
Energy Innovation Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Thermal batteries are a real game changer for electricity storage."
"That's global prosperity like we've never seen before. Right? Because energy is fundamental to everything else. If you've got free energy, everyone's filthy rich."
"The emergence of fusion technology holds the potential to transform our current world."
"The support for Fusion technology extends to key figures such as Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and Bill Gates."
"I suspect most of us would rather like the idea of our power and heating or cooling supply being a big rod in our basement."
"There is a huge opportunity to build the distributed energy utility."
"Could you imagine if this was like the biggest moment in history and it was just a guy on Kickstarter who was like, 'Yeah, so if you just give me like a million bucks, I can give humanity infinite electricity forever.'"
"Quaise aims to retrofit existing fossil fuel plants with round-the-clock underground hot vapor."
"Fusion can be cost-competitive with conventional energy sources, overcoming major economic hurdles."
"A new era of nearly limitless energy is coming, and it's looking very bright."
"We're only going to fix climate when we make green energy so cheap everyone will want it."
"2024 is looking to be the year of the perovskite."
"Fusion is the perfect way to make energy. It's clean, it's safe, it doesn't produce CO2. It is definitely the energy source of the future."
"People joke about fusion being a long way away. It really depends on us and how badly we want this."
"The biggest and most significant benefit of Japan’s HTTR reactor is how it fixes one of the biggest and most notorious flaws of nuclear energy: the risk of a nuclear meltdown."
"Imagine a world where energy was so clean and abundant that it was no longer a limiting factor in the growth of civilization."
"Cold fusion will be a very, very important part of energy as we work to create safe power and efficient power."
"The energy that we need is going to be mastering this fusion."
"The virtue system promises to outdo traditional solar panels and water heaters combined—could this be the future of home energy solutions?"
"We need a miracle in what we call energy storage to keep that energy around until we need it when the wind's not blowing." - Pablos Holman
"With this operable technology being declassified, it would save our nation. We no longer will need fossil fuels; we can be traveling throughout the solar system."
"Ion crystal data reveals mechanisms to harness vast energy - now we have improved battery blueprints!"
"Virtual Power Plants... work to make the grid cheaper and more resilient." - Tesla Time News
"Tesla's lifelong ambition was to provide abundant energy so cheap that everyone on the planet could live comfortably."
"This revolutionary fuel source is enough to supply Harlem with clean, safe energy for the next 500 years."
"Nuclear fusion is harnessing the power of the sun. Wouldn't that be amazing?"
"Free energy is not a myth... and the human spirit will always prevail."
"In order to thrive and help our planet overcome its greatest challenge, nuclear Power needs to evolve. This is the Future of Nuclear power."
"There's so much more and that you know like you were saying earlier the scalar and the longitudinal that's you know where he was going with his transformation of energy over long distances."
"Imagine if we could harvest energy from keystrokes and other button presses on a larger scale because right now all that power is going to waste. That's interesting."
"Creating the world's largest distributed utility."
"We have the technology to deliver 350 kW of power straight into the battery pack of a car."
"If we can advance Fusion Energy, we could use it to produce clean electricity, transportation fuels, power heavy industry, and so much more."
"Eventually, batteries will be so good that it's game over for fossil energy."
"This is not waiting. This is advanced thorium energy at our doorstep."
"The vision of Tesla, which is essentially sustainable energy and a sustainable future."
"Sodium ion batteries can charge in 15 minutes to 80 percent at room temperature."
"That would however, be the ultimate game changer, vast amounts of energy available to you wherever you go when you want it that you didn’t even have to lug around, the ultimate in portable power."
"Microgrids would be completely transforming the way America and other countries around the world produce, distribute, and consume their energy."
"A company that proposes to be the world leader in renewable energy storage, a replacement to gas companies, and a cheaper alternative to Uber all in one... well, that's a more intriguing proposition."
"Sea salt batteries could dramatically reduce costs."
"Bitcoin mining as a tool to enhance and improve the energy grid was our kind of segue."
"We must start now to develop the new unconventional sources of energy that we will rely on in the next century."
"It is a game changer. However, if we're talking about energy access, I think all technologies must be on the table." - Kan de Un Keller
"If that could be harnessed we could quite possibly end our energy issues here on Earth."
"Imagine a system that generates five times more energy... nothing can compete with that."
"Liquid metal batteries... costs per kilowatt hour could go as low as 17 dollars."
"Helium-3 has the potential to revolutionize our energy needs by fueling Advanced nuclear fusion reactors."
"SMRs are coming to solve all the problems with traditional nuclear energy."
"Flow batteries are looking very promising, in terms of driving the costs down for large scale installation."
"Imagine if every village or home or business had its own zero-point or quantum vacuum generator."
"Energy storage will reach the point where it is cheaper than fossil fuels."
"With the advent of the distributed generations, the age of the micro grid has come."
"Our mission is accelerating a safer and greener energy future."