
Philosophical Statement Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains."
"The only important thing is the respect of life."
"There's humanity in nature, but humanity exists."
"The truth is the truth, there's no changing it."
"With great power comes great responsibility, facts determined, I guess."
"Love is too powerful of a force to be bound by memory."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights."
"If there's no such thing as truth, then shut up."
"Dostoevsky also said beauty will save the world."
"If you're willing to sacrifice freedom for security, you deserve neither."
"Peace cannot be won through the barrel of the gun or the crushing of a throat."
"Life is short, false, it's the longest thing you will ever do."
"When you sacrifice Liberty for security, you deserve neither." - Benjamin Franklin
"Water's not wet. Water is water and it gets things wet."
"Mutants matter. Magneto was right. Welcome X-Men."
"Those who give up their freedom for their safety gain neither."
"If something can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"Without good, there is no evil, and without evil, there is no good. Facts."
"We are same human being, we have to live together."
"If nothing is true, this statement must also be false."
"There's no secret, the secret is that there's no secret."
"It's not a choice, it's a funny world we live in."
"If we don't have freedom, we don't have anything."
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"I remember there's a quote like this and I believe it: if the truth can destroy something, it should. It deserves to be destroyed by definition."
"The West will die without the rebirth of the logos."
"You either die a hero or live to become a villain."
"Civilization is about the application of reason to the problem of human survival." - Yaron Brook
"The truth shouldn't change; the truth should be the truth."
"Either you die a hero or you live long enough and you become a villain."
"Everyone is equal to everyone which is a bizarre thing because no one is equal to anyone about anything."
"The man is born free, but everywhere, he is in chains."
"There's two types of people in this world and I'm not either one of them."
"We should not be apologizing for being human beings, that's a little too far."
"Combat begets combat, suffering begets suffering."
"Death is being engineered in the earth right now."
"In order to have truth, there has to be a truth, there has to be a line of truth that does not move."
"The civilization that can become the greatest without fighting is the superior civilization."
"The meek may inherit the earth but a bold preacher has his eye on the heavens."
"Truth is not a philosophy, it's not an ideology. Truth is a person."
"The opposite gender is not alien. I am a human being, therefore nothing human can be alien to me."
"Virtue is to poison oneself with the antidote." - Blitz
"Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways. The point is to change it."
"Lies are not compassionate and the truth is not cruel."
"Every human being is equal, we're all created equal. It's true."
"Nobody is above the collective and that's facts."
"Good luck defeating Nature. Good luck defeating God."
"Your body is fine, it's your soul going on adventures."
"Christianity if false is of no importance and if true is of infinite importance." - CS Lewis
"You exist, therefore you are loved. End of story."
"A republic makes claims about things that do not change."
"Every mainstream religion is on the shopping blocks... It's never worked. It's a terrible formula, but we continue to do it."
"If Liberty means anything, it's the right to tell people that which they do not want to hear." - George Orwell
"When a man ceases to believe in the one true God, it doesn't mean that he believes in nothing; it means that he will believe in anything."
"Facts don't change truth, but truth can change the facts."
"Being a replicant is not mutually exclusive from being a human. He's a dad, doesn't matter when it comes down to it. What a hell of a statement for a sequel 35 years in the making to itself make: stop asking."
"I stand on the truth because all else will fall in time."
"When you accept everything, you stand for nothing."
"I believe people have a fundamental right to put whatever they want in their body."
"Time is just a f*cking... It's a human construct."
"Your religious freedom is god-given not government given."
"Anything less is something other than the truth."
"There is no my truth. Your truth. There is the truth."
"Personality goes a long way is what I'm trying to say."
"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing." - Plato
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"The truth is like a lion, let it loose and it will defend itself."
"Bitcoin is a greater instrument of freedom than the U.S Constitution." - Robert Breedlove
"I'm a firm believer, at least I want to believe."
"Gratitude is the abracadabra of the universe."
"All the world's a stage, that is not a light statement."
"You reap what you sow, the seven of pentacles."
"This is not the end of the world, this is the start of a new one."
"Deku states: 'It isn't black or white, the world is awash with shades of gray.'"
"Freedom of speech is otherwise meaningless." - Elon Musk
"We are all atheists about most of the Gods that humanity has ever believed in, some of us just go one God further." - Richard Dawkins
"The only absolute is that there are no absolutes."
"Sometimes you get what you deserve, sometimes you don't."
"Fallout games begin with Ron Perlman claiming 'War never changes.' It's a statement with just enough philosophical weight to work without sounding too pretentious."
"A human is a human, period. What difference does it make?" - Reiteration of the universal value of human life.
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness exists for every man, woman, and child."
"Life is more precious than all existing books."
"Reality is illusion albeit a persistent one." - Einstein
"This is what's most important in the universe."
"Your freedom is worth more than any dollar in any world."
"Might seems really good, you could say might is in fact right."
"Life is more important, it is, it is, that is true."
"Truth is not a relative term, it's rocket solid."
"I believe there's a thing called truth. I know it's awkward... but I do think it's truth."
"Consciousness is fundamental. It functions through the mind and the mind functions to the brain."
"Do you know what I hate most in this world? Anyone who isn't free."
"Because Aaron Jaeger was born into this world."
"You can survive without liberty but you cannot live without liberty."
"Money doesn't buy happiness. Trust me, it doesn't."
"I always say, when you're standing on truth, truth never changes."
"There's no compromise possible... there's no other way to make sense of it."
"Any good thing in excess is a poison, remember the old Blume-ism."
"Mankind was never separated from God but is able to be equal to or superior to God."
"Those who are willing to give up any amount of essential freedom for even the smallest amount or for the perception of safety will get neither and deserve neither."
"I prefer dangerous freedom to comfortable slavery."
"There's only one race on the planet, that's the human race."
"The Earth is the world, not the idea of a universe with solar systems and galaxies."
"There is no humane way to kill someone period."
"We're all born naked and we're all equal no matter what."
"The truth will always be, yes, whether we like it or not."
"It's simple: there is good and there is evil."
"If what you say you believe is from the creator, there will be tangible proof of it."
"Inequality is what you get when people are free."
"Beneath this mask, there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
"Fate is not absolute, hearts can be changed."
"If a lot of people loved each other, you know it'd be a better place."
"The Splendor of Truth. You've got to love the truth, man. You've got to be in love with the truth."
"I feel therefore I am you feel therefore you are too."
"Mother Nature doesn't deal in duality, since that's an inherent contradiction and completely impossible."
"A difference that makes no difference is no difference."
"Ask me for anything except time; space I can recover, time never."
"Reality is reality, whether or not it's perceived."
"Life isn't mathematical; it's not A plus B equals C every time."
"There's no reaction without an action."