
Reading Comprehension Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Not understanding the general meaning of the paragraphs is the biggest problem."
"Your aim when you're reading a story is to understand just enough of the gist of what's going on and to derive some value from it."
"Read and understand the questions first don't get lost in the reading text read and just focus in on the questions."
"If your prediction doesn't match, go back to the passage and make sure you understood."
"Readers also jump back from time to time. These regressions help you connect what you just read with something you read earlier."
"It actually reads all the letters, all the words that we are giving it, it chews and digests them inside of its neural activations."
"With these Concepts it's hopefully easier to understand where you stand when it is or isn't a good time to read what the vibe of the book is..."
"But by the end of the book, it's a lot less. There are more and more sentences where I can read the sentence and like I can keep going."
"Understanding the writer's purpose is an important reading skill in IELTS, but it can be tricky because the writer never tells you their purpose. We have to infer it from what they do say."
"Once you've actually read it and you understand the passage, when you go to the questions, you'll realize that you don't actually have to flip back to the text."
"In a nutshell, fluency is the key to reading comprehension."
"Understanding the questions is a huge part of reading comprehension success."
"Being able to put things in your own words is really one of the most powerful reading comprehension tips I think."
"Just ask yourself, do I understand what I'm reading? And a good way to do that is to just see if you can pause and in your head, you know, just restate the main points."
"Reading comprehension is heavily dependent on background knowledge and vocabulary."
"The more words he maps to his memory like this, the more he can focus on the meaning of what he's reading."
"When you read between the lines, it means that you understand a hidden message or a meaning that is implied, something that isn't directly said."
"The GMAT is always out to make sure that no matter what your background is, this is a reading comprehension test—your reading skill."
"The first thing to do for a writing assignment is to read the prompt carefully."
"Inferences can help us figure out things about a specific reading."
"It's often all about what's not there in the passage rather than what is there."
"Dissecting passages is probably about 80% of the battle when you address passage-based questions."
"Fluency is not just for fluency's sake, but because it can impact reading comprehension."
"Fluency builds from phonics knowledge and practice and also contributes to comprehension."
"If you see two commas surrounding something, the simplest thing you can do is see if you can pull out the information between the two commas, and if the sentence sounds okay, it's almost always right."
"We want to make sure that those skills are in place, and then as we build fluency, the students start to become a little more natural, and it frees up the brain energy to focus on what's important, which we all know is comprehension."
"Critical thinking skills are rare on the internet, I will say that, and reading comprehension, including comprehension of reading what someone is saying, rarer still."
"Always use the rule of three: read the problem at least three times before you do anything."
"That was my 15 minutes of sermonizing about reading comprehension."
"Find the point of what you're reading, read between the lines, and reach conclusions through clues in the passage."
"Make sure you take the time to read those questions thoroughly."
"Our job is not to understand 98% of what we read, it's to understand just enough to answer the questions."
"They're testing your ability to read and comprehend a lot of complex material quickly because that's what lawyers do."
"When you do that and you read all the questions, then you go into the paragraphs, you remember the things that were said from the questions."
"The big thing with the reading section today is we're going to be determining if your problem is accuracy or time."
"Good readers stop and think to ask and answer questions about key details in the text."
"Comprehension has much more to do with background than it does with vocabulary."
"We cannot assume that because a person understands every word in the passage, he can understand the passage."
"The more we practice in class, the more fluent our learners become at really reading and understanding the task."
"It's not about how fast you can read words; it's about meaning."
"Try to picture what's happening as you read, as if you're watching a movie."
"The importance of being able to recognize paraphrase between the reading and the questions on the left."
"The question assesses your reading only; each correct answer will give you one mark for reading only."
"Pre-training can really change the performance; can be a game-changer in reading comprehension."
"Reading in phrases makes it easier to understand the writer's intended meaning."
"They draw on their knowledge of the world or the topic in order to predict what the text will be about."
"Tests set at higher levels should challenge the candidates by requiring them to also read and comprehend argumentative texts."
"Reading and understanding is definitely the best strategy and something to aim for."
"As a part of the reading, you need to point out the right points: writer's purpose, tone, attitude, and the clear understanding of the information."
"This is like reading comprehension in a nutshell: if a student could tell me who were the three characters, where did it take place, and what were the general things that happened, boom, that's where the money is."
"Skimming is reading to get the gist or the general idea of your text."
"The main idea is what the text is mostly about."
"Not given just means that the passage does not contain the information nor does it confirm or contradict that information."
"The good thing about TOEFL reading is that it's easy to follow; the order of the questions follows the order of the passage."
"Read the problem at least three times."
"I can determine the main idea of a text, recount the key details, and explain how they support the main idea."