
Rational Discourse Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Let's reason together. You cannot erase truth with a lie."
"The enlightenment requires nothing but freedom, and the most innocent of all that may be called freedom: freedom to make public use of one's reason in all matters."
"We are all working through complex issues... the world needs to have more reasonable conversations."
"It's a great way to win an argument if you always argue the middle ground or the most reasonable answer. Most of the time, you're right."
"I love the way you use facts and logic. You remind me of a simpler time when those things mattered."
"The best way to challenge that kind of stupidity and insanity is to spread some logic and reason."
"Let's stop with the freaking nonsense and let's be serious."
"Substituting emotion and emotional accusations for discourse that is reason and evidence-based is a huge mistake."
"We want to shift the conversation about UAPs from sensationalism to science."
"Tell me the facts, tell me the evidence, tell me how I'm wrong, and leave the harassment out of it."
"The secular models engage through discussion, debate, and data, not coercion and conversion."
"Sanity, no matter who it comes from, is nice to hear every now and again."
"Sagittarius, March 2024 looks to be a month filled with exciting opportunities and personal growth."
"I really want to expand this public intellectual space of honest rational people."
"Powell has been a rational voice in the wilderness."
"As reasonable human beings, what we should do is say, 'That is somewhat interesting. Let me at least find out.'"
"Voices of reason, it's especially uplifting to hear."
"We've lost the ability for rational debate. Everything seems to be predicated on..."
"There's so much downside to the unscientific bits and it's so clear how we could have a 21st-century rational conversation about the good stuff that we really can radically edit these traditions."
"We need more dialogue instead of fear-mongering."
"We need more sane voices of reason that just speak the facts."
"No one ought to be free from criticism. A sign of irrationality is the refusal to critique falsity when presented, no matter who makes them."
"High-quality thinking involves not deciding people are crazy because they happen to have reached a different conclusion."
"What I really care about is find a way to reason together off common facts and solve problems."
"Paul the Apostle reasoned with the Athenians, proclaiming the God who made the world and everything in it, urging them to seek and find Him."
"Nobody's cornered the market on reason or evidence or generally being decent."
"Civil discourse only works when everyone involved is rational enough to participate."
"There are people actually making sense about Tesla, talking about execution, not the noise."
"I honestly feel bad for the actual women who fight for women's rights by using facts and logic over feelings."
"The amount of wonderful art and iconography that comes from religions and superstitions."
"Solving the problem is going to require intellectual conversations, not scare tactics and shame."
"Critical thinking dismisses fictional claims."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I just think the Democrats a great team."
"I know there's a lot of people on the right they don't believe in climate change... I believe that we need to be a smarter, more rational and reasonable people."
"One of the saner couple of voices that are out online right now."
"I'm always happy when people double-check evidence and scrutinize the reasoning that they use to get to a certain conclusion."
"There's no need to refute something that hasn't been demonstrated."
"Appealing to emotions in politics rather than facts."
"Philosophy is a discipline that humbles you. It is the discipline which allows you to have a conciliatory approach to other people who follow reason."
"Most people, if you had a rational calm conversation with them, would want it to stop."
"I think it's more important when we come out and tell our story rationally to see that we are credible and this is what happened, to make your own judgment."
"I just wanted to end the show by thanking my supporters and thanking everyone who watches the show and shares it and is rational in the world."
"Educate people on firearms to dispel irrational fears."
"I'm not optimistic, but if we ignite the collective courage of the silent majority, we will return to a commitment to Reason."
"You can be someone who's not a professional scientist and also not be a crackpot."
"In an era where religious extremism and scientific skepticism often clash, Russell’s call for a balanced approach that respects religious sentiments while advocating for rational discourse remains highly relevant."
"It's ended because rational discourse is no longer allowed, yeah, that's why it's ended, because if we try to have rational discourse, we get called Nazis, racists, white supremacists and all this [ __ ] dog [ __ ]."
"Ultimately what we need to do is to take the wisdom from these higher states of consciousness and get it into rational discourse with an independently established metaphysics by science and philosophy."