
Good Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"We're calling people to a great adventure here, saying we have enough resources to deflect a small fraction of them and do an unbelievable amount of good."
"The answer to 'Why is there evil?' turns out to be an argument for God, not against Him. Because if there is no good, there is no God."
"I am always being guided to the highest good."
"Freedom is the disciplining of desire so as to make the achievement of the good first possible and then effortless."
"To adjust all your thoughts to a perfect and unswerving faith in the omnipotence and supremacy of good is to cooperate with that good."
"True freedom is the ability to choose between different things that are in themselves good."
"Consciousness identifies with your good and makes it part of your being."
"Abhor evil, love good, and establish justice."
"One monopoly mankind will retain for many years to come is the propensity for good and the propensity for evil."
"It’s a perfect example of how something good can come from the darkest places…"
"I use my powers for good, not evil."
"Good and evil are antinomies, and people confuse the good with the Divine."
"If you've been thinking about this you need to try it immediately I'm not overhyping it it is that good."
"It's been a roller coaster, a really good roller coaster."
"Any person is capable of great good or great evil."
"It's good, thumbs up, two thumbs up actually."
"The essence of the good is a certain kind of moral purpose, and that of the evil is a certain kind of moral purpose."
"It's a good little informative video."
"Distinguish good from evil. Know the difference, shun evil, embrace good."
"It's been different but where I'm at right now is good."
"Nothing like a good cup of coffee and a good morning to you all."
"Pray you never learn just how good it can be to see another face."
"Relieving suffering is very difficult. It's easy to do good, it's hard to do good well."
"People just want the good but they want to forget about the bad."
"...it's just such a good allrounder."
"He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul; he that keepeth understanding shall find good."
"That was the best compliment I ever got. That was a very good compliment. That was [__] tight bro."
"I felt so safe there, I felt so good."
"Yes, it is the good one. The excellent choice. Winner KO."
"That era still had really good hip-hop."
"Having a humanized villain is usually a good thing."
"It's a good stress relief, there's a lot of good qualities to it."
"Evil flourishes when good people do nothing."
"I didn't think it would be that good, it was greater than I thought."
"Be careful, any automation is fantastic. It can be used for fantastic good, but it can also be used for a lot of evil or at least it has the scope to do a lot of damage."
"This actually tastes so good. Thank you."
"It’s almost too good to be true. It’s like a fairytale."
"Good Vibes, good food, good good good good good good good good."
"The display quality is really good."
"What would your good do if evil did not exist?"
"I actually believe that there was evil, that to me was a no-brainer, and then came to the conclusion that there can't just be evil, there has to be good, there has to be God."
"God still has a way of ringing good out of evil."
"The good guys win and they return to their Province Victorious."
"The good done is still undeniable."
"Wow, this is a hit. This is so good."
"For Eru, the One, shows time and again that He is the ultimate power in the universe and that no evil designs of a dark lord cannot be used as his instrument to bring about an even greater good."
"Nothing good comes without controversy."
"There's something beautiful about what Mother Teresa did and something ugly about what Hitler did. We just, intuitively, see there's that sense of good and evil."
"A good song is not automatically a hit."
"This meal deal is very good value."
"You've got good equipment to work with."
"Honestly, it's so good, it's really nice."
"This looks so good, I'm very excited."
"Sex is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still good."
"This movie was insanely good and insane."
"This is another really good option."
"Evil is just evil. It turns out good is just good. Virtue is virtue and it shows up in every demographic."
"Good will always overcome evil. Every single time."
"You're always going to have those kind of brush strokes, and sometimes it's good, but some things you don't want."
"I trust it may prove a very good one, however maybe a sir."
"I just wanted to do a good job. I just wanted to be good."
"There is much good, but there is also great evil."
"The first day of school was really good, guys."
"Good morning guys, it is 11:00 a.m. Not doing so good, actually no. I'm doing good."
"There was moments where like yo I could be like yo this is good, God bless the dead could be like yo this is I think we can kind of work with this."
"Where there's great opportunity for evil, there's great opportunity for good, amen."
"It's a good movie that I enjoyed."
"I want Afterlife to be just a fun good movie."
"A good bacon sandwich requires good bread."
"That's awesome, that is really, really good."
"This book was so good. It was giddy just thinking about it."
"I actually recently just bought this... I just can't recommend it enough. Um, so good. I love it."
"Oh my gosh, that is so smooth and so good."
"One thousand dollars for your trading account is good."
"Humanity has limitless potential for good."
"I love that. I love DIY. I think he's done this sort of stuff before, so this is good."
"If you look for the good, you find the good."
"We do not want perfection to be the enemy of good."
"...there's things in the world that are good and there's things of the world that are challenging and demanding and ugly and horrible."
"The writing for 'Bring Your Demon to Work' is so tight and it's so good."
"If the word 'peace' had been 'good,' evil would be a shoo-in."
"Good may emerge from suffering, which is not necessarily a purely negative entity."
"Good and bad, like, is literally just positive and negative. It's like, an experience, right?"
"Our helplessness makes the idea of the good possible."
"A bad is a part of human's existence, it's that which makes you understand what good is as well because it's opposite would allow you to understand what good is."
"It was a damn good scheme right from the beginning."
"Each of the evils is a means to a good which couldn't occur otherwise."
"Allowing the suffering is a means to a good which could not be obtained without it."
"Superman showed us that beings from different worlds could work together for a greater good."
"Confusion in every sense is just good. It's a sign that some things aren't right, some things aren't aligning."
"Nobody wants to talk about good coming out of evil."
"That's going to be the ultimate memory from this experience. That just... It was so good."
"I'm rarely impressed. I was impressed with that one."
"That one was good. That was a good one."
"These look really good. This is what I like, kind of plain, kind of simple."
"The humor for this movie is good."
"Your perseverance in doing good identifies the elect and those who are true believers."
"Pretty sweet, definitely a good one so far."
"He takes what the enemy means for evil and he uses it for your good."
"I'm using my talents for good instead of evil."
"I'm feeling good everyone. This is great, ha ha."
"If anyone knows the good and doesn't do it, it is a sin for him."
"Why have that? So, you're at 50/50. Pretty good."
"That's how amazing, yeah, that is a good, that's a public service, it is."
"We had such good weather the whole time."
"And as always guys uh please be good do good drinking water guys later."
"When we're talking about Good and Evil we are talking about antisocial and pro-social behaviors."
"If your friends have good habits you're gonna have good habits."
"It's one of those bad movies that, like, is bad but good in the tier that it sits, if that makes sense."
"So it turns out it was a good choice to eat here."
"God always turns around evil for good."
"I really, really want everybody out there to feel as good as I feel right now."
"To love is to will the good of the other, and that's Thomas Aquinas."
"I'm going to say when it's good and I'm gonna say when it's bad."
"Light overcoming darkness and good overcoming evil."
"If there can be a force of evil, surely it's only logical to believe that there could be a force of good."
"How much more powerful good is than evil."
"He wanted to give the very good a chance."
"What is good and what is evil? That's what we need to do."
"This book was so good it was like unlike anything I've ever read."
"I think no matter what in this plane that we live in there will always be good and evil."
"Oh, how good is that from Tyrell Hatton?"
"Everything which inviteth and enticeth to do good and to love God and to serve him is inspired of God."
"Wow does it feel good to be back into my normal routine."
"The housing market is really really good."
"God can take what man meant for evil and turn it around for good."
"Whatever Allah says we should do is morally good, and what Allah prohibits is morally bad."
"It's an open question whether we're doing more harm than good."
"The enemy of great is good, and there's a whole lot of good people in the body of Christ that have settled for being good."
"Everything good starts with prayer."
"Are people naturally good or evil? Neither."
"I have a very good feeling about this tank guys."
"When you see things like God is love, that's good. That's really good."
"That movie is so rewatchable. Dude, that movie is so good."
"Everything about this car is really, really good."
"Everybody has the capacity for evil and everybody has the capacity for love."
"I never understood that America was a force for good and a balance for evil in the world."
"Life is a lot about being resilient and taking the good with the bad and not feeling sorry for ourselves more than we need to."
"It's certainly a good option it really is."
"It was so good like I've enjoyed everything I've picked up."
"I think it'd be a fun little commuter car, you know, if you wanted something you didn't want to go to the run in the middle civic, hello extra money to spend, definitely I think it's a really good car to get."
"...and you too, my judges, must think of death with hope and remember that this at least is true that no evil can come to a good man in life or death..."
"Wow, it was really good. It was really cool."
"Good and evil are so relative. They're so nebulous, they're so amorphous. A definition of evil that works is if you've got power, enormous power, and you can either use it well or badly, and you choose to use it badly, that's evil."
"That is a good tunnel of love right there."
"It's a good Choo Cho 282 is such a ubiquitous good wheel arrangement for a steam engine like they're just good engines."
"You're supposed to be frustrated about it and it's for the good of the story."
"We serve the god that can take what your enemies meant for bad and turn it around and use it for good."
"You have a good support structure."
"This was a huge confidence booster. I feel honestly really good after today."
"Some of those bonus songs are really good like mathematics and uh naivete and black you know those are those are really good songs."
"It's a goodie, a goodie, goodie, top of the world."
"Truth is the greatest Force for good in the world."
"Evil is not going to win, but it's going to give good a run for its money."
"Good and evil are not equal, but evil challenges people with big hearts."
"A lot of people out there today that are Pharisees and they never look at the whole picture and the good that comes out of it."
"Make it good, make it delicious, keep it clean."
"This is actually really good analysis."
"God's greatest masterpiece is revealing His character through His law."
"Wow, what a legendary performer, honestly so good."
"It's the perfect size. It's so good."
"This guy's pretty good, I'll tell you what."
"It's a beef window... just straight up good roast beef at this point."
"You're in a good mood this morning, aren't you?"
"I do get overenthusiastic about these things and overexcited, but I just think that is so good."
"This is such good consumer advice for it."
"The fundamental motivation of people is to do good and be kind."
"He looks as good as anyone on the ice."
"It was a dream. It's a good feeling."
"Evil is not in fact a thing, good is the universal, and evil is the absence of having that universal of good."
"We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier we come from."
"It's good for you, you got the victory here."
"Seriously, everything about this bike is good."
"I think it's pretty cool. I think it's pretty good."
"Good is simply acting with the intention of minimizing harm."
"What do you guys think of the Dipping Dots purchase? Actually have to give it to you, it was a good purchase."
"I testify that as the forces of evil increase under Lucifer's leadership, the forces of good increase under the leadership of Jesus Christ."
"I think evil is outrunning it good."
"Sometimes though the bad is a lot more powerful than the good."
"Nature seemed to embrace him, allowing him to discover and take such things as if it knew he was only using them for good."
"These Trader Joe's meals are so good."
"Joseph said, 'You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.' Another person's evil intention on your life is God's good intention for your life."
"What you meant for evil, God intended for good for His purposes."
"Accepting the condition as evidence of good and looking for that good."
"It's just really, really good. I'm just really enjoying it."
"He determined the end from the beginning and causes all things to work together for our good."
"...the greatness of God is most demonstrated when he brings good out of evil and when he brings the greatest good out of the worst evils."
"If I'm here, I have to use that for good."
"Service to the greater good and primarily in the form of well other people in their longest possible term interests is a divine responsibility."
"I would have never thought that this tastes good, right? It was a good mixture, it was really good."
"And so the villain is defeated, forces of good triumph once again."
"At the end of this, you wouldn't know that this was always for your good."
"God Himself is the great good which they are brought to the possession and enjoyment of by redemption."
"To keep the commandments of the Lord and his statutes which I command thee this day for thy good."
"God will use this mess for something good."
"There is a scale inside every man with good on one side and evil on the other."
"The good could be very often the actual enemy of the best."
"Supreme wisdom has educed a permanent good out of transient evil."
"In God's kingdom, every evil is always transmuted to a greater good, though the process may not be at once apparent."
"They meant it for evil, but God worked it out for his good."