
Medical Breakthrough Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"The usual charm, he's this doctor, he's very wealthy, he's found a cure for cancer."
"Three cases of HIV being cured have been reported to date, all three involved men with HIV and either leukemia or lymphoma. The men received transplants of stem cells from adult donors to treat their cancers, not prayers from God."
"This is a phenomenal result. This is a profound game-changer to have an oral pill that had this kind of effect, this magnitude of effect, in patients who are at high risk, who are already symptomatic."
"For the first time ever, a woman with late-stage breast cancer has been completely cured by immunotherapy."
"The first human received an implant from Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well. Initial results show promising neuron spike detection."
"If a medication slashed cases by 77%, we'd call it a miracle pill."
"We may have something here that has the potential to be the equivalent of a cure for cancer in the mental health space."
"The success of Operation Warp Speed means there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"You could cure cancer. You could be that guy. That could be you."
"For people who can't feel their bodies and can't move their bodies they can now actually touch things again."
"We will use AI to probably cure most forms of cancer or figure out the secret code to life longevity."
"This is really good news that we've now got a treatment that almost every patient can take and they will get benefit from it."
"He announced what he called the biggest breakthrough yet in finding a coronavirus treatment proven to reduce the risk of death."
"We are closer than ever to a vaccine that will save millions of lives."
"This breakthrough is the answer to the prayers of millions and millions of people."
"It looks like the world will have its first RNA vaccine this year."
"The COVID-19 vaccine developed and approved in under a year, and more than 100 million people already given the jab worldwide. We're living through history."
"We found this virus. A vaccine for most of us."
"Everybody who got that news felt like their lives changed."
"The long-awaited malaria vaccine for children is a breakthrough for science, child health, and malaria control."
"This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history. It will save millions of lives and soon end the pandemic once and for all."
"Antivirals are coming and they will be massively significant."
"The first woman cured of HIV thanks to stem cells from newborns."
"This breakthrough therapy... will change the way we treat the pandemic."
"If they managed to create a vaccine, then the world might have a chance to bounce back."
"That's a pretty big deal, damn curing Alzheimer's altogether."
"We are certainly encouraged to hear this morning's news that the Pfizer bionic vaccine with 90% effectiveness may be available by the end of the month."
"Pfizer had a big reveal where they said that their vaccine is 90% effective."
"Alice Ball: Developed the first effective treatment for leprosy, changing the lives of thousands of patients worldwide."
"I just want to be clear... we've successfully created high affinity neutralizing antibodies against kovat 19."
"We've brought her back to life. This is unbelievable."
"We are reaching this critical milestone in our vaccine development program at a time when the world needs it most." - Pfizer CEO and Chairman, Dr. Albert Bourla
"I congratulate the brilliant women and men who helped produce this breakthrough and to give us such cause for hope."
"An unprecedented result for any PTSD drug therapy to date."
"This is the cure to the zombie virus. I cannot believe it!"
"The cure to the virus was on that flash drive, and we just gave it to Will. Basically, he knows some people that can replicate it, and with that being said, it could save a lot of lives."
"Dr. Phil reveals a permanent cure for type 1 and 2 diabetes."
"I agree with Mr. Trump. Personally, yes, it is a miracle that we were able to develop this so fast. I think it's a gift, I think it's one of humanity's greatest achievements."
"We discovered the cure. Incredible work, doctor. We owe you our lives."
"This vaccine is actually hopefully going to rid those adorable koalas of all their rampant bouts of chlamydia."
"Using genetically-altered cells as well as elements found beyond Earth’s heavens, Weyland successfully deploys an effective cure for almost all cancers."
"I do think this medication is a game changer."
"The big story is there's the modern vaccine... these all kind of work really well."
"Julia was overwhelmed with excitement; this meant she could cure all the infected people in the base."
"A cure for HIV all those years later, that's a that would be a big breakthrough."
"Those patients were on their deathbeds and their tumors have now melted. Why? Because their own immune systems attacked the cancer in their bodies."
"The scientific response to COVID was miraculous."
"This is a miracle. We thought you couldn't make a vaccine against coronavirus that would last at all."
"All of them are cancer free, 100% efficacy in a cancer therapy is not heard of."
"Within a decade we'll be able to solve the problem of cancer from the human body."
"This is the cure to cancer this is the cure to how to reverse disease as long as you don't poison yourself this this is it's literally this simple."
"We may have, through completely just completely inadvertently, this might be one of the greatest boons to humanity of all time."
"New superbug killing antibiotic discovered using AI."
"The first antibiotic had been created and the world now had a potential cure for pneumonia, gonorrhea, meningitis, scarlet fever, and other infectious diseases."
"When they announced they had a vaccine, I screamed."
"This could be transformative treatment... This could change the world."
"This is the fastest a vaccine or a novel pathogen has ever gone."
"This is the kind of Covid treatment breakthrough we have been waiting for."
"Each achieving a COVID vaccine that is over 90 percent effective... that is extraordinary."
"The potential is enormous and it goes far beyond curing disease."
"Revolutionary Alzheimer's medicine."
"After 28 days they saw a significant reduction in breast cancer gene expression, which is huge. This is in humans, not rats."
"I had just witnessed a miracle. This man would have doctors all over the world turning somersaults in the air."
"It can help starve cancers by cutting off the blood supply."
"...we may actually have a way to actually reverse Alzheimer's, especially early on."
"For the first time, it was shown that disease could actually be cured."
"We finally have a treatment for the number one cause of disease."
"It's truly amazing that simply by taking an antibody against a substance called CD19, you can make many leukemia patients completely free of disease."
"The revolution in cancer immunotherapy has provided new hope for previously incurable diseases."
"We changed somebody. Someone with Parkinson's disease can't swallow, can't chew, can't blow their nose, can't stand up. One moment, the next thing you know, she's blowing her nose, chewing, and swallowing."
"It's the first time you have a drug that targets a new molecule in the cancer cell that nobody has done before."
"The experiment with the Vicanti mouse proved that human body parts could be grown on animals, leading to extensive tissue regeneration in living subjects."
"I'm glad that they figured out the shot I think it's going to help a lot of people."
"And just yesterday, we heard from Moderna about the incredible efficacy in the interim results that they've shared, which is 94.5%."
"And there is also, last week, Pfizer reporting over 90% efficacy."
"Thanks to Dr. Willoughby's radical idea, Gina Geesi became the first person to survive a case of full-blown rabies without a vaccine."
"An apparent cure of diabetes following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery has been reported in the majority of patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance."
"Cure for blindness discovered in spinach."
"Cancer immunotherapy: deemed the scientific breakthrough of the year in 2013."
"The immune system can treat cancer: it's as simple as a T cell killing a cancer cell."
"The discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation."
"For the five percent of breast cancers that have homologous recombination knocked out, this is going to be really great."
"The first country to declare aging a treatable condition will get the attention of the world."
"Because I believe that this discovery is a silver bullet for Parkinson's disease."
"The idea that something as safe and cheap as a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug could improve survival of a lethal cancer is really satisfying to someone who spent her life trying to make an impact on a disease that's really devastating for most people."
"We actually cured blindness in those mice."
"Welcome to the breakthroughs in prostate and bladder cancer and we're going to focus on those areas."
"This year we saw a significant breakthrough in Alzheimer's treatment."
"They could reverse the symptoms in the animal model."
"It's really optimistic to see that you can actually do things within a short amount of time that have a real impact on tinnitus."
"To see psoriasis fade away, to see an inflamed joint stop hurting, to see asthmatic lungs stop wheezing, to see high blood pressure strong, this is such exciting medicine."
"12 years of MS symptoms gone in two months."
"The reduction in afib burden in these patients with paroxysmal afib was about 99%."
"She seems to have cured herself of infection by getting rid of intact virus, and that is very exciting because very few people are able to do this around the world."
"Once we knew that the 1493 in the brain was activating electrical signals in the vagus nerve, we could shift to developing computer chips and electrodes to target the vagus nerve directly without having to use drugs anymore."
"AIDS is curable, the Berlin patient proved that AIDS is curable."
"We believe that we will be able to reverse huge components of lymphedema and one day using these drugs may actually be able to prevent lymphedema in high-risk individuals."
"...people have discovered a genetic edit that you can put into blood stem cells that will compensate for the sickle cell disease."
"The remarkable finding that came out of it is that many of these patients' lives were saved."
"A major breakthrough is the development of what we call biological markers or biomarkers, tests that doctors can order that can confidently tell us if they have Alzheimer's changes in the brain."
"They regenerated a woman's bladder using her skin tissue. They built her a bladder and then reinstalled it in her body. Now she has a functional bladder that came out of her own body."
"Scientists cure a female HIV patient for the first time using stem cell technology."
"She's the first confirmed cured HIV patient."
"So we think this is tremendously exciting."
"What nobody knows is keto reverses heart failure."
"Did I say cancer has been solved? All sorts of cancers? They're all solved."
"One of the greatest medical discoveries happened by accident."
"We're on track to have the world's first safe effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year."
"This is really an extraordinary moment in terms of thinking about cures for genetic disorders."
"We will cure obesity, we will cure cancer, we will eradicate polio."
"This is the holy grail of obesity right here."
"The world's very first malaria vaccine for kids... could prevent about 5.3 million malaria cases every single year."
"Over a century ago, I discovered magic. I discovered a medical marvel. Magic."
"This is quite remarkable if we're able to cure 30% of patients with essentially 6 months of treatment who would otherwise relapse and maybe die from this disease."
"For the first time, we were able to see that you can improve cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes."
"It was stunning that a drug could start as late as that and still have a full lifespan benefit."
"That's a game changer that has taken a group of patients that we could previously do nothing for, and now we can do this thing that makes them quite a bit better."
"We are very optimistic because we have never seen such effects on these kind of patients earlier."
"Harvey's research was a major breakthrough in anatomy and changed how people understood the anatomy."
"The use of insulin was historic and momentous discovery."
"She's the only person who can figure out the RNA changes of the virus that leads to the cure."
"Alzheimer's has almost completely reversed itself, erased the past 10 years of neurodegeneration."
"A cure for bipolar disorder now, doesn't that sound amazing?"
"I've never seen anything change people's lives like stem cells."
"Antibiotics are one of the greatest innovations of modern medicine that changed the world."
"It may actually stop the tumor from growing for the rest of the patient's life."
"These vaccines have the potential to be real game changers as we go into 2021."
"You see the tumor become smaller, smaller, smaller, then boom, cancer tumor is gone."
"Not only that, we saw an improvement in the overall survival in patients with active brain metastasis, so that's huge."
"He cured my seizures and hundreds more. They say he drew the road map of the human brain."
"For the first time, a drug has been shown to be so effective against obesity that patients may dodge many of its worst consequences, including diabetes."
"Banting, Best, Collip, and Macleod's breakthrough has saved millions of lives."
"The world's very first malaria vaccine for kids."
"If you do the tour and then we found the cure... it was a great year, 2024 was amazing."
"Only a year after these incidents, mankind managed to discover a plant that served as a cure for the disease."
"It's the holy grail of liver disease worldwide forever, and that's curing hepatitis B."
"However, Dr. Goldberg will always be remembered because he was the one who cracked the riddle of pellagra."
"The biggest breakthrough was with Epoprostenol, that was really a watershed moment when we had the prostacyclin derivative because that really changed our ability to manage this disease."
"We did it; we cured the plague. Now all we needed to do was tell everyone."
"This discovery basically revolutionized the field of Medicine overnight."
"This was a paradigm change of how to treat leukemias."
"Cancer cured is the headline... but we have accelerated the path to the future where we find a cure."
"And we're able to see clinical responses for the first time in patients with pancreatic cancer as a result of these kinds of immunotherapies."
"And so to see that we could get treatment for breast cancer with clinical efficacy and clinical responses that led to FDA approval for a combination with an anti-PD-L1 agent plus chemotherapy for this tumor type was very reassuring."
"The breakthrough in the case of TB was made by the German doctor Robert Koch."
"We are quite hopeful that those programs as they advance will create a new generation of medicines that break open the neurodegenerative field."
"We now feel like we can cure almost anybody, almost everybody with hepatitis C."
"This is actually, I think, one of the maybe the only chronic disease that we can cure."
"Antibiotics have been revolutionary, extended lifespan."
"We've probably uncovered a key therapeutic entity that can cure some of the most devastating diseases of our time."
"The biologics have been fantastic; they've been a godsend in how we've been able to treat inflammatory arthritis."
"I'm going to call this a biomedical miracle."
"This discovery revolutionized medicine and has been described as the single greatest victory ever achieved over disease."
"You can look it up on the internet, you can read the story about how they woke the guy up at UCLA. It's amazing."
"This gene therapy is another chance for this community to live free from pain, hurt, and for dreams to come true."
"By overlapping the development of these vaccines, they were able to achieve an approved vaccine in one year instead of the typical five to eight years."
"All of them were much better with mavacamptan, very remarkable results."
"It's almost biblical; you're helping the blind see."
"ORIENT-11 has met the primary endpoint of PFS at the interim analysis, and secondary analysis of overall survival showed a robust and meaningful treatment effect."
"We can produce close to five million human doses per liter, which is unprecedented for vaccine production."
"Immunotherapy has really transformed the way we think about lung cancer."
"Edward Jenner... inoculated people with cowpox and then proved that this caused them to be immune to smallpox."
"For the first time in history, we've got mice that have been cured of blindness."
"Ten years ago, when I started doing this... I saw people who were paralyzed start walking, I saw people get out of bed."
"There is at least one patient whose HIV was completely cured, he is so-called Berlin patient."
"He was the first person to successfully separate occipitally conjoined craniopagus twins."
"Genomic analysis that used to take 11 weeks now takes 47 seconds."
"Her decision would be the start of a medical miracle that would astonish the entire world."
"It's been described as a virologic dead end to resistance development."
"Cancer is cured... they can't detect cancer anymore."
"MDMA in the treatment of PTSD... has been given breakthrough drug status by the FDA in the US because it's had such a massive effect."
"Anti-viral drugs have completely changed the face of HIV infection and treatment."
"Something happened in 1963 where that vaccine was introduced, very quickly measles became a thing of the past."
"Friends, this is our success meeting; the cure for the common cold has been found."
"Frederick Banting from Canada invented insulin."
"Success! They found a cure for the virus on Ilus, and now they've reached orbit."
"This place actually found the cure for tuberculosis."
"A fifth person is cured of HIV after stem cell transplant."
"It was a breakthrough event in the history of man's battle with disease and urban cities' battle with disease."
"We've cured his disease and he's going to have the same number of years that he would have wanted."
"He is one of the people responsible for the discovery that HIV does lead to AIDS."
"You give a prize for those who discover a vaccine or cure to an important disease like malaria."
"This steroid is dexamethasone, proves first life-saving drug."
"The body's able to make fetal blood cells which aren't deformed by sickle cell disease or suffer from BT."