
Pluralism Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"A pluralistic society in which all ethnic and racial minorities try to contribute to the mainstream and still retain their cultural identity is often advocated as a desirable goal for our country."
"The most effective civil rights activists, leaders, and movements in American history have always endorsed an attitude of pluralism, of coalition building, of shared identity."
"It's possible to thrive and do extremely well in a pluralistic world."
"Why can't we have ethnic studies that's taught in a pro-American way, in a way that honors the pluralism and the wonderful value of all these different ethnicities and cultures that have contributed to the fabric of America?"
"There's different paths to the one God. I truly believe that."
"If you don’t believe in God, you need to try to understand why anybody does or we're not going to be able to work in a pluralistic society."
"Pluralism and tolerance are essential qualities of civilization."
"Pluralism plus the ability to defend your position, the willingness to defend your position, the courage to defend your position—that is what real truth is about."
"The mere existence of these pluralistic voices is a blow, a severe blow, to the Islamist ideological project."
"Tolerance, pluralism, mutual trust, and respect between States and communities, and even individuals, is on the decline."
"The pluralist enjoys paradox and contradiction without needing to eliminate them."
"The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language are willed by God in His wisdom..."
"We live in a pluralistic society. It doesn't mean you can't teach it, it just doesn't belong in the science classroom."
"Baphomet symbolizes the reconciliation of opposites and represents a pluralistic society."
"Liberty in god we trust' a pluralist unum, this is the great American experiment."
"If society does not accept pluralism as a basic fundamental value, then the stresses and strains at some stage or the other will come out to the forefront."
"Many different perspectives can hold some part of truth."
"We should always be critical from the left of the government and of big Pharma and of the establishment media."
"It's not about I'm right, you're wrong, it's about can all of these ideas exist in good faith."
"The West represents a kind of order that shouldn't exist... with all of our pluralism and unpredictability and messiness."
"I want us always to be moving towards that goal of a more pluralistic, more Humane world."
"America doesn't have a central side it has it has multiple people competing in ideas and Concepts and want those to refine and Define the other Concepts."
"I appreciate all different religions from a point of view that I think everyone is free to practice whatever they want."
"Religious plurality is one of the bedrocks of our society."
"Ultimately, I respect a system of pluralism that lets these questions move from a zero-sum game of total control to a decentralized system of decision-making."
"One of the things we've lost as a country is this willingness to allow what you're calling pluralism."
"Your religion is for you, and my religion is for me."
"The pluralism and the diversity of religions are all willed by God."
"Buen Vivir is pluralistic and continuously evolving, it’s about finding a variety of ways for people to live well together in a community."
"In this country, there's plenty of room for different opinions."
"Pluralism is the best prescription to bring about reconciliation between a variety of different religious worldviews."
"We have to defeat Islamism with pluralism. We have to showcase to the world that pluralism is a better idea than Islamism. We don't become like them."
"One version of Christianity, another version, you gotta respect."
"We're a pluralistic society and we have to find a way to make room for all of these different viewpoints."
"The freedom of religion does not mean the freedom of one religion; it means the freedom of all religions."
"Religious pluralism is a foundational principle of Hinduism"
"The ancient Muslim world was very multicultural, it was very pluralistic. There was interaction with many different cultures."
"Pluralism as a practice involves shared decision-making with clients to find what's best for them."
"I think it would be fair to say that we are of a pluralist persuasion and we are keen to be exposed to as many distinguished voices from the international relations field as possible."
"Pluralism is a real recognition of that multiplicity of validity."
"We want to build defensive technologies that improve the baseline defensiveness of the world while allowing it to remain a pluralistic place."
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers."
"The art of knowing others deeply and being deeply known is the key skill in a pluralistic society."
"A true democracy must be secular in its political nature, particularly if its citizenry is pluralistic in matters of faith."
"...liberal society in his eyes has a constant obligation to remind ourselves of the ways that the current order of things might be hurting people around us much more effective when you have a pluralistic outlook."
"I think what we really need in science as in other areas of activity is pluralism."
"Hinduism is a culture that meets the needs of every person. It is this pluralistic and open stance that makes it unique among the world faiths."
"The recognition of diversity and the support for it is called pluralism."
"...I think that that pluralism is part of what it means to be American."
"Positive pluralism is all about engagement and goes beyond passive tolerance."
"Muslims often say that the Quran is inherently pluralist, meaning that it recognizes more than one faith tradition as being true."
"If it's all different paths and they all lead to the same goal, should we follow all?"
"Refuse grand narratives by ethically recognizing the plurality of the world in all its complexity."
"It has extraordinary achievement, I think, of combining democracy, secularism, and pluralism."
"This theme of multiple networks of connectivity lies at the root of why I use the plural 'roads' in my talk today."
"What it actually means to be a secular nation what it means to be a pluralistic nation what it means to treat religions equally and what it means to have religious freedom and that religious freedom means freedom from and freedom of religion."
"We are into an era when it’s become fashionable to say all religions lead to God."
"But I think recognizing that whether you're Christian, religious minority, whether you're secular, that's something that if we want to live in a pluralistic democratic society, we have to be aware of."
"In the reality of a largely pluralistic, non-Christian populace, you will have to make concessions."
"There's a difference between pluralism as a fact and pluralism as an ideology."
"The response I would emphasize today is a thoughtful renewed commitment to the concept of pluralism and civil society."
"and the third question, the subject of this panel, is how can we strengthen the forces of pluralism in an increasingly diverse world"
"Reality is that whether you are a Muslim or a Christian or whether you're Jewish or Hindu or Sikh or Buddhist and even if you don't believe in God you try to live your life in a way where you don't harm others."
"We must honor our own gods and give respect to other men's."
"He presented himself as a Hindu, as a Muslim, and as a Christian to assert that all religious paths were equal."
"The ease of multiple religious participation and religious identity has already acquired its answered, both conceptual and practical in a dialogical Confucian tradition with a plural vision."
"Unity in diversity: encapsulating cultural diversity, religious pluralism, and a history of colonialism and Rebellion against it."
"That is the anti-liberal, anti-communist, anti-fascist pluralism, anti-Western, anti-modern pluralism, pluralism and plurality, multipolarity, possibility to accept everything that is human."
"European Union is our natural habitat, pluralistic, and it's our natural family."
"In terms of individual, one truth, one religion is very relevant, but in terms of society, several truths, several religions are very relevant."
"His vision is of a future in which a shared and confident pluralism becomes a reality at last."
"The modern moral problem is not how do you stop people from being bad, it's how do you deal with a bunch of different moralities with people all trying to live together."
"In a plural world of values, we're trying to reconcile seemingly competing values."
"Some claim all religions reflect the same truth."
"We do not believe that one religion is superior to another."
"India is living example of religious Harmony."
"Pluralism is good for you if you're a person of faith, don't be afraid of it."
"The U.S. will soon be a pluralist nation."
"The uniqueness of Christ in an age of pluralism."
"What is necessary for a democracy is pluralism."
"I respect all religions and all beliefs."
"I can have my beliefs and you can have yours and we're part of the same society."
"I love diversity. I'm the most pluralistic person you've ever met."
"Diversity does need to be in ideology."
"...there is no question that there are those who want to stand for truth and justice, even if they don't have the same belief as you."
"What we need to understand is what underlies these plural possibilities of recomposition."
"America was never a Christian country; it's religious pluralism, freedom of religion."
"There are many ways to relate to spirituality, and that is once you recognize it, then what I fear is an issue between religions fighting in the name of religion disappears immediately."
"Religious pluralism... many ways to relate to the idea of the spirit, something deeper about our essential nature."
"The way to defend pluralism against tribalism is not tribalism."
"When you face people who want to shut down, the correct answer is to double down on pluralism and the belief in it."
"We have to tolerate pluralism and disagreement, and we have to be cosmologically modest about what we can know."
"We need to be pluralistic, we need to be inclusive."
"There are advantages of a pluralistic society after all."
"Benjamin Franklin was a man of the future... here is a world in which his work was not wholly lost, an America of greater pluralism and surprise than he would have ever dared dream of."
"Pluralism isn't saying you're wrong; pluralism is saying all voices ought to be listened to."
"Pluralism recognizes the hegemonic and colonialist tendencies... and looks to actually liberate people along their own cultural trajectories."
"Ecological economics is about creating that more pluralistic approach to how we measure our overall well-being."
"This is not a theocracy, we do not live in a religious state, this is not a Christian nation; it's a pluralistic country."
"Democracy is pluralistic; you have all kinds of people vying for control, forming little factions and competing with each other."
"The pluralism of Athens translates politically into democracy."
"Much depends on the multiple ways in which we can disprove that assertion and assert the power of life and pluralism over the morbid, sordid, medieval enemy that we're now faced with."
"... given the possibility of building a pluralist nation that can also serve as a global city, I can imagine the Chinese communities, together with the others, contributing their share to that composite identity."
"A nationalism that actually protects pluralism is a very different kind of nationalism."
"It is just a sense of loyalty to an idea, an ideal like a plural society ideal."
"Pluralism should not be taken as ethnically defined, pluralism is a pluralism of many different origins, many different ideas."
"We either live in a pluralistic and tolerant society where we can live together and defend one another's rights, or we don't."
"We live in pluralistic societies with diversity, with diverse religious affiliations or backgrounds and culture."
"American pluralism has allowed these various traditions to recognize and accept one another."
"It is pluralism, not secularism, that defines democracy."
"Herder was a staunch pluralist and saw pluralism and imperialism as antagonistic to one another."
"A pluralist approach is helpful in situations where a range of perspectives have to be understood."
"...politics is about pluralism, politics is about the impossibility of a single answer."
"...if we don't have pluralism, then not only is our view invalid but it puts us in a very very dangerous place that can lead to really kind of barbarous political practice."
"The Jesus movement and the Jesus that we know from the New Testament actually fit very comfortably within this wider realm of a pluralistic sort of Judaism."
"We are secular because we are plural."
"We will continue to speak out in every forum for the values of pluralism, freedom, and democracy."
"My slogan for pluralism is not 'anything goes' but 'many things go'."
"Pluralism will not only enrich scientific knowledge itself but also contribute to the maturing of the role of science in society."
"The foundation of democracy is not secularism; the foundation of democracy is pluralism."
"The autonomy of religious communities is indispensable for pluralism in a democratic society."
"Pluralism seems as American as apple pie."
"The sheer diversity of religious truth claims provides the basis for a robust religious pluralism."
"Ramakrishna's religious pluralism sets up a hierarchy in which the Vijnani, who sees God as being simultaneously with and without form, is presented as the final and ultimate seer of truth."
"All religions are true or multiple religions are true."
"Sri Ramakrishna grants maximal salvific efficacy to multiple religious paths."
"Sri Ramakrishna's model of religious pluralism affirms the salvific efficacy of all first-order religions."
"All doctrines are only so many paths, but a path is by no means God Himself."
"The only way to rule India, indeed any civilization, is with tolerance and pluralism."
"We're trying to argue for a more pluralistic way of thinking about philosophy."
"If we had a more pluralistic means of delivering information that didn't encourage us to get trapped in these so-called filter bubbles or to fall victim to confirmation bias, you could see how that might temper some of these ill effects."
"The United States government experiences pluralism where many voices have a say in government."
"We have to respect the difference and not trying to impose that everybody has to essentially believe in the same thing."
"...I'm not as committed to like fighting through the nail for doctrinal Orthodoxy I'm far more interested in defending religious pluralism."
"We live in a pluralistic society and we have to find ways to actually engage with each other in a way that we can communicate in an open dialogue."
"That's what a pluralistic society actually looks like."
"The human mind is analogous to a society in the sense that it's pluralistic, with competing voices within the human mind."
"A pluralist democracy is a type of democracy in which government makes decisions as a result of the interplay of various ideas and contrasting arguments from competing groups and organizations."
"We both believe in pluralism, freedom of speech, and the general laissez-faire, live and let live idea of America."
"The essence of London historically has not been ethnicity but pluralism."
"God created us diverse, and in the diversity, there will be an ontological pluralism because each person is different."
"I favor a system where many religions can flourish and communities can benefit because of this flourishment, and secular democracy can do that."
"Religion in antiquity was very pluralistic, a world awash in a variety of beliefs."
"I believe that there are many paths, and whatever path you may choose to take is fine and wonderful because the ultimate goal is to reach truth."
"What he taught us in that second half of Matthew 5 is essential for us to be able to navigate our pluralistic society."
"I believe that there is one God but I also believe that there are many paths to God."
"We're in a democracy, a pluralistic democracy, we have to talk to each other."
"Where you have pluralism, where you have civil society, where you have institutions, you have the creation of wealth."
"We're a pluralistic society and that means people gonna have different beliefs about religion, they're going to have different World Views and all sorts of things."
"Will evangelicals continue to fight for hegemony, or will they ever come to a place of saying, 'We are okay sharing this world with people that don't believe the same way we do'?"
"We live in a religiously pluralistic country."
"There is no beauty, only beauties."