
Positive Focus Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The only way to overcome fear is instead of focusing on the worst possible outcome, to focus on the best possible outcome."
"Choose to be grateful for the good times that you had together, focus on the positive, and then more positive things will come as a result of that."
"We're addicted to the negative. That is not what I'm about. Let's see what he does."
"I actually love getting this card because it really means that you guys have a lot of blessings coming, so keep focusing on the positive."
"Change is within you. No one can change your life but you. Make the decision to avoid negative influences and focus on the positive."
"What you think, you become. If you focus on the positive, it will come."
"A successful diet is all about adding things in, not taking things out."
"We need to try harder to focus on some positive things in life as well, like health first."
"Every time that you focus on thoughts that feel good around your body, you will attract that good feeling body."
"I can't wait to hear what you guys think about the new patch."
"Humans should always focus on the positive things rather than attacking one another."
"It would be unfair if I missed out the one positive experience and was just nitpicking."
"Use reciprocal gratitude as a tool for conflict resolution, shifting the focus towards appreciation."
"Don't focus on what you don't want, focus on what you want."
"Focus on the love and the positive connections."
"It's positive. Though as tragic as what we're dealing with, I always keep the crew focused on why we do what we do. Providing answers for a family." - Doug Bishop
"The good stuff kind of does bury the bad stuff."
"Focus on the positive, don't focus on the negative."
"When you focus on safety, when you focus on the good in your life, you start to take action from that place."
"By remembering the good, by focusing on the positive, it shines a spotlight on us, and sure, it highlights our issues and yeah, that's super uncomfortable, but it's way better than just falling into darkness."
"One of the things I heard was that he almost was like a perfectionist... it could be positive channeled the right way."
"Highlight what you like as opposed to what you don't like."
"You simply focus on where you are winning rather than saying what needs to improve."
"We try to focus on positive energy and the good memories we've made here."
"When you get to this stage it's not what's wrong with it, it's what's right with it."
"Everybody's doing good stuff and we gotta monitor our attention."
"We live in the positive more than dwelling on the negative."
"Notice the acts of kindness that other people do... focus on the good in another."
"I just needed something funny and positive as a project."
"Notice the acts of kindness that other people do rather than their wrongdoing."
"It's easier to look at what someone else did right."
"If you just identify the [stuff] that brings you Joy, identify it, and then recognize it, and go towards the light."
"Gratitude lists... keep focusing upon gratitude and you'll discover the amazing generosity of this universe."
"This is only temporary. Focus on the positive."
"Resistance is not based on what you're against. It begins with what you're for."
"Focusing on those things that I really love about this week made it 10 million times better."
"Express gratitude for the blessings that are taking up your time, even if life seems challenging."
"Focus on what you want, not on what you don't."
"Let's teach the positive, let's focus on the positive, focus on the beauty."
"Instead of thinking 'I can't,' this won't happen, or I did this to myself, focus on at least I'm doing it now."
"You can't take thoughts out of your mind, you can only replace them with greater thoughts."
"Let's start off with the Positive. Let's start by talking about some additional iOS 17 features and changes."
"2022: Pulling in through our focus, our intentions, a much, much better new Earth."
"The best way to move past something negative is towards something positive."
"Put your miracle grow, which is your attention, on something that's working."
"Shout out for the return, shout out to the dogs, and shout out to the dog walker."
"Don't always fixate on what shouldn't be there...celebrating some games that stand out amongst the rest."
"It's not my work to focus on fear, it's my work to focus on what is great about it, what can we understand about the challenges so that we can work with them more consciously."
"I'd rather spend this video in a positive space discussing the merits of Toff's character."
"Call it magic, call it focusing on what you want rather than what you don't want, whatever, whatever you want to call it man, it works, it definitely works."
"I think we give ourselves permission to focus more on the positive things, our shared humanity, our concern for those in need around us, our desire to give and give back."
"It's better to focus on what we're getting rather than what we don't have."
"Stop doing that, focus on what is going good, forget the [__] that ain't going good."
"It's always a good idea to focus on feeling good and just step away from whatever you're doing."
"Forgive, let go, release with love, and focus on your blessings."
"I just want to continue to celebrate people."
"You need to focus on a positive because otherwise you're never going to live your life to the fullest you can."
"Focus on something nice, focus on something new, take your attention off of it, move past and away from it."
"Don't drink your problems away or entertain negativity; focus on the solution and be proactive."
"Just gotta keep it going and remember the good times."
"Optimism is choosing to focus on what's good... Seek to find the good in everything."
"To live in the solution, not to get bogged down by a problem."
"Maybe it is possible to end a relationship being honest about what wasn't healthy and still celebrating what is good."
"Keep the lights on, focus on the positive. Change and growth are really what's coming through."
"Focus on the positive, love fills your heart with love."
"Worrying just makes things worse... focus your mindset on the good and positive."
"Your worry is unnecessary, focus your thoughts on the outcome you desire."
"Try to focus on the good improvements that you can make in your own life moving forward."
"Why can't we just focus on the positive and celebrate the positive?"
"But it's always good to remember the things that are like, good out there, what's exciting about there and trying to also take into account the people who are obviously giving positive feedback."
"Focus on what works, it'll make things work out better."
"Nothing about dying, I only learned about living."
"Focus on the amazing incredible things that you are doing."
"We're not a problem focused organization, we're a solution focused organization."
"Gratitude is a spiritual practice... to cultivate an attention to the positive and to goodness." - Jordan Peterson
"I use love to go okay, well I could hyper focus on all these small population of people that don't like me... or I could be negating the incredible love and support and community that I have always had around me."
"News is too negative and we really don't I feel like we should cover positive stories more often."
"One of the many things I like about solar Punk is that it does focus heavily on what we're fighting for and less on what we're fighting against."
"Continue to show gratitude for the things that you do have."
"It's Christmas and I should be looking at what's right in the world instead of focusing on everything that's wrong."
"Why focus on what's not here when you can make what is here amazing?"
"Your energy is your choice. You can either use it to fuel the bully or fuel your dreams."
"Focus on the things that work in your life and be the observer of the things that work."
"Life is like a camera: focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negative, and if things don't work out, take another shot."
"We should cut the [__] and we should start celebrating our achievements rather than celebrating the struggle."
"The same amount of time it would take to write down everything terrible, I could think about everything he's done right." - Email testimonial
"Don't give the gift of your attention to something negative."
"Why over complicate things when you have such a positive thing going?"
"We can't keep dealing with this drama, we can't keep dealing with the negativity." - Nikki Haley
"Put your energy and focus in the areas of your life that are really good for you."
"I've always try to turn those disappointments into positives instead of negatives and not dwell on them for them being a bad thing."
"We like to look at the solutions and what we can do about the problems."
"Focus more on your desires than on your doubts, and your dreams will take off."
"I'm so sick and tired of them showing the horrible parts about black people and how sorry it is to be a... I wanted to learn about positive affirming things about black people."
"Now I do want to say if you guys know the drama and you guys know what's up like don't feed it like let's stop feeding it let's celebrate people that are actually doing good in the community."
"Stack those little wins over time, it's all about the little wins."
"Find something that you really really love about yourself and focus on that."
"Leave the past behind, focus on creating positive memories and fulfillment."
"This is about making sure that you're connecting with the things that do bring joy."
"Focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new."
"Instead of attacking what you hate, start promoting what you love."
"No game is perfect... there are still a lot of things the universe can do to accentuate the positives."
"The only part I want to focus on is the positive of it ending the way it did."
"Be known for what you're for, not what you're against."
"We're now like kind of celebrating the uniqueness of some of these quarterbacks... rather than harping on the things that they can't do."
"Instead of attacking what you hate, you are now promoting what you love."
"Instead of attacking what you hate, stop promoting what you love."
"Focus on the things you love about yourself, not on the things that you don't like."
"I also do think that when you distance yourself from those types of conversations with that type of discourse it helps you to get more invested in the real discourse."
"Don't focus too much on what's passed, focus more on what's ahead and again adjusting the thought process to connect to the potential."
"Move into it and focus on the potential and the positive."
"Focus on the outcome, focus on what you want it to be."
"Set your focus on what is good; positivity leads to freedom."
"I am stepping into a completely different vibration by focusing on my blessings, my worth, and my respect."
"We are going to take the positive outcome while acknowledging all of the negative as well."
"It's given us something different to focus on and it's been good."
"Stay focused on the positive, stay focused on what is working in your life, and you will see the prosperity grow."
"Keep praying, keep manifesting, stay focused."
"Stop thinking about the things that are not going so well; think about all the opportunities that are headed in your direction."
"Focus on the things that make you feel good."
"Don't focus on the things that are not working, focus on the things that are working for you."
"We are always influencing our outcome by our focus, choosing the higher timeline."
"Instead of only viewing your flaws, view your positives."
"Solution-focused brief therapy reawakens positive experiences and focuses on hopeful events."
"I want to put the focus really on the positive here. I want to focus on the cheese's that you should be eating more of if you are going to consume dairy."
"Focus more on the good stuff, of course, instead of the bad stuff."
"You focus on the good stuff, focus on what makes you happy in this life, put your energy into that."
"Don't have negative thoughts, just focus on positive sort of thoughts, visualize these are the key things."
"We are burying ourselves... show the good."
"The Masters scan their social environment for what's going right."
"You got to manage yourself with love and stop looking at the negative stuff."
"Don't force it, don't fake it, just write those things that you appreciate about that person and watch the positive effects of your focus."
"I will focus my energy on something positive; I will make my life a success."
"Recognizing the happiness that is associated with this connection rather than the toxicity."
"Your eye is like a lamp, and if you focus on the right things, then you're going to be full of light."
"Let's not concentrate on what we're getting rid of, but what we're gaining."
"When I walk into a room and I am aligned and focused on possibility... your presence will shift the energy of the room."
"It's not just positive thinking... it's bringing them together so that you have the focus of what you want mapped onto this positive heightened emotional state."
"I am not gonna focus negatively on my trauma. I'm gonna get healed of it."
"Let's focus on how he lived. Focus on how the man lived."
"It's always kind of fun and funny to bash on some bad album covers, but I think I personally get more enjoyment talking about stuff you really really like."
"You've got to live for that, man. I mean, that's what life's about, and it lasts really about the good bits and forgetting the [__] bits and creating as many of them good bits as possible, you know."
"Fondness and admiration is really about thinking about your partner on a daily basis about the things that they are doing correctly."
"The trick is to keep focusing on the entirety of the positive throughout the experience."
"Let's focus on the things that you love that are good for you."
"All bad qualities disappear by focusing on the good qualities of the person."
"We're trying to just focus on all the good things that have happened."
"It's pointless to focus on the other stuff... the more you focus on joy and love and happiness, the more you have of it."
"I'm just focusing on the good now."
"It's about choosing which feels better, putting your words and attention and thoughts toward what feels better."
"Make sure that you're focusing on and you're feeling good things."
"In moments of awe or reverence, you get these goosebumps! And in that moment you're just focused on what's good and true."
"Focus on something good because that will most certainly get you a hell of a lot farther than any of the negative stuff."
"I'm making the conscious decision to focus on the things I like."
"It's kind of hard to really focus on the negative when you have so much positive out there."
"May our practice help keep our bodies strong and healthy, may we have the ability to stay in the present moments and always keep our minds focused toward the positive."
"We're primarily focused on positive reinforcement."
"We have to focus on the positive thing that's happening right here, and this is a really, really good deal."
"When you are so focused on what's not working, you miss the fact that there are so many things that are working."
"Try not to focus on what you don't have because when you focus on what you do, that'll always expand."
"Call to your attention a moment that was actually really good and start to focus on that."
"I can't focus on the things you didn't do; focus on what you did do, and more importantly, focus on who you did it with."
"We try to prop up black people globally and find the positives."
"You are focused on what's not working instead of celebrating what is."
"Whenever you start focusing on what you're grateful for, Aquarius, and what instead of like what you're not grateful for, that's when the magic happens."
"Focus on what feels good and you will find it over and over."
"If you focus solely on the burden of doing something, you miss out on the blessings, on the experience, on the joy that can come from learning something new."
"Focus on what you want to happen as opposed to what you don't want to happen."
"As you're focusing more on these good energies, it's like the peace is starting to come back."