
Active Participation Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"People are grabbing the reins, showing that they're not just spectators in this circus of power."
"I believe in capitalism. I believe in the marketplace. And instead of just standing on the sidelines and complaining about what other people are doing, I want to fight with them in the marketplace of ideas."
"I am an incredibly proud New Zealander, but much of that pride has come from being a strong and active member of our international community, not in spite of it."
"Being an active participant in your life, recession or not, doing some research, looking up videos, emailing people, throwing yourself into life will usually return."
"A society is only as good as our citizenship, our active citizenship."
"If you're going to engage in politics, you have to be an optimist."
"We need everybody on board hard body with it."
"Bitcoin will happen, but can I influence the rate of change by actively participating?"
"You gotta be a player in the game of life, don't be a spectator, don't be a fan, don't be a cheerleader, be a player."
"They want you to upgrade your swords or buy the newest best swords that you can and go get in there get dirty and fight."
"If you're watching this and you agree with what I'm saying it's not enough to agree advocate for it that's what I'm doing right here and right now."
"There's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence."
"It's important to participate in science for it to be real."
"Is love passive or active? In other words, is love a state that exists independently and is waiting for us to fall into, or does it require our participation and effort to bring about?"
"The only way to make it a reality is by voting."
"Championing the quality of the community and its people as well as being an active member himself."
"Do the work, participate in the conversation."
"My inclination here is okay Stacey, what do you need? Tell us what to do and we will do it. That is what I think in terms of... the race in Georgia."
"Let's make our community better by making it right, not keep running and hiding."
"That's a hell of a lot of community participation."
"Make the effort, don't get lazy in your love life."
"The revolution is coming, and I hope to find myself somewhere in the middle of the pack cheering it on."
"Love takes action; there's no love without action."
"Lady Ningguang's rebuilding the Jade Chamber? This is a huge deal. Let's get involved!"
"It's an opportunity for us to stand up and be seen in our community."
"It's not like you just slept through it either, you were actively cleaning."
"In these transformative times, we are not mere spectators but active participants in a cosmic transformation."
"The best cure for despair is to grab a shovel and pitch in."
"All spiritual gifts require some exercise of faith on the part of the one using them."
"Get in the game, baby! Be part of it, don't just hide there and watch it. Get in the game!"
"There is still fun to be had and there are still fantastic games being made and played by millions of people right now."
"You don't win the game of life okay by dabbling your toe in the water and seeing if you want to go in you make a decision you want to swim and you dive in."
"There's nothing that's gonna sharpen your edge as a storyteller more than getting in and doing the damn thing."
"Being a patriot is not a spectator sport, we have to be participants."
"In every aspect of healing, you must participate wholeheartedly."
"I lived the []... I was there, I made the [], I did the [__]."
"Don't miss history, be a part of it, make sure you tap in."
"You've got to work, make connections, and be active, not just sit on the sidelines."
"Life is not a spectator sport. You've got to be in it to win it."
"I just want to do this for real and at least try and steer this mechanism."
"You know what is not passive? What's actually very active? Well, that is taking your finger and clicking that like button."
"Life is not in its correctness, your involvement must be unbridled."
"Love is just not enough. You have to be willing and active, you know what I mean? Willingly active work to make a real relationship work."
"We encourage everyone to be actively engaged on our platform, Slack."
"You can't score a goal as a spectator; you have to be on the field."
"You have to participate in what you're trying to attract."
"It's always important after the holidays that you come in the rhythm and you're playing a lot of minutes when possible."
"However messy the world may be, it is still worth playing in and trying to make the most of."
"You're not meant to be on the sidelines, let your wishes and dreams take Center Stage."
"A lot of people start manifesting and then they wait for it to happen. You need to participate in it to make it happen."
"I feel like a personal call to really kind of also kind of work in this realm."
"Whatever fights that we get offered we're going to take. We want to be as active as possible. Let's get this thing going."
"There's more to life than being a spectator in the Kingdom."
"Keep questioning, keep informed, and let's continue to stand up for what's right."
"So i'm asking you to consciously and directly take some part in helping to distribute the messages from the platform let them know what we got going on... do it right."
"I see progress in the fact that now especially the younger generation has a very different attitude toward politics it's not something they watch on TV it's something they participate in."
"Civil rights are not a spectator sport, if we don't engage, liberty will not thrive."
"If we stop defending, protecting, and enacting the vision of government outlined in our founding documents, it will just disappear."
"Volunteers needed. Don't just survive, thrive."
"If you're gonna do something, put your whole heart into it or don't do it at all."
"This was good, it's good for me, you say what can white people do I think you're doing it, you're sharing the at the table."
"Consistency is good, a lot to show that you're active and that you're involved in things."
"You gotta be involved. You gotta, you know, life, you gotta get every ounce, out of every second of every minute of every hour of every day."
"Watching something like this requires you to come and seek it out."
"People are craving conversation, not just passive consumption."
"We need to be the ones now taking that mantle and getting government back in its proper role."
"Our founding fathers gave us a republic that it is not a spectator sport."
"It's very empowering to participate in the economy as opposed to sitting on the sideline."
"No longer will I judge somebody based on my ignorance, I just show up."
"When you become a doer, not just a hearer, that's what we're implementing."
"31 million 700,000 games were played on January 20th alone."
"So do your part and at least try to support the creators that you love."
"Opportunities may show up, and if they do, definitely give them the energy that they deserve."
"Active participation... is really the whole thing, this is the whole principle."
"You don't have to be a passive player in your own evolutionary process."
"Life is a constant process of death and rebirth" - participate fully.
"Make a choice next week or this weekend to pick up the phone to make a call to do something really engaging."
"If you're still watching right now, like the video! What are you doing, dude?"
"Shaping your own actions, living through your own mistakes and blunders – that is quite different from being a bystander."
"It's not just about casting a vote that's one act of power but we really need to confront all of these offices."
"I have to believe that the institutions can be resilient to it if we fight for it."
"And the beacon is being captured, so Adrian must stay in the circle and you see he's doing it right away."
"I'm grinding it out like I'm not gonna just sit and watch. So I'd rather play longer."
"You're supposed to bang a ball, you come out to Snoop Youth Football, that's what we do."
"To make it correct, to balance it, to experience it further, to make it more real."
"Truth is, someone has to keep them on their toes. I do my part even when it's less inconvenient."
"I want to be entertained. I want to be involved in the fight too."
"Understanding those processes allows you to play an active role."
"Jump in and just do it, and make mistakes, it doesn't matter."
"Jump in and just do it, and enjoy right now."
"We must intervene. We need every single parent in this country to speak out and to continue to speak out."
"Hit up that comment section, keep the conversation alive!"
"Many of us, we love to hear motivation. You can't just hear motivation, you gotta speak motivation."
"If you feel trapped in your life, you're being guided to get out of that energy. You're not a passenger in your life; you are a co-creator."
"Focus on what you can put into the union, what you can contribute, not just what you can get out of it."
"My life is not in the stands. Be on the field. That's where you get the win."
"We just want some more. We all want to play a part in helping, and we can't play our part if we don't have any real substantial information to work from."
"We are not spiritual consumers, we are spiritual contributors."
"We have to insert ourselves and be able to make decisions for our communities."
"An interview is a two-way street... you should be asking the interviewer questions about the company."
"Just because he's slower or less coordinated doesn't mean he should act passively."
"Participating in the world as it is today does not disqualify you from trying to improve it."
"It is time to get active, so active we will."
"Being a willing vehicle, a willing participant in my own involvement."
"There's so much healing, but it's not going to come by you sitting alone."
"‘Don't just hope for a better life. Vote for it’."
"I want effort, communication, reciprocation, I want action."
"Showing up a hundred percent for whatever you value."
"The cool thing that I found so many of the people who have come down here for the tax incentives and everything are super involved with the community."
"We need to build the table... we used to be there."
"Don't be afraid, just get into it, start doing it."
"Your calling is your invitation for participation and the reason for your creation."
"God didn't just call us to be someone who watched on the sidelines."
"Consciousness plays some sort of an active participation in reality."
"This ain't a basketball game where we need cheerleaders and people sitting on the sidelines. This is a game where you gotta be a player."
"You have to go out and do things in order to learn."
"You can have thousands of members but this doesn't mean anything unless you can get those people to be active."
"I fundamentally believe that learning is the stickiest when you are an active participant in it so I'm going to encourage you to create a roadmap alongside me today."
"Only the Lord saves, but we play a role. We play an active role in our salvation every day of our lives."
"... I wasn't gonna hide in the back... there had to be a high level of preparation on my part."
"Don't just watch from the sidelines. No, get in the game."
"I am going to focus on being an active person in my success."
"Participation is really a doable thing."
"Being conscious, present, and very involved... not doubting yourself and believing what you're doing."
"Active engagement helps enhance well-being."
"The Great Awakening is not just a concept to be observed but a lived experience, a dynamic process in which we all play a crucial role."
"We are going to play our part in aiding and helping humanity."
"It's just this bread and butter politics that you don't get online if you're not actually going out and participating in real world politics."
"Make sure there's an active developer community."
"You volunteered this information freely and with vim and vigor."
"Bilbo moves from being an ordinary everyman, or every Hobbit, who would like an adventure, to an extremely active participant."
"It's really important for owners to be actively involved in the decision-making process."
"We want our babies to be actively involved in eating."
"Your heart is way more active in what is going on with your energy than you're aware."
"Singapore must be active as a player, working with other AMS interested in preserving the peace, stability, and prosperity of the region."
"Life is not to read about or to write about, life is to live, to experience."
"Democracy when the people are thinking."
"As conscious beings capable of influencing our surroundings, we are not passive bystanders but active contributors to the universe's ongoing development."
"He demonstrated who he was by what he did. He got involved in their lives."
"Eustress teaches one to accept and control one's emotions, it energizes the individual, boosting their participation."
"Just get in there and have a go, and it'll progress as you get more experience."
"This is democracy in action and this is what's supposed to be happening."
"You have to actively participate in healing and working through it."
"It sounds like she was actively engaged and making the process her own."
"It increases treatment engagement when they are able to do something that actively addresses their situation."
"The soul wants to be able to serve actively, to be a partner with God, to be an active partner in this relationship with God."
"Engage yourself in life; you see opportunities when you engage in life."
"It's really heartwarming to see so many active women that are forthright and forthcoming."
"Grab your pencils, let's do this."
"If you are in the winning season, milk it. If you're in the losing season, do everything you can to be an active participant in catapulting out of it."
"Price and volume tell me when and why I want to be active."
"The more you participate, the more you're going to remember the information that you're learning about today."
"The investors need to be participating; we need to be actively looking to buy in our communities."
"We are writing actively, co-creating our realities."
"Recovery is not a passive thing that happens to us; it is a thing that we are involved in."
"You need to actively participate in your own rescue when it comes to healing."
"Be yourself, and she has been, she speaks up, she says, and she plays."
"I can be an active participant in my dating life and enjoy the process of dating without having it take over my entire life."
"History is being read but it's also being written every single day."
"Don't get caught on the sidelines; be focused on plays that are actually fundamental."
"Don't be just present in a class, I need you to do your best, that's how the change and transformation happen."
"Be a participant versus a spectator in your relationship."
"It's not enough to just allow this to happen; we have to participate in it and make sure that we continue to manifest this energy in the right way."
"Make sure that you are an active participator within this discussion and dialogue."
"Now you have a hobby you can really get your teeth into."
"Participation, not patience, is the key to unlocking our potential."