
Space Management Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"Space Management was the first thing that I realized is not going to work out how I originally had anticipated."
"This room is like kind of short. Our heads are like banging on the ceiling every time we jump."
"You do want to have as much space between your items as possible because if you stack items too crowded, the clothes are gonna get wrinkly."
"When it comes to decluttering, prioritize peace in your home over keeping all the stuff. It's about making your space work for you, not the other way around."
"Creating a shared kids' bedroom is not just about saving space; it's about nurturing bonds and fostering a sense of companionship among siblings."
"Imagine you're like packing a moving van; you have to fit all the items in your house into the van. In the same way with your mix, every single instrument wants to have a space in that mix."
"Two basic rules when you have less space: Look for pawn breaks or try to exchange minor pieces."
"Having a big animal in a small space rarely works well."
"Be organized and have a system, the biggest thing you can do in a space like this is have a spot for everything."
"At least it's not cluttering up my space anymore."
"I think we'll have enough room for every one of us to have our little bedroom."
"Wow, this is turning into a really nice space."
"Maybe think about how you can break up the monotony of the space so that it doesn't all just feel like one big space."
"Trying to fit a circular table in a square room is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole."
"This shelf is all Star Wars, I have a lot more Star Wars but again space is a premium so I picked some of my favorites here."
"Praise the Lord, we're gonna have plenty of room for everybody."
"If packing a pod is a real-life game of Tetris, pretty sure we are winning."
"Furniture placement - it's about creating space."
"If everything had its space and its home to go to, it'd be so much easier to clean up."
"I'm ready to like rip these shelves out and put in new ones that maybe extend out a little bit more so that there is even more room in here."
"Most people that do a draw system or this just dead space underneath, every build I've done until now has dead space underneath, but if you make the dead space bigger, you can use it. It's also a dead space really like that I think useful."
"Space management - don't get near anything, don't strike anything."
"A very important thing when you're lacking space when it comes to pawns is you have to find a way to chip away at those pawns."
"I'm building a castle, so I kind of think we come up with a floor plan together, I don't want to do anything too crazy, so I don't have a whole load of space to work with."
"A big effort of this build for me was to make sure that there wasn't anything that interesting for sims to do on the ground floor."
"Tiny home, this is a little too big, but I think, oops, we can probably reduce the size."
"I feel happy here I like having my space together now."
"This is not only a creative way to add a bit of personalization but also offers tons of extra space for storage, without crowding the desk itself."
"Furniture adds function to a room and a sense of space."
"It's nice that you're able to pull this out to get more room."
"Make your home a sanctuary; build peaceful spaces."
"If you have no place where to put your books, consider turning an over-the-door organizer into a bedside storage."
"When you're working with a limited amount of space, it allows you to focus more."
"I feel like living in a small space, we're gonna round our rough edges way faster."
"The great thing about that is, that gives me an extra 20 inches of living space to work with."
"I have more than enough space now, I have probably got 50 different emails from guys asking about like XJ Cherokee LS swap..."
"This might actually work my walls are pretty big this one came with a pack of three because it has this huge Aura posture."
"Honestly it always looks really tidy... because there's a lot of hidden storage."
"Updating my corner with a shoe rack, lights, and a mirror - making the place look bigger!"
"The number one thing that we wanted to accomplish in here was to have more space to work in."
"Space is precious but everyone needs their own bed for optimal recovery."
"It's just so satisfying to finally have this space nice and organized."
"It is really evident how much of the world we just leave empty."
"Little Beverly Hills, we can get rid of it, it's a little bit of a waste of space and we'll get some money back for bulldozing down this big park."
"Leave her in the attic so I still have a TV room and office."
"Big card, big card. You want to make sure you have room for it, obviously."
"The Shimizu Mega City pyramid will help to alleviate that feeling by creating more space."
"We're running out of room and our storage room here so what I've decided is completely change the purpose of the room that I'm currently standing in."
"Enough space to fit three full-sized adults comfortably."
"I really wanted there to be a breakfast table since there was a space to do it."
"In an open concept floor plan, you'll have that visual continuity so there's no transitions, there's no line breaks, and it actually makes the space seem larger."
"Understanding what your current needs are will help you identify the size, shape, and type of desk you need to free up the rest of the room for multi-functional furniture and decor."
"If you do have limited space use shulker boxes that shulker box is filled with 27 stacks of cooked beef."
"It's worth it for me to have one less thing in this cluttered space."
"You have space for everything in this vehicle, whether that's for five passengers to sit comfortably or for your hobby materials."
"Space Haven: where planning small means planning efficiently."
"It's kind of crazy now that Pamela 2.0 has officially sold and left the building, there's a lot more space in here."
"Packing cubes are space savers and really come in handy."
"I just like the fact that I can easily just slide it underneath the table whenever I'm not using it."
"If you've only got a little space to use as your lounge and only a little money left in the budget, you can find inexpensive pieces."
"We feel like walking into any house, you just need somewhere to put your stuff."
"I have plenty of space in case I need to pack some spare stuff for a longer trip."
"The sconce though more specifically is always going to be popular... it keeps a lot of table space available to you."
"It actually is bigger than the one at our last place so Hunter and I shared that really skinny closet and it was like oh for sure these closets are smaller but I brought all of my stuff into this closet and I still have room."
"Sunken beds really helped to maintain the feeling of a big open space within the room."
"Look what side I'm on, see occupied? There's one seat in the sand."
"Hatches give you the most durability... ideal for a one block space."
"Set boundaries honor and hold your own physical and emotional space."
"Storage on this side... is actually very deep."
"I do really believe in refreshing the space, you know, kind of regularly, so it never feels like dated or old."
"Use a stacked plate rack to make extra counter storage space. Go vertical instead of horizontal."
"This cart is my favorite thing in the world I highly recommend getting one if you have the space for it."
"Don't allow spots in your garden to sit empty when something could be growing in there."
"The fact that it actually fits a lot more than he expected."
"When you empty out and clean a space before organizing, it allows you to look at the area in a new way."
"The only thing is the stylus chair takes up four tiles, it's quite big I guess to cater for the Sim animation."
"Cable management took next to no time at all and it looks like we've still got plenty of room to pop our rear panel back on."
"I just know how to tell it where it could get off at and that's all you have to be proficient in doing is knowing when something has infringed on your space."
"This island is very cluttered which is honestly my style." - Coco.crossing
"We're in downtown but we don't need to shove all of the buildings everywhere super close to one another."
"With open concept living, it's important to use your furniture as a way to really delineate the different spaces."
"I use this online calculator quite a bit for calculating the difficulty of an encounter for my group."
"I know that this space isn't super common but I thought this idea would be really convenient."
"It's like a puzzle for me, trying to fit everything into a small space as possible."
"It's enough that you can fit a small suitcase."
"I'm constantly looking on Facebook Marketplace for like a glass hutch that goes up taller I feel like we have the floor space for it barely just barely."
"Any living space can be organized better, no matter how small it is."
"Running disk cleanup regularly not only frees up space on your drive but it cleans up temporary files internet cache files and unnecessary program files."
"Let's get a new lobby first, sorry everybody but we need some space."
"Utilizing space: maximizing efficiency on the farm."
"You don't even notice the footprint because you get all the space you need."
"We're gonna need a bigger space or more space, brother."
"Be disciplined when buying stuff. Remember, you have limited space."
"Rolling up in their caravan, Orgrimmar will have to make a bit of room for them."
"Make use of space underneath your crib. Get some under the bed storage or just get some cardboard storage bins and use this extra space to store some of your less used items."
"This is just giving several more space to build units."
"That's gonna be where you can put all that junk away... but it won't be taking up weights or room over in your normal inventory."
"You have the additional cargo space there which is massive."
"They give you great transitions between spaces so you feel like you're moving to a different space as opposed to everything just blending together."
"I need more space in my kitchen, so I'm considering moving the hutch. Let's see how it looks."
"Give yourself some boundaries within your space that are realistic."
"How many of those spaces serve as two purposes?"
"It's just such a nice feeling especially when we're working with such a small space."
"Finding ways to tuck things away, place things behind doors, just getting really creative with storage, especially closed storage, it's going to make such a huge impact in your small space."
"I store my baking utensils inside the cupboard. I think that's a really nice use of space."
"For the first time in over a year, I finally have the space to put up all of my PC games."
"It's not just a problem of having too much stuff in a space, it's also the organization piece."
"It's like you're literally saying my space has limitations and it can only hold so much, and I'm going to pare down to what fits inside."
"Now, the cool thing about mirrors in a small space like this is it makes everything look larger."
"I have to make use of every inch of space as one does in New York."
"You have to come up with creative ways to fit your whole life in the small space that you're working with."
"I've recently started putting my clothes in the guest room because they just don't fit in my room anymore."
"That big bed that we had just took up too much room."
"Entertaining 300 square feet is going to be different than 1800 square feet."
"The tiny challenge made me realize how much I probably don't get done normally and how much that's gonna increase in terms of if we don't have our own space."
"If we're going to live in an apartment, we want it to feel like we have lots of room and space."
"Not really thinking about the space it would take up or how big the boxes would be."
"I'm loving selling clothes right now because we're running out of space."
"Pull everything off of your walls and off of your shelves you're not getting rid of it you're not donating anything you're kind of giving your space some breathing room and coming back to it with fresh eyes."
"...functional items working as decor in a small space just try to keep the countertops here empty because when they're cluttered in a small apartment it can especially make it feel cramped and crowded."
"I just thought it was amazing how they managed to fit so much into a relatively small space."
"That's a great phrase, 'Damn it takes up like no room!'"
"So you know when you're cooking you know you do what you got to do but it looks a little cramp but really there's plenty of room to to get yourself clean."
"The next hardest part that I actually struggle with is trying to place that piece of equipment first like what do I have room for."
"Not all of us have basements or garages or attics. It can go under a bed, in an extra closet."
"How on Earth did we fit all this in the two storage units?"
"I know a lot of people leave their shoe collection in their closets, especially if they have a bigger closet, but if you have a small closet like me, there probably is not even that much space for your shoes."
"...just try to avoid putting things in corners if that makes sense."
"The back seat is for the dog and your backpack and that's all it's going to fit back there."
"The room was kind of feeling a little bit too full. That armchair was quite bulky and big, and it was blocking the view of this."
"I have a studio, so that helps. It got to the point where I had shelves in the dining room, the living room, and my bedroom."
"Assess your space, take inventory, shop your home, and refresh your space."
"Ask yourself, 'Do I have space for this?'"
"If you leave the glass in, you could have a humongous space from the bed into the cab."
"So, definitely don't shy away from pegboards just because you're renting space."
"It's definitely worth considering the fact that smaller areas, tighter spots, it's going to be hard to get stuff in and out."
"Space is money. Every space in your home equates to a dollar amount."
"Being in such a small apartment, I knew that I needed to maximize my storage as much as possible."
"It's so big in fact that it doesn't quite fit within my filming space."
"When choosing favorites for a container, pull your least favorites out first until what's left fits comfortably and functionally."
"You don't need a lot of space. It's okay. You can just have a shelf so long as it's two base plates deep."
"The biggest thing I'm concerned about is like vertically how much space we have for the stand."
"Embrace the realities of the space that you have. Just going through that process and finding your clutter threshold in the space that you have is going to make it so much easier for you."
"It's pretty rare to be in a van and actually have like a usable aisle space."
"You may have a small space, but it can be fabulous."
"I have so much counter space now and everything spaced out and not crowded together."
"I need more space on my bookshelves because I have two bookshelves from Ikea and they're getting very very full."
"Decluttering and organizing are very important when you have a small space to work with."
"You're protected Citadel volume inside is reduced which means you can't get as much machinery magazines etc in place without becoming overly cramped."
"As a beginning Gardener myself when I first started out I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to have a 700 square foot garden, I ended up failing miserably and dialing that way back to about 150 square feet because I couldn't manage it all."
"A generous amount of workspace is a must in a busy kitchen. Anything less than a meter of countertop and you'll be struggling for space."
"Every little bit of space has been maximized. You're getting your value for your money."
"Seeing how small the kitchen is, it really was a reality check on how small we're going to have to get used to living."
"Creating a space where everything is easily accessible and I can see what I have."
"Organizing clutter to clear mental space."
"Drawers are a great use of space, particularly in a small trailer."
"But the bonus from that is that we've cleared up a bunch of tank space."
"As long as you're not getting into the valencia pride type of mangoes, 10 feet more than enough."
"Okay, so here are the six enclosures in this reptile room that I've jammed into a relatively small space."
"Wow it feels like I now have a space for everything."
"Start in the visible most visible area of the house... and then take it there now and start... You're starting in the visible area and you're like decluttering for the purpose of that space. What's the function of this space?"
"This space is so much more usable. It's just decluttered but it basically functions as more organized."
"Every space in your home is a container and the purpose of a container is to contain, it's to serve as a limit."
"Oh that's nice that is a nicely organized just the organization the use of space fantastic. Giant fate poster though gotta say that's questionable quite frankly very very sad."
"Space is finite and if you want your house to be under control you have to embrace the realities of your space."
"This bathroom is so tight and so crazy wonky but that was the only way that we could fit the tub in tile in the door casing and make it look halfway not insane."
"This is such a great space saver."
"One of the most common issues I see in logistics is people running out of warehouse space."
"If you're running out of space in your warehouse, you don't necessarily have to move."
"It leaves you the most room on your campsite for the patio action."
"For years I have wanted a lathe in my workshop, and up until now, I thought I haven't had the space, no place to put it."
"This thing is stunning; it's quite sizable, yes, but it's not super wide, so it could potentially find a way into the back of your collection."
"Our chickens are Bremers, they're very big... so we need to make sure they've got enough room in their coop."
"Our tiny house is a decent size for a tiny house, and so the space for us is working out perfectly."
"The ability to alter item width and height to best fit in its container's available free space is one of the concepts of the flexible box model."
"A good rule of thumb is if you want enough room for yourself and your gear, you get a two-man tent for one person."
"Something everyone can sort of afford and find a space for."
"We need to run a space, and so we rented a warehouse in town."
"Kitchen's a bit small, but we make it work."
"Little things like this don't seem like huge decisions but when you're dealing with such a small space any little added attention to detail you can put in makes the final product feel a lot less claustrophobic."
"The store is blowing my mind right now, the amount of stuff... just piled in here, they've maximized the space."
"Gotta be creative when you work in a small space like this."
"Set up your home for independence the best that you can given the space that you have."
"We have to work with the space that we have and make do."
"Slider door, I love that. It's just such a great way to manage the space."
"If you've been following my spring clean, you know that I'm always encouraging you when you organize to leave some space in your organizing area that's unfilled because I promise you, you will find something you need to put there."
"You don't need a huge space but you do need a really strong connection with the garden."
"It's really important if you're going to make one of these things now, you can fit your long locomotives onto the track."
"Don't worry if you don't have room for an eight-foot island, I'll show you how to make one change to fit the length of your space."
"Space is everything in a small home with a lot of people in it."
"All these figures are finally done right, in terms of giving them enough space to display them adequately."
"Knowing your dimensions and the envelope that you're working with is crucial."
"With the depth of the yard, it's going to be a bit of a design challenge to make everything fit into a smaller space, but I like design challenges."
"When you have a pet, it's part of your family; they require their own space, and oftentimes you don't have that space to give up."
"I've learned so much about how to be efficient in a small space."
"We are totally using the Container Concept where you just keep what fits in the container and then other stuff goes."
"Measure your space, see how big it is, find an organization system that fits it almost perfectly, and then maximize that space."
"It was very important to us as a family that we weren't falling over each other."
"The kitchen was great, it was still a decent size for a tiny house for sure."
"It's not perfectly flushed, I guess a little bit here because there's so much stuff in there, but it's a pretty good fit."