
Diamonds Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"More diamonds, man. I've really been getting lucky with the diamonds."
"It's the reason why diamonds are worth so much, and it's not their composition."
"Each diamond is about the size of someone’s hand, and they come at an important time for the market which is trying to rebound after the pandemic—bright news for the country and the soon-to-be betrothed."
"Beliefs like diamonds are a girl's best friend, diamonds are forever, that you can only truly propose to someone with a diamond ring is so ingrained in our culture."
"De Beers brilliant marketing made diamonds synonymous with human love."
"The modern diamond business originated in Africa."
"Withholding the supply made diamonds valuable."
"Diamonds funded the loss of life and limb in Angola."
"Diamonds: timeless, beautiful symbols of love."
"Fossils can actually be a pretty substantial source of diamonds."
"The two largest gems were presented to the king at Windsor Castle and they remain the two largest colorless and flawless cut diamonds in the world."
"Contacts have 18 diamonds on a gold plate... make your eyes look glittery and glamorous."
"It's a gold diamond, it's a very nice, you know, very nice."
"No pressure, no diamonds, and I'm shining."
"Well, they say the diamonds are a girl's best friend, but I wonder when they're a motive for murder."
"Pressure makes diamonds and the nicest rose come through the biggest compost heap."
"Blue Nile offers thousands of independently graded diamonds and fine jewelry at prices significantly below traditional retail."
"Native miners called 'garimpeiros' began gathering diamonds from the banks of Brazil's great rivers."
"Diamonds may no longer be known only to Kings but in today's market the finest stones can still command a king's ransom."
"Almost 2000 years after an unnamed prospector pulled the first diamond from an Indian riverbank, diamonds remain prized above all other gems."
"A husband would have no further use for you if he could ever get his hands on those diamonds."
"There you go. Diamonds are created under great pressure."
"Diamonds," said the merchant, "oh, diamonds! They glittered like bits of starlight on a black velvet sky."
"Natural diamonds are the way to go for sure."
"We want to make sure Julia is comfortable with how big the diamond will actually be on her."
"With the help of diamonds, it's even possible to drill through a mountain when building a tunnel. That's just how valuable diamonds are."
"Yeah, if diamonds were like, he's dead busy next week."
"Pressure is what makes Diamonds shine."
"Destiny arrives all the same and now it's here or should I say I am. Made sure the camera was at the best angle, got the Eliante diamonds glistening."
"But what comes to mind when I say Antwerp? To me, at least, it’s diamonds."
"Never ask a Minecraft Youtuber how he got so many diamonds."
"Diamonds are forever. Diamonds never age."
"He realized that diamonds would play a major role in broadcasting that power."
"Millions on the table, that's major diamonds."
"Diamonds are not a wallet's best friend, they're a girl's best friend, but they're not a man's best friend. They depreciate like shit, there's no resale value. So if I were you, I would try to get as much as you can for it, because diamonds are not your best friend, brother."
"Me mines two diamonds. Also, me five seconds later."
"Diamonds in dreams represent preciousness, value, and enduring love."
"I know there are monopolies about diamonds and they are not nearly as rare as diamond companies would like you to believe but they are not something you can just make at home. There is no DIY diamond project."
"Yes, dear, and believe me, a diamond is a girl's best friend."
"Diamonds are attacked... they were artificially made to be expensive."
"Diamonds are also the hardest rock on the planet."
"I think moissanites are prettier than diamonds."
"Queen Victoria's stood earrings: a pair of large perfectly matched brilliant-cut diamonds set as ear studs."
"Queen Victoria's emerald fringe earrings: a thick diamond frame with articulated diamond fringe and petite diamond ball set at the top of each earring."
"Queen Elizabeth II's South African necklace and bracelet: includes her best diamonds, still worn today."
"Diamonds are forever, she my [__] forever."
"Diamonds are like people; they have flaws you can only see up close."
"Lab-grown diamonds are absolutely real diamonds."
"Pressure makes diamonds and boy oh boy do I love my diamonds."
"Look at that one. It's a nice roundish diamond."
"People are always going to like nice quality natural diamonds."
"there's something about white gold and diamonds that I just absolutely love"
"India was the first country to mine diamonds."
"...lab-grown diamonds were a thing and they were way more ethical than mining a diamond"
"...you can barely tell the difference between a moissanite and a diamond"
"The only street that really has a defined thing is the main street here, which has gold and diamonds."
"There's so many different things you could do with these diamonds."
"Every diamond, every natural diamond no matter how modest, it can be a tenth of a carat or 20-carats, it's a product of the earth."
"I love investing in diamonds, real diamond pieces like these."
"...those earrings man those earrings are gigantic and that brooch there those are some big diamonds everyone those are some big diamonds."
"The vocal performance of 'Diamonds' was great."
"You can't get any better really; we've got such a beautiful array of diamonds on this one."
"I'm literally shaking because I just found the most beautiful diamond I have ever seen come out of the crater at Diamond State Park."
"It's a flawless white diamond, that's the prettiest diamond I've ever found or seen come out of the crater Diamond State Park."
"Belgium, a place known for its Fine Arts, fashion, and a busy Port that made it the center of the world's Diamond trade."
"Diamonds are actually not the most brilliant stone out there. There's another stone called moissanite that looks almost exactly like diamonds but is much shinier and significantly cheaper."
"From collar to hemline, her white satin gown was covered in nearly 4,000 diamonds by Cartier."
"We haven't discovered a planet completely made of diamonds yet, but on some planets, it actually rains diamonds."
"Yes, they're diamonds all right," he said.
"It's a thousand times rarer than diamonds."
"This is one of the rarest red diamonds in the world, best color, and how big is that stone? 1.52 for a tiny little diamond."
"You get to have a Datejust, the full gold Rolex one with a very special dial, one with the diamond setting for a very fair price."
"Diamonds do actually come in an array of colors that cover the spectrum."
"I believe there's 7 billion dollars worth of diamonds here."
"Africa dominates the global diamond market."
"Pandora is now one of the big three for Global Diamond industry."
"Astronomers also believe that at a depth of 6,200 miles, there might be a layer where it rains diamond crystals."
"Lab diamonds... those are real diamonds, they're just made in a lab so they're cheaper."
"Pressure bursts pipes but also makes diamonds."
"The price of a diamond is affected by supply and demand and ultimately desirability so the price is constantly changing."
"We're going to have some big diamonds, guys."
"Canada produces some of the rarest and strongest diamonds in the world."
"Diamonds are the hardest element known to man."
"Diamonds are quite fun for their own sake, really."
"Diamonds are extraordinary stones; when well set, they're so alive."
"There are four things in a diamond that give it its value: the carat weight, the cut, the clarity, and the color."
"The De Beers Millennium Jewel 4, a virtually flawless blue diamond, was the largest oval cut fancy vivid blue diamond to have ever been put up for sale."
"The Zoe Diamond, certified as a fancy vivid blue diamond, sold for more than double its estimate with a final figure of 32.6 million dollars."
"The Princy Diamond, believed to have been first discovered more than 300 years ago, sold for 39.3 million dollars."
"They are 100% real diamonds but because they're lab grown rather than mined diamonds, they are Conflict Free and sustainable."
"Diamonds have always been the standard for hardness, being the hardest known natural material to man."
"There are many ways to say you love them; none lasts as long as a fine quality diamond."
"She will always remember Christmas 2000. How is up to you. A diamond is forever."
"A very expensive diamond that has not yet been set into a piece of jewelry."
"Astronomers have detected diamond showers falling thousands of kilometers below the surface of Uranus."
"Diamonds have formed a ton of social agreement over time due to their durability and desirability."
"You've got all of the geology right there; you can study these rocks and get some better idea of how these diamonds are forming in the earth."
"Diamonds are telling us about very specific conditions in a deeper part of the earth in the mantle."
"Scientists theorize that the intense pressure within 55 Cancri e could transform carbon into diamond, creating a world that, quite literally, sparkles with these precious gems."
"I think that the diamond and the woman who wears it on her finger are both formed from the same stuff."
"We are seeing everything we need to see to find diamonds."
"Space diamonds... scientists believe that these diamonds actually came from a dwarf planet that was smashed by a large asteroid around four and a half billion years ago."
"You can't make diamonds without a lot of heat and pressure."
"The prize is ten thousand diamonds."
"Visually they look no different to mined diamonds, and yet you can be 100% certain that the way that they have been created is completely conflict-free."
"Looking for and wearing sustainably and ethically sourced diamonds is now my number one priority when it comes to jewelry."
"The markup on diamonds in the jewelry industry is absolutely insane."
"This journey of a diamond through the marketplace is now possible to attach this information of diamond origin."
"When a diamond is mined, it's extracted from the earth; its origin is known as an objective fact."
"This process allows you to take this objective fact of the diamond origin and bring it all the way down the supply chain."
"Consumers purchasing one of Mother Nature's greatest treasures, a natural diamond formed more than a billion years ago, will now know more about their diamond's journey and the positive impact it has on the communities in the countries where diamonds are discovered."
"The rarest diamonds that occur naturally form in and around the transition zone of the mantle."
"Diamonds are a really valuable way to see what's happening down in the Earth."
"Spectroscopy... to act as a storyteller for the diamonds."
"Some very special diamonds... can have additional defects created that impart a pink to red color in the diamond."
"Diamonds are so far removed from the place where they initially grew, it makes it really challenging to build an understanding of how diamonds form and where they really come from."
"If you ever get the chance to visit a diamond mine, I hope everyone does because it's really interesting to see... the brute force behind extracting these little tiny beautiful gemstones."
"The diamonds themselves are just a mineral of one element; they're pure crystals of carbon."
"Diamonds are created under pressure."
"We have found diamonds, very small ones and non gem quality, but diamonds all the same."
"For HPHT technology, yes, it is possible to grow diamonds with boron to get that beautiful pool color."
"The only thing that can cut diamonds is diamonds."
"Lab diamonds are real diamonds, chemically and physically they're identical to their mined counterparts."
"Green diamonds are beautiful and among the rarest of all colored diamonds."
"The Dresden Green Diamond... perhaps the largest green diamond ever discovered at nearly 41 carats."
"The Aurora Green... an absolutely beautiful vivid green color, a little over five carats."
"In all of love's languages, only a diamond exists forever."
"A diamond is forever is the most beautiful slogan ever made because it's specific about what the product represents and it's timeless."
"Just look up Diamonds Do Good and see the good that is done in Botswana."
"Ben loved diamonds; for some time, he would spend five thousand dollars a day on precious stones."
"Diamonds are a metastable mineral."
"It's a rather unique inclusion, and it indicates that the diamond may have formed at a much deeper depth than we would normally expect."
"Huge diamonds could be raining down on Jupiter and Saturn."
"The aim of this talk is to equip you, regardless of your experience and your role, with some of the facts and insights that will empower you to speak about natural diamonds with confidence."
"Kimberley was providing 90% of the world's diamonds."
"We've seen that there are multiple different ways that natural diamond can form, and these diamonds turn out to be some of the most scientifically valuable samples of our planet."
"The brilliant cut is what most people associate with diamonds."
"We'll see how we can study defects, for example in diamonds, there is a very popular defect that we call the NV defect, which is a nitrogen vacancy."
"Only one in 10,000 diamonds found are colored."
"Deep within Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune, it might be raining diamonds."
"The future of diamond is very exciting and opens up what many of us have been calling the new diamond age."
"It's the combination of these unique properties that makes diamonds special."
"After seeing this, I will never ever buy real diamonds again in my life."
"Diamonds are forever, they won't leave in the night."
"You can't ever go wrong with diamonds."
"Although diamonds may be a girl's best friend, only 20% of diamonds mined are suitable for use as jewelry."
"The remaining 80% play an important role in industry as the hardest material known to man."
"Diamonds make people do strange things."
"Their diamonds are lab-grown which means that they are able to produce the highest quality diamonds."
"I've been a lover of sparkly things and diamonds since I was so young."
"The whole diadem is studded with extra diamonds and is enclosed by a straight row of diamonds at the bottom and top."
"The tiara's band made of platinum and gold is set with 30 total carats of near flawless circular cut diamonds."
"Deep within Neptune's atmosphere, scientists theorize that carbon atoms are compressed and form diamonds."
"Diamonds come in just about all different colors."
"It could actually be raining diamonds on these planets."
"Both Uranus and Neptune could have oceans of liquid diamonds."
"Chunks of diamond didn't sink but floated on top of the liquid Diamond layer, creating Diamond icebergs."
"Diamonds are a symbol of eternal love, also the belief that diamonds are rare."
"Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds in terms of their composition; they're just not dug out of the earth."
"I take a great interest in diamonds; I see you do as well."
"On Jupiter and Saturn, it literally rains diamonds."
"Diamonds are forever, especially when they're black."
"The stunning 18 karat white gold bracelet is fully hand studded with 504 emerald cut white diamonds."
"They're like diamonds. They're forever."
"He wants to know how to add diamonds on a lettered pendant, specifically the letter G."
"A diamond is forever—just because it's not as stable doesn't mean it'll convert in any reasonable time."
"Real diamonds? That's a funny place to find a diamond but a very clever place to hide one."
"You just cannot go wrong with diamonds for Christmas."
"All the diamonds are sourced responsibly from suppliers who follow conflict-free and socially responsible practices."
"One thing about pressure is that it builds diamonds, baby."
"Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds."
"I think the trends are going to change so hugely away from mined diamonds towards lab-grown."
"The diamond's fire and brilliance all comes down to the skill of the diamond cutter."
"Under pressure, what do you create? Diamonds."
"Real solid gold with lab-grown diamonds."
"It's really worth looking into lab-grown diamonds if you are environmentally conscious."
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and now you can drape yourself in diamonds."
"Diamonds are quite rare, they're quite difficult to find, they're difficult to mine... but diamonds are not strictly held by supply and demand because the supply is regulated."
"These studs are lab-grown diamonds, a more sustainable diamond."
"Diamonds are forever, and so is Ramon Decker's legacy."