
Policy Advocacy Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Let's focus on preserving and expanding Social Security, let's make sure we don't have Medicare cuts, let's make sure we actually pass substantive laws to help the American family."
"It is vital to the health of this country that we have universal mail-in voting."
"Putting women and children at serious risk in the community, we need to get on and get this national register really quick smart."
"I think getting more immigration would be a good thing."
"I'm into universal healthcare... I want drugs to be legalized."
"Democrats are not supporting Joe Biden, they're supporting democracy and they're supporting the policies."
"This crisis has cemented the need for a universal healthcare system."
"Legalism creates deconstruction and legalism creates victims."
"Supporting our allies is an Easy Choice. Securing our border is an easy choice." - Mark Kelly
"I support single-payer healthcare because I want the most amount of people in the United States to be covered."
"Can the people of Florida get one billion of that and with that 1 billion can't we plan to use that 1 billion to increase teacher starting salary to $50,000 for starting salary?"
"Western policy should get behind forces of modernization and moderation."
"So you support banning all guns that are intended to kill human beings I certainly do."
"I argue... for developing a truly universal health care program in the United States."
"We need a monthly stimulus check, we need it for several months."
"Trump is right. If we secure our borders, if we bring back manufacturing, if we defend the nuclear family, we will not face a hard fall when competing with BRICS."
"All farmers...need to have access to genetically improved crop varieties as well as good farming practices and government policies." - Pamela Ronald
"He has the right policies so I'm I'm on Team Bernie 100%."
"Medicare for all can solve the problems of our healthcare system, covering everyone, improving the quality of coverage, expanding choice, controlling costs, and most importantly, improving our health and longevity."
"What's needed... we actually need to make the case for single-payer healthcare."
"Hillary doesn't just have a powerful vision for this country, she has the policies to actually make that vision a reality."
"Let people experiment a little bit, you know? Let these cities come to fruition. Let people try and live there." - Austin Peterson
"We are showing that government can be on your side."
"Activists take that discomfort with the status quo and advocate for concrete policy changes."
"If you truly want to support things like a more robust economy that supports workers at the bottom, healthcare that works for everybody, and relatively less hawkish foreign policy, support the Democratic Party."
"Black voters want to hear Clear Solutions and policy Solutions around the issues we care about."
"I advocate for the creation of a national or an international cyber ethics panel."
"We need to push our policies and frame it in the framework of securing our freedoms."
"Let's get the money now. Let's get the policies in writing. Let's get the changes now while it's happening."
"That's why it goes back to everything we've had when it comes to Medicare for all and student loan forgiveness."
"Some things are worth canceling for... paid family leave... lowering the cost of prescription drugs..." - Causes worth fighting for.
"We will not rest until Americans have the health care system that they need and deserve."
"Calling for debt cancellation...should be an automatic global response."
"Banning the transportation of LNG by rail is a critical next step in keeping people safe."
"The SRG must be disbanded and their budget must be completely removed."
"Instead, they call on city and state to raise taxes on the app Airbnb."
"Everybody knows that we'd have a much better system if we had a single-payer system."
"Single-payer is the only system that's going to bring that number down to zero for sure."
"We have to support a candidate who is pushing for policies that will help our people disproportionately."
"This is why we fight, this is why we advocate, and we push policies."
"Vote for me because you believe in the policies that I want to enact."
"We stand in a position where we want certain policies and we're willing to engage with whoever is interested in doing that."
"Why don't we just decide once and for all that people deserve health care?"
"The Biden administration absolutely supports the Housing First approach. They feel that in a society as ours that housing should be a right and not a privilege."
"Climate change is an important issue that needs to be addressed."
"I want to be super clear: you should not only not shut down nuclear power plants but you should also reopen the ones that you've already shut down."
"Bernie Sanders proposes policies that will benefit everybody else after acknowledging the specific injustices black people face."
"It fits perfectly into his message of bipartisanship."
"Every governor needs to be doing exactly what Ron DeSantis is doing."
"I would like to see uh something come out that basically limits uh sort of the concepts of government overreach in the space right."
"We need access to home care, to child care, and to paid family leave for our country to thrive." - Mary Kay Henry
"Medicare-for-all argument has never been stronger."
"I'll be strongly pushing comprehensive background checks."
"Healthcare is at the root of all of it. Medicare for all, let's do it."
"We can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"If our country began to support Tesla's charging standards now, we could begin expanding our infrastructure at a much reduced cost, saving four billion dollars on projected charging infrastructure spending through 2027."
"We need much, much more efforts to be made to actually strengthen our healthcare services."
"We need a worker-centered economy that can truly fulfill the solidarity message."
"Kyle did a really good job of providing tangible examples to the casual American about the benefits of universal healthcare."
"We still don’t have that? We still don’t have paid leave?"
"USDOE budget... should be triple this six billion a year."
"The debate is over. It's obvious. A single-payer system, a Medicare-for-All single-payer system is where you need to move to. It's just a matter of getting there."
"Yes, we do [need commissions and studies]. Because we might not get a three trillion dollar check of reparations, but there can be some repair being done."
"I think a lot of people will find convincing the idea that if we advance these fundamental changes to the economic policy of the US, that will inevitably help to eliminate or drastically reduce these inequalities."
"We absolutely should make this program permanent and permanently funded."
"Let's get rid of the filibuster not just for voting rights legislation but for anything Democrats deem important, which would also include Build Back Better."
"We want people to immigrate to the United States legally."
"We need pro-family policies, supporting the traditional American way of life."
"Thank you to the AFL-CIO for your support of the Social Security 2100 Act, a sacred trust. We can act now to expand benefits for our nation's seniors and repeal the WEP GPO and strengthen Social Security for years to come."
"This is why I've fought so hard to increase interagency cooperation and to reduce stigma around reporting UAPs."
"We do still have the White House and I've worked very closely with the Biden Harris Administration in Partnership on things like repealing title 42, canceling student debt, a moratorium on the federal death penalty and so that work will continue."
"You have to do both: fight back against the corporations and uplift new policies for the 99%."
"Guns need to be treated like a safety implementation tool that needs to be held seriously."
"That's what we want out of leaders, presidents to push forward policies that actually help people."
"If they can convince just a handful of countries to implement these sorts of policies, that could tip the scales to force big Tech's hand to implement it for everyone."
"Let's give them the child care, let's give them the paid sick leave, let's give them the incomes which they deserve, let's give them the protection."
"Healthcare is a human right and is actually treated as a human right in a single-payer system."
"Democrats should make social security a top issue... to increase our odds of getting both of those things done."
"We need to focus on labor, infrastructure, environment, and human rights."
"President Biden must declare a state of emergency on housing and issue an executive order to work against unreasonable rent hikes."
"Resilient development is enabled when governments, civil society, and the private sector prioritize equity and justice."
"Climate change is the greatest security risk to our country."
"We need Universal Health Care... Medicare for all... subsidized child care... guaranteed sick pay... guaranteed housing... living wage."
"Public health is closely tied to economic health. No state or country can long ignore the facts and the truth."
"Mental health is astronomically expensive right now... I appreciate your Medicare for all bill because it does include mental health."
"Biden's staked out reasonable positions, but the fight for redistributive policies continues."
"It's time to guarantee housing as a human right."
"It cannot be the new normal... Universal background checks should be just adopted and established as a norm." - Mayor of Atlanta
"Your subscription funds not only carbon removal and offsets but also lobbying to enact climate policy and land conservation projects."
"The grassroots left populist movement whatever you want to call it, this is going to be first on the list of concessions that we try to force from the Biden administration."
"Our mission is to support public policies based on free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional values, and a strong national defense."
"Creating awareness on the threats the ocean is facing, advocating for better policies in Sri Lanka, and promoting volunteerism are the main objectives of the Pearl Protectors."
"The PHD Chamber for its research-based policy advocacy role has been impacting the economical growth and development of the nation."
"You suggest policy changes, talent development initiatives, talent management suggestions, employee engagement initiatives and you back it up with data."
"The problem with Corbyn was all of the things he wanted to do were popular things, and his record as a politician was of pursuing popular and more importantly, humane policies for his whole career."