
Political Ethics Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Political violence is never the answer, regardless of which side of the political spectrum it occurs."
"Never again should any political leader ever use Islamophobia for political gain."
"This isn't about political advantage. We're all trying to do the right thing."
"If you sit in elected office and you wield state power on behalf of constituents, you should operate at a higher level than the average citizen."
"The impeachment inquiry has found that President Trump personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his re-election."
"How hard can that be? Saying that Nazis are bad?"
"This is the kind of thing when if it becomes acceptable practice, that's it for democracy."
"The speaker must always show impartiality and be seen to at least respect the House of Commons in terms of impartiality, and that is seriously at question here."
"It's not just be seen to be impartial, you have to be impartial in all things that you're doing."
"It's so disgusting when we see politicians using criminal behavior for political gain."
"Using this type of lie to garner sympathy and votes is disgusting."
"I was trying to protect the prime minister from political interference or perceived political interference."
"That's a textbook example of why you should never pursue political advantage through lying."
"This is not about Democrats versus Republicans. It's about what's right versus wrong."
"I believe in investing in people, not in corporations, special interests, and political action committees."
"Every person of good conscience needs to clearly and unambiguously stand up against violence in our politics no matter what your politics are."
"There's no place for political violence in this country."
"Is it Democratic to fund lawsuits to go after your political enemies? Is that democracy in action?"
"There's no place for voter intimidation or political violence in America."
"It's not good so long as it involves you know genocide against a population or so long as it involves socialism and communism and destruction of the rights of the individual."
"We should note that unlike Owen Paterson, none of the MPs mentioned here have been found to have broken any lobbying rules."
"Insider trading should apply to people in Congress."
"Are you not supposed to point out lies of politicians?"
"It's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign."
"You do not want your politicians using the law to go after their opponents."
"You cannot Cry Wolf as a member of Congress... You should step down from your position."
"Violence, threats, and intimidation have no place in political discourse."
"Republican officials should not be using human beings as political pawns. It is not a way you hear the president talk a lot about how we have to treat people with dignity and with respect. That's not what's happening here."
"This was a violation of his family's privacy that neither myself nor my party in any way condone."
"The conflicts that have enveloped Attorney General Leticia James are putting to light greater issues about accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct in public service."
"Not one witness, not Fiona Hill, not the accounts of John Bolton, not Kurt Volker, no one puts Donald Trump on the side of ethics."
"Now it's just a matter of, 'Will democracies do the right thing, or they allow themselves to be essentially bought into co-opting their freedoms for profit?'"
"Labor talking about truth, honesty, and integrity."
"It is hypocrisy for Justin Trudeau to call for the resignation of any official in his government who's found to have done this, to stand there and then say no, I think I'm gonna stick right here guys."
"Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans; it can never be tolerated."
"If you're making money off your time in government then I don't think you're fit to be president of the United States."
"Impeachment was deemed inappropriate...morality no longer mattered in politics."
"It's one thing for a fabulist like George Santos to lie and cheat his way into a congressional seat but it's altogether something else when he's doing it in complicity."
"Trust matters. When we erode that trust, we erode our democracy."
"Members of Congress shouldn't be padding their own pockets and lining their own wallets. They ought to be focused on doing what the people sent them there to do." - Senator Josh Hawley
"There's a difference between personal decency and political decency."
"Pressuring Ukraine to conduct political investigations is not in the national interest of the United States."
"We're not a country that thinks there are good people or fine people on both sides."
"He went to a foreign country, asked them for help with his re-election effort."
"Free and fair elections are one thing, but if you torture your way to a majority after that, that doesn't quite live up to the values that you were stating."
"If he allows these chants to continue, then he is putting the stake in the ground that we’re not a country about freedom and the First Amendment and it’s okay to criticize your country in America, because we relish diversity of all kinds."
"You have to say I will not be part of a party that mocks other religions, that is fundamentally anti-constitutional, that is an effort to put an autocracy in America. You just can't do it."
"Those who cannot accept the result of a free and fair election do not deserve the joy of Victory."
"Lying and pushing bad information is okay as long as you increase your political power."
"The president's family and his senior staff and others tried to encourage the president to condemn the violence and commit to the peaceful transition of power."
"Threatening election officials is a deplorable thing to do. The most important thing for our country is the orderly transfer of power."
"We must never forget it is immoral to allow politicians to harm women and families to advance a political agenda."
"I expect my leaders to shoulder the responsibility for the actions they take."
"The worst kind of lie is the double standard. It is double standards that undermine the republic more than any other kind of lie." — Ben Shapiro
"You can't be Catholic and vote for intrinsically evil things."
"It's just generally bad to invade other countries and kill innocent people."
"If I was elected president, I would have divested... it's better for your businesses too."
"Political donations do feel like bribery at this point."
"Nothing excuses foreign meddling in U.S. elections."
"Our institutions only hold when men and women of good faith make them hold regardless of the political cost."
"You do not have the right to inspire people to commit violence in the capital of the United States."
"Wrong to give a white nationalist an anti-semite and a holocaust denier a seat at the table."
"To not take corporate PAC money is very important, and I don't want to downplay like how big of a step it is for all these politicians to now say we're not taking it anymore."
"It's a bribe if she wins, she's going to consider extending the Attorney General, and you know what I'm saying? I'm not knocking the Attorney General, but how can you say that? It's a bribe!"
"Anybody who doesn't hate War shouldn't have power in my opinion."
"If you have to intimidate and harass people to win an election, get out of the seats."
"A president should be removed from office if they commit serious crimes."
"Can we at least agree that children are off limits in this campaign?"
"You cannot snatch the entire nation through fraudulent means and say God gave him."
"It is important to have leaders who tell the truth, who know what the truth is, and who are willing to continually stand up and say the truth."
"In a democracy, killing abortion doctors would be immoral."
"You don't play politics with people's lives."
"So it's okay to have a big lie if you don't start an insurrection?"
"You do seem to want to create a better world and you do seem to be interested in doing things like that rather than sort of building a politics of malice and jealousy."
"There comes a point where there are certain red lines, and it's better to lose the election than to cross them."
"The Republican party as it is with no platforms or morals and a complete disregard for the will of the people no longer deserves to lead in the Democratic Republic."
"To take a politician and to weaponize and politicize something like a natural disaster...is just despicable."
"Politics is not about domination; it's about ensuring the right people are elected."
"Political violence is never justified, that's why we're all British."
"Some terrible things happened. It should never be allowed to happen in our country again."
"President Trump's effort to convince a foreign country to cheat to win an election is a clear and present danger."
"Morality and ethics should have absolutely everything to do with [the political process]."
"The conduct that he displayed on January the 6th alone disqualifies him to be president."
"No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in meetings if they're a cabinet member, or will have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country."
"To play politics with people's lives in that way... it's really disappointing."
"Speaking to people's material needs is not only the right thing to do politically, it's the right thing to do historically, it's the right thing to do morally." - Michael Brooks
"Can we get 'First, do no harm' to be a principle in politics, please?"
"Transparency and ethics are paramount in the realm of public service."
"Absolutely disgusting honestly... gaining political power... absolutely disgusting."
"Pandora has released two new charms to celebrate Mulan."
"We have a responsibility just as he had a responsibility to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dying wishes and not to politicize that and to respect her wonderful contribution."
"No Nigerian blood is worth the ambition of one man."
"If you look hard enough, you can find the bright side in anything."
"If you run for office saying we're not going to let Muslims in, that is not ethically, morally, or legally different than saying we're not going to let Jews in or Catholics in."
"Politicians lying is now a criminal offense."
"Saying Christians shouldn't make theocratic laws is not the same as saying they shouldn't have a place in politics."
"If the left is not kind, then what are we even doing here?"
"What's different about this moment... having so-called public servants more concerned with enriching themselves during a crisis than delivering basic economic relief for ordinary people is totally unacceptable."
"We should not be electing politicians based solely on their race."
"This kind of behavior should not be admissible should not be tolerated throwing your political rival into jail over his interviews over his criticism is not the way to tolerate."
"This conversation is reminiscent of the enemy’s list of Richard Nixon. It has no place in our politics."
"Asking a foreign government to investigate a domestic political rival is inappropriate."
"Violence has absolutely no place in our society or our politics."
"I think that all of us can sort of agree that our politics that says like there are superior and inferior human beings just isn't the way to go."
"A president or vice president making political moves around the world that coincide with their families making millions in the same places—it is not normal at all."
"We must demand better from our leaders and we must be willing to hold them accountable when they fall short."
"If you are electing people who want to overturn a legitimate election, then you are the problem."
"Let us pledge, whoever is in power, that we never weaponize impeachment."
"The president cannot order an elite military unit to kill a political rival."
"I believe it is overt corruption even if she's legally paying this guy it's still overt nepotism."
"We have a real problem with our political class when it comes to Britain encouraging our country to act ethically abroad."
"I do not take and never have taken one penny from any corporation because I don't represent their interests." - Bernie Sanders
"It's not just about red or blue or wherever you come from or whatever state you're from, it's a moral issue."
"Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar. I will not participate in that." - Liz Cheney
"What Putin did is wrong, absolutely wrong in invading Ukraine."
"In a democracy, you shouldn't see your opponents as enemies. Once we start to see them as enemies, then we start going along a dangerous path."
"If you don't like the outcome of an election, just lie about it and say that you won. It's a terrible thing for a country that believes in self-government."
"We need a moral alternative, a moral politics."
"Inciting to insurrection is an impeachable offense." - Chris Christie
"Nancy Pelosi is the perfect example of what should not be happening in D.C which is people getting rich on the stock market off of information they know because they're a member of Congress."
"The president used the powers of his office for personal political gain."
"Every reporter in the country needs to ask this legitimate question: Do we think it is a legitimate function of government to eavesdrop on political opponents illegally unmask them and listen to their private conversations?"
"The only way to solve the problems of politics and ethics is to get rid of human beings from the place."
"Is it ever appropriate to turn congressional oversight authority into a weapon to harm a political opponent? No." - Mr. Williams
"American presidents should never press foreign powers to target their domestic political rivals."
"Name recognition is so largely about money... I have never accepted a donation larger than one thousand dollars."
"To hold them hostage based on a personal political demand of the president is something that should make every American and every Republican mad as hell."
"US politicians need to understand the difference between good and evil."
"Can good honest people succeed in politics in today's world? It feels unlikely."
"I think we're a moral breaking point for the Republican Party."
"We have never, ever given a town hall question to anyone beforehand."
"It's not partisan, it's an issue about right and wrong and protecting democracy."
"I'm not going to attack other people personally. I don't think it's good for our country."
"Even if there was not a quid pro quo, the President of the United States asking the President of Ukraine to get dirt on his political opponent even if he was not offering something in return is also wrong."
"Care more about America than you do about yourself and your reelection."
"I'll choose the guy who's losing money from public office over the guy who wants to get elected to make money."
"Richard Nixon at his worst moment wouldn't dare call the lawyers defending Charles Manson a disgrace to the USA."
"They knew that it is wrong for the President to use his office to try to shakedown a foreign leader to do political favors for him."
"Any elected official should not be calling for a boycott of any workplace, particularly at a time like this."
"That includes a sense of state, commitment to truth and, yes, respect for the political opponent."
"The problem of dirty hands refers to the conflict of duties between the harsh requirements of politics and the equally demanding desire for moral purity."
"Decency goes out of the window and decency ends where your political future begins."
"Political opposition can never absolve gentlemen from the necessity of a rigid adherence to the laws of honor and the rules of decorum."
"I ensure I won't lose the public's trust due to conflicts with money in politics."
"If you can't win on your own merits, then really you shouldn't be a chairman of a party in this country."
"Losers consent is a vital part of any democracy."
"Political violence in all forms is unacceptable."
"Legally and constitutionally it is a disservice to democracy and developmental politics in any part of the world."