
Positive Traits Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Girly Chew was described as a sweet, caring, and loving person."
"He really is a decent guy; he's got great manners and he's smart."
"A girl who does not play the victim, who takes responsibility, who apologizes... I think is a very big green flag."
"We could go through any person in a situation like that, and we could list wonderful things about that person, adaptive things about that person, kind things about that person, diligent things."
"You're a wonderful person to be around; what's not to like?"
"One of the biggest points for certain religious people, who are the good ones, the ones I like to call the good ones, who aren't hateful of people like gays and such, they're actually forgiving, nice people."
"Dogs are also the only teammates that actually give humans a charisma bonus."
"She was attentive, she was loving, she was smart, she was kind, she was funny, she was understanding..."
"Wraith as a character is actually pretty good."
"If he brings out the best in you then that is a green flag."
"She will be remembered by her family, friends, colleagues, and pupils as a woman who was kind, determined, and above all, good fun."
"A green flag is if she takes care of you when you're sick, doesn't abandon you."
"If she's not chasing drama or constantly on her phone, that's a good thing."
"To surround yourself with positive, healthy, friendly, generous people."
"Being a jack of all trades is one of the greatest things about Jean's character."
"The man's got some of the greatest things coming up that you know any incredibly cool guy."
"Be serving, be kind, be loving, be energetic, be passionate, be creative."
"Miss Cyclops: Scary face, kind heart. Top spot deserved."
"Captain Brineybeard: Sweet pirate with a heart of gold."
"If I had one or two words to describe Maddie Mae, it would be just an angel."
"Enthusiasm, confidence, passion, and lack of awkwardness."
"It's just got some super endearing look to it."
"The reason he was with you in the first place is because he saw something good in you."
"The reason he even wanted to be in a relationship with you is because there was something good in you."
"She's genuine to everyone around her and beyond."
"God bless him, there is some decency left in mankind."
"There is more benign and positive masculinity in the world than there is toxic masculinity."
"I adore the whole show besides uzaki herself who is honest and energetic uzaki senpai is a seriously good guy who does not try to take advantage of her."
"You are love... people are going to be attracted to that."
"Queen of Cups: loving, compassionate, strives to see the good in people."
"You give them a sense of importance; you make them feel proud to know you."
"He always came across as one of the nicest guys in the world, always friendly, smiling, you know, just a super guy really about it all."
"What a legend but he is uh, very happy indeed I mean I think that's one of the characteristics as well that describes Robert Lewandowski, his smile as well his humor."
"I love what I love about her she's there's no negativity she doesn't talk about people she doesn't hate she's always positive."
"You guys are excellent manifesters, you're excellent visionaries."
"Iran is a land of smiles friendliness and respect."
"Lewis was a good man, always kind, polite, and happy when we were around."
"Luis Lopez is a good person always looking out for his friends and his family."
"They're honest and they're just nice people."
"Beyond our wildest dreams, Joy's bubbly and vivacious personality shines through so well."
"The trick I try to get you guys all to do is have qualities that the bad boys have but not be a scumbag and be making something yourself in this world and actually be a good decent person."
"I'll be okay. I can sleep at night knowing that the criticism towards me is that I'm too welcoming, I'm too kind, I'm too encouraging."
"Running head first into things and not really thinking things through all the way because it'll work out."
"He's a very positive brother very knowledgeable like this no he wouldn't do you know he's a very very uh mature brother and way more articulate so peace."
"Aragorn takes what we would normally call negative masculine traits and replaces them with a more positive healthy masculinity."
"They're so authentic, they're so loving, they're so genuine."
"You're going to be busy and productive, and we like that."
"Can we normalize giving the good guys a shot?"
"Rottweiler: Described as being calm, friendly, and good-natured."
"Lucio players: always a green flag. They want to enable other people, always there to help."
"He's just such a good human being, isn't he?"
"Tracer players are pretty much a green flag. Skilled and chill."
"You're gonna instill these good qualities in your child and it's gonna keep going on and on and on because you guys come from such a good family with a good history."
"Irene considered Sam a good person with a sense of justice and respect for adults and children."
"Lockjaw, adorable and joyful character, 100% on board."
"She's leader of the blue bows and doing very well at that."
"They softened my edges so I became kinder, more loving, more open."
"Dating a Sagittarius is always a good idea... they are giving, loving, and caring people."
"They're so funny, they're so, so funny... they're those people with the contagious laughter."
"He's truly marriage material. I don't think I wrote down a single negative thing about this man."
"She had a really cute smile and she got kind of giggly when someone shows up a little bit of shyness that could be a sign of humbleness it's really good."
"I loved how her heart was always in the right place and she always had the best intentions."
"The heart of gold is not something made up, it is there."
"They feel like you're a healer, an empath, like you're a very good person."
"A twin flame connection is not based on narcissism, it's not based on cruelty or manipulation in any shape or form."
"Man, that man has a beautiful smile, beautiful face."
"You inspire me every day with your laughter, determination, perfectionism, and boss attitude."
"All of these guys are unique, they're sweet, they're special."
"I love this for him 'cause he does have a great personality."
"Humans naturally come to this world as loving open bright sparks."
"I think you're probably one of the kindest people I've ever met."
"You're not afraid to act and that's what people love about you."
"I just wish all of you guys could meet him one day because he's just such a good spirited person."
"If you enjoy fire melting things and being the nicer of the Marines, hell yeah, Salamanders are for you."
"He's a great kid, I mean smart, full of energy, well-spoken, you know, I mean he's a good kid."
"Human beings are just lovely. We're kind and we're caring and we're compassionate."
"Confidence, humor, kindness - build yourself."
"Persistence, enthusiasm, those are all good qualities."
"You're a good person, you do your homework, you're not mean, you're cheerful, you're amazing."
"He's just a fantastic character in every way."
"You have a fun spirit about you, you're transformative."
"You're such an inspiration, you display more wisdom, compassion, empathy, and concern than most."
"Everything about you is sweet - passionate, compassionate, full of kindness."
"You're passionate, compassionate, full of kindness."
"What makes her special isn't that she's strong or confident. It's that Diana can see the good in everybody."
"Bright personalities are agreeable, they're conscientious, they're a pleasure to be with."
"Confident, committed, composed, fluent, proactive."
"He is a very good man with a big and kind heart."
"Sanji the Loyalty yeah and then he's like he's a good [ __ ] dude with a good heart and that comes through so well here."
"You're playful and open-hearted, spiritual and wise. You're a beacon of positivity and hope."
"I'm real open-minded um I'm a good person I'm motivate like if a man needed someone to motivate him I'm the perfect woman to motivate man."
"It's a really lovely caring aspect that comes in here too."
"Guys, guys, you heard this here first: arrogance is now a positive trait."
"They're drawn to your light and your fire, your sweetness."
"They're drawn to you, they love your energy, your authenticity, your genuineness."
"They feel your soul is gold like you have a heart of gold so they really admire like all your purity like your pure intentions."
"Good people still exist in this world. They are rare but they still exist."
"You meet these guys you cannot dislike them they're just lovely guys you know."
"This is a big whatever the opposite of a red flag."
"Anduin is actually one of my favorite characters because of his virtues. He's just such a good-hearted character."
"I think he has a lot of upside from a character perspective I think he's very very good."
"Luz's goodness, rather than make her boring, is what makes her so compelling and complicated."
"He's the sweetest guy in the world, friendliest guy, he's so friendly."
"They're smarter and kinder and more creative than we ever were."
"Spirit buddy, there's a little bit of good in everyone."
"Women are attracted to abundance... abundance of positive emotions, abundance of friends, abundance of financial resources, abundance of options."
"Your compassion is so attractive to me. You really impress me when you show others love."
"There isn't too many things that you could say about LeBron that are bad."
"He's buff, he's handsome as hell, but he's just a really nice guy."
"Quality, mentality, and personality are always welcome."
"I'm fascinated by you, your spirit, your energy."
"The lad might just be a kind person after all."
"He projected good man. He projected manliness. I really did good dude."
"He's gentle and he's kind and he's patient and he never gives up."
"She recognized how kind, personable, and considerate he really was."
"Your heart is in the right place, I see an enormous amount of compassion for people."
"He is wholesome, inspiring, charming, and has a good heart."
"They have a true care for others and very sympathetic."
"You're such a good listener, Anna. You really love that about you."
"Joe was very, still is, the most generous, it seems really kind of like hey man, there's enough for everyone kind of guy."
"You're very family oriented, and this person really likes this about you."
"They admire your strength, honesty, and generosity."
"I have met incredibly generous and kind people."
"If I saw a girl, she's by herself but she's eating, loving life, that's really attractive."
"He's full of knowledge, full of passion, and he's just got a great attitude towards life."
"That's presumptuous of you, which is a good thing, right?"
"I am now attracting a man into my life who is honest, sincere, loyal, kind, faithful, prosperous, and peaceful and happy."
"He's a sweetheart, yeah. He's a dream to work with, a total professional."
"Certain traits act as a Halo casting a positive light on other completely unrelated attributes."
"It's not all bad news. There are some people you want to have OCD. It's a good idea for your pilot to have a little, a little titch, exactly."
"Generosity flows in and through you."
"A lot of people in these places get a bad rap but they're actually decent enough."
"Stacy had always been described as outgoing, fun-loving, and kind-hearted."
"You may know me as a person outstanding wonderful respectful generous humble competitive awesome a man."
"I feel like Marcus is really fun and smart and really creative."
"I think Heavenly is a great person. I think she's a very genuine friend."
"Personality and energy is really what I love, that's what I kind of gravitate towards."
"He did really well in school, was the State triple jump Champion, quite attractive, and generally a sweet and calm person."
"He is at his core a good kid with potential for growth."
"He's actually a great dude, he's actually an incredible teammate, he's actually pretty funny."
"You're just sweet, you're nice, you're kind, you're altruistic."
"You're typically a likeable, charming, and endearing person."
"He's a good man, he's a good human being."
"I ain't never heard nothing bad about Sagittarius."
"He's just like an overall really good person with a good heart."
"You're both professional but also engaging and interesting to be around."
"I'm polite and respectful, I'm caring, I have a bright promising future ahead of me."
"You have goodness in your eyes, you've chosen to be good."
"Healthy masculinity is someone who's encouraging, always positive, stand on what they believe, honest, truthful."
"He was described as intelligent, creative, athletic, shy, sensitive, gentle, mature for his age."
"I'm young, cool, calm, and collected. Confident, extraordinary, powerful - you name it, I've got it."
"She's got a great smile, kind looking eyes."
"I'm drama-free, supportive, loyal, honest, and I have a big heart."
"A person at the healthy end of the schizoid spectrum would be able to use their sensitivity, their tendency toward introversion, their emotional honesty, and their intensity in positive ways."
"I'm going to pick the label handsome and brilliant."
"She's going to be a really good soul; he sees her inner beauty."
"He's grounded, he's got a wonderful way about him, he's respectful to people."
"You have so much inner goodness and purity of heart, Jack."
"Can find beauty in life, handsome, very good heart, can make people laugh."
"She was described as someone who was kind-hearted, vibrant, caring, and empathetic."
"He's a very powerful and amiable younger brother, darling, spirited and quick thinking."
"You're actually really kind and you're actually really nice."
"She was described as friendly, fair, and loyal with a warm smile and easy manner."
"You're very compassionate and kind."
"...there's always something about them that is redeemable."
"Omarosa has some redeeming qualities."
"From day two, I knew I fell in love with your kindness, your genuine love, their patience, and your positivity."
"Courage, compassion, kindness, all these things happening, it's a wonderful, beautiful way of looking at it."
"Great guys, easygoing, very approachable."
"Double down on him just being a super good dude, like create a really good human."
"In the eyes of everyone who knew her, Sophie was a cheerful, obedient, diligent, and independent girl."
"There's kindness in you, there's kindness in me, there's kindness in everyone."
"Generosity, loving-kindness, and a calm mind are wholesome states."
"I guess he's got a heart of gold after all."
"Anxious people are organized and cautious, that's a good thing."
"Ever smiling faces, they are the most wonderful characters to live with."
"You exude love, compassion, grace; you're intuitive, you're sitting in a very strong master manifestation mode."
"I'm gonna say fun-loving. That's the same, yeah, sweet, absolutely."
"They're very beautiful, they're very attractive, they're good people, they have really good hearts."
"He was just a very, very nice guy."
"The number one green flag in a woman is if she is a nurse or in the medical field."
"That's what I love about kids, actually. They're adaptable."
"Darius was described as intelligent and inspiring, with a very positive outlook on life."
"By instilling positive traits such as creativity and responsibility, this sense of liberty will also prepare children to become successful adults."
"Leo Moons have good hearts in general."
"She was described by her friends as being cheerful, caring, full of energy and always down for adventures."
"At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality."
"I know we just met, but I can already tell that you're kind."
"You're loving, kind, genuine, and compassionate."
"Magic comes from honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, kindness."
"I can see kindness and sincerity."
"She has that personality, she will be amazing."
"The high-end expression of Aries is that of bravery, willpower, fortitude, and courage."
"They've seen that side where you can be so generous and kind and sweet and loving."
"You're patient, you're tolerant, you're a good listener, you're a good communicator, you have a positive vibe."