
Self-drive Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Determination, success, that personal drive being behind your own wheel in life and realizing that you're the one that's going to make your goals come true."
"The motivation that is so much stronger than anything else out there, any of my other ego-driven ambitions."
"You may never feel ready and you may never feel motivated and that's okay, but you can still push yourself forward."
"You don't need motivation, you're pulled by a vision."
"This is the moment to use your hope to motivate yourself."
"You have drive and determination that cannot be extinguished by anyone but you."
"You're being much more passionately driven towards what you desire."
"Motivation comes from within; tap into your inner drive."
"Motivation not as self-destruction, you gotta go go after it."
"Until you take over that driving seat and take responsibility and accountability, you're not gonna go anywhere."
"Bold and charming, having the courage to go after what you want."
"The most important divide is the self-motivation divide." - Marina Gorbis on future discrimination.
"You have to find something in you that pushes you."
"Be driven by your spirit, not your feelings."
"You need an innate drive, an intrinsic drive to get the work done on your own. There's no way about getting becoming a concept artist."
"I'm driven, I'm driven, I'm in the driver's seat, so pedal to the metal, man, to get it."
"Find what that is and then use that, that allows yourself to have that motivation, a 10 out of 10 motivation."
"The self-motivation is what drives most great players."
"Passion and determination drive me forward, no matter what."
"It's very important that you have to have that intrinsic motivation to never give up."
"If there's anything that you guys want to achieve, find your inner drive, the thing that drives you to take a step toward your goals every single day, and make it happen."
"Your state of doing is fueled by the strength of an inner drive."
"Obsession and compulsion, if it's positive or negative, is totally what drives us."
"Self-motivation is essential for goal-directed behavior, for aiming behavior at the future and sustaining action toward that future until the goal is accomplished."
"It's your own will and your own drive to empower yourself to be the driver."
"You don't need to be pushed. Pushing is what you do."
"If you want something bad enough, you'll run and nobody's chasing you."
"Every team member should be self-motivated."
"I've got a fire inside of me that pushes me to go further, to go beyond my limits."
"Internally motivated is the best place to be because you need nothing to push you to do something."
"Being able to use your internal information and your internal drives to enact on the external environment."
"Mars in Scorpio is perceptive but drives himself harder than he would drive anyone else."
"You can't put drive into someone; it has to come from within."
"You've got to be your own motivation."
"I'm usually a pretty disciplined person too, or even when I don't feel motivation I like push myself."
"I ain't had nobody to push me like that, you know what I'm saying."
"I'm feeling kind of motivated and inspired."
"Ultimately, you have to be motivated within."
"I just had this random burst of motivation."
"Our greatest motivation comes from our internal drive, not extrinsic motivation."
"I've always been very internally driven."
"Motivation 2.0 is about external rewards and punishment. Motivation 3.0 depends on your intrinsic drive."
"I'm already motivated by just myself trying to win a fight."
"Don't wait for motivation. Do the things you need to do not because you want to do it but because you have to."
"The most important thing is your motivation, you've got to have a strong intrinsic motivation, we refer to that as our why."
"You have to be on top of your game, you have to be the one driving your master's degree and every single thing."
"You got to be hungry, you got to want it yourself."
"I'm kind of feeling this drive from within."
"You need to be motivated and for me, I was really motivated."
"That self-motivation that I breathe in the morning."
"Self-motivation is everything to me."
"I'm pretty motivated right now, let's hope it stays that way."
"If you love what you do, it's a lot easier to drive yourself."
"The greatest competitors can motivate themselves."
"I only want to be around self-motivated people."