry."
"That's why the dating of the tools is so important and such a hot topic among historians and scientists."
"The earliest Jewish allegation that the disciples had stolen Jesus' body shows that the body was in fact missing from the tomb."
"History isn't written in stone; as it developed in the 20th century, you could make the argument it could go a different way."
"The Yonaguni Monument is considered by some to be a possible example of a sunken civilization or lost city."
"The only position that seems based on the actual evidence to form a composite whole and make perfect sense in context is the position that Brushy Bill Roberts was Billy the Kid."
"The true genesis of hockey is still something that not everybody really agrees on."
"The improbability of Plato perpetrating a complete fraud... has led many to assume that there must be some substance to these claims."
"What if someone now comes up, does a thesis in his PhD to challenge Ivan Van Sertima? Does it mean Van Sertima is pseudo? No, it means that we need to upgrade."
"It's more or less impossible to fully prove or disprove any idea when it comes to studying the Mycenaeans."
"Archaeologist Terry Hunt does not believe that humans could have destroyed the island's forest so quickly on their own."
"Is there any real reason to believe that the Fourth Crusade was the decisive event that destroyed the Byzantine Empire?"
"The real debate about the Umayyads is their legitimacy."
"This question has been around literally, you know, for 2000 years. It goes all the way back to Aristotle."
"At the end of the day, whether you choose to believe Garrett got the kid that night or not, it doesn't change the facts of the case."
"The Exodus event itself is in large question, just being that this was a mass migration of such a large number of people for such a large number of time."
"It may be impossible to say whether Genghis Khan left the world better than he found it, but it was still undeniably changed."