
Impeachment Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"This impeachment is a declaration to the world that when there is an attack on our democracy, we will respond to that threat and attack and we will do what's necessary to strengthen our democracy."
"He committed an impeachable offense by inciting a violent and deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."
"We are here today on the house floor wasting time and taxpayer dollars on an illegitimate impeachment inquiry because Donald Trump, the puppet master, has directed extreme MAGA Republicans to launch a political hit job against President Joe Biden."
"This entire charade is ridiculous...instead of lowering costs for families before the holidays or protecting women's freedom to make their own health decisions, House Republicans are taking orders from Donald Trump to force through a partisan political impeachment with no evidence, no witnesses, and no wrongdoing on behalf of the president."
"We are talking potentially about impeaching the President of the United States, and when we deal with something this serious, only the members who are elected and accountable for their actions here in Congress to their own constituents should do the questioning."
"There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment supported by one of our major political parties and opposed by the other. Such an impeachment will produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come and will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions."
"The president is not above the law, he will be held accountable. He has been impeached, he's been impeached forever. They can never erase that."
"The impeachment inquiry has found that President Trump personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his re-election."
"The house has voted to formalize the impeachment inquiry. Impeachment is on."
"House votes to formalize Republican impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden."
"Impeaching him and holding over his head the possibility that he may be convicted or removed from office in the next week actually may prevent him from inciting more violence."
"The impeachment judgment Clause does not support the argument that the only way to pursue criminal charges against a president, or former president, is through the impeachment process."
"The text of the constitution makes clear there is no January exception to the impeachment power, that presidents can't commit grave offenses in their final days and escape any congressional response. That's not how our constitution works."
"If the Democrats think they've beaten him down with the impeachment process, they're in for a shock."
"If provoking an insurrectionary act against a joint session of Congress after losing an election is not an impeachable offense, it's hard to imagine what would be."
"The constitutional case in favor of Trump being tried after leaving office is that the punishment is not merely being kicked from office, it is also being barred from future office."
"The rush to judgment for a snap impeachment in this case was just one example of the denial of due process."
"We have reason to believe the house managers manipulated evidence and selectively edited footage."
"Trump's resilience stands out as protests, two impeachments, and legal indictments fail to diminish his political standing."
"Once you break the seal here, there will be no impeachment trials ever again."
"The case for impeaching and disqualifying Trump is about our most basic foundational values."
"So to see the Republicans use that, participate in that effort as their way to defend the U.S. president against impeachment, it’s just -- I mean like I said what a time to be alive."
"The Constitution empowers the Senate to try all impeachments and to determine the rules of its proceedings."
"I mean, while the Democrats are trying to figure out exactly how they're gonna thread this whole witness needle in the impeachment."
"And that's why I'm very proud to co-sponsor Representatives Biggs' articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas."
"I'm very proud to co-sponsor Representatives Biggs' articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas."
"I'm proud to do it because I really believe we have a case where somebody majorcus has committed trees and has broken the rule of law and deserves not to be there anymore."
"Congress has no choice but to investigate abuse of power, abuse of oath of office, and that leads to impeachment hearings."
"Abuse of power. There's not a president who has served in the Oval Office who couldn't be impeached for abuse of power."
"Holding up security assistance for domestic political gain was crazy."
"Democrats... hold the articles of impeachment until November of 2020."
"Impeachment... is some form of censure of the president merited on the basis of what we have seen, yes of course."
"Now the I believe widely held expectation is that the House will open an impeachment inquiry into the President."
"We saw with Bill Clinton that impeachment is completely political."
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander when it comes to bipartisan impeachment."
"We got a lot of news. Joe Biden is the Marjorie Taylor Green filed impeachment against them."
"Bob Mueller was essentially referring impeachment to the United States Congress."
"Impeachment suggests lawfulness, constitutionality, respect for the rule of law. This is an exercise in raw political power."
"I'm the only president ever will never they got impeached for making a perfect phone call."
"They are inviting impeachment. They are begging for impeachment. They are making impeachment much more likely."
"The Constitution says the House has the sole power to impeach. And that is basically like a prosecutor indicting someone."
"If the Senate blesses this historically low bar, we will invite the impeachment of every future president."
"Impeachment is the political resolution to all of these things."
"If these allegations are true, can the President be impeached?"
"You only get one impeachment, you gotta make it count."
"That's why I think it's so important for the House to simply begin impeachment proceedings."
"The bar for impeachment cannot be set this low."
"The Constitution says, 'Congress shall have the power to impeach,' period."
"The frightening future he alleges for presidents seldom or ever prosecuted because they have to be impeached and convicted first is the one we have lived under. That is not a frightening future."
"The power of impeachment was debated heavily by our framers."
"We have a totally partisan impeachment based on something that is not an impeachable offense."
"If congress can make up what it impeaches for and is not constrained... we have a constitutional crisis."
"The frightening future he alleges where presidents are seldom if ever prosecuted because they have to be impeached and convicted first is the one we have lived through for the last 235 years."
"That's a big wow factor right there. Jimi Hendrix, man, he's one of the greatest rock and roll legends of all time."
"We're winning impeachment after this person impeach convict indict prison."
"Every Republican member of Congress who did not vote to impeach Donald Trump when they had the chance should be drummed out of public life." - John Favreau
"Impeachment is now a completely political tool as we know from the multiple impeachments of Donald Trump without an actual criminal charge attached to any of them."
"Supreme Court rules it is up to Congress whether Trump should be removed because of Constitution's Insurrection Clause."
"This impeachment effort is not going well for the Democrats."
"Impeachment is not gonna work out well for Democrats."
"The fact of the matter is I don't think the chief justice presides because the president is not the sitting president; he's a former president."
"Even on the bare minimum we, you know whether you were unsure or not about impeachment before and I think that was a fair question before this appears to be a clear, clear violation of the law."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"Impeachment was deemed inappropriate...morality no longer mattered in politics."
"Donald Trump needs to be impeached and removed."
"There remains a constitutional remedy of impeachment."
"If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy."
"It would mean that if a former president engages in assassination, selling pardons... and then isn't impeached and convicted, there is no accountability."
"And unless this president is removed in this impeachment process, that repair job is going to be job one for the next president of the United States."
"So Ben Norton caught this: 'According to Nancy Pelosi, we're capitalists, and that's just the way it is.' Pelosi selling lies to justify an illegal war of aggression isn't an impeachable offense, but Trump's calls to Ukraine are."
"If they would impeach George Bush, we wouldn't have Donald Trump."
"The impeachment judgment Clause applies not just to presidents but also to everyone else."
"The impeachment judgment Clause explicitly preserves the option of allowing other prosecutions."
"The framers intended impeached officials to face criminal liability according to the law."
"An impeachment process in search of a crime."
"The one process the Constitution gives Congress to remove a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, that process has been used twice to impeach a president."
"Why are we waiting 14 days to take this joker out of office? Trump and his cronies need to go to the garbage... in prison, prison garbage."
"Impeachment only incites more division; it does not provide unity."
"The most serious and solemn and important and tragic last ditch safety valve in the constitution has been used as basically a 'we're number one' foam sign."
"This impeachment was aimed at you, at the American people."
"Trump attacking Yovanovitch on Twitter somehow amounts to an impeachable offense and witness intimidation, according to Pelosi."
"Impeachment is a separate process from electoral processes. It's a way to weigh a president's fitness for office and whether or not he's committed high crimes and misdemeanors."
"This impeachment trial is really showing what that is. This is now the party of Donald Trump."
"A president may be impeached tried and upon conviction afterwards be liable to prosecution and Punishment in the ordinary course of the law."
"Trump has been grooming his supporters to push back on any impeachment talk with this simple demand: read the transcript."
"They would not have to open this impeachment proceeding because they're intent on impeaching the President."
"Impeachment, not criminal prosecution, is the principal check against the president."
"I don't feel like I'm being impeach because it's a hoax. It's a setup. It's a horrible thing they did."
"Would it help them get witnesses and materials and testimony if Democrats in the House took the formal step of opening an impeachment inquiry?"
"But when legal observers say opening an impeachment inquiry would give the House more tools to actually get the stuff they are seeking..."
"Donald Trump appears to be rapidly on his path to getting impeached a second time."
"The only question is, has Trump done something impeachable? If yes, you impeach. That's it. That's the entire flowchart."
"Bill Clinton has become just the second president in US history to be impeached."
"What can be effective is exactly what Dr. Carr said, and that is impeachment."
"More and more Americans are behind this impeachment inquiry which is important."
"Impeachment numbers are in today are disastrous for Donald Trump."
"The proper remedy against the President for official malfeasance is the threat of impeachment, not criminal prosecution."
"The president may be prosecuted for his private conduct, but in his public character, he must be first subject to impeachment."
"I'm not worried, because it's always good when you don't do anything wrong, you get impeached."
"Donald Trump has been impeached for a second time. For a second time."
"Donald Trump has been impeached a second time. It is over."
"Donald Trump has been impeached. Peach President Donald J. Trump."
"The overwhelming majority who voted to convict him represents the largest bipartisan impeachment in history."
"Impeachment is a very, very serious situation and should be treated with the seriousness that it deserves."
"I feel guilty, you know they call it impeachment like it's impeachment like that's why you know with Richard Nixon I just see it as a very dark era, very dark, very old."
"Donald Trump has officially been impeached and you saw the Republicans saying all the Democrats have been trying to do this since day one."
"How do you impeach a president who didn't do anything wrong?"
"It's a choice between being on Jamie Raskin's side or Trump's side during that impeachment trial. I wear it as a badge of honor."
"Senators who don't vote to impeach the former president are complicit in his wrongdoing."
"I am drawing up articles of impeachment. Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the United States Senate."
"Impeachment is not a tool for incompetence, it is a tool for willful action to harm the country."
"I think having held the trial at all and potentially getting a number of members of President Trump's own party to agree and convict him, that in and of itself from the perspective of history would actually be very significant."
"Love them or hate them, you gotta respect the guy in the arena."
"And by the way an impeachment or two would be nice."
"Removing the president for inciting violence is not a First Amendment issue, but there are really important free speech issues that will be at stake."
"Yo it is gonna be lit in november and then we can all get disappointed by republicans doing nothing when they win nah i demand i want to see real action investigations impeachment impeach joe biden over ukraine no messing around."
"All the things to impeach Trump for, it's not leaving, it's about corruption."
"The president of the United States would be liable to be impeached tried and upon conviction of high crimes or misdemeanors removed from office and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and Punishment in the ordinary Court of the law."
"It's right to impeach a president... Donald Trump twice because he did commit high crimes and misdemeanors."
"The Constitution prescribes the basis for impeachment as 'treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.'" - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"What kind of world are we living in if... a president orders his Seal Team to assassinate a political rival and resigns for example before an impeachment not a criminal act?"
"Impeachment has failed, Donald Trump raised 117 million dollars during impeachment."
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says today the House will move forward with plans to impeach President Trump."
"Page of Pentacles, I really feel like you can learn anything you want."
"The impeachment process must never be permitted to be weaponized for partisan political purposes."
"How do we end up impeaching a president... perversion of foreign policy."
"Impeachment was never designed to be a partisan response towards one party losing a presidential election."
"Impeachment is tantamount to indictment; it's a charge, and when you make a charge, you need to have the information behind it clear and not vague."
"I promise you one day the shoe will be on the other foot, and this precedent today be set that the Senate repudiate the houses articles of impeachment by rejecting them loudly."
"You can't impeach a lawyer based on their opening statements."
"Congress, you can start impeachment proceedings now."
"Impeachment is front and center in the conversation yet again."
"A president should be removed from office if they commit serious crimes."
"If the Republicans want to continue to erode the norm around impeachment, open the door then in the eyes of U.S. history."
"Our job is to focus on the American public, to make tomorrow better than today, to legislate, not to continue to investigate something in the back when you cannot find any reason to impeach this president."
"Impeachment is bad for the country when it's only partisan politics; there is simply no way you can argue that this is not partisan politics."
"Impeachment should not be a political exercise, it should be reserved for something like what happened on January 6th."
"Meyer was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump after the January 6 attack."
"If Nancy Pelosi gets evidence of money laundering with the Russians and still does nothing, I think she should be impeached."
"It's really the responsibility of Assembly Speaker Carl Husty to impeach him immediately and you know, September is not soon enough. This needs to happen now. He is a danger."
"There are 57 senators who voted to convict on the facts and the law."
"It strikes at the heart of American democracy and is itself the essence of an impeachable offense."
"And just think about what that means. They are currently in possession of evidence of impeachable offenses by Donald Trump."
"What this call and two people now who have overheard this really shows us is Donald Trump’s intent."
"Support for impeaching and removing Donald Trump is at an all-time high."
"It's not stuff that you take into consideration in an impeachable hearing."
"Trump was impeached for investigating exactly what is confirmed by the laptop."
"Senators, you've seen all the evidence so far and this is clear: on January 6, President Trump left everyone in this capital for dead."
"Hope you didn't blink, Trump was acquitted at an impeachment trial again, the first president to do so twice."
"The impeachment trial will proceed against him. It's pretty clear that there are not the votes there to convict him."
"We need to give them courage, not enable them to capitulate. If they pander to the woke mob, we are finished."
"Someone else might get the prime time slot for a bit, but it will not be a promotion. If you jump in Dan's grave, you'll just be making space alongside his corpse for your own."
"You shouldn't stop yourself. You should absolutely push for the impeachment and make an argument as to why you should, and you should also apply public pressure on top of that to truly campaign behind forcing this impeachment conviction."
"If you want to impeach this president yeah maybe you all need to be impeach."
"If Trump has done something wrong, if Trump is acting untoward, if he's violating his oath of office by all means he should be investigated and impeached."
"The point of this impeachment inquiry...is to get damaging information about Donald Trump out into the public."
"This is a very important perspective...the house really has no alternative here."
"The high-water mark for the evening...impeachment is small beans compared to deploying troops to Saudi Arabia."
"The fact is the house will deliver the article of impeachment to the senate, the senate will conduct a trial of the impeachment of Donald Trump, it will be a full trial, it will be a fair trial but make no mistake there will be a trial."
"We've done a good job, but it wasn't easy. You get impeached over a telephone call that was perfect."
"So if he impeach him isn't that extending further than removal right? He's not in office and so what they're saying is no no but you can't stop here at this end you have to say disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor."
"Nixon did not have the votes to avoid a conviction by the necessary two-thirds majority in the Senate."
"By resigning, he avoids a likely impeachment and trial."
"The President had no rights, no due process rights, Republicans were granted no witnesses there were witnesses Republicans wanted to call that the Democrats called."
"We must instill in our public officials... They must tell us the truth. If they cannot do this, then they must be impeached or they must be removed from office."
"More of this, more of the analysis of impeachment gate, the day has arrived."
"Impeachment is fully 100% a legal event and that it's a constitutional enterprise."
"This report evidences obstruction of justice by the President, that is an impeachment offense as a matter of law."
"The underlying basis for the impeachment was that Donald Trump said some mean words."
"If you have a real solid Trump-supporting Republican turn on him with critical evidence, why their Senate Republicans might fold."
"Impeachment generally has helped President Trump and it has hurt the Democrats."
"The impeachment of mayorcas is Justified historically legally I think you could say persuasively and politically."
"I fully support the impeachment of Joe Biden and honestly, even more than an impeachment, I think that he just needs to step down and resign."
"The state legislature has the ability, they should take that up and they should use their ability and their rights to impeach and get them off the streets."
"Trump is going to get himself impeached in the House for doing this with Ukraine."
"I have long been concerned that pursuing impeachment... is really really bad for the country... pursuing impeachment purely on partisan differences would be extremely divisive for an already divided country."
"The tables are turning, like they put together this entire effort to dismantle and impeach the Trump team."
"The impeachment Clause provides the president with critical structural protections from attacks from his political enemies."
"Impeachment may be the way not only to target a corrupt president, but to actually ensure we're not redefining the presidency."
"Trump's historic impeachment not once, but twice."
"Mitch McConnell has told associates that he believes Trump committed impeachable offenses."
"Trump approval rating up, support for impeachment down, support for president in Iowa up."
"Wasted precious hours on an evidence-free impeachment hearing."
"The irony of course is much better shot at defeating Trump the old-fashioned electoral way than you do at this removal from office."
"What Biden did in Afghanistan is impeachable."
"One of the most powerful pieces of art in the United States Capitol is the Trumbull painting... submitting to the rule of law... we must begin impeachment now."
"The President pro-tem has historically presided over impeachment trials of non-presidents."
"Impeachment is not nearly so much about the past as it is about the future."
"Lying in a confirmation hearing is an impeachable offense."
"If they don’t impeach me, it’s because they don’t think they have anything to impeach me for."
"Impeaching Trump makes Mike Pence president. It solves nothing."
"Impeachment is the removal of somebody from office who was duly elected. That's something to be taken lightly, something that would change the fabric of America."
"He certainly has shown evidence of impeachable offenses."
"I know for a fact he needs to be impeached in the worst way."
"Impeachment: a serious charge against a public official for misconduct."