
World Peace Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"World Peace was once thought impossible. I wouldn't be so sure."
"Our Lady basically is pleading with us to save, help her to intercede and to save the world from the terrible results of its own sins."
"Peace on earth is just the beginning; peace on earth is the requirement for the next phase of your evolution."
"The more efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self."
"World peace sounds good until you see the cost."
"The world needs more friends these days than foes."
"A future president of the United States might not hesitate to use the country's influence to enforce new global standards, especially if promoted in the guise of world peace and stability after a difficult global event."
"I don't like seeing the world in turmoil like this. I want to free it. I want to help all the little creatures."
"A world with fewer Nazis, however many of them there were before or now, is the world more likely to have fewer people die needlessly in the future."
"Isn't that nice in this world of tumult and animosity?"
"My hope is that it creates world peace... it may sound a little bit ridiculous..."
"So, Fareed Zakaria is pointing out how come our stuff is never viewed as a threat to world peace but we get to point at much smaller militaries and act like, 'Oh, how dare you be moving in such an aggressive fashion?'"
"If you realize that you stand at the peak of the world’s military power, and recognize that you should act of your own volition for the sake of world peace, then that means you’ve grown a lot as a human being."
"After Damascus is destroyed and Ezekiel 38 is fulfilled... the world will be screaming, begging, pleading, willing to do anything for peace."
"The world is peaceful until the day it isn't anymore, and that day may be much closer than it seems."
"Through imagination we disarm and transform the violence of the world."
"Everyone, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren everywhere deserve a better crack at a more peaceful and equitable world."
"Ignorance is our only problem... it's the cause of all wars."
"There was an effort by powerful elites after World War II to prevent a world war from happening again, and for good reason."
"If you believe in love, then you should know that love will save the world for sure one day or another."
"Love will save the world for sure one day or another."
"I just wish we could live in a world where everybody gets along, but unfortunately it's not that."
"It'll be as if the great powers need to sit down with themselves and recognize the fact that the policies they are pursuing are going to lead to the end of the world." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"We can build a world of peace, stability, prosperity, and happiness all together."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"That is the world we desperately need, a world at peace and in harmony where people live and care for each other."
"If this should end with the rejection of aggression, it would be a massive benefit to the whole world."
"The Earth does not have to be a place of conflict."
"This is what world peace is going to look like in 2024."
"Psychedelics are wonderful, you should take them. This is the way to save the world."
"The world is now going to live in peace. You saved the humanity from the third and worst world war that ever happened on this planet."
"I just want to see us get into some kind of place of peace and mind in the world, and we're not there."
"World Peace wouldn't that be just an amazing thing to have."
"I would wish for things for the world... I hope for peace."
"The world is a far more peaceful place than it was just fifty years ago."
"Most people at their heart of hearts truly want to see a peaceful world."
"Maybe we can all pray for that today just pray for the world and pray for healing."
"Religion can certainly be one of the major threats to world peace."
"World peace will happen when the people of the world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them."
"I want world peace, even if I have to get it by force."
"I envision a world of peace and plenty; see if we take a moment every day just to think about the planet."
"Love is definitely the answer to many of our world's problems and is also vibrations that can transform our mind, body, and soul."
"I wish our planet would be a more kind place for everyone who wants it."
"Having sound money separate from the state is the idea."
"If a curse can be broken with a kiss then prepare to end all the chaos in the world for our co2 eternity. Kiss me you fool."
"If everyone loved themselves, there would be no war."
"I want to paradise in from the cosmos there's no reason for all the tensions the hatreds and all the stuff that we have in the world of day."
"Dogecoin is going to become the thing and we're going to have world peace forever."
"If everybody was good to everybody we'd solve most of the world's problems at once."
"I will create a world with no bad blood, no wars."
"We can actually live in a world of harmony, peace, love, and generosity right now."
"Is that a bird correction all he wants is human connection and World Peace that's so wholesome."
"There will be World Peace, there will be a better world."
"It's like the world needs a lot more love not more hate."
"In Hollywood, everything is so glamorous on television, but when the cameras are not rolling, it's really whack."
"We need unity of human beings across the globe."
"If everyone was nice, the world would be good."
"There's enough hate in this goddamn world; wars going on in the world, we don't need this."
"World peace is a long-term goal that people talk about today."
"The concept of world peace to a Scorpio is absolutely ridiculous. It's because of our differences that we grow and evolve."
"It ain't world peace, but it's a real good place to start."
"If you wanna protect the world, but you don't want it to change, there's only one path to peace: Avengers extinction."
"Donate at the link below and let's get spreading around the world peace."
"Of course, um, as always, I always, um, uh, make a wish to the birthday theory that I, you know, get World Peace. I've always wanted that, never got it that's far."
"You can't have it, but I did you a big favor. I have successfully privatized world peace."
"The recognition is long overdue that we oversimplify the problem of world peace when we think that process is one of breaking the task down for examination of its materialistic parts."
"World Peace will be more than the substance of things hoped for."
"I just would love human beings to be nice to each other and have a happy world."
"This is his version of world peace. I mean, equality, yeah."
"...the concept of total pacifism, that disarmament would lead to world peace, always felt like a dream shared by numerous characters."
"What's on your guys's wish lists for this holiday season? World Peace."
"Naruto would then say, 'You're the person who's gonna bring about world peace.'"
"He's probably one of the very few artists alive today who feels that art can have an effect on something like World Peace."
"End of the day, so world peace, and yeah, anyone watching this, just try to do your best to actually, you know, be good."
"My wish today is that all the magic wand wishes come true and that the world finds a way to be a place of love and respect."
"...we will never know world peace until we know inner peace."
"The Blessed Virgin gave us a message on how to have world peace."
"The only way the world peace will ever be attained is if you attain peace within."
"The day will come when enough people in the world have inner peace so that outer peace will literally show up."
"Would you rather have complete World Peace or have one billion dollars? Well, if you do not choose to have World Peace, you're a crazy, crazy person. Obviously, one billion dollars would change your life, but that's just you, and this is more, in my opinion."
"One wish, which we wish for? I don't know, world peace."
"We must fight for world peace under freedom."
"My goal in life is as simple in nature but hard to obtain: I want World Peace."
"There is absolutely no doubt that these actions are in the interest of world peace, and in the interest of the security of our own nation."
"A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided, but with the Avatar's help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace."
"I envision a world of peace and plenty. We see harmony and unity between nations."
"I think they understood the problem for exactly what it was, a problem of great potential danger for world peace."
"If I can wish for or manifest anything in the world, I would wish for world peace, for unity, for love, and for people to understand each other."
"I call upon Chairman Khrushchev to halt and eliminate this clandestine, reckless, and provocative threat to world peace."
"In the future we might see world peace. World peace would be when every country in the world gets along with every other country."
"Stop being so hateful. There's already so much hate going on in the world right now and it's just not needed."
"All decided that world peace was needed, so came together as one."
"When we're loving to each other and to the world, we strengthen that structure or that field."
"We all want a world of peace, happiness, fulfillment."
"For that five minutes, there wouldn't be any hatred on the planet, no war, no nastiness, no murder, no rape, no theft, just for that five minutes."
"For 20 minutes a day, every day, the world would understand absolute peace."
"The only way for the world to get that peace is if they work together."
"The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness."
"The mission of the initiative on the island was to study its unique properties for the betterment of mankind and advancement of world peace."
"Everyone just needs to smile, the world will be a better place."
"I want to do something about it, and I'd really like to know what the answer to finding true peace is."
"The world will be peaceful and happy."
"Having peace throughout the world is very important."
"The ultimate goal is world peace."
"We could see and live in a beautiful world together."
"We are in need of the power of love in a world that is so full of hate."
"One of the greatest, most effortless ways for us to be victors is to conquer the world with love."
"Learning to think and communicate with clarity is the first step towards the creation of a harmonious world."
"We don't know how to end war in the world, and this is the end of war in my world."
"Forgiveness is the answer, the solution to the world."
"Fighting for a world where freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear."
"Dear Santa, please bring world peace and please help those in need."
"If we were to harmonize on what is common amongst all of us and not focus on the differences, the world would be a better place."
"We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the nations."
"The key to a better world today is humanity."
"Let your hearts be filled with the strenuous desire that tranquility and harmony may encircle all this warring world."
"Now the world is at peace, and that's the most important thing."
"Put a little love in your heart, and the world will be a better place for you and me."
"I think the world is becoming a less violent place overall."
"The planet will become like one country, literally like a Federation of Nations."
"We find ourselves standing one step closer to the dream of achieving complete denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and world peace."
"I just feel like peace with the world."
"I want to make a world where you and I can smile."
"I'm just trying to save the world."
"The anger in this world made him long for her softness and forgiveness."
"Only through the elimination of violence will we finally be able to achieve world peace."
"Don't feel guilty. If you want to save this world, love it."
"We've only got one world. Let's share it in peace for all our sakes."
"That's a vision of a world united."
"Close your eyes with me, start imagining a world full of love."
"May our world move into balance and harmony."
"There will be a widely wide world peace, all the animals will live in peace, all the nations will live in peace."
"There will never be world peace ever... because if everyone decides to be peaceful, there's one guy who will want to take advantage of that."
"It's loving, it's caring, it's everything the world should be."
"My biggest dream is for the world to be stable and everyone surviving happily."
"Peace in ourselves, peace in the world."
"We could do world peace, getting off enough carbs."
"Then the world will belong the same to all, with no walls or fences to divide them."
"We have to save the world through love, not fear."
"What's the opposite of war? It's world peace."
"These back-channel negotiations are really what saved the world."
"If we could spread as much love as there is hate in the world today, the world would be a better place."
"This world needs togetherness, not segregation."
"The world is meant to be a world of peace and goodness."
"World peace, that's the remedy; spread love with your energy."
"Together China and the United States could contribute more to world peace, stability, and development."
"Create a peaceful world where everyone's happy, a place where no race is rejected."
"And this is how we can create peace in the world."
"If all of us always only focus on positive things and focus on making things better for each other, then I think the world would just be a better place."
"I wish all the poverty and misery disappeared from this world."
"I wish the whole world was that way, and unfortunately, it's not, but I certainly wish that was the case."
"Peace would reign, borders vanish, and universal brotherhood would establish on earth peace, goodwill toward men."
"I'm here to bring world peace by showing off the world's beauty."
"We need to listen to each other. Then only we can save the world."
"The unity of the family will bring about the unity of the world."
"The world had enjoyed a long period of peace."
"There was finally peace in the world."
"Peace, the hope of mankind, had arrived."
"This is what we are doing to help the world with more peace, with more healing from our heart."
"I want World Peace, an end to all poverty and starvation, and a speedboat."
"This world cannot rely solely on one person's strength. World peace requires more than just one to protect it."
"This is how the world should be right now, yeah. Organized chaos."
"We're interested only in one cause: world peace, one world if you wish."
"We again can bring harmony and balance to this world."
"We pray for world peace, that's right, peace."
"I would study hard, work for the welfare of the people, protect the peace of the world."
"Your love makes a big difference in the contribution of the peace of the world for the year 2024."
"The storm has passed, peace in the world."
"The World Federation of Nations Foundation actually advocates for world peace, global healing, and enlightenment through education and arts."
"We love the world, we love everyone in it."
"I have noticed how much you truly wanted to give the people of the world a life to be exempt from pain, suffering, and emptiness."
"The last time the world has known peace was when Pokemon Go came out."
"The world, Jesus, there should nobody... What shall I say, is peaceful and happy."
"Only the gospel will save the world from the calamity of its own self-destruction."
"Maybe pickleball can save the world."
"Respect people for their religious belief and for their ethnicity and if we do that, this world is going to be such a wonderful place to live."
"It's a magical idea, a world that's unified without borders."
"Let's pray for the world, pray for your families, pray for our well-being."
"He stopped World War Three and no one knows about it."
"We just love each other here, that's all we need a little bit more of in the world."
"We fervently pray that your presence, your love, and your unity would permeate every corner of our world."
"I'm at peace with the world when I dance."
"We have decided to accelerate the deepening of our ties and to work as equal partners in a strategic relationship that will positively and decisively influence world peace, stability and progress."
"I am praying for all of you and for the world."
"The sake that Joyboy left behind could quite literally use it to unify the entire world."
"You cannot have peace in the world if you don't have peace in your own heart."