
Constitutional Values Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Political violence has no place in our constitutional republic."
"The values of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the values of free speech, the values of religious tolerance, the values of pluralism, the values of us being a nation of immigrants, those traditions should not change."
"The problem we had with Blair government wasn't necessarily what happened in Iraq... it was the biggest damage they did was to the Constitution and the fundamental values of this country."
"It's about equity and equality, it's about decency, it's about the Constitution."
"Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States."
"Wouldn't you want somebody that adheres to the Constitution, that adheres to process, that adheres to rule of what, more than anything else than a guy who literally says he wants to suspend the Constitution of the United States?"
"He is one of the most caring person he knows... he tries to go by what the Constitution says."
"I can't give up on this country, I have to try to find some way to bring together those on the right who want to restore our constitutional system."
"If you care about the constitutional system of the United States, if you care about the rule of law, if you want to have children who have some notion of what the word freedom means, this is all for me a complete no-brainer."
"For too long now, the federal government has gotten away with doing things that it was never intended to do."
"There's nothing better that we all could do than to support colleges that protect the Constitution."
"We're not the party of insurrection; we have to embrace the constitution not embrace the insurrection."
"You have to say I will not be part of a party that mocks other religions, that is fundamentally anti-constitutional, that is an effort to put an autocracy in America. You just can't do it."
"They literally don't believe in the same history of this country."
"All of us here today are united by the same timeless values. We defend our Constitution, and we believe in the wisdom of our Founders."
"If you support Donald Trump, you do not support the Constitution."
"If you're a Republican, you cannot be loyal to Trump and the Constitution."
"The positive history of the great promise of America as manifested in our Declaration and in the Constitution."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"Unlike our opponents, we have nothing to hide. The integrity of our election matters, the Constitution of the United States matters."
"It's an insult to all Americans, it's an insult to the Constitution."
"Armed with our history, well prepared by our past and secure in the knowledge of what we have been through and where we're headed, we will Triumph in the Valiant struggle to promote constitutional values and to obtain freedom and justice for all."
"Our constitution is sacred and that we need to uphold it at all times."
"A true American is someone who subscribes to a set of ideals found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."
"Let's contrast at first Martin Luther King jr. where would you think that he lines up on Western civilization particularly the United States of America well he was very much passionately pro-constitution pro-western judeo-christian morality."
"I think the underlying premise for every American to uphold the constitution is a good thing."
"The spirit of the US Constitution lives in Bitcoin."
"The Constitution is within our core, within our spirit As Americans."
"Do you pledge allegiance to an organization or to the constitution?"
"The Good right-wingers, the real right-wingers, the real American conservatives, are for Freedom, they are for the Republic, they're for the Constitution."
"If we stop defending, protecting, and enacting the vision of government outlined in our founding documents, it will just disappear."
"If we choose to criminalize homosexuality we have thrown a huge portion of our constitution in the garbage."
"Don't tread on me, and that's in essence what the whole darn Bill of Rights says."
"Protests should be peaceful and polite, that's in the Constitution."
"I believe in equal opportunity and justice. I believe in the Constitution and I will not sit idly by and allow anyone to trespass on the freedom and liberties of all New Yorkers."
"Accepting the outcomes of Elections and having a peaceful transition of power is part of what it means to be a constitutional republic."
"Us not agreeing on basic constitutional values of individual liberty, of the rights that are endowed to us by our Creator, that creates a whole other host of problems."
"I'm extreme on the Constitution so much so I was willing to lay down my life for it."
"Anybody that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States."
"Every business owner in America has a choice whether to live out the values in the Constitution."
"We are on the precipice of a group of truly evil people who are prepared to destroy the constitution and the rule of law."
"No one is above the law. If you see violence in protests take our nation back maybe you don't like the Constitution as much as you say you do."
"Our job is to stand firm for what is right: the Constitution, freedom."
"We're fighting for the cause of freedom, individual liberty, and the Constitution."
"If we lose our right to vote, we lose our constitutional republic."
"I hope that our Legacy will be an unswerving Devotion to the facts, the rule of law, and the Constitution."
"Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is an expression of empathy that the founding fathers put in the constitution."
"We have to keep track and keep sight of the larger picture; the real question here is how we preserve and protect our Constitution and the values that we hold so dear."
"The Constitution, Bill of Rights are not values to be compromised."
"To secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
"Courts can extend or expand the definitions of crimes if it will give effect to the values of the constitution."
"All good Americans have their hearts set on the Constitution."