
Educational Challenges Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Not understanding the general meaning of the paragraphs is the biggest problem."
"This is what learning looks like. It's slow and a clump clumsy and cumbersome at times."
"The hardest part of calculus is that we call it one variable calculus, but we're perfectly happy to deal with four variables at a time or five, or any number."
"It's not easy. You don't come here—nobody comes to MIT to phone it in."
"Homeschooling for most parents involves so much research and effort."
"Props to all you homeschooler families out there because it is hard."
"You cannot give up on your dreams of becoming a doctor. You can't let anybody talk you out of it and even if you're not doing well up onto what you need to do you just got to work extra hard until you make your dreams come true."
"Changing an arithmetic base can be confusing, so we have to use precision and clarity."
"Education is being attacked from both sides."
"Teachers teaching virtually at home with kids who barely have internet connection trying to keep them engaged."
"The delay is necessary. Online learning... the challenges with so many of our students consistently being engaged in the online process."
"You may have a hard day of school ahead of you because you're not gonna have a ton of rest but hey it'll be good it'll be worth it in the long long run."
"When they come to us and say we're seen, thank you, this is what it's like, this is what it's like to be frustrated in school that's not getting enough funding and yet you make it work, and there's just nothing better."
"Alana George, declared an intellectual genius at 4 years old, challenges educational norms."
"It's not just for kids, some adults are still struggling with that."
"I graduated high school with pretty decent grades... but I got denied, they didn't let me in."
"Fully one in five high school boys had been diagnosed with some form of hyperactivity disorder."
"Shout out to all of our teachers. Our teachers still underpaid still have to buy their own school supplies." - Empathy for teachers and announcement of helping them.
"Makes me wanna work harder, makes me happy, makes me smile."
"Always, always ask for help when you're down."
"Even though I felt like I was failing them academically, I knew emotionally and personally I could be there for them."
"Thank you coming in while you're trying... Well you're trying to be in school... Oh man it is it is unbelievable how quickly you could turn a progressive into a [__] Make America Great Again jump start..."
"I was put onto a drug called Ritalin as a medication and right through grade one through grade 12 of public school I was actually put into special education classes so I was labeled at a slow learner special needs kid."
"It's challenging because I do have five children that we homeschooled it this year and they all have different learning styles."
"Just because you don't have a WOW factor that's clear doesn't mean that you can't get into a top school."
"If you take a kid from the inner cities or from Iran or wherever in the world and they have slightly lower test scores but went through the [ __ ] to get them, that person's got more talent."
"It's a profoundly human affair, shot through with failure and faults."
"If you are watching this video because you just failed the NCLEX or failed a nursing exam, it is more common than you think. You are so not alone."
"If boys are constantly subject to disapproval for their interests and enthusiasms, they're likely to become disengaged and lag further behind. Our schools need to work with, not against, the kinetic imaginations of boys."
"It's better than nothing, especially cuz a lot of these kids don't even have teachers to access."
"The entertainment versus education balance is tricky. You can't do what we just did every day."
"But because of the pandemic we realize there's a gap and there's a lost generation that could happen in our inner cities because they went to remote learning."
"So with remote learning you have to have a computer our kids don't have computers you have to have wi-fi our kids don't have wi-fi they can't go to school."
"Most people's learning curve is like 10 years you ever tried to teach somebody something that's not ready to teach to learn they're kind of stupid even a smart person can be stupid if they're not ready to learn."
"How am I supposed to understand and fix this teacher... If I don't even know what part of this test I got wrong?"
"Take modern sounds, get your laptops open it up open up Ableton and use these devices to create contemporary music that borrows the harmonic structures but with contemporary sounds."
"As an educator, what you do is important, despite the disrespect and misbehaviors."
"It's not a one-size-fits-all way of learning."
"I got a taste of what it must feel like to be a math teacher, and kudos to math teachers!"
"Evolution went through years of challenges before it was taught in schools."
"Try doing that in California. Try having like a 35,000 teacher career in California teaching like really just spoiled stuck-up arrogant high school kids. Try doing that in California."
"All Might is hiding something, especially when he's trying to be a teacher."
"You'll never know what it feels like to have to fill out a FAFSA."
"This if it really has touched everybody and I mean people thought that you know people are going to be mad because students didn't pass."
"I'm not going to graduate high school, I'm realizing in my head that I don't have what it takes to care about."
"Schools are reading to take down analog clocks because kids can't read them anymore. Yeah, why can't people read time?"
"It is so easy to get stuck following tutorial after tutorial after tutorial and not really making the progress you'd hope you'd be making in your front-end journey."
"I was pretty close to not making it out of high school."
"It's hard enough to get a classroom on your side, but it's incredibly hard to get the classroom on your side as a teacher."
"It's a tiny child that needs a lot of assistance just to make it to the school in the first place."
"These institutions have been underfunded deliberately."
"Every safety plan I've seen that would allow public schools to reopen requires that kids behave in ways that no child has ever behaved in the history of children"
"So a lot... there's I'm in a group in my education department that specifically is looking at like the post-truth problem and like different educational approaches to like these kinds of things..."
"Factoring is tremendously important and also an area where a lot of students struggle."
"I almost got in the way of his own learning there because I was so adamant on looking at the dictionary."
"There's no internet so the children still left huddle together to learn." - Richard Engel
"There were kids that had attitude problems right next to kids that could not speak."
"It really is one of the only subjects... where you really have to change your lecture every month because of the extraordinary advances."
"Patience is one of those things... those are the things that we can't teach."
"Failure to recognize ADHD, especially in intellectually capable kids with autism spectrum disorder, can seriously undermine their educational and social functioning."
"Dissecting passages is probably about 80% of the battle when you address passage-based questions."
"It's really impossible for schools to say 'here are the facts that you need to know' and actually be prepared for what they are going to have to face."
"So many students struggle with this very critical algebra skill."
"Most students have a difficult time with logic games at first, but it's the easiest to learn, so it's a fine place to start."
"We're trying to cover too much material in a short time, but we hope that what we share with you will be something that you can take and build on."
"When we talk about learning disabled children, we don't talk about what the child is, but we talk rather about what he is not."
"It is in the best interest of the school so it can navigate this moment of extraordinary challenge."